Yuanshi Tianzun manifested thousands of saints, appeared everywhere in the prehistoric world, and read out his will.

When they heard that the Three Emperors were selfish and took away the luck of the human race for their own eternal life, many human races questioned their words at first.

However, with the passage of time, the curse gradually appeared.

At this moment, in Zixiao Palace, another decree spread out.

"The primitive human race is sheltered by luck, and they are born with wisdom and live for thousands of years. They are free from the misery of poison and disease, without the disaster of swords and soldiers, and without the danger of heart orifices. The hypocrites Huangxi, Nong, and Huang are vicious in nature, and they are born in the earth." It's really despicable. In the past, Chi was one of the human races, and he helped the world to be superior. The false three emperors replaced them with demons, took them and proclaimed them emperors.

Emperor Cheng was jealous, Dao was afraid of future generations, he was slanderous for the emperor, and his cultivation cut off his luck.A lizard has a heart, a jackal has a heart.Being one's own body, stealing the luck of the human race, forcing people to become mortals, living for a hundred years, and suffering endless disasters.This person is jealous of God, and heaven and earth cannot tolerate it.He still hides evil intentions and steals artifacts.

Fifty avenues, hide one of them, seize it and plant it in the Fire Cloud Palace, the three emperors of thieves!Alas!Daozu Hongjun wanted to recover, hated the hypocrisy of the three thieves, and used the power of all beings to be arrogant and difficult to restrain.Energized by the wind and clouds, the heavens, mountains and seas descended, the heavens and the earth were disappointed, and the Daoist of the Hunyuan Realm appeared!

I wish to get rid of the three thieves and return the luck of the human race, so that the common people can live and be safe and fat.Order the three thieves to return their luck, cut themselves off, and let all living beings live in their own places, so that they will not bear the responsibility of the Taoist ancestor! "

With the help of the gods, the human race finally learned the meaning of this decree, and the curses finally reached a climax!

In Chaoge City, in the streets and alleys, people can be seen full of indignation and curses.

"What three emperors? So they are thieves peeping at the luck of our human race!"

"We were able to live [-] years ago, but because the three thieves stole the luck of the human race in order to live forever, we can only live to be [-] years old now!"

"Three thieves really deserve to die!"

"I heard that even the gods from the outer world couldn't stand it anymore and came to our world in person. That's why the Three Sovereigns fought against those gods last time."

"What shit three emperors? Those are the three thieves!"

A fat man selling pork pointed at the sky and cursed: "Three thieves! It turns out that grandpa could live 1 years because of the three thieves. I can only live 100 years!"

"We killed the three thieves, maybe the luck will come back, and we can live for 1 years!"

"Live 1 years? Really?" An old woman next to her swallowed, her eyes full of greed. She is already 60 years old and has several diseases at the same time. She doesn't know if she can live for another three years. .

"Of course, didn't you hear? It's all three thieves who stole our luck. We could have lived for 1 years!" The fat man cursed, "Those three thieves, I thought they were not good things for a long time. How can there be such a good person in the world? He also tastes herbs for all living beings, if he has no other intentions, why would he taste herbs?"

"Exactly! If it wasn't for luck, why would I do this! Just like me, if I wasn't given money, how could I help others." A mother-in-law who sold water spinach nodded.


in the restaurant.

A scholar-like man stood on the stage and said passionately: "Do you really think Xuanyuan is a good thing? Chi You is our ancestor! Back then Chi You wanted to benefit our human race, but Xuanyuan felt that he would stop his plan , so cruelly killed Chi You, and framed him as the devil! This despicable and shameless villain, in order to seize the luck of the human race, is really unscrupulous! I have a book to prove it!"

Someone retorted.

The scholar sneered and said, "What do you know? Only a few people will ever know the truth! You think Xuanyuan is the ancestor of the human race, you are wrong! He is a thief who stole the luck of the human race! Do you know why we live so hard? We should blame this thief !"

Everyone in the restaurant was furious and began to curse Xuanyuan.

When the mood of the crowd was almost mobilized, the scholar turned around and left the restaurant, then came to the room, and smiled at a Taoist who looked like a fairy: "Xianjia, I have already done what you said."

The Taoist said indifferently: "Very good, I will save you to the mountains and seas."


At the same time, people like scholars also appeared in prehistoric places.

These people took the lead in blaming the Three Emperors with a set of fallacies, and soon countless people joined in.

Some scolded Shennong for trying to taste the herbs. The truth is that he wanted to steal the luck of the human race. Some scolded Fuxi for being useless, and the so-called gossip was useless.

Even at the back, even Nu Wa began to bear the infamy...

"Why did Nuwa create the human race? That's because she is a member of the demon race, and she created humans to feed the demon race! She took advantage of the human race and is not worthy of being the mother of the human race!"

"She created us, but she didn't support her. This half-snake, half-human creature should die!"

"Kill the Three Emperors, destroy the Nuwa, and return the luck of my human race! Let my human race live forever!"

Finally, this slogan appeared in the human race, and the curse of the Three Emperors came like a tide.


Chaoge City, on the Deer Terrace.

Yin Jiao's eyes widened, listening to the scolding in the city, his face was full of sadness and anger, he backed away slowly, his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

He was leaning against the wall, already trembling so hard to stand, his eyes were already moist.

He couldn't figure out why the ancestors of the human race would encounter such abuse.

He couldn't understand why some people would believe the absurd statement that the three emperors stole luck and reduced the life span of the human race by thousands of years!

He even didn't understand why it had only been a month since the Three Sovereigns fought for all sentient beings, and everyone had forgotten their achievements!

Yin Ge said angrily: "Why? Why!"

Concubine Su stared at him blankly, and smiled wryly: "Yes, why?" She couldn't figure it out either.

At this moment, Shiva came in a hurry and said, "Your Majesty, the people have been forced out of the palace. They want you to crusade against the Three Emperors and return the luck of the human race..."

At this time, a voice like a tide came from outside the palace: "Your Majesty Yin Jiao, kill the three thieves and return our luck to the human race! Bring back the light to our human land!"

It was as if Wanmin uttered at the same time, and the sound shook the Lutai.

"Shit!" Yin Jiao was furious, hysterical: "A bunch of shit, kill them! Kill them!"

Shiva said, "Yes."

Concubine Su hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, calm down! You can't do this, they are just poor people who were fooled by Yuan Shi, and the crime is not worthy of death."

Yin Jiao took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and said sadly: "They are poor people, so they can disregard black and white, and they can scold the ancestors of our human race? They are not worthy of death, our ancestors Should he be scolded? The three emperors have no virtue? Nuwa is not worthy to be the mother of the human race? What is going on in this world? What is going on with this human race?"

Concubine Su stared at him blankly, and murmured: "What's going on in this world?"

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