Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 722 Zhuxian Sword Formation, Reappearance!

The giant clock came tearing through time and space, and with a bang, it fell directly towards Yuanshi Tianzun!

Yuanshi Tianzun was horrified, and before he had time to think, he stretched out his hand to call back the Pangu banner, straightened it up and slashed upwards!

With a bang, the two collided, causing Yuan Shi's hairpin to fall off, leaving his white hair draped over his shoulders.

He quickly jumped back and flew a hundred feet away.

With his cultivation base, it was impossible for people to tear apart time and space beside him without noticing it, but that person appeared very strangely, as if he was waiting there in the first place.

Yuanshi Tianzun raised his head, the lights of the miserable weapons shone on each other, and he saw a man walking slowly.

"Di Xin?!" Yuanshi Tianzun was taken aback, instead of being angry, he smiled and said, "Okay, let's settle the old and new grudges together!"

This person is Zi Shou, when he refined the Chaos Clock, Ping Xin had also passed the test, and the two were happy for each other when they saw each other successfully certified as a nine-turn saint.

After the Hongmeng Realm was fully matured, Zishou also left with Pingxin, but unexpectedly encountered Yuanshi Miecheng as soon as he left. He didn't have time to think about it, so he sacrificed the Chaos Bell directly.

This Chaos Clock was made by him from the Chaos Divine Thunder, and its power was many times stronger than that of the original one. When he struck it, Yuan Shi's hair was scattered.

Zishou swept his gaze, and saw that Shiva, Yin Jiao, Deng Chanyu, Tiannu Ba and others were all injured, Huang Feihu, Wen Taishi, Fomen Randeng, Pu Xian, Manjusri, etc. were also seriously injured and dying. Concubine Su was killed by this bamboo The stick was nailed to the ground, and many Jiejiao disciples were scattered.

His spiritual consciousness was like a net covering all directions, and he knew all the big and small things during this period of time in his heart.

He raised his eyebrows, looked at Yuanshi Tianzun, and said: "The three emperors went out to resist the mountains and seas. You took the opportunity to seize the spirit of Huoyun Cave and destroy Huoyun Cave. I thought Hongjun would be with you no matter what." Honghuang fought side by side until he died, but he didn't want Hongjun to fight against the battle, and even framed the Three Emperors... Honghuang still has 5000 years of luck to protect him, and it will not be destroyed when he arrives. Hunyuan Daoist should have discovered this One point, you framed the Three Emperors and made the people lose their faith, just to help the Hunyuan Daoist destroy the prehistoric world?"

After becoming a nine-turn saint, Zishou's mind was clear, and many things could be known in harmony with the way of heaven. He remembered in a flash, the last time Lei Ze came to the world, he said that he would not be destroyed by catching ninety-nine 81 chaotic gods. In fact, he should also know that the prehistoric times are not yet shattered.

After all, each world has its own lifespan, or 1 yuan, or 100 billion years, and the prehistoric world is not yet ready for destruction.

"It's just that I can't figure out why Hongjun did this?" Zishou frowned. If other gods did this, he would think that he was cowardly and planned to join the world of mountains and seas.

But Hongjun is the manifestation of the way of heaven, receiving the benefits of the way of heaven in this world, and even the co-lord of the wild, there is no reason for such a saint to seek refuge in the world of mountains and seas.

How can he live well when the prehistoric world is gone?

Yuanshi Tianzun showed a fierce look in his eyes, and said sharply: "You are here today, and you just happen to eradicate them together! It will save me from wasting effort in the future!"

He raised his murderous intent, took a step forward, and in an instant he was in front of Zi Shou. With a wave of the Pangu flag, a qi blade slashed towards Deng Chanyu and the others!

Zi Shou snatched it away in a hurry, and with a flick of the long sword in his hand, he stabbed out!

The sword light flashed, and Yuanshi Tianzun saw the pear blossoms all over the sky fluttering down, and the sword actually pointed at the vitals of his whole body!

It would be difficult for a saint to be hurt by an ordinary sword, but the sword under the saint's hand is different.

He laughed grimly: "Do you think I'm still afraid of your Zhuxian Sword?"

The heavenly Qingyun above his head rose up, covering his whole body, and the Pangu flag suddenly waved.

Zi Shou went up to him, stretched out his hand, and resisted the open sky blade. Suddenly his eyes opened, and the golden thread flashed in the eyes, and the cold light flashed sharply.

Sixteen long swords have appeared in front of my eyes. These sixteen long swords split and rejoin, stabbing or cutting, picking or cutting. This world was suddenly cut into a huge hole, and it suddenly turned into the world's most powerful sword. The powerful formation Zhuxian formation.

This was his first move after being promoted to Rank Nine, because he didn't know what his strength was, he used all his strength when he made a move, and the Jade Immortal Sword Formation was like a dream, full of changes.

Yuanshi Tianzun felt that he had stepped into a peach blossom forest, and when he stepped out, he fell into the quagmire. When he pulled back and retreated, he was caught again, and with a snort from his shoulder, he was pierced by a sword!

Then there was a pain in the chest, and a piece of flesh was cut off by a sword, and the left hand was in severe pain, and the palm had been cut off.

This little injury is nothing to a saint, but Yuanshi Tianzun saw that Zhutian Qingyun couldn't stop the Zhuxian array, he was so frightened and angry that he lost his vigor, so he could only wave the Pangu banner and chop around!

But the Zishou sword formation has been completed, and various miraculous changes have appeared one after another.

The wind turned into a sword, and the breeze around him turned into a sharp blade. Yuanshi Tianzun was injured all over his body, and the earth turned into a formation. Yuanshi Tianzun stepped into the air and was pierced by countless spikes. Then black rain suddenly fell from the sky, and when it fell, it turned into countless swords. !

Zishou walked in the sword formation like a leisurely stroll, and with a light wave of his hand, many changes in the Zhuxian sword formation appeared, and various lore and traps appeared. Can't call out.

Pingxin saw the changes in the Zhuxian formation and the frequent murderous intentions, and he was dazzled and shocked. He thought that Zishou's exit this time, the Zhuxian formation has become so strong.

In the past, the Zhuxian Formation seemed like a meat grinder, but now it has infinite changes, which is a thousand times better than before.

Suddenly, Yuanshi Tianzun screamed, and his whole body was turned into flesh in the sword array. When Yuanshen was about to escape, a huge bell suddenly covered him. The countless chaotic qi that came out surrounded him tightly.

Suddenly, there was a miserable cry from the giant clock, and then it lost its movement.

Zishou put the Chaos Clock into his arms, waved his right palm, sixteen sword shadows retracted in his palm, and the sword formation suddenly disappeared.

He glanced around and said softly, "I'm sorry, I'm late."

Tiannvmei looked at Zishou and let out a sigh of relief: "It's not too late."

"I'll heal your wounds first." Zishou stretched out his hand a little, shook the green bamboo stick away, let Concubine Su go, and then opened his mouth, the true energy turned into a long river and poured out. , healed instantly.

Suddenly, there was only a scream from Ran Deng, and his whole body trembled.

Zishou walked towards him and found that he was seriously injured, the oil was exhausted and the lamp was dry, no amount of real energy could save him.

Not only lighting lamps, but also Huanglong, Fear Liusun, Puxian, Manjusri, Lingbao, Daoxing and others.

"They can't be saved even if I warm and nourish them with the sage's true energy..." Zishou's eyes flickered slightly, and he thought: "It's not that they are seriously injured and hard to heal, but that they are not real immortals, but the reflection of the Kunlun mirror In other words, they belong to memory, not human beings, but they have saved their lives with magic puppets before, and memories cannot be saved even if they are nourished with true essence."

"Put it in the magic banner first, and see if there is any way to cure it in the future."

At that moment, he took out the seven-faced devil-attracting banner, and put seven people in it, including Ran Deng, Huang Long, Wei Liusun, Puxian, Manjusri, Lingbao, and Daoxing.


"Father, all beings in the world are bewitched by Yuan Shi, thinking that the Three Emperors have taken away the luck of the human race..." Yin Jiao said.

Zi Shou frowned slightly, and said lightly: "Stupid beings, hum!"

He narrowed his eyes, distracted hundreds of millions, and walked in all directions, manifesting himself, appearing before the human race.

The human race suddenly saw a divine figure appearing in the air, and they were so frightened that they hurriedly bowed down.

With a thought in his mind, Zishou shrouded a layer of holy brilliance in his incarnation, and said loudly: "I am the saint Emperor Xin, the virtue of the three emperors is obvious to all. Shennong tasted a hundred herbs and was willing to die for all living beings. In a piece of paradise, Fuxi draws gossip, sets rituals and music, and as for the Three Emperors stealing luck, this is Hongjun's words to frame the Three Emperors."

At this time, someone retorted: "Nonsense, how do you know this is the case? It is obvious that the Three Emperors stole the luck of the human race!"

"Do you really know a lot? The truth is often only known to a few people. I don't believe that the Three Emperors are not for themselves!"

"The three thieves stole my life, we want to destroy the three thieves!"

"What goddamn god are you? Even the three thieves?"

"What's the benefit of accepting the three thieves?"

For a while, there were more and more voices of opposition, and some people became even more vitriolic and sarcastic.

Instead of being angry, Zishou smiled, and said flatly, "Heretics! I tell you that you will go to hell if you slander the ancestors of the human race."

"What the hell?"

"You don't want to scare us!"

"Come if you have one!"


In Chaoge City, a pork vendor sneered and said, "I don't believe he can send me to hell! I'll just scold the three thieves, and find me if I can! So many people scold me, can I still be caught?"

At this moment, a bloody human figure appeared in front of him, and said solemnly: "Slandering the ancestors of the human race will go to hell!"

With a clap of his palm, hell's will-o'-the-wisp gushes out from the ground, instantly engulfing the person and pulling his soul into the ground.

Such things happened in all parts of the world at the same time, and countless people found out in horror that as long as someone insulted the Three Emperors for no reason and fabricated their crimes, a bloody ghost would appear and arrest them.

For a while, the scolding dropped sharply.

Three days later, most people stood up to publicize the merits of the Three Sovereigns and uphold justice for the Three Sovereigns, and even those who insulted the Three Sovereigns changed their camps one after another.

Seven days later, there were no more voices of insulting the Three Sovereigns, but only voices of praising the Three Sovereigns.


Zi Shou, who was sitting on the Tianque Palace, noticed this change, opened his eyes, and sneered slightly.

This is the same as the trolls on the Internet in the previous life. In fact, only a small number really want to hack someone, and most people follow suit.

And when the real-name system is implemented on the Internet, and people will be arrested for spreading rumors and framing people, this kind of voice will calm down.

In the past, when Zi Shou had not been promoted to rank nine saint, he would not have been able to handle this matter so efficiently.

But now to become a ninth-rank saint, one can learn a supernatural power with one thought, and travel all over the continent of Shenzhou. Naturally, this kind of thing is just a thought.


"Zi Shou, Huoyundongtian was taken away, my father lost the protection of Dao luck, he transformed into a mortal, his serious injury is hard to heal, time is running out..."

On this day, Tiannu Ba came to Tianque, went to Zishou's side, and said in a low voice, "Would you like to come with me to see him?"

The Three Sovereigns were not true saints at all, they had never transcended the Yin and Yang of the Five Elements, and they relied on the Huoyun Cave, one of the escapes, to maintain their immortality for thousands of years.

Now that this "one" is lost, even if he is not injured, with the lifespan of a mortal, he will not be able to live for long.

Zishou looked at the dejected appearance of the celestial girl Ba, stretched out his hand to gently stroke her black hair, and said, "They want to take away Huoyundongtian? Do they want to take it? They can't take away what belongs to the Three Emperors!"

He stood up slowly, opened his hands, and the will-o-the-wisp of the World Extinguisher burned from his body, and in an instant, it turned into a black battle robe.

He is not sitting idle these days, but is immersing himself in the power of the body, analyzing the strength of the Taoist master.

But now, his strength has been immersed.

Zishou looked at the sky, and said word by word, sonorously: "All the immortals on the fairy list listen to the order! Follow the solitary to kill to the sky, flatten Zixiao, and destroy Hongjun!"

Stepping out with one foot, the Xiantian Sixteen Swords flew out from behind and sank into his body!

Taking another step, the person has arrived outside the Tianque Palace.

The goddess Ba stared blankly at his figure, and suddenly felt that the figure of this man in her heart had become extremely tall, so tall that she could only look up...


Zixiao Palace.

Over the past few years, Zixiao Palace has encountered a lot of problems, and the number of disciples has been reduced, and now there are only five hundred.

At this moment, Chen Wuliang [formerly Chen Wuliang, too modernized, so changed to Chen Wuliang] is patrolling the palace.

With a sword hanging from Chen Wuliang's waist, Zixiao Palace disciples bowed their heads and greeted everywhere they went.

He is the most outstanding disciple in Zixiao Palace in recent years, and the cultivation of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian made him the first among Zixiao disciples.

It's just that, as Hongjun's unnamed disciple, his status is not only far inferior to Sanqing, but even the Queen Mother of Haotian is deeply inferior, and few people even know him.

"...The arrival of the mountain and sea world this time is not a bad thing for me."

Chen Wuliang thought to himself, "Hmph, what's the use of a saint? The Taoist wants to kill a saint! I'm not a saint, but I'm not on the must-kill list of the Taoist! Dixin, Nuwa, Pingxin, what do you have as saints?" Use? Sooner or later, he will be sealed by the Hunyuan Daoist!"

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of killing from the lower realm, he was in a daze, thinking that he heard it wrong.

However, the killing shouts were getting closer and closer, and he finally realized that it was not an illusion. He swept his consciousness down and was shocked, seeing countless immortal soldiers coming from Zixiao Palace!He was frightened and angry, and hurriedly shouted: "Someone killed Zixiao Palace, hurry up, open the big formation, and defend the enemy!"


At this moment, a cold voice came from his ear, and then he saw a black robed man approaching him.

The black-robed man had a face that he was extremely familiar with, but also extremely annoying. Seeing that face at this moment, Chen Wuliang was left with only horror in his heart!


As soon as he uttered a word, his head broke away from his body and flew out, blood gushing out from his neck.

Yuanshen was also smashed into pieces by the endless sword energy at this moment!

Zishou held out his sword and walked slowly, the sword light flashed, and two more disciples were killed by him.

As he walked all the way, Zixiao Palace disciples fell beside him one by one.

It really is ten steps to kill a person, and you will not stay behind for a thousand miles.

Finally, he came to the gate of Zixiao Palace, shot in his eyes coldly, and said slowly: "Old dog Hongjun, come out and lead him to death!"


The ultimate battle is coming!The high tide will follow, please fasten your seat belt.

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