Five Village Views.

Zhen Yuanzi sat in the void, looked at all living beings, and whispered: "Someone is fueling the flames. Is the manipulator behind the scenes Daozu Hongjun? What does he have to do with Master Hunyuan?"

"But what's the point of framing the Three Sovereigns this time? The Three Sovereigns' luck has been taken away, and their cultivation has been lost. Even if they are framed, what can they gain?"


With more and more scolding, Yuanshi Tianzun finally came forward to abolish the Three Emperors, and ordered the family dynasty to cast a bronze statue of the Three Emperors kowtowing and apologizing.

Most people think that as long as the three emperors are abolished and they are no longer recognized as ancestors, they will be able to gain luck and achieve longevity. Even some who insisted on their own opinions and did not think that the three emperors stole luck, they all echoed at this time. Every family donates copper.

In Chaoge City, above the Zhaixing Building.

Deng Chanyu said angrily: "The old thief Yuanshi is planning to crucify the Three Emperors on the pillar of shame! If the bronze statue of the Three Emperors is really cast, I'm afraid..."

As she spoke, her tone trembled.

The goddess Ba said murderously, "They dare!"

"I just hope that the king will leave the customs as soon as possible..." Jiang Qian sighed.

"What does Hunyuan Daoist mean? He must have promised to nail the three emperors to shame. What is the relationship between him and Hongjun? Why did Da Luotian stop the army..." Princess Longji asked: "Three The emperor has lost his strength, and their move definitely has other meanings."

All the girls looked at each other, feeling unprecedented pressure.

In Zixiao Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun stood behind Hongjun and said: "Teacher, the matter has been settled, the luck of the human race is gone, the Buddhas of Buddhism, and the immortals of Jiejiao gathered in Chaoge City. It seems that they intend to resist us to the end."

Hongjun said: "Go, destroy the big merchants."

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "Yes." Slowly retreating, a scarlet light flashed in his eyes.

After Yuanshi Tianzun left, Hongjun looked up at the sky and murmured: "Is it right or wrong to act like this?"

Suddenly, a stern expression appeared on his face, his eyes radiated a strange light, and he said coldly: "But it may not be impossible."


Daluo Tianque, Tianwai Tiangong.

In the depths of the Golden Temple, sitting on a huge incense chariot is a middle-aged man wearing a black gold-inlaid three-legged gold cocoon silk robe, with a majestic face, like a supreme emperor.

Beside him, Master Tongtian leaned on his sword, and Laozi Taiqing lowered his hand.

Suddenly, Taiqing Laozi said: "The human race originally had 5000 years of luck, but now it has been scattered by myself. It is now time to destroy this world."

Priest Hunyuan nodded slightly, "Wait a minute."

Taiqing Laozi nodded.

Master Tongtian had no expression on his face, but a strange light flashed in his eyes.

Zizhi Cliff, Biyou Palace.

After Tongtian Sect Master left, the Jiejiao disciples left, some escaped for their lives, some went to Dashang, only two or three remained in Biyou Palace.

In the depths of Biyou Palace, Yun Zhongzi, who was nailed to death in the great sealing formation, lowered his head, without a trace of breath showing from his body.

This large formation seemed to be used by Tongtian to target saints, and the long sword on Yun Zhongzi's chest completely suppressed his saint power.

The disciple guarding Biyou Palace had plans to save people at first, but after being bounced away by the formation many times, he gradually gave up this idea.

However, at this moment, Yun Zhongzi, who was in silence, suddenly trembled slightly, and the long sword on his chest was pushed outward a little.

It's a pity that no one noticed this scene.


Chaoge City.

Yuan Shi came on a chariot, holding the Pangu flag in his hand, and said with a slight sneer, "This great merchant should have been destroyed a long time ago."

With a wave of the Pangu banner, the murderous aura immediately locked the ground, and the mountains were covered with smoke and dust, and a terrifying air blade cut down suddenly.

Yin Ge noticed something as early as Yuanshi's arrival, and when he came to the city, his face changed drastically, and he shouted: "Defend the enemy!"

All the immortals on the Fengxian List flew out one after another, and Shiva rushed out first, with both hands forward, offering Lingbao to resist the air blade.


With a loud noise, the whole city trembled!

And Shiva also hummed, and flew backwards.

In the past, his cultivation base was not inferior to Yuan Shi's, but after hundreds of years, Yuan Shi didn't know what chance he had, and his cultivation base surpassed him.

At this moment, there are many generals of the Great Shang Immortal Family, not only the Immortals on the List of Immortals, but also Buddhas such as Lantern, Samantabhadra, and disciples of Jiejiao.

At that moment, Huang Feihu opened his bow and arrow, like a golden dragon rushing towards the sun, and flew through the sky. turn!All kinds of whips, maces, axes and swords were thrown out one after another, jingling and ping-pong-pong.

And all kinds of soul-absorbing and soul-taking weird spirit treasures were also sacrificed one after another.

Faced with such a dense concentration of spiritual treasures, ordinary immortals would have fallen instantly, but Yuanshi Tianzun is a sage of heaven after all, with the protection of Qingyun from the sky above his head, which can block [-]% of the magic weapons of weapons, and the Pangu banner in his hand is infinitely powerful. The hair will overthrow countless generals.

Shiva's anger is like thunder, and the swing of the knife is like a flying dragon. When it moves, ghosts cry and gods startle.

Yuanshi Tianzun sneered slightly, fighting while resisting, only killing Xuexiao Chunshui Wushuang, and the wind and evening red covered the ground.

"Yuanshi old thief, take me Fantianyin!" Yin Jiao shouted, and Fantianyin suddenly threw out, hitting Yuanshi's right leg.

Yuan Shi was furious in his heart, and he waved the Pangu flag to chop off. Yin Jiao dodged sideways, but was still affected by the air blade, and staggered back.

However, there was only one person in Yuanshi after all, and he gradually lost the wind in the face of so many gods. Concubine Su and Yeshe Yunming suddenly rushed out, and Tianzun Yuanshi was hit by a sword again.

At this moment, a faint sigh came from the sky: "The gods of foreign lands dare to come to my place to be presumptuous!"

A green bamboo stick fell from the sky, although the speed was not fast, Concubine Su couldn't dodge it, she was pierced through her chest by the bamboo stick, and fell to the ground with an ah.

Yeshe Yunming said angrily, "The old dog Hongjun has made a move!"

The next moment, a ray of light of ten colors descended from the sky, enveloped Yeshe Yunming, and headed overseas.

Yeshe Yunming was terrified and struggled desperately, but found that ten kinds of laws of heaven and earth were contained in the ten-colored brilliance, and he quickly refined his own origin.

In Zixiao Palace, Hongjun's faint voice came out: "Let's be turned into ashes!"

The battle of the gods in Chaoge City is still going on, but this time with Hongjun's secret move, no one is the enemy of Yuanshi.

Suddenly, Yuanshi slapped out with a palm, and Shiva flew out wildly, hitting more than a hundred miles, Pangu's banner flipped, and countless gods fell or were seriously injured.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people around him, Yin Jiao was so anxious that he had to sacrifice Lingbao to resist.

"We're going to save people!"

At this moment, Deng Chanyu and the others couldn't stand it anymore and rushed out.

Deng Chanyu issued five-color stones, Princess Longji sacrificed the soul-piercing nail, and Jiang Qian sacrificed the Kowloon god fire shield...

Yuanshi Tianzun said: "So it's you, hum, people who should have died a long time ago, why have they survived until now?"

When all the heavenly clouds on his body trembled, all the spirit treasures were shaken away. With a flip of his left palm, the Pangu banner waved, and he slashed at Deng Chanyu and the others!

At this moment, the void squirmed and twisted, and a giant bell popped out!


Happy Lantern Festival, there will be a big chapter later, around 12 o'clock

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