Zishou stretched out his hand, and spit out all the sixteen congenital swords in his lung orifice, the sword trembled, and the sword intent was born!

A thunderous thunder suddenly exploded in the sky, and then a series of sword shadows emerged, aiming at the ground densely.

The Master Tongtian said loudly: "There are four rows of Zhuxian sword formations, yellow mist, strong wind, thunder and fire. If you are robbed, the yellow crown will be robbed, and the Taoist priests who fell into the hall will be buried. There are swallowing bones in the light of the sword, and the talisman does not bother to spit out black haze. The sword The formation is unrivaled, if the time is right, he will be so obedient...Change to Zhuxian!"

With a wave of his hand, the surrounding world suddenly changed, and rocks and soil gushed out from all directions, instantly turning into a large formation like a city.

This earth city was formed in an instant, which is thousands of times better than spreading beans into soldiers. It can be said that Zhu Xian's killing array came out, the cold wind was blowing, and the auspicious light enveloped the bucket handles, and murderous aura penetrated the Lingtai one after another.

And the sword cloud in the sky responded accordingly, and reflected it instantly, as if the sky and the earth had collapsed.

At this moment, the killing intent in the formation was more than a hundred times stronger than what Zi Shou used before.

Master Tongtian said: "Hang the sword of killing immortals on the east, Zishou enters the gate of killing immortals, hangs the sword of killing immortals on the south, Yun Zhongzi enters the gate of killing immortals, hangs the sword of trapping on the west, hangs the sword of trapping on the west, enters the gate of trapping with peace of mind, and hangs the sword of immortals on the north. A mouthful of the Absolute Immortal Sword, let me guard it."

Zi Shou Yiyan stretched out his hand and made a move, and Zhu Xian's four swords rushed out suddenly, rushing towards the four gates respectively, and hanging on the gates.

As soon as the four swords of Zhu Xian were hung on the door, there were doors and households in front of and behind the formation in an instant, with a murderous aura and a sinister wind.

"It's not enough, Kunwu Eight Swords!" Zishou shouted, covering the sun, breaking the water, turning the soul, hanging the sword, startling the salamander, destroying the soul, and quenching the evil. In the middle, the murderous intent is even worse!

The eight qi are eight changes, and the eight changes are benefit, decline, destruction, reputation, praise, ridicule, bitterness, and happiness.

After the eight qi merged into the Zhuxian Sword Formation, the murderous intent disappeared in the formation, but I don't know how many times more dangerous!

Daoist Hunyuan stood in the formation, looked at him coldly, and said, "Interesting, are you using the Zhuxian formation to deal with me? At the beginning of Hunyuan, I was judged to be honored. This Zhuxian formation can kill any Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, but it can't kill me." I."

Zishou said: "Then let's try." He stretched out his palm to grasp the sky, and the thunderbolt was released suddenly, with a loud sound, shaking the sword on the Zhuxian Gate.

With the movement of Zhuxian Sword, Ren Hunyuan Saint's head fell to the ground instantly.

With a flash of sword light, the head of Hunyuan Daoist fell off the dust in an instant.

However, at the next moment, his body turned into flying smoke and disappeared into the air. With a movement of the god, he appeared in front of Zi Shou. The cold light flashed suddenly, and a thin and narrow long sword suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand. Stab Zishou's chest.

The sword above the saint seemed simple and unremarkable, but when the stab came, Zishou found it difficult to dodge. As soon as he raised the long sword in his hand, he was stabbed in the chest.

"This is the sword of cause and effect. No one can hide from cause and effect, not even a saint can escape from cause and effect." Taoist Hunyuan said calmly, the long sword in his hand changed his moves, pointing directly at Zishou's vital points.

Zizi was blocked by the straight sword, and his heart sank more and more during the Yuezhan. Hunyuan Taoist master cultivation base is actually higher than him, even if he is carrying the Zhuxian formation, he can't breathe.

If there is no Immortal Execution Formation, he will be defeated in three moves, and sealed in ten moves!

At this moment, a black white crane and crimson gauze robe flashed, but it was the master of Tongtian sect holding a long sword to help out.

At the gate of Juexian, thunder flickered, and the sword intent of Juexian slashed towards Daoist Hunyuan.


With a loud noise, Hunyuan Daoist was chopped into two pieces.

However, at the next moment, the body of Hunyuan Taoist turned into nothingness, and another Hunyuan Taoist stepped out from the left side of Tongtian Jiaozhu, and stabbed out with a long sword: "Tongtian, since you have not transformed into Dao, then today I will kill you!" life!"

With a scoff, Master Tongtian received a sword in his chest.

At the Immortal Killing Gate, Yun Zhongzi let out a clear whistle, shaking the Immortal Killing Sword, a flash of light flashed instantly, and the sword shadow slashed swiftly.

This sword shadow Hunyuan Daoist also failed to block, and was instantly smashed to pieces by the Immortal Killing Sword.

In the middle of a pile of minced meat, another Daoist Hunyuan came out, sneered and said, "Nine-turn saints are nothing more than my disciples, so what are you?"

He took a step towards Yun Zhongzi, stabbing out with the sword in his hand.

Yun Zhongzi hastily swung the Slaying Immortal Sword with the intention of slashing, and Zheng Xishang Pingxin also urged the Immortal Trapping Sword to help Yun Zhongzi.

Thunder and wind howl in all directions in this Immortal Execution Formation, lightning flashes, and Xia Qi faints. The thunder was intense and shook the mountains and rivers.The sun and the moon are confused, and the sky and the earth are covered.

Among them, the wind of the second qi turned into wind, stirred up the waves of the river, and the thunder of the second qi turned into thunder, which shook the entire formation to crack and landslide. The remaining bitterness and joy turn into rain, and the three thousand bitternesses disappear from the world.

After the eight qi appeared, the four elephants also appeared, pushing mountains and turning stones and pines and bamboos down, majestic and shocking, flying sky shining wild golden snakes walking, disappearing and long covering nine layers.

During this decisive battle, Hunyuan Daoist's face remained unchanged, and he strolled through it like a leisurely stroll, and the long sword in his hand was drawn at will, resisting all kinds of killing moves in the formation.

In a short while, Zishou, Tongtian, Pingxin, and Yun Zhongzi were all wounded. This kind of injury is not only an injury on the body, but also an injury on the soul, which is difficult to heal.

The more anxious Zishou Yuezhan felt, the Zhuxian Sword Formation at this time was far more powerful than every previous Zhuxian Formation, even against the ancestor Hongjun, he was sure to severely injure and seal it!

But not to mention severely injuring Hunyuan Daoist, the four of them joined forces but failed to leave a little injury on Hunyuan Daoist.

If Master Tongtian hadn't caught Daoist Hunyuan by surprise before, he wouldn't even have been injured at all from the beginning to the end.

Suddenly, Daoist Hunyuan stepped forward quickly, pointed his long sword straight at Tongtian, and said: "If your Zhuxian Sword Formation is nothing more than this, then it should be over."

Master Tongtian saw him approaching in an instant, but his body was like a bubble, as if standing on another time and space, he couldn't help being frightened, and hurriedly swung his sword out.

The two long swords pointed at each other, and blood splashed out little by little, turning into plum blossoms.

Master Tongtian moved and jumped. Although he tried his best to parry, he was not as good as Daoist Hunyuan. Suddenly, the sword light flashed, Master Tongtian screamed, and Daoist Hunyuan chopped off half of his body from his right shoulder to his belly!

The primordial spirit of the leader of Tongtian Sect was separated from the body, and it was split in two, causing his entire face to contort in pain.

Zishou knew that if he continued to fight, he would lose but not win, so he shouted, "Jujian!"

The sword shadows reunited in the sky above the sword array, eight qi were injected into it, and then they shot down like flying arrows!

Such densely packed ten thousand swords coming down together, the power is really astonishing.

Hunyuan Daoist changed a little, but only a little, stretched out his hand, and a phantom of a three-legged golden crow appeared on his body, and then scattered away, suddenly appeared in front of Zishou, slapped out with a palm, Zishou He flew upside down, spurting blood wildly.

He raised his head, only to see Hunyuan Daoist's body flashing, sword pointing at Pingxin, Yun Zhongzi, just between the rabbit's ups and downs, the two of them were wounded by the sword and retreated one after another.

Zishou gritted his teeth, thinking hard about a plan to defeat the enemy, but the Hunyuan Taoist master is too much stronger than them, so how can any strategy be able to deal with him?

"You are not from this world, you are the soul of another world." At this moment, Hunyuan Taoist walked towards him slowly and said: "I have not found that world, maybe there are no gods, maybe the gods are powerful To be able to hide that world into nothingness and avoid the coming of immeasurable calamity."

He paused and said, "There are only three worlds that I haven't destroyed so far, and the prehistoric world will be wiped out soon. Come and become a part of the Dao, and bring calamity to that world for me!"

Seeing Taoist Hunyuan approaching him slowly, with a calm face and stretching out his right palm, Zi Shou sighed in his heart. He was on the verge of using his ultimate move, but he still couldn't deal with Taoist Hunyuan...

At this moment, only a sigh was heard, and a white-haired old man came to Hunyuan Taoist and said, "Taoist."

Zishou looked up and saw that it was Laozi Taiqing.

Master Hunyuan's gaze moved slightly, and he suddenly said, "Have you decided yet?"

Taiqing Laozi said: "Whether the world is destroyed or not, whether it is eternal or not, has nothing to do with us, even if you are the incarnation of the Dao..."

Daoist Hunyuan looked at him, his expression unchanged, and said, "Doing nothing, is this what you think? Hmph, so you think I'm wrong?"

"After all, someone has to try to go another way. I don't want to disobey the Dao, but after all, someone has to go another way." Laozi walked slowly to Zishou's side.

This made Zishou's heart move, Taiqing Laozi...is not in the same heart as Hunyuan Daoist!

No matter which prehistoric old man he is, he sticks to his own opinion—do nothing!

But Hunyuan Daoist's approach is simply extraordinary, so Lao Tzu rebelled!

"Have you decided?" Even if Master Tongtian betrayed him, Daoist Hunyuan only had a little anger, but when Lao Tzu changed his camp, there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"Maybe Donghuang Taiyi is the Dao, but you are definitely not." Lao Tzu sighed.

"Hehe..." Daoist Hunyuan smiled instead of anger, and his eyes became more stubborn: "In this case, let's rely on our own strength!"

Lao Tzu said, "Can you give me some time?"

Daoist Hunyuan put his hands behind his back and said calmly: "I will allow you an hour, but I would like to see what schemes you have against me."

Lao Tzu looked at Tzu Shou and said, "You and I go to the world of primordial enlightenment."

Seeing Zishou's hesitation, he said lightly: "The Hunyuan Daoist is the Dao, and his strength surpasses ours by many times. Even if the primordial world is hidden, he can destroy it."

Zishou reached out to open the gate of Hongmeng, and walked in side by side with Laozi.

Lao Tzu came to the golden palace and said: "Da Dao cannot be killed, only Da Dao can be used against Dao. Otherwise, no matter how many nine-turn saints there are, they will not be his opponents."

Only magic can deal with magic?Zishou couldn't help thinking of the words of an old man, shook his head, and said, "The Great Way? I'm too far away from the Great Way."

Lao Tzu said: "That's right, you are too far away from the Dao. If you want to prove the Dao, you have to kill all three corpses, combine the power of all living beings, mix ten thousand people into one, and then set up the perfect Zhuxian Sword Formation! Only then can you become the incarnation of the Dao!"

Zishou narrowed his eyes: "Perfect Zhuxian sword formation? How do you know there is such a formation? Who told you?"

He stared at Lao Tzu closely.

Lao Tzu turned around slowly and said, "I brought you something to chop off the dead body for you!"

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