Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 728 Perfect Zhuxian Sword Formation

"The time has come." Hunyuan Taoist stood up slowly, raised his right palm, and the dark thunder flashed under his palm.

Pingxin, Tongtian, Yun Zhongzi, etc. were all watching Hunyuan Daoist closely, with true energy surging in their bodies, ready to fight to the death.

"This world will be destroyed..." Daoist Hunyuan took a step forward, and the thunder and lightning under his palm trembled like a silver snake.

Master Tongtian said: "Zi Shou must have reached a critical moment, let's stop him for a quarter of an hour!"

As soon as the words fell, he had already raised his sword and slashed at Daoist Hunyuan.

Daoist Hunyuan waved his right palm, and amid the flashes of thunder, only a long and miserable cry was heard from Master Tongtian, and Qingping flew out of his hand, and then Yuanshen was smashed to pieces by this terrifying thunder!

Hunyuan Daoist was interested in fighting with them at the beginning, but now he no longer has that leisurely mind, and making a move is a unique move.

But seeing the thunderous thunder and the sad and beautiful light of the thunder, the primordial spirit of the Master Tongtian turned into a spot of light and scattered away in all directions.

With one palm, destroy the sky!

Hunyuan Daoist took another step forward, and the second palm had already been swung, Yun Zhongzi stretched out his arms to resist, his body was in severe pain, and then he saw the terrifying flames turning into a sea of ​​flames, devouring him.

He was even weaker than Tongtian, and he didn't even have a chance to yell and curse, so he was completely burned by the Golden Crow Divine Fire.

Master Hunyuan took another step towards Pingxin, and also swung his palm.

Seeing the sky with peace, Yun Zhongzi fell one after another, knowing that he is not the opponent of Hunyuan Daoist at all, this palm may not be able to catch it.

But at this time, there is no other way but to meet this palm!

She gritted her silver teeth, stretched her hand forward, and tried her best to resist!


A loud bang!

It made my ears buzz.

Ping Xin couldn't feel the pain for a long time, and when she looked up, she saw a tall figure appearing in front of her.

Only one voice said: "Master Taoist, you can break through the Zhuxian Sword Formation, but you may not be able to break through this great formation!"

Hearing this voice, Pingxin breathed a sigh of relief, looked intently, and saw the void was torn apart, and a person appeared in front of him, wearing a long black robe, it wasn't Zishou who it was!

Hunyuan Daoist said: "Try it and you will know."

Zishou stretched out his hand to hold it, and shouted: "Zhuxian Sword Formation, reunion!"

In an instant, the whole world was violently swayed by a strong wind, dark clouds covered the sky, and all the soil gates in the formation were reorganized.

A thunderbolt suddenly exploded, shaking the surrounding fields, and a red cloud flowed from the big formation, filling and blinding the field.

The four swords of Zhu Xian and the eight swords of Kunwu all fell into the formation and became part of the big formation.

"But that's all." Hunyuan Daoist said lightly, took a step towards Zishou, and instantly locked Zishou with endless murderous intent.

These murderous intentions were invisible, but instantly split the place where Zishou was standing into pieces!




Fragments of time and space splashed out, and Ping Xin raised his arms to block it, but his clothes were cut torn, and his snow-white skin was covered with slender wounds.

However, the sub-shou in the cracked sky was not damaged at all, and the rainbow light on his body flowed freely.

"Naturally not enough... Three corpses enter the battle!"

Zishou let out a low shout, and the three flowers on the top of his head shot out three rainbow lights, which shot in three directions.

"I am a madman from Chu, Feng Ge laughs at Kong Qiu! Holding a green jade stick, I look away from the Yellow Crane Tower. Hahahahaha! But how about Hunyuan Taoist, how can you take a shot from me?"

There was a burst of wild laughter coming from Zhuxian Gate in the east, and then a man came striding forward, wearing a nine-cloud crown, wearing a taixuan white crane crimson gauze robe, holding a spear in his hand.Arrogant, domineering and arrogant, who is it but Li Fengge?

Daoist Hunyuan said: "The clone of the evil corpse, hmph, it's interesting."

Immediately afterwards, there was a long sigh from Zhengnan Slaughtering Immortal Gate, and then only a slightly desolate voice was heard: "Sword Qi spans [-] miles, and a sword's light chills nineteen continents... Daoist, Chu Jiangyue Come and learn the tricks!"

Taoist Hunyuan turned around, and saw that the person who came was a middle-aged man in his thirties, wearing a Ruyi crown, wearing Shengxue's white clothes, and holding a long sword.

"The avatar of the good corpse, rank nine, is not too bad." Although the master Hunyuan was surprised at the strength of the two corpses of the good corpse, he was not panicked.

No matter how many Nine Revolutions came, it was nothing to him.


Suddenly, two bells rang from the Juexian Gate in the north, and then a rather old voice said: "There is no way to escape from the Lingtai, and the storm is like a rock, and the homeland is dark. I wish Han Xingquan didn't notice, and I recommend it with my blood." Xuanyuan. Taoist, if you want to destroy the prehistoric world, you are against the Dao. I would like to exchange my blood for a peaceful world."

This person wears a crown of nine heavens, a purple robe with eight treasures and longevity, and holds a chaotic clock in his hand. He looks like Zishou, but he has aged two to thirty years, and looks like a man of five or sixty years old.

It was none other than Ji Wenxiao who had just been beheaded.

Seeing Ji Wenxiao, Taoist Master Hunyuan finally showed some emotion on his face, and said, "I am obsessed with good and evil, young and old, your three corpses really surprised me. I, is this your method?"

Lao Tzu Taiqing appeared beside him and said: "This formation is not enough to deal with the Taoist Lord. Your Zhuxian formation is not composed of sixteen swords. I gathered these 36 swords to help you form the formation!"

With a wave of his hand, he flew out a mouthful of long swords from the robe, and threw them all into the formation.

36 As soon as the sword entered the Zhuxian formation, the entire formation seemed to come alive in an instant.

Hunyuan Daoist was indifferent and let the changes in Zhuxian Formation.

He was so strong that he could ignore everything, and he didn't even want to interfere with Zishou's formation.

Zishou stood on the gossip platform and said: "The famous sword in the world, listen to my call!"

Suddenly he looked up to the sky and shouted: "The sword is here!!!"

Shouting like thunder, in an instant, the famous swords all over Honghuang shook one after another!

The famous sword Tai'a came through the sky, flew to the Zhuxian formation, and joined the sword formation,

There is a Nanshan dragon who incarnates as Chixiao, flies away, and also enters the sword array,

Kunpeng jumped up from the bottom of the sea, spit out the sword of fish intestines from his mouth, turned into a flame, and fell into the Zhuxian formation,

A thousand years ago, the Chijin Mountain broke through and released a sword, which turned into golden light and rushed into the sky, but it was a pure Jun sword.

When Helu's tomb was broken, a sword flew up into the sky and turned into a sword of victory over evil.

In the void, Master Tongtian's hidden primordial spirit slowly awakened, but at this moment, a divine thought came out: "Qingping, go!"

Suddenly, the Qingping Sword turned into a green light, rushed to the sky, and threw herself into the Zhuxian formation...

A mouthful of Xiantian swords flew from all directions, all of which fell into the formation, forming a key part of this great formation.

And when the last Ziqing sword was lined up in the formation, the 81 long swords were all there.

In an instant, the Zhuxian Sword Formation erupted with an unprecedented aura of killing, destroying, exterminating, and revolutionizing!

Zishou stood on the gossip platform, his eyes didn't fluctuate. He looked at the changes in the sword array, stretched out his hand, and the 81 long swords shook together, and the chill of the sword had reached its peak!

He slowly stretched out his right palm, raised his hand to the sky, and shouted: "Sword Formation of Immortal Execution! Destroyer Saint!"


The sword energy is like mountains and seas, like waves, like sky collapsing, like earth cracking...

Sword intent destroys the world, kills immortals, destroys gods, kills saints...

All of them cut towards the Hunyuan Daoist!


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