Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 715 Three Emperors Protect Yanhuang

Besides, Yin Jiao returned to Chaoge all the way, came to Chaoge City, opened the east gate to enter the city, and suddenly saw purple air rising into the sky in the distance, and rainbow light coming from the east.

But the Three Emperors walked in the direction of Tongguan.

"Three Sovereigns made a move?!"

Yin Jiao was overwhelmed with surprises, and finally understood that the boy from Huoyun Cave asked him to go back not because the Three Emperors were unwilling to help, but because the Three Emperors were ready to help.

Yashe Yunming said: "Your Majesty, the Three Emperors really made a move!"

Yin Jiao said loudly: "Come here, pass on Gu's order to let Shiva gather the immortals and horses, and go to Tongguan to fight to the death against the mountains and seas!"

At the moment, Shiva is also summoning all the immortals on the list of immortals, and then gathers the chaoge and gas refiners, and sets off in a mighty way.

On the deer platform.

Looking at this scene from a distance, Princess Longji was also inspired, and said: "Look quickly, the Three Emperors have made a move!"

"The Three Emperors are the ancestors of the human race. Although they are not saints, they have a holy name. They used to practice in Huoyun Cave and never left the customs. Now that they are out of the customs, I don't know if they can deal with the mountains and seas." Deng Chanyu said.

"Look, Yin Jiao has already led the troops out," said the Holy Mother of Fire Spirit.

"I'm going to help out." After Tiannv Ba finished speaking, she jumped up and headed towards Tongguan.

She is the daughter of Xuanyuan, there is no reason to hide behind and watch.

"I'll go too." Deng Chanyu followed closely, her body turned into a streamer, and disappeared a hundred miles away in an instant following Tian Nuba.

"Chanyu, wait for me!" Princess Longji just wanted to follow, but was pulled by Zhongli.

Zhong Li shook his head and said: "They are already Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals, they are safe for themselves, our cultivation is far behind, and it will be a burden to keep up, don't take risks."

Princess Longji also thought about it, and said: "Then let's kill the beast! Shanhai Yuanshi can't deal with it, but the beast can always deal with it."

Zhong Li thought about it, and said, "Yes, don't go up."

At present, all the girls followed closely and headed for Tongguan.

Just when the Three Emperors appeared, in the Heavenly Court, in the Yaochi.

Haotian finally saw a ray of dawn, he was refreshed, his eyes lit up, and said: "The Three Emperors have made a move! Good, good! Just try the strength of the mountains and seas!"

The Queen Mother breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Although the Three Emperors are not saints, they are not weaker than saints. That Shanhai Yuanshi may not be their opponent. Your Majesty, shall we make a move?"

Haotian pondered and said: "There is no news from Daozu so far. I went to Zixiao Palace repeatedly to ask for an interview, but I couldn't see Daozu's face. I guess, Daozu has a big plan... Maybe he is waiting for the best move." The timing is right, but we can't just sit on the sidelines... Order Taiyi Tianzun to bring all the generals of the heavenly court and one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to help."


At the same time when the Heavenly Court sent troops, Shiva also led the immortals to Tongguan, and saw a huge altar at the gate of the sky. As soon as he flipped his palm, the mighty thunder of Dutian Shen came down.

Wherever struck by the thunder of the Dutian God, no matter the living beings or the land, they are all turned into ashes!Even Da Luo Jinxian would hate it.

Behind Yuanshi Tianzun, the four fierce men prostrated themselves, and all beasts fell to the ground.

Just the coercion emanating from the four murderers is enough to make people tremble with fear and lose their minds.

After Shiva was behind, Yin Jiao arrived with Concubine Su and others, and the goddess Ba, Deng Chanyu also stood behind.

The four evil spirits are all Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and they are above the high ranks. Only the four evil spirits are not so easy to deal with... Yin Jiao thought to himself.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in imperial uniform came with a sword, and said loudly: "Human Emperor Xuanyuan, come to ask the mountains and seas, why they violated our human land and destroyed our human beings! "

He pulled out the Xuanyuan sword in his hand and pointed to the location of Yuanshi Tianzun in the sky above!

Xuanyuan Sword, also known as Xuanyuan Xiayu Sword, is the sword of the holy way.At that time, all the immortals picked the bronze from Mount Caishou and it was cast by Huangdi Xuanyuan.On one side of the sword hilt is written the techniques of farming and animal husbandry, and on the other side is written the strategy of unifying the world.Holding the hilt of the sword, you can feel the infinite power contained in it.

The same sword was used by the Yellow Emperor to kill Chiyou.

At this time Xuanyuan Sword was pulled out, and a ray of light appeared in the originally dark sky.

This ray of light emanated from the ancient sword, tearing apart the darkness and illuminating the world.

The Tongguan people felt something, and looked up. At this moment, the figure of the Yellow Emperor seemed to be pulled closer and came into view!

It was as if a mysterious force made them who could not see the Yellow Emperor clearly see the Yellow Emperor.

This power does not come from saints, but from the power of faith in people.

"It's the Yellow Emperor!"

"It's the ancestor of the human race!"

"We are saved! The Yellow Emperor has appeared!"

"Haha, I knew that the gods who have protected our descendants of Yan and Huang for thousands of years will not abandon us!"

People who had given up on themselves, or worsened, or mourned, or were desperate, seemed to see hope, and shouted out one after another.

The moment Yin Jiao saw Xuanyuan, he also cheered up and said, "Xuanyuan Sword, that's right! That's right! This is the ancestor of our human race!"

At this moment, another golden light appeared from Xuanyuan's side, turning into an old man with two horns and holding a herb in his hand, and said loudly: "Earth Emperor Shennong, come to ask why the mountains, seas and floods invaded my human land!"

This person has a gentle breath, just like a kind old man, it is Shennong who tasted all kinds of herbs back then.

After Shennong appeared, his figure also caught the eyes of the human race.

Even an old man with dim eyesight can see clearly even thousands of miles away.

In an instant, countless mortals were weeping, and countless shouts sounded from the ground.

"Shen Nong tasted all kinds of herbs...it was the ancestor!"

"It's the Three Emperors! The Three Emperors are here to save us!"

"Thousands of years ago, Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs for the human race and distinguished the properties of medicines. How could he abandon us now?"

"It turns out that Shennong has always protected our human race, and when we are in crisis, he will step forward to save us."

Yin Jiao seemed to hear Wanmin's shouts, and at this moment, his eyes were slightly moist, and he thought to himself, "I blamed the Three Emperors wrongly. I only thought that they were in a corner and refused to rescue each other. Who would have thought that they would have left long ago."

At this moment, another rainbow light surged, gradually turning into a man with leaves covering his shoulders and a tiger and leopard skin around his waist.

The man said loudly: "The emperor Fuxi, came to ask the mountains and seas, why did they offend our human land, why did the lightning strike the mountains and seas, and wreak havoc on the world?!"

The gossip array manifested behind him was Fuxi!

After Fuxi appeared, the human race had completely boiled over.

The Three Emperors have appeared!

At the most critical moment, the Three Emperors appeared!

Thousands of years ago, the human emperor and the demon clan Chi You set the etiquette, the earth emperor tasted hundreds of herbs to identify the nature of medicine, and the emperor painted gossip to help the world, so that the people's luck would prosper.

Now in the face of great difficulties, only the Three Emperors stepped forward.

It turns out that the Three Emperors did not exist, but secretly guarded the descendants of Yan and Huang, and secretly guarded the land of China.

Deng Chanyu, Tiannuba and others also had moist eye sockets, as if something had been touched in their hearts.

"It would be great if Zishou was here at this time." Tiannv Ba thought to herself.

If he could see this scene, he would definitely feel emotional.

In Tianque.

Shanhai Yuanshi glanced at the Three Emperors, and said: "A saint is a thief if he is not dead! The world will lose its balance if it is not destroyed! If you want to be eternal, you have to depend on life and death. This world has come to destruction. Since the three of you are here, Then let's go out together!"

As soon as he finished the sound, the four murderers rushed out amidst roars!

Xuanyuan Huangdi said: "These are the real four evils. The incompetent son of the Dihong family, Chao Huan, the incompetent son of the Shaohao family, Qiongqi, the incompetent student of the Zhuanxu family, and the incompetent Taotie of the Jinyun family were exiled by Emperor Shun back then. At that time, he was still the chief of the tribe, why did he become such an ugly person now?"

Taotie said fiercely: "Is that Xuanyuan? I'll eat you first!"

Fu Xi stretched out his hand to draw the gossip, and Huang Di took a step forward, stood upright with his sword, and said: "Xuanyuan Sword was able to kill Chi You back then, and today it can kill the four evildoers! You should pay attention to dealing with the fake Yuanshi."

He called Shanhai Yuanshi a fake Yuanshi, which shows that he extremely disagrees with this person in his heart.

Yuan Shi sneered and said, "You're looking for your own death!"

The palm of the hand gave birth to a thunderbolt, making a chi-chi sound.

Taotie was a huge figure, and he swooped forward, his aura was soaring.

Huang Di dodges the slanting stab, and cuts out with his straight sword.

Xuanyuan Sword exuded the power of the holy way, and the blade fell on Taotie's body, and Taotie let out a scream, and his body flew out!

Chaos, Wuwu, and Qiongqi saw that Taotie was invincible, they all surrounded and attacked Huangdi.

Even one of these four villains possesses the strength of a high-level Hunyuan, even surpassing Tongtian Yuanshi in the past.

But the Yellow Emperor has the destiny of the human race, and the Xuanyuan Sword has the power of the holy way, which is enough to break through all demons and ghosts, and it is even comparable to the four saints.

The immortals below were dazzled and clicked their tongues.

I was shocked by the fighting power of this human ancestor.

At this moment, Yuan Shi flipped his palm and pressed it, and Dutian Shenlei slashed at the Yellow Emperor.

Fuxi took a step forward, divided his palms to draw eight trigrams, and resisted the divine thunder with all his strength.

But Shennong let out a long laugh, and stretched out his hand to throw the Shennong cauldron.

The medicine gas gushed out from the Shennong cauldron, turned into a blue dragon, and devoured towards Yuanshi.

Yuan Shi jumped back, waved the Pangu flag, and smashed the green dragon formed by the medicine gas into pieces.

Fuxi took two steps forward and slapped out with one palm, the world seemed to be torn apart instantly, and violently trembled rumblingly.

Yeshe Yunming wondered: "The three of them are neither saints nor saints, why do they have the strength to fight against high-level Hunyuan or even rank nine saints?"

Concubine Su shook her head, she didn't know, and looked at Yin Jiao.

At this time, Wen Zhong said: "Because the Three Emperors bear the faith of the human race and the expectations of all living beings. Faith turns into power, and this power is enough to rival a saint."

Yin Jiao was thoughtful.

Countless human races were shocked as they watched the Three Emperors fighting with Yuan Shi and the four murderers.

The Yellow Emperor took big strides, opened and closed the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and slashed out from the front. Qiongqi couldn't resist, and was directly cut off with an arm. Qiongqi screamed, and then Huangdi dodged Chaos' attack, and the Xuanyuan Sword slashed out of thin air. !

This sword contained the power of the holy way, and it seemed ordinary, but when it fell on Chaos, even Chaos couldn't resist, and half of his body was cut off directly.

On the other side, Fuxi joined forces with Shennong, and they were evenly matched with Yuanshi.

Suddenly, Yuan Shi waved his banner to resist, stepped back, and said with a sneer: "You fight for all living beings, but all living beings may not cry for you."

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