Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 723 The Battle of the Three Saints

But when Zishou came to the gate of the palace, he pointed his sword at Zixiao Palace, the disciples of Zixiao Palace were frightened and angry, facing each other with swords, but no one dared to go forward.

"I leveled the Zixiao Palace today, and killed the old dog Hongjun! To avenge my father!" Hearing Tiannvba say, she took a step forward, directly liberating the Yin fire in her body, and the black hair instantly changed. He has white hair and exudes a hot breath. The grass withers and the life is extinct.

And the other immortals on the fairy list also came behind them, Yin Jiao, Shiva, Huang Feihu, Wen Zhong, Su Hu...

A member of the fierce generals or holds a sword, or holds a gun, or draws a bow, or holds a treasure.

In the sky, there was only a cry of a crane, but it was Empress Pingxin who came riding on a crane.

Disciple Zixiao was nervous, as if facing a formidable enemy.

It was really a tense scene.

At this moment, I suddenly heard a burst of long laughter from Zixiao Palace, the laughter resounded up and down Zixiao, shaking the spirit tree in the palace, and the fallen leaves fluttered.

The laughter didn't stop, a man came out from the palace, his divine light surged, this man was holding a sapphire staff, and he had come to Zishou, the goddess Ba.It was Hongjun, the ancestor of the first saint in the prehistoric times.

Many immortals have never seen Hongjun before. When they saw Hongjun at this time, some found Hongjun to be a gray-haired old man, some found Hongjun to be a child with fair face and tender skin, and some found Hongjun to be a handsome young man in a green shirt. Some middle-aged men even discovered that Hongjun was actually a [-]-year-old girl with a beautiful appearance and a beautiful figure...

Even in everyone's eyes, Hongjun's image is different from each other.

Only sages like Zishou and Pingxin know that there is no difference between Hongjun and Tiandao, not only there is no distinction between male and female, but there is also no difference between old and young.

The celestial girl said: "Old dog Hongjun, you took away the Daoyi of Huoyun Cave, forced my father and two uncles to die in an instant, and incited all living beings to frame them. Today, this account will be settled!"

Hongjun smiled and said, "Very good, very good."

In some people's eyes, Hongjun's laughter is arrogant and full of disdain. In some people's eyes, Hongjun's laughter is sad, and even Hongjun's laughter is kind, like a compassionate old man.

"Do you know that killing people like this will cause countless lives to be robbed! It's extremely hateful to act like this, and dare to come to my land to be presumptuous!" Hong Jun said, and stretched out his right palm to pat the goddess Ba.

Zi Shou stepped forward, and the Qinglian Sword slashed out in the air, and said coldly, "Even if you are the manifestation of the Dao of Heaven, you should have come to an end today!"

Hongjun raised his eyebrows, raised his green bamboo stick to resist, and asked in surprise, "You are already a nine-turn saint?"

This battle was about to break out, Zishou's long sword was shaking, each sword had the power to destroy heaven and earth, Hongjun waved the green bamboo staff in his hand, and slowly parried, resisted three swords and returned two sticks.

Pingxin knew that although the two of them were rank-nine saints, they were not as good as Hongjun and other veteran saints. He stepped forward to help, grabbed it with his right hand, and the ground cracked, and a ghost gate rushed from the underworld, standing in front of him.

This ghost gate is as high as a thousand feet and weighs more than ten thousand catties. There are mysterious patterns engraved on it, which is full of ghosts and makes people tremble.

Grabbing the gate of hell with her delicate and tender hands, she used it as a weapon and threw it at Hongjun!

Hongjun's face changed slightly, he stepped back, put his hands together, kneaded the Three Thousand Dao, and slammed it out to meet the impact of Pingxin's hand.


The huge ghost gate collided with the void, and immediately tore a huge hole out of the void. The hole was dark and boundless, and the suction was extremely strong.

A fairy was unsteady on his feet, and was almost sucked in.

"Have you both cultivated? Hmph, no wonder you can prove to be a nine-turn sage." The three thousand avenues in Hongjun's hands suddenly transformed into hundreds of weapons and different blades, kneading them and attacking them.

The Three Thousand Ways contain the law of life and death, the law of yin and yang, the law of darkness, the law of light, the law of strength, the law of qi, the law of poison, the law of heart, the law of death, the law of the five elements...

If the power of many laws is one, they all have the strength to be independent of heaven and earth. Now that the three thousand laws are pouring out, even the ninth-rank saints are also shocked.

Seeing Zishou, Hongjun felt that he was a rank-nine saint. Although he was not afraid because of his status as the manifestation of the Dao of Heaven, he was afraid of losing his hand for a while, so the first move was the strongest killing move.

Pingxin smashed the gate of hell, a black light flashed, and a law of death was struck on his body.The body quickly loses vitality, the skin also ages instantly, and the hair becomes pale.

But she shook her body slightly, and the primordial spirit glowed with a stronger vitality, instantly dispelling the law of death on the body, and returning to its original appearance.

Zishou's long sword moved in unison, and quickly stabbed at Hongjun to relieve the pressure of Pingxin. Hongjun flipped his left hand, and the power of many laws on the good luck jade plate rushed to Zishou again.

The power of laws instantly transformed the cage, covering Zishou, and various laws poured out, wrapping him in the middle.

Zishou only felt that there were murderous intentions in all directions, and that if he was not careful, he would be refined and destroyed by the law.

Although saints do not die, resurrection also takes time.

If you die here, it will be extremely unfavorable to the battle situation.

"Back then, Pangu faced the three thousand demon gods and the three thousand laws of the Dao. He slaughtered the three thousand demon gods and broke the universe with only the Dao of strength. How did the three thousand laws break it? Break it with strength!"

Zishou's thoughts changed sharply, he gave a low shout, raised his right hand, and shouted: "Zhuxian Sword Formation!"

Zhuxian Sword Formation suddenly appeared, and a black lead cloud suddenly appeared in the sky. In the lead cloud, dense gray sword shadows appeared, and the sword shadows pointed at Hongjun.

Following Zi Shou's order, the densely packed sword shadows shot like ten thousand arrows, piercing through the Three Thousand Laws!


All the immortals were stunned when they saw the fierce battle between the three rank nine saints.

Pingxin's hand holding the gate of ghosts and hitting the book made the immortals terrified, and the refining power of Hongjun's three thousand laws was even more powerful. As for Zishou's Zhuxian Sword Formation, it can only be said to kill the most holy, and nothing can stop it.

I never expected that his current sword formation would be so powerful. His sword formation was far inferior to mine at that time, but now he is as good as this... In Da Luo Tian, ​​the gods of mountains and seas are also watching the battle. splendor.

Lao Tzu Taiqing said in a low voice: "It's really awesome to be certified as the Nine-turn Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal by myself."

He looked at the Hunyuan Daoist on the seat above, but found that the other party had a faint smile on his face. Instead of intending to intervene in this battle, he watched it with interest.

"If you have reached the pinnacle of cultivation, you will not be afraid of changes... Even a rank nine saint is nothing more than an ant in his eyes."


The sword array was illuminated by light and shadow, and the Three Thousand Laws gradually collapsed under the cutting of the sword shadow, and then fell on Hongjun's body.

Suddenly, blood flew out of Zhou Qi bit by bit, and when it fell into the world, it turned into brightly colored Ganoderma lucidum.

Some people were splashed with blood, and after tasting a little with the tip of their tongue, their whole body swelled up and exploded to death.

Hongjun waved his hands, the law blasted out, and he swung backwards, a long sword had been inserted into his chest.

"It's the end, Hongjun." With the long sword in his hand, Zishou had turned into a bloody man.

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