The world of mountains and seas finally came to the prehistoric world. The Da Luotian was torn apart, and the yin and yang were divided. In the broken time and space, a huge sky tower spanning the two worlds appeared. On the other side of the sky tower was the world of mountains and seas.

Qionglong churned in the wild sea, ferocious beasts galloped on the land, snakes and clouds flew in the void, and countless gods with strange shapes appeared.

God with a dragon head and a human body, a god with a tiger head and a human body, a human head and a snake body god...all kinds of gods emerged one after another.

In Tianque, a magnificent and huge building slowly emerged, as if it was another heavenly palace!

In the Heavenly Palace, Yinglong came out pulling a golden chariot, shining golden light and flying clouds.

At this moment, all the gods in the prehistoric world saw it.

I saw another higher world, and also saw Huangji Tianwei.

At this moment, even the gods in the prehistoric world felt as if they were just mortals looking up at the gods.

Five Village Views.

Zhen Yuanzi looked up at the sky, put his hands behind his back, and finally let out a long breath.

"Mountains and seas, a world several planes higher than this world, has come..."

Chaoge City.

Yin Jiao stood on the top of the wall, looked up at the sky, and said: "The three emperors beheaded and killed the four murderers for the human race, and sealed the mountains and seas. The rest of the road, let the human race go on their own!"


The Burning Lamp Buddha stood at the head, sighed faintly, and said, "The battle of the prehistoric is now! How about going to Da Luo Tian and fighting for life and death with the prehistoric mountains and seas!"

"The words of the ancient Buddha, we will respectfully obey them!" Puxian, Guanyin, Manjusri and others said in unison.

Biyou Palace.

Tong Tian, ​​dressed in a black robe, was sitting on a chair, leaning on a long sword beside him, holding a jar of wine in his left hand. In front of him, Yun Zhongzi was kneeling with a heart-lock chain on his body.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, the Holy Mother of Wudang, the Holy Mother of the Guiling, and even Sanxiao and the attendants all knelt in the palace.

"Taoist, here we come."

Master Tongtian showed a smile on his face, and drank the wine in his hand.

"Teacher!" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit suddenly called out.

"Huh?" Master Tongtian looked sideways slightly.

The Holy Mother of Jinling gritted her silver teeth, and shot at Master Tongtian unwillingly: "Are you still our teacher?"

Master Tongtian smiled faintly, looked up at the sky, and said without answering, "Follow me to welcome the Taoist."

The Holy Mother of Wudang whispered: "He is no longer a teacher. If he were a teacher, he would never seal Yun Zhongzi."

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit gave a wry smile and said, "Are you going to follow?"

The fairies were silent.

Master Tongtian ignored them, tied the Qingping sword around his waist, took a step forward, and left Biyou Palace.

He seems to be walking in another time and space, and obviously exists in the current time and space. This kind of strangeness and dislocation makes people feel extremely weird.

Master Tongtian walked outside, walked towards Da Luo Tianxing, and suddenly smiled: "Hmph, what do a group of children know?"

He let out a long laugh, and walked away with a song: "Drink a pot of wine to dissipate all your worries, and with a gust of wind, let go of your regrets. There are gains and losses in life, what comes must go, and what goes must come.

There are countless flowers, people go to nature!That being the case, forcing is useless!

The stars are the sea and the moon are the hooks, thrown into all living beings to catch their sorrows alone.The remaining regrets go with the wind after fishing, and the moon shines into the Acacia Tower. "

In the midst of the singing, Tongtian went straight to Daluotian, and said softly: "Life is like a dream, like frost, which dissipates in a blink of an eye. I am too tired to live with melancholy. As Zhuangzi said, I look haggard and my heart is like ashes, and I am at ease. That's why the world can Those who are long and long, because they do not live on their own, can live forever... The same is true for the Dao, and the same is true for me.”


Somewhere in the wild.

"Hehe, Daoist, it's finally here."

The old man in the gossip robe slowly walked out of Tianjiao and headed towards Daluotian.

Behind him, a flame was beating like a heart.


Although sentient beings cannot see Da Luotian, they can still feel the strong pressure from the sky, as if there is a force that wants to destroy all living beings in the world!

At this time, even the most numb people can feel the crisis!

Fear, despair, depression, pain, sorrow, unwillingness and other monsters are rampant in the world, occupying everyone's heart.

The world... is going to be destroyed? !

This answer popped up in everyone's mind.

And at this moment, Hongjun led the three thousand disciples of Zixiao Palace to Daluotian.

"Ancestor Hongjun wants to fight to the death with the Taoist master?"

"I knew that Daozu couldn't just sit idly by!"

"Let's go, let's help Daozu!"

Just when all the immortals thought that a big battle was about to start and rushed to Da Luotian one after another, there was a news that Hongjun had left Da Luotian and returned to Zixiao Palace.

The immortals were stunned, no one knew what happened, why didn't the battle happen?

Or, has Hongjun finished fighting the Taoist master?

But the mountains and the seas and the wilds don't look like they're retreating!

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun came out with the decree, incarnating thousands of people, covering every corner of the prehistoric world, and then slowly unfolded a piece of jade decree, and recited: "I am the supreme emperor of the Sanqing Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun! Preside over the heavens for ten thousand years!" , once saved the god emperors of the five directions. Today, I will go to Daluotian to pay homage to the Taoist master."

When Yuanshi Tianzun turned into thousands of people to show his holiness, all the immortals in the prehistoric world were greatly surprised, and when he said "worship the Taoist Lord", the prehistoric world exploded!

"What? Pilgrimage to the Taoist Lord?"

"What does Yuanshi Tianzun mean?"

"Why do you want to worship the Taoist Lord?"

Yuanshi Tianzun said indifferently: "The Taoist master is Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, who governs the birth and death of thousands of worlds! Compassionate and compassionate, and illuminates all living beings. Ten thousand immortals must worship, and so do I."

"One day, Hongjun saw the three emperors of the human race seizing luck and disrupting the world, forcing all living beings to steal opportunities, hypocrisy and changing faces, villains don't know it. The way of heaven manifested Hongjun was furious, and sent Yuanshi to ask the three emperors, Why occupy the fate of the human race and cut off the road to longevity for the human race! Why use the human race as a chessboard to plan for your own longevity! The emperor has no virtue, why is the emperor?"

"Three emperors stole luck, so that the sky has no sun, and the earth has no light. The three emperors despise, make people lifeless, and things have no spirit. The crime of the three emperors is even more evil! Hongjun ordered to cast the three emperors in the fire cloud environment. Like, for posterity to scold!"

These words spread to all parts of the prehistoric world through profound magic power, so that everyone could hear them, and the whole human race was completely boiled immediately.

Some were angrily yelling at the sky, some were bewildered, some were confused, and some were furious...

"What does that god mean?"

"What accounts for the luck of the human race?"

Questions were raised.

Then someone replied: "That god is Yuanshi Tianzun, the supreme god. He said that a Taoist master came to our world to bless us. This vision of darkness in the world was not brought by that Taoist master. It was caused by the Three Emperors."


"He said that Tiandao Manifestation Hongjun discovered that the Three Emperors used despicable means to extract the luck of the human race, so that he could get immortality, which made the human race unable to live forever... He also said that it was the Three Emperors who used the human race to achieve their own road to immortality ..."

"How is it possible? That day when the three emperors fought for the human race and the four fierce ones, how could they use us?"

"Why is it impossible? Maybe this is true! The Three Emperors actually took advantage of the human race and occupied the luck of the human race, otherwise why would it become dark?"

With the help of Yuanshi Tianzun, the voice of crusade against the Three Emperors soon appeared in the human race.

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