Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 729 Standing on the ground again, in exchange for the primordial world

The Zhuxian Sword Formation covers almost half of the prehistoric world. The formation is like a cloud, steaming, or burning. The sword energy turns into countless swords, halberds and spears, wrapping the entire formation like an iron barrel, from east to west, north to south, , just like a copper wall.The golden light is brilliant, blinding the sky and covering the sun and the moon, the yellow mist is rising, and the fans are shaking the mountains and rivers.

When that sword qi struck, the Primordial Daoist was cut into pieces!

However, at the next moment, another Hunyuan Taoist appeared from the formation.

Li Fengge let out a long laugh, and came forward with a spear in his hand, like a yellow dragon, sweeping away the Hunyuan Taoist.

Daoist Hunyuan stood in the formation, slapped his palm obliquely, thunder surged under his palm, when Li Fengge parried a palm, he felt a sharp pain in his palm, his whole body was numb, and he hurriedly backed away.

Chu Jiangyue sighed softly, and slashed out with the long sword, the sword energy spanning [-] miles!The landslides and the ground cracked in the big formation.

Hunyuan Taoist dodged sideways and rushed towards Chu Jiangyue.

At this time, Ji Wenxiao sacrificed the Chaos Clock and slammed it at the Primordial Daoist.

A cold light flashed in Hunyuan Daoist's hand, and a long sword was in his hand, and he resisted the Chaos Clock upwards.

In the midst of the formation, Zishou stretched out his palm and pressed it, shouting: "Zhu Xian!"

Lead clouds and sword intent gathered wildly in the air, shooting towards Daoist Hunyuan densely.

As soon as Hunyuan Daoist blocked the attack of the three corpses, his body was hit with several swords, the jasper crown on his head was also knocked off, and his hair fell down immediately.

A look of shock and anger gradually appeared on his face, and he said in a cold voice: "Even if you have proved the Dao, you will not be able to subdue me!" With his hands shaking outwards, the real energy in his whole body exploded, and countless sword shadows flew out wildly.

Suddenly, he rushed to Li Fengge and slapped his right palm.

Li Fengge mobilized the Immortal Executioner Sword to chop off at the head of Taoist Hunyuan.

Hunyuan Daoist didn't dodge or dodge, he grabbed Li Fengge's arms directly, and struck out with a palm, Li Fengge spurted blood violently, and flew out wildly.

At the same time, the Sword of Immortal Execution cut down and cut the Hunyuan Daoist in half.

Hunyuan Daoist's two bodies quickly grew together, and said coldly: "What a powerful sword array, it can hurt me, but it can't kill me!"

I didn't see how he moved, and he came to Zishou in an instant, and slapped his left palm from bottom to top.

Zishou opened his eyes angrily, golden light flashed in his eyes, and the sword light slashed!

Daoist Hunyuan was cut to pieces immediately, but the next moment, he reunited and returned to his original state, rushing towards him again.

Ji Wenxiao said loudly: "Master Hunyuan, the Chaos Clock is here!"

The chaotic clock was under the top cover, and the Hunyuan Taoist was pressed in the bell, and the energy of chaos was refined towards him in an instant.

With a sneer on the corner of Primordial Taoist Master's mouth, he flew straight out, bumped his head against the Chaos Clock, and sent it flying wildly!

The sword qi of the four towers shook together, and countless sword qi suddenly fell towards Daoist Hunyuan.

Daoist Hunyuan gave birth to a lotus flower, holding his sword blossoming, and Li Fengge made a comeback with a spear in his hand. Daoist Hunyuan swung his sword to block.

Ji Wenxiao shook her body and yelled, "The indestructible demon body, now!"

His body suddenly swelled and turned into a height of more than a hundred feet. He stretched out 81 magic hands and sixteen heads grew out. With one move from each magic hand, he grabbed a long innate sword and slashed towards Daoist Hunyuan.

As soon as Hunyuan Daoist blocked Chu Jiangyue's long swordsman, he faced Ji Wenxiao's demon body, ignorant and angry in his heart, and waved his hands to resist it.

At this moment, Lao Tzu Taiqing watched from a distance, suddenly sighed softly, swung his right hand, and a crutch came out through the air, towards the back of Taoist Hunyuan.

Daoist Hunyuan spat out a mouthful of blood when he was hit by this flat crutch, he stared coldly, and shouted: "Li Er! Execute!"

A force that is stronger than a saint suddenly surged out, it was a terrifying force at the Dao level, and this force suddenly swept across Lao Tzu.

With a slight smile on my face, my body turned into countless light spots under the destruction of that Dao-level power.

However, as soon as Taoist Hunyuan killed Lao Tzu, Zi Shou pressed down with his palm, and the killing sword was like a thousand arrows, and Taoist Hunyuan was shot with swords all over his body.

Pain is just one thing, Hunyuan Daoist only felt that many negative emotions flooded into his heart, despair, fear, anger, sadness, and pain actually invaded his heart.

Originally, his heart was like a mirror, free from waves and dust, but now his heart is full of all kinds of negative emotions.

"Get out!" Daoist Hunyuan yelled suddenly, turning his negative emotions into a ball, and all of them robbed Zishou with the power of sound waves.

At this moment, Ji Wenxiao sacrificed the Chaos Clock and slammed the head of Daoist Hunyuan. Daoist Hunyuan staggered a few steps, and swallowed his desperate breath back into his stomach.

The sword light in the formation was like numbness, the thunder was urgent, and there were all kinds of desperate energy. Suddenly, Hunyuan Taoist body turned sharply, and in an instant, he attacked Li Fengge, Chu Jiangyue, and Ji Wenxiao. palm.

The three of them couldn't resist, they hit palms one after another, Li Fengge was struck by lightning, Chu Jiangyue was burned by fire, and Ji Wenxiao's whole body melted into water. In an instant, the bodies of the three turned into ashes, and three souls flashed out.

Zishou stood in the middle of the big formation, with a serious face, thinking: "Now I am also Dao level, not inferior to the original Lei Ze, but it is difficult to match the Hunyuan Daoist. Although he is trapped by the perfect Zhuxian sword formation , but after a long time, it is inevitable to lose, what should I do?"

Hunyuan Daoist rushed towards Zishou, and said sharply: "Ignorant child, you will kill yourself!"

Zishou stretched out his palm and pointed, and the sword array was activated to trap him, and at the same time, the ghost fire burned, locking the path of Taoist Hunyuan.

Pingxin stretched out his palm to grab it, and smashed the gate of hell towards Master Hunyuan.

In the shadow of the sword, in the fire, and in the attack of Pingxin, Daoist Hunyuan didn't panic, and quickly dodged back.

"What should I do?" Zi Shou frowned, now that killing moves are frequent, but they can't kill Hunyuan Taoist, if this continues, he will die.

While he was thinking, Hunyuan Dao advocated exhaling, and his Dao Qi was like a knife, directly cutting Pingxin into ashes.

Zishou's eyes widened, and anger welled up in his heart, "Ping Xin..."

At this moment, a voice sounded from the ear: "Expell the compass of the heavens, and then set up the water, fire and wind on the ground, and destroy the prehistoric and the Taoist together!"

Zi was startled: "What?"

The man's voice was indifferent: "If you destroy the prehistoric world, there will still be the Primordial Realm, and the human race may not have a future. If he destroys the prehistoric world, the Primordial Realm will also be destroyed! All living things will completely disappear."

Zishou was stunned for a moment, but before he could hesitate, Daoist Hunyuan had already broken through two layers of sword formations and attacked him violently.

"Left and right, if you don't do one thing, you don't stop doing it, and if you don't stop, let's change to a new world!" The man said coldly.

Zishou said: "Qingyan, what will happen to them if they change to a new world?"

The voice said: "If you take it into the Primordial Realm, you will be safe, and outside the Primordial Realm, you will be destroyed together."

Zishou said: "That's right, if that's the case, then let's stand on the ground again..."

He suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed, and the compass of the heavens was raised, and at the same time, the three corpses carried the Hongmeng Realm and shot towards three directions.

"Earth, water, fire, and wind, destroy the world!"

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