Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 718 Arrival of the Taoist Lord

On Tongguan.

The goddess Ba stared blankly at the three old men in the setting sun. They walked side by side with hearty laughter, just like ordinary old men in the world.

"Three Sovereigns... seem to have lost their strength..." Deng Chanyu said.

The celestial girl said, "Is...is something wrong?"

She watched the three old men disappear into the setting sun before starting to chase them out.

Deng Chanyu said: "Let's all go and have a look."

Five Village Views.

Zhen Yuanzi stared at the void, with an angry look on his face, and said: "The Three Emperors suddenly exhausted, almost unable to seal the mountains and seas Yuanshi, someone moved the fire cloud cave?"

"Who the hell is behind the Three Emperors?"

At the same time, Yin Jiao looked at the mountain and sea dharma altar left in the void, and heaved a long sigh of relief, "Honghuang, it's finally all right, the three emperors saved the human race."

Concubine Su said: "I think the Three Emperors seem to have consumed a lot, and it seems that sealing Shanhai Yuanshi also exhausted their strength."

"After all, it is the existence of Nine Ranks and even beyond the existence of saints." Yeshe Yunming sighed: "However, the Three Emperors have no saint's strength, but they successfully sealed Shanhai Yuanshi with the belief of all living beings. This kind of strength is really amazing. "

Yin Jiao said: "The Three Emperors may have returned to Huoyundongtian, Concubine Su, you take someone to calm the emotions of the people in the world, and I will see the Three Emperors later."

Concubine Su nodded.

The figure of the Three Sovereigns has disappeared from the eyes of the people in the world, and the hearts of countless people are full of excitement.

"Is this the ancestor of our human race?"

"It turns out that the Three Emperors have always been protecting our human race."

"As a descendant of Yan and Huang, I have no regrets!"

The tall figure of the Three Emperors seems to be engraved on everyone's heart, indelible!


Today's Huoyundongtian has been extremely dilapidated, lost its original vitality, the spiritual springs have dried up, the spiritual roots have withered, and even the fairy birds have died in large numbers.

The Three Emperors returned to the Huoyun Cave, Fuxi said: "The Dao Yun of the Huoyun Cave has been taken away, and our lives will also come to an end."

Although the oil was almost exhausted, the faces of the three old men did not show any trace of fear, but were more calm and calm.

For them who have survived for thousands of years by the luck of the human race, they don't think that death is the end, but accept it calmly.

"Teacher..." The water and fire boy who served the Three Emperors couldn't help crying when he saw the teacher's appearance, and said while crying: "After you left, Yuanshi Tianzun came and forcibly absorbed the luck of Huoyun Cave He Daoyun, the disciple couldn't stop him, and made the teacher look like this..."

The Yuanshi Tianzun here naturally refers to the one in the prehistoric world.

Fuxi sighed, and said softly: "Don't cry, people will die eventually, even if I wait, I still can't break away from the boundary between life and death. Death is a very common thing!"

Shuihuo boy choked up and said: "Teacher..."

Fuxi smiled and stroked the boy's head with his hand, raised his head and said: "There are people coming outside, tell them that they don't need to come in, and it is our greatest wish to manage the world of the human race well."

"Yes..." Shuihuo boy stood up while choking on sobs.

Outside the Fire Cloud Cave.

Yinjiao, Tiannv Ba, Jiang Qian and others were all waiting here. Seeing the Shuihuo boy coming out, he was about to speak when he heard the Shuihuo boy say: "Master Sansheng has something to say, let the emperor govern the world of the human race well. He is the greatest master Sansheng." wish."

Yin Jiao asked, "How is Master Sansheng?"

Seeing that Huoyun Cave had become extremely dilapidated, he knew that something was very bad.

The boy of water and fire shook his head, and said in a low voice: "You guys go away, let Master Sansheng be quiet for a while."

Yin Jiao and the others looked at each other and had no choice but to leave.

Only Tiannu Ba stood quietly outside for a long time, calling: "Father..."

Shuihuo boy said: "Don't disturb Master Sansheng."

The old voice of the Yellow Emperor came from inside the cave: "There are countless fallen flowers, people go to nature, Nuba, you go away..."

The celestial girl Ba said in a daze: "There are so many fallen flowers, people go to nature..."


The prehistoric world ushered in a short-lived peace, and in the Hongmeng Realm, the cultivation of Zishou and Pingxin will also come to an end.

Wearing a black Taoist uniform, Ping Xin sat cross-legged on a big rock, closed her eyes and stared in peace.Three flowers bloom on the top of the head, releasing dazzling brilliance.

And Ping Xin's expression is also changing rapidly, for a while she turns into a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, for a while she turns into a young woman of 30 years old, for a while she turns into a child of seven or eight years old, and for a while she changes again. She is a woman in her 60s and [-]s, but no matter how she changes, she is still beautiful and radiant.

Zishou was lying in the stream, playing with a pair of black lace lingerie, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, reminiscing about the amazing touch.

"I didn't expect that I broke through to the rank nine saint before her, but I couldn't see the last step... No wonder Hongjun couldn't break through to the saint..."

Looking at Pingxin, Zishou's expression moved slightly.

At this time, Big Sister Pingxin turned into a 30-year-old appearance, plump and beautiful, with peachy cheeks, she is really beautiful.

In particular, although she was wearing a black Taoist robe, the bottom of the robe was empty. Occasionally, the breeze blew, revealing a little snow-white skin, which added a bit of temptation.

In the past 100 years, although the two often practiced together, they spent more time in meditation and practicing.

When Zishou reached the rank nine saint, there was still a long way to go, so he could only wait in the cave, as a backup.

Yes, spare.

Prepare peace of mind from time to time.

After all, if Pingxin encounters shackles, the best way to solve it is double cultivation.

"The Chaos Divine Thunder has been taken out, why not use this time to cultivate it into a magic weapon..."

Zishou stretched out his finger, and the air of chaos gushed out from his fingertips.

"This chaotic power has Lei Ze's Lei Wei, what magic weapon should I refine into?"

He thought for a while, and finally had a choice.

He has a gun, he also has a sword, the only thing he lacks is a magic weapon to get rid of.

"Since it is the Qi of Chaos, let's build a Chaos Clock!" With a thought in his mind, Zi Shou stretched out his hand and quickly gathered the Qi of Chaos.

It takes seven to seven 49 days to create a Lingbao. After building it by yourself, Pingxin should also successfully break through to a nine-rank saint.


The changes in the Primordial Realm are at the last moment, and Zishou and Pingxin may break through at any time.

And the prehistoric world also ushered in a precious but short period of peace.

A month later.

Da Luotian was torn apart!

The sky pillar tilts, and the sea flows backwards!

In that dark place, countless gods rode out on beasts!

Among them, the Taoist master's chariot was pulled out by Yinglong, and at the same time, a burst of ancient music spread throughout the prehistoric world in the sky!

"Auspicious days come to Chenliang, and Mu Jiang is delighted to come to the emperor. To caress the long sword and come to the jade, and the bells rang out."

For a moment, all the immortals in Honghuang raised their heads as if feeling something.

A terrifying thought came to my mind.


The flood has come!

The real calamity of Honghuang...


Now that the Three Emperors have lost their power, who else in Honghuang can resist the Taoist Lord?

At this time, a news came from Zixiao Palace.

Taoist Patriarch Hongjun and his disciples leave Zixiao and go to Daluo!

The prehistoric world boiled instantly.

Everyone thought that Hongjun was finally going to take action against the mountains and seas.


ps, the countdown to the end of the old book, and the preparation of the new book, so it is even slower, after all, the two books come together.Don't rush. .

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