Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 724 The world is peaceful, the world of the great way

A clear song came from the sky, melodious and melodious, it seemed to be whining, weeping, sighing, or mourning people in the old palace singing softly.

Suddenly the Qing song stopped, and everything was peaceful.

Hongjun jumped backwards, blood gradually splashed out on his body, suddenly, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, staggered back two steps, his face was pale, but he showed a faint smile, opened his mouth, as if to say something, It seemed that he didn't say anything.

Zishou was covered in blood, and his soul was in severe pain. The battle with Hongjun was by no means so easy. If he was not careful, he would be in danger of falling.

He stared at Hongjun, not letting down his vigilance.No matter how seriously Hongjun was injured, he would not die easily. In the prehistoric world, he was no different from the Dao of Heaven, he could only be sealed, not killed.

Hongjun smiled faintly, looked at Zishou with unusually calm eyes, the Dao around his body turned into countless light spots and quickly dissipated, and said, "You won, but you didn't win against me."

Zishou stared at him coldly, and said, "What else do you have now?"

Ping Xin quickly formed a Dao seal with both hands, and Dao Qi floated around his body. A huge ghost gate appeared from behind Hongjun, and said: "The tunnel is independent, seal it with the tunnel."

The huge ghost gate opened, and a terrifying suction appeared instantly, as if it wanted to pull everything into hell.

The world is changing, and the situation is changing dramatically!

Hongjun kept moving towards the gate of hell, he sighed softly, and said: "There are gaps in the road, minus one of them. The missing one is not the fire and clouds, but a glimmer of life. If I have a chance to win heart, none of you can win me."

He let the ghost gate pull him to the depths, the expression on his face was still as calm as water, he let the ghost energy in the ghost gate swallow his spirit, and he still didn't struggle.

Zishou said: "What do you want to say now? If it weren't for you, how could the prehistoric world have endured such hardships!"

Hongjun smiled faintly, looked up at the sky, and said: "The way of heaven should be changed. Everything I do is just for the sake of the prehistoric... If you decide to kill me, you have to take my place..."

Zi Shou stared at him coldly, thinking what else would this person want to say now?At this juncture of life and death, is he still desperately resisting?

"Husband Hongjun's life, what is not happy? The world is peaceful, the world of the great way, huh..." Hongjun let out a long laugh, turned around and walked towards the gate of hell. After taking a step, one of the three flowers on the top of his head fell down, and he stepped on it. After taking three steps, all the three flowers on his head fell down.

"Lying high on the nine-layered cloud, the futon is Daozhen. Outside the world, I will be the head teacher..."

Finally, his figure disappeared in the ghost gate.

"He was sealed by the tunnel." Ping Xin said, with a slightly surprised tone.

Zishou frowned. He always felt that Hongjun's seal was too simple. If Hongjun fought back desperately, they would never be able to seal him so easily. even fall...

But now Hongjun's behavior is close to death.

"Is he really doing it for Honghuang? It's ridiculous, seizing the Three Sovereigns' Dao Yun and framing the Three Sovereigns, what is it for Honghuang?"

Zishou shook his head.

At this moment, light spots in the void gathered towards him.

Pingxin was taken aback, and stood in front of Zishou.

Zishou said, "I'm fine."

He frowned, and the countless light spots gathered around his body, and each light spot carried a Dao law.

"Is this the rule of three thousand?"

Zishou raised his eyebrows, and the three thousand laws gathered around him, and then gradually turned into a jade plate, which fell into his palm.

"The Jade Plate of Creation..."

This thing is crystal clear and transparent, just like a white plate for food, but what is recorded on it is the Three Thousand Laws.

Of course, the three thousand laws do not mean three thousand kinds of laws, but an extremely large number.

"It seems to be left by Hongjun." With an idea, Zishou soon felt an aura on the plate that was very similar to the Three Emperors: "This is the Dao Yun from Huoyundongtian... Hongjun didn't put it Refining."

Suddenly, the jade plate turned into a beam of spiritual light, which poured into Zishou Lingtai.

Zishou was taken aback, and wanted to mobilize his soul to drive him out, but the scene that followed surprised him greatly.

The aura unfolded from his chest, and gradually turned into a picture.

It was a huge mountain, shaped like Kunlun Mountain!

Kunlun is 13 miles away from the shore, and there are weak water circles around it.

The southeast is connected to Jishiyuan, the northwest is connected to Beihuzhishi, the northeast is adjacent to the well of Dahuo, and the southwest is to the valley of Chengyuan.

These four-cornered mountains are the branches and assistants of Kunlun.

The Kunlun Mountains are [-] miles high and flat, with a triangle on the top and a wide area of ​​thousands of miles. It is shaped like a basin, narrow at the bottom and wide at the top.

In the mountain triangle, one corner is due to the north of the brilliance of Qianchen, which is called Langfeng Peak; the other corner is due to the west, which is called Xuanpu Hall;

There is an accumulated fund in one corner, which is Tianyong City, with a surface area of ​​thousands of miles. There are five Anjin Terraces and twelve Jade Towers on the city.

Its Beihu Mountain, Chengyuan Mountain, and the Jintaiyu Tower in Yongcheng City are similar, such as the Que of Liujing, the Hall of Brightness, the Room of Qionghua, the Room of Zicui Dan, Jingyun Zhuri, Zhuxia Jiuguang... …

At the highest point of the mountain, a huge figure gradually appeared.

The figure stands quietly on the top of the mountain, with a majestic look, overlooking all living beings.Just like the supreme emperor in the world.

Although Zi Shou had never seen this person before, he guessed the identity of this person in an instant: "Master Hunyuan! It's him!"

"The god of heaven, the shrine is in the east of Chu, to match the emperor of the east, so the emperor of Yundong!"

At this moment, a voice full of majesty came out slowly, like Hong Zhong Dalu.

"Two appearances come out of the one, and Yin and Yang come out of the two appearances... All things are produced, created by the one, and transformed into yin and yang...It cannot be shaped, it cannot be named, but it is forced, it is called the one... Together they can be eternal..."

"The world is peaceful, the world of the great way, only...with one...three..."

Some words in the majestic voice could not be heard clearly, but seeing the three flowers falling from the head of Hunyuan Daoist, when he arrived in the world, he actually took root...


The screen is broken!

Zishou woke up from the memory, his face changed slightly, and his mind was in chaos: "This memory was left by Hongjun in the good luck jade plate. What did he want to tell me? When I saw the person in the memory, I instantly I just thought of Taoist Hunyuan, this is a reminder left by Hongjun... The god of heaven, the shrine is in the east of Chu, to match the emperor of the east, so the emperor of Yundong... can't be a shape, can't be a name, can't be strong In other words, it is called Taiyi..."

"Eastern Emperor...Taiyi...the Dao Master is indeed the Eastern Emperor Taiyi."

Zishou gradually came back to his senses and took a deep breath. When the Peacock was destroyed, he heard a Fu, which was one of the nine songs, and the Fu was named Donghuang Taiyi.At that time, he had guessed something, but he didn't expect to be right.

"The world of mountains and seas, Donghuang Taiyi... Donghuang Taiyi is rumored to be a three-legged golden crow, and the world of mountains and seas is a world of strange beasts. In this way, everything is connected."

Suddenly, I heard a calm and warm voice beside me: "Are you okay?"

Zishou shook his head at her, and said: "The Dao Yun lost by the Three Emperors has been taken back, let's go, let's go to Huoyun Cave."

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