Yuanshi Tianzun raised his hand, and Yu Ruyi turned into a meteor and fell down suddenly. Kong Xuan only heard a buzzing in his ears, and then his face hurt, his bones were shattered, and he staggered back. Pour out.

Kong Xuan was startled suddenly, knowing that he was not an opponent, his soul came out of his body and flew into the void.

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled faintly, shook his left hand, and the Pangu banner was raised. The huge banner rolled up in the air, Kong Xuan screamed, and Yuanshen was rolled into the Pangu banner.

Then the Pangu flag shrunk and was put back on the cuffs. Yuanshi Tianzun lightly shook his sleeve robe, looked towards the direction of Chaoge City, and thought to himself: "The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians in the southwest and the southwest are almost dead. The elder brother dealt with it, and the Dongsheng Shenzhou had a younger brother to deal with it, leaving a big merchant and a heavenly court. The heavenly court is not to be feared, and the Zixiao Palace behind it also has its own people to deal with, and the great merchant is the territory of Emperor Xin... Among the great merchants, the sage Hunyuan, There are quite a few of them, if it is not so easy to catch them one by one, it is better to set up a dharma altar and turn it into a thunderbolt, destroying the world."

With this in mind, he stepped towards the sky, stretched out his hand, and issued an edict, which turned into a golden light, flew outside Tongguan, and turned into an altar in the air.

"In the past, Dao played the leading role in heaven and earth to understand the Dao, and obtained eternity to bestow the three divine thunders that will destroy the world. The senior brother received the purple sky divine thunder, which mastered the transformation of yin and yang. Then use the God of Punishment Thunder to destroy half of the prehistoric world first!"

There seemed to be thunder surging under Yuanshi Tianzun's palm, and as he walked slowly, the thunder under his palm became more and more blazing.

When he came to the sky above Tongguan and entered the Eight Diagrams Platform, the sky above his head had undergone drastic changes.

Endless darkness enveloped the entire sky, and the black lead cloud seemed to be smashed down at any moment. There was a roaring sound like a beast in the lead cloud, which made people tremble with fear and tremble all over.

As Yuanshi Tianzun entered the stage to cast spells, the heavenly Qingyun above his head also turned into clouds of punishment, spreading towards the world, swallowing all the light along the way.


On a big mountain in the prehistoric world, the last remaining three-legged golden crow in the world flew with all his strength, his eyes full of fear and terror. Behind him, the darkness was chasing after him like a huge monster, as if he would not be willing to tear him into pieces. give up.

Seeing that Jin Wu fled to the corner of the sky, and the darkness came from behind, he was panicked and angry again, turned around, took out a gourd from his arms, and said sharply: "If you want to kill the poor, you will never get better!"

He took off the mouth of the gourd, released a white light from it, flew into the air, and turned into a thing with eyebrows and eyes, and golden light shot out from the eyes, shooting into the darkness.

"Turn around, baby!"

Lu Ya shouted in a low voice, and the Immortal-Chopping Flying Knife slashed out in the endless darkness, and the darkness receded half a meter in an instant.

"Turn around, baby!"

Lu Ya shouted again, and the Immortal Zhan Fei Dao cut again, the darkness receded three feet, and the light around him began to burst out, which was extremely bright.

"Turn around, baby!"

Lu Ya slashed out again for the third time, and the darkness retreated five feet.

Lu Ya's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, but he finally breathed a sigh of relief, the Immortal-killing Flying Knife was still useful.

However, at this moment, in the darkness, an old voice suddenly came: "The golden crow's light cannot shine forever in the world. If you can't cut the way, you won't be able to get out."

Lu Ya was shocked, leaning his back against the sky pillar, and shouted, "Who?"

The darkness suddenly hit, like a tide, completely submerged Lu Ya.


As Lu Ya was swallowed by the darkness, the Earth Immortal Realm was completely plunged into darkness.

And in the mid-heaven void, a gap was opened in the darkness, and a light altar appeared in the gap. Thunder and lightning flashed on the altar, and the fairy voice was loud and clear.

All beings in the Earth Immortal Realm can see this huge altar, and countless human races look up in panic. These people don't know that the end of the world is coming, but the sudden vision is enough to make them feel strongly uneasy.

On the altar, suddenly a crane came out with a decree in its mouth, and said: "The Taishang Wuji Hunyuan Cult Master Yuanshi Tianzun said: Immortals and mortals go back to the road, not thick Bacon, how can it be divided into gods and ghosts, how can it flatter treacherous people?" What was coveted? Even though the body was refined on the island, the three corpses were not killed, and it was finally a catastrophe after 500 years.

But the saint is immortal, destroying life and kalpa, and the permanence of corruption makes the universe suddenly lose its power and make the balance of ten thousand years out of balance.The eternal way lies in balance, birth and death depend on each other.Today, I, Yuanshi Tianzun, is in charge of the Taoist Lord and bestowed the capital of the Heavenly God Thunder, which governs the birth and death of the heaven and the earth.Destroy this world here now!Then set the earth, fire, water and wind, and change to a new world. "

Most people can't understand what Xianhe reads, but when they hear the last sentence, they know that it is not a good thing.

But those ascetics and qi refiners understand that they are full of shock and anger, knowing that the gods of the mountains and seas are about to destroy the earth and fairy world.

It is different from Lei Ze coming to the prehistoric world more than 100 years ago. Although the thunder disaster at that time was so powerful that it was desperate, but the sentient beings did not know about it, and most of the people who suffered the pressure were immortals.

But now Yuanshi Tianzun is plainly frank to all living beings that he wants to send thunder, destroy the prehistoric world, and change to a new world.

Chaoge City.

Countless people looked at the hopeless scene in the sky, already panicked and desperate.

Some knelt down and begged for mercy, some yelled at the sky to vent their dissatisfaction, some gave up on themselves, and some murdered and set fire everywhere in this catastrophe, indulging in excess.

Yin Jiao hurriedly ordered the army to suppress it, and then he was able to stabilize.

However, an hour later, as the first Thunder of the Heavenly God fell, it directly wiped out Chentangguan. After countless creatures died in it, all human beings were blown away!

Not only Chaoge City.

Riots also occurred in Chongcheng, Jiangcheng, Western Zhou and other places. Under the pressure of the end of the world, the shackles of morality could no longer restrain human beings, and the most primitive impulses were liberated one after another.

Murder, arson, looting, rape...

Evil is manifested most vividly at this time.

In the void altar.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the students coldly, and said with a slight sneer: "Hateful! Really hateful! Destroying this world and changing to a new one is indeed right! Such an ugly creature, what's the use of keeping it?"

In his palm is the Ten Thousand Lightning Thunder, with a light touch, a whole county will be completely destroyed by the divine thunder.

"After I destroy the prehistoric world, reset the earth, water, fire, and wind, and change to a new world, these sentient beings will no longer be like this."


"Emperor Ziwei! Kong Xuan died in battle, and the five barriers are difficult to defend! If the gods from the outer sky descended today and wanted to destroy all races, how should our human race find a way out?"

"Shengmin riots, how to appease them?"

In the Nine Halls, countless immortals gathered, all looking at Yinjiao above.

Yin Jiao glanced at the ministers below, his face was pale, now that the great merchants have no sages, who can resist the Thunder of Dutian God?Who can face Shan Hai Yuan Shi?

Yin Jiao got up slowly, with an unusually heavy tone: "This emperor is going to Huoyun Cave, and the Three Emperors are invited to go out! For the human race, to fight a way out! This emperor will live and die with the human race!"

All the ministers were stunned, and they all thought yes, now Zixiao Palace did not move, Hongjun Patriarch did not make a move, and the emperor never came out of the retreat, the only savior was the three sages of Huoyun Cave.

Although the three saints of Huoyun Cave are not real saints, they possess the strength of saints. If they are willing to make a move, they may not be able to compete with Shanhai Yuanshi.

"It would be a good idea to invite the three saints from Huoyun Cave. Wen Zhong is willing to go to Huoyun Cave to invite the three saints." Wen Zhonglang said in a low voice.

"The three sages of Huoyun Cave should be invited by the emperor himself, Puhua Tianzun, you can still guard Chaoge." Yin Jiao said.

Wen Zhong nodded and said, "Yes."

At present, Yin Jiao took Concubine Su and Yeshe Yunming all the way to Huoyun Cave, leaving Destruction Shiva to guard Chaoge.

All the way to the outside of the Huoyun Cave, Yin Jiao came to the entrance of the Huoyun Cave with ease, and respectfully said: "The disciple asks to see the three holy masters."

Yashe Yunming whispered: "Who are the Three Saints? Why is Emperor Ziwei so respectful?"

Concubine Su said: "The three saints are the three ancestors of the human race, the emperor Fuxi, the emperor Shennong, and the emperor Xuanyuan. Although the three have no holy titles, they have holy names."

Yashe Yunming nodded.

A boy came out of the cave and said, "Emperor Ziwei, the master wants you to go back."

Yin Jiao was stunned, and said loudly: "Mr. Sansheng, the human race is facing a catastrophe. This disciple wants to ask Teacher Sansheng to come out and save the people of the human race. I ask Teacher Sansheng to go out!"

The boy whispered: "Emperor Ziwei, you go back! Don't make noise here!"

Yin Jiao frowned and said, "Let's go back!"

He turned around and left, full of puzzlement in his heart, why Sansheng refused to make a move?Are you afraid of mountains and seas?Want a quiet corner?

But there are no eggs under the cover of the nest, even if the Huoyun Cave is shrunk, is it useful?


Inside the Fire Cloud Cave.

Xuanyuan, who was dressed in royal clothes, raised his head and said, "Yin Jiao left, after all, he is a young man at heart."

"Brother Fuxi, how about the hexagram?" Shennong asked.

Fuxi looked at the gossip just drawn under him, with a strange expression, he reached out and wiped the gossip on the ground: "It's hard to figure it out."

Shen Nong said: "After all, it is an immeasurable calamity, and the secrets of heaven are disordered, so it is normal that it cannot be calculated."

"Yes!" Fuxi said with a wry smile on his face, "I calculated that we would have a catastrophe."

Shennong smiled slightly: "When I go this time, I will face mountains and seas, is this catastrophe?"

Fuxi smiled, but it was a wry smile: "That may not be the case."

Shennong was taken aback.

The expression on Xuanyuan's face also stagnated slightly, and then he smiled: "When we were kings, we used gossip, set rituals and music, quelled disasters, and made the world calm and morality flourished. Now that the human race is in a catastrophe, how can we stay in one corner? , resigned himself to hard work, and betrayed his original intention. At this time, Yin Jiao is probably still blaming us?"

Sansheng smiled at each other.

Shen Nong took out three herbs and said: "We are out of luck, and we can only last three days. Within three days, we must seal the beginning of the mountains and seas, otherwise when the time comes, if the luck does not exist, we will be no different from ordinary people. "

"To maintain the peak cultivation level, three days is enough." Fuxi took a herb from Shennong's hand, put it in his mouth, chewed and swallowed it.

Xuanyuan took out the long sword, pulled it out slowly, the shadow of the sword was on his face, and he said, "I haven't used this sword for a long time. This sword is the sword of the holy way. It was used to cut Chi You back then, but it is very sharp."

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