At the beginning of the chaos, Pangu was first divided, and Taiji had two instruments and four images.Zi Tianchou and people come out to avoid beasts suffering from Chao Xian.Sui people make fire to avoid fresh food, and Fuxi draws hexagrams before Yin and Yang.Shennong ruled the world and tasted all kinds of herbs, Xuanyuan ritual and music marriage couplet.

Back then, the Three Emperors ruled the world, opened up the Yanhuang civilization, and shouldered the beliefs of the human race.

Now that the three emperors have joined forces, they have pushed Shanhai Yuanshi to a desperate situation. This kind of thing is not only unprecedented, but also unprecedented.

After all, the Three Emperors themselves are not saints, but bear the belief of the human race and possess the power of saints.

Fuxi, Shennong, and Huangdi each occupy a position, and the formation under their feet has been formed.

Fuxi presents yin and yang and gossip, Shennong presents all kinds of herbs, Xuanyuan presents rites and music, and the three forces are transformed into a magic circle of heaven and earth, suppressing mountains, seas and Yuanshi.

Shanhai Yuanshi is not a saint, but also a part of the Dao, but facing the power of the Three Emperors, it is difficult to break free.

Shanhai Yuanshi's face was calm, but there was surprise in his eyes, and he murmured: "I have become a part of the Dao, how can I be suppressed by the belief of the human race? The Dao has no form, how can I die?"

Fuxi nodded slightly, and a doubt in his heart has been solved. The mountains and the seas make the saints not live forever. Why are there Shanhai Yuanshi and others? It turns out that they are not saints, but a part of the Dao.

This is also reflected in the fact that Shanhai Yuanshi was suppressed and gradually dissipated, and there was no panic.

Dao is ruthless, why panic?

Even though Shanhai Yuanshi is only a part of the Dao, it also has some characteristics of the Dao.

"The world of the human race is governed by the human race. So what does it matter if the world is destroyed or survived?" Fuxi shook his head and said, "The Dao has no name, and the Dao is ruthless. Is it really a great way to change to a new world? In my opinion, this violates the real way.”

Shanhai Yuanshi raised his head, with a playful look in his eyes, and said: "Three emperors, do you think that the world of mountains and seas only has this kind of means? With only three of you, you also want to turn the tide? Protect this world from floods?"

Fu Xi said calmly, "We may not be able to protect the prehistoric world, but it is more than enough to seal you."

Shanhai Yuanshi chuckled: "Really?"

At this moment, Shennong's face changed, his aura suddenly withered, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at Huangdi.

And Huangdi also trembled, his face suddenly lost color, and his black hair began to turn white. He was surprised, and looked at Fuxi together with Shennong.

However, Fuxi's aura quickly withered, and his face turned from rosy to pale, as if he had aged 20 years in an instant.

There was a sudden look on his face, he smiled bitterly, and said, "Is that so? That hexagram is not wrong..."

Shen Nong changed his face and said: "What's going on? How could our power dissipate? If I cast the spell, it should be able to last for three days!"

From the time when the Three Emperors left Huoyundongtian to when the mountains and seas were sealed, it took only one day.

The Yellow Emperor said in a deep voice, "Brother Fuxi, what have you got?"

Fuxi smiled, but it was a wry smile. He took half a step forward, pushed his hands out, and the true energy gushed out, speeding up the seal of the Three Emperors Formation.

"Huoyundongtian was forcibly stripped away." He said lightly.

Shennong and Huangdi's expressions changed drastically.

Shennong murmured: "What? Huoyundongtian was forcibly stripped off? Huoyundongtian belongs to the escaped one in the prehistoric world, and no one should be able to find it. How could the mountains, seas and floods be stripped of Huoyundongtian?"

They shoulder the beliefs of the human race, and their strength is tied to the Huoyundongtian. It is because of the Huoyundongtian that they can survive for thousands of years.

Once Huoyundongtian is lost, the power of a saint will be completely lost.

"Impossible! Who can peel off the Huoyun Cave Sky? Who dares to peel off the Fire Cloud Cave Sky!" Huang Di was completely horrified and puzzled.

Fuxi smiled lightly, and looked at Shanhai Yuanshi in the magic circle: "Except for that one, who can find the Fire Cloud Cave Sky? Except him, who else can peel off the Fire Cloud Cave Sky?"

"You said that Zu...impossible! We are fighting for the prehistoric, how could he forcibly take back Huoyundongtian at this time? Absolutely impossible!" Huangdi lost his composure.

Shennong said, "What should we do now?"

Sensing that the power in his body was rapidly disappearing, Shen Nong's expression turned ugly. He never thought that he would be stabbed in the back by his own people while defending against foreign enemies.

But regardless of whether it is that person or not, the choice they are facing now is to return to Huoyundongtian, or to desperately seal Shanhai Yuanshi.

"Let's go back!" Shen Nong said.

Fuxi shook his head, his face was extremely calm, his eyes were filled with a strange light, he said slowly: "Use your last strength to seal the mountains and seas!"

Shennong and Xuanyuan Deng understood that now they had reached the most critical step, if they returned to Huoyundongtian at this time, all their efforts would be for naught!

And if that person did it, even if they return, the only way left for them is to die!

"He has always wanted to take back the missing one in the Dao of Heaven to prove the Dao. We should have thought of it a long time ago..." Shen Nong gave a wry smile, took half a step forward, and the Shen Nong Cauldron turned quickly.

The Yellow Emperor also smiled loudly and said, "If that's the case, then that's the case."

Xuanyuan sword waved and sank into Shanhai Yuanshi's chest.

Shanhai Yuanshi's complexion has changed, and his eyes are full of surprise: "You still want to seal me? Don't you want to live? Don't you get angry after being stabbed by one of your own?"

He seemed to never have imagined that these three people planned to kill each other.

The three emperors were dumb, and smiled at each other.

The Yellow Emperor smiled and said: "I would like to protect China with this body, but why not turn into dust and mud? Thousands of years ago, my generation was the king, and the world was safe and healthy. Calamity, how can we see the loss of life?"

Shennong said: "I hope that my descendants of Yan and Huang will not be free from natural disasters, hunger, and bitter cold, and live in peace and health forever, and I will not be in vain..."

At this time, the setting sun was like blood, and it became more tragic.

The three of them laughed and used all their strength, the formation of the Three Emperors was completed, and the power of faith of countless beings entangled Shanhai Yuanshi and pulled him into the depths of the formation.

Shanhai Yuanshi's eyes widened, the horror on his face could no longer be concealed, and he said sharply: "How is it possible? How is it possible? You..."

His body suddenly turned into nothingness, and disappeared within the Three Emperors Formation in an instant.

And after Yuan Shi was sealed, the Three Emperors also aged rapidly, their aura shrank, and in an instant, they turned into three gray-haired old men.

The three old men looked at each other and laughed, their laughter was old.


Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun in a white robe sat in the hall, looked at a mirror in front of him, and suddenly smiled and said, "Three emperors? Hmph, it's ridiculous."

Behind him, Yuanshi came slowly and said, "Teacher, Huoyundongtian has been taken back."

Hongjun nodded, and said calmly: "Although Huoyun Dongtian took it back, the Three Emperors bear the belief of all living beings after all, so it is not so easy to die."

Yuanshi Tianzun pondered: "Then next... the disciple understands."

Hongjun waved his hand: "Let's go!"

Yuanshi Tianzun didn't leave, and finally said: "Teacher, you have captured Huoyun Cave and completed the way of heaven. You should be able to prove that you are above a saint?"

Hongjun sighed, and said slowly: "Above saints, how can it be so easy? You go!"


Dangdang, this hole is from the front, and it is starting to be filled. Has anyone thought of it?

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