Hongjun was sealed?

The immortals were full of surprises, and Hongjun, who was the number one saint in the wild, would be sealed one day.

At this moment, the sky was suddenly torn open, and a huge crack appeared on the sky, like a pair of huge eyes looking down on all living beings.

At this moment, a coercion swept down like an overwhelming force, and slapped on the immortals gathered in Zixiao Palace like a violent wave.



In an instant, the immortals were hit hard, either spurting blood wildly, or being directly crushed to the ground.

Even Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian couldn't resist, his whole body trembled instantly, his face turned pale, and he had a strong urge to lie down on the ground.


Yin Jiao's legs softened and he knelt down on the ground. He supported his body with his hands and forced himself not to lie down. His face was pale and he was covered in cold sweat.

Concubine Su beside her was also half-kneeling on the ground, holding a long spear in both hands, bearing the endless pressure from the sky.

Huang Feihu, Wen Taishi, and Jiejiao immortals all vomited blood and fell to the ground, but finally a few generals managed to raise their heads, but this was the limit of what they could do.

Zishou suddenly saw these eyes on the sky, and the pressure on his body increased suddenly, and he even had the urge to bend over!

He was terrified in his heart, his whole body was filled with true energy, and he was constantly running his magic skills to resist this extremely powerful coercion.

Ping Xin stood where she was, but her shoulders trembled slightly.

Where the sky is missing, those eyes look down on all living beings, their eyes are indifferent, lonely, absolutely cold, and ruthless.

This is not a pair of eyes.

It's Dao's eyes!

The avenue is invisible, the avenue is ruthless, and the avenue has no name!

The Dao is not benevolent, and treats everything as a straw dog.

Just being watched by these eyes, the hearts of the immortals have been devoured by panic.

As if this is something more frightening than death.

Even Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian couldn't dispel the fear in his heart at this moment. He wanted to lie on the ground and stick his face in the dust to show his surrender.

Zi Shou trembled slightly, but not from fear.He took a deep breath, looked into those eyes resolutely, and said, "Are you the Primordial Daoist?"

There was no tremor in his voice.

"In the world of the Great Dao, there will always be abundance. Birth and death are connected, which is called balance."

Those eyes gradually disappeared, but a tall figure slowly walked out from where Lie Que was.

Wearing a black golden crow robe, he suddenly felt like the emperor of all ages. This person walked out slowly, giving people an extremely strange feeling!

He obviously appeared in the current time and space, but he seemed to exist in another higher dimension of time and space. This sense of dislocation and contradiction made people feel hair tingling and cold sweat.

Even if they have never seen this person before, everyone knows who this person is at this moment.

The supreme god of the world of mountains and seas—the Hunyuan Daoist!

"Everything in the world has life and death, like a flower. When it blooms, it will fall. The immortal saint is against the Dao. Since you are a ninth-rank saint in this world, you are my first target to eradicate."

His tone was calm, his voice was cold, without any emotion: "Di Xin, Dang Yun."

When he said the word "Dangyun", Zishou felt that his whole body was locked by murderous intent, and the vitality in his body was disappearing rapidly, like a flower that withered in an instant.

It is clear that Hunyuan Daoist has not yet sacrificed the spirit treasure and took out the weapon, but just this sentence is the most powerful weapon!

"Words follow the law..." A word flashed in Zishou's mind. This is a very high state. A word is accompanied by a powerful law, forcibly changing things in the world.

Anyone can use it in the saint stage, but the degree of power depends on the strength of the caster saint.

And Zishou soon discovered that the words of the Hunyuan Daoist could not be reversed, the disappearance of the body's vitality could not be changed, and the dimming of the soul could not be stopped.

"I am an immortal body, and I can break through ten thousand ways!" Zishou shouted, and the long sword in his hand appeared, and he slashed at the Hunyuan Taoist master.

The sword was radiant, broke through time and space, and slashed straight at the Hunyuan Taoist.

Daoist Hunyuan's body flickered, but this sword had no effect on him.

Empress Pingxin flew out, grabbed it with her right palm, and the gate of ghosts rushed out from the clouds and fell towards Daoist Hunyuan.

Hunyuan Daoist flashed sideways, still with his hands behind his back, and said coldly: "The prehistoric world is not a day of destruction, but today is an exception."

Without opening his hand, there was a violent thunder crashing on the western land in the outer sky.

Kuang Lei's speed was already unimaginable, and he fell with just one thought.

In an instant, half of the western land was smashed to pieces.

I don't know how many creatures were smashed to pieces in an instant by this blow, and their souls were scattered.

Zishou's eyes widened, and he rushed towards Daoist Hunyuan, holding the sky with his right hand, and shouted: "Zhuxian Sword Formation!"

As the situation changed, lead clouds gathered in the sky, and dense sword shadows quickly formed, with the tip of the sword aimed at Daoist Hunyuan.

Immediately, the sword shadows shot together, and shot at the Hunyuan Taoist with a whizzing sound.

Daoist Hunyuan looked up at Jianying, and said calmly, "That's all."

With a flip of his right hand, the huge sleeve of his robe was rolled up, unexpectedly putting all the sword shadows into his wrist.

Immediately, he took a step forward, came to Zishou's body, and pushed out his left palm.

Zishou felt severe pain in his chest, and a mouthful of blood spewed out wildly. He fell backwards, directly smashed through the double sky, and fell heavily on the critical giant pillar.

Pingxin wanted to rescue her, but Daoist Hunyuan had already taken two steps towards her and slapped her casually.

With a cry of pain, Ping Xin felt a palm in his lower abdomen, his soul was in severe pain, and he retreated continuously.

Yin Jiao saw that as soon as they met, Zi Shou and Ping Xin, the two ninth-rank saints were injured one after another at the hands of Taoist Hunyuan, and his heart was filled with horror.

Even the two of them were invincible in the face of Hunyuan Daoist, who can save Honghuang?

In Biyou Palace, the long sword on Yun Zhongzi's chest was gradually drawn out, and the aura around him also recovered quickly, and a trace of vitality was injected into his body again.

The sky is the limit.

A golden crow's fire is getting brighter and brighter under the darkness, the temperature is getting hotter and hotter, and the darkness is actually diminishing.


Seeing that Hunyuan Daoist was approaching gradually, the indifference in his eyes was clearly visible, Zishou took a deep breath, and took out the Chaos Clock from his bosom.

Suddenly, I heard the voice of Master Tongtian: "I'm ready, should I just destroy the prehistoric world?"

But I saw a black robed man walking out from the left side, with Qingping on his waist, his face was indifferent, who is it not the leader of Tongtian sect?

Hunyuan Daoist nodded slightly, and said: "This person is a nine-turn saint and our great enemy. If he is killed, the Yuanshen will be demoted to the Thousand Corpse God Cave and sealed forever."

"Yes." Master Tongtian slowly approached Zishou two steps, and said solemnly: "Di Xin, I will give you a ride!"

As soon as the ending sound stopped, Qingping was out of the sheath in his hand, a cold light flashed sharply, and he stabbed back suddenly, pointing directly at Daoist Hunyuan.

This sword came faster than the lightning, silent and invisible, like a dream, like a fairy, the sword energy completely disappeared, but it was the ultimate kill of Tongtian.

Although Hunyuan Dao's main cultivation base is high, he still got hit when he was completely unprepared.

His figure retreated, but his chest was still wounded by the sword energy, and a blood hole that was difficult to heal appeared in an instant.

This blow was beyond everyone's expectations. Who would have thought that Master Tongtian would stab out this sword, and it would even stab the Taoist Master Hunyuan who had been walking in the garden!

When Daoist Hunyuan stepped back, Master Tongtian couldn't stop following, and Qingping sword rushed away.

His swordsmanship is powerful, like thunder, every sword is mixed with the power of a saint, and in an instant, he forced Taoist Hunyuan to retreat step by step.

Zishou saw the master of Tongtian sect's swordsmanship wide open and wide, the momentum is majestic, the sword energy is shocking, it is many times stronger than before.

Although he was puzzled by the sudden help of Master Tongtian, Zishou knew that the opportunity was rare, so he jumped up and fought out with his sword.

The shadow of the sword circled, and the intent of the sword was vertical and horizontal. Faced with the combination of the two, the Hunyuan Taoist retreated again and again, as if it was difficult to parry.

Suddenly, Hunyuan Daoist's figure flickered, and he struck sideways with both palms, piercing through the shadow of the sword, and with a bang, Tongtian was hit in the chest.

But Zishou's long sword also directly pierced into the shoulder of Hunyuan Daoist.

Hunyuan Daoist stepped back, and Empress Pingxin rushed up behind her, grabbing the ghost gate and smashing her head and face.


Hunyuan Daoist kicked out, kicking the gate of hell to the side, and then retreated like a phantom, jumped up high, and stood in the void.

He stretched out his hand to touch the wound on his chest, frowned slightly, and said, "This is the worst wound I have suffered in my life, but I have underestimated you all. Tongtian, your swordsmanship is so perfect, it really makes you feel so good." I did not expect that."

Tongtian Jiaozhu said: "Your cultivation base is so deep, the three of us teamed up are not your opponents, it's just your carelessness."

He looked at Zishou and said, "I saw me just now, but you didn't do anything to me, did you already notice it?"

The son was so distressed: "After all, you are my gay friend, even if you are a different person, I am not willing to do anything to you."

Master Tongtian laughed dumbfoundedly.gay friend?What is that?

Pingxin looked at Tongtian with a little more vigilance.

Taoist Hunyuan said lightly: "If you keep lurking, I may not be able to find out that you are still a saint."

Master Tongtian shook his head and said, "We may not win today's battle, but we can't see you destroying this world. Even if you want to change to a new world, you can't help it."

"Master Hunyuan, Yun Zhongzi came to ask you for advice!"

At this moment, a voice came from the lower realm, and a person was seen coming from the sky, wearing a Taoist robe, who was it not Yun Zhongzi?

"...Interesting." Hunyuan Daoist said with a light smile, "So you let Yun Zhongzi go that day, and what method did you use to hide it from me?"

Master Tongtian said frankly: "I did seal him, but the seal was not stable. After a long time, he will come out."

"Hmph, even if you four saints, how can you stop me from destroying the world!"

Hunyuan Daoist said coldly, his voice was still calm, but his eyes were a little more angry.

Master Tongtian said: "I have been lurking until now to wait for the two of them to leave the customs. Four people destroyed the Zhuxian Formation, and the power cannot be compared with one person. Now all four of them are here. Zishou, let's set up Zhuxian!"

Zishou's heart moved, he raised his head to the sky and shouted loudly, "Xianxian Sword Formation!"

Stretch to grasp the sky and reunite in the Zhuxian Formation!


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