All three corpses have only their soul bodies left, and each corpse is heading in one direction.

Shanshi Chu Jiangyue arrived at the top of Chaoge City, and shouted loudly: "The emperor will stand on the ground again, change to a new world, and the common people and immortals will follow me into Hongmeng!"

The Hongmeng Realm unfolded behind him.

All the immortals on the Immortal List saw thunder and lightning in the sky, howling winds, and a scene of the end of the world. They all knew that something was wrong, and immediately flew towards the Hongmeng Realm.

"Longji, offer sacrifices to Lingbao and send the common people to the Hongmeng Realm!" Deng Chanyu shouted loudly.

The evil corpse Li Fengge flew all the way to the Huoyun Cave, and said: "Three Emperors, bring the Huoyun Cave to heaven and enter Hongmeng, the emperor will stand on the ground again, and change to a new world!"

The three emperors looked at each other in amazement.

Li Fengge didn't have time to say more, and with a wave of his hand, he directly enveloped them in the Primordial Realm.

When the corpse was carried to the 33rd world, there was no time to say, and the fleeing creatures were quickly taken away.

In the Zhuxian Sword Formation, Hunyuan Daoist broke through the formation all the way, and the distance of five feet was already beyond his reach. After breaking through another layer of sword formation, he killed Zishou.

Zishou's eyes were fixed on the compass of the heavens, his hands moved away from the earth, water, fire and wind, and the Zhuxian sword formation spread outward, quickly covering the entire prehistoric region.

"Taoist, if you want to destroy the flood, then destroy it with the flood!"

He suddenly reached out and patted the compass of the heavens, the compass shook, and a layer of mysterious light waves spread out, spreading to the entire Great Desolation in an instant, and then, the Great Desolation was trembling violently, and suddenly exploded!

At this moment, the entire world completely lost its sound, and a ray of light that brightened the universe suddenly exploded!

During the explosion, no creature could escape!

Even if it is Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, it is difficult to escape from this explosion range!

Zishou was in the midst of the explosion, but his eyes were not blinded by the blazing light. He looked at the light waves of the explosion, but countless knowledge flashed through his mind quickly:

"Tao gave birth to one, one gave birth to two, two gave birth to three, and three gave birth to all things... Scholars in previous lives put forward the hypothesis of the Big Bang. The dense and hot singularity formed the universe after the Big Bang. Atoms, nuclei, and molecules compounded into gas, and the gas condensed into nebulae The nebula turns into a galaxy, and the galaxy gives birth to creatures again... If the singularity is compared to the Dao, then after the Great Desolation is completely destroyed, there will be a new Great Desolation reborn, and this new Great Desolation is the Primordial Realm."

Hunyuan Daoist's body quickly turned into flying ash in the explosion, but his primordial spirit was not destroyed, and he flew towards Zishou, and said fiercely: "If you want to kill me, you will never survive! "

Although his primordial spirit was quickly burned to pieces in the blazing flames, it suddenly burst out with even stronger strength!

With the compass from all over the sky, Zishou had almost exhausted all his strength, and when he saw him rushing towards him, he couldn't dodge it!

At this moment, amidst the flames of the prehistoric explosion, a golden crow's cry came!

Immediately afterwards, a flying knife slashed at the Hunyuan Taoist from the depths of the explosion!

Immortal Slaying Flying Knife!

Do not!

It is no longer the Immortal Slayer Flying Knife!

It's the Holy Flying Knife!

This throwing knife has surpassed the grade, surpassed the limit!

This knife pierced through Daoist Hunyuan and the entire prehistoric world.

"Golden Crow..." Daoist Hunyuan trembled, but stopped abruptly. His face was full of disbelief, and his breathing was panting, as if he never expected that one day a flying knife would come to kill him!

"Lao Tzu, is this your last resort?"

The Primordial Spirit of the Hunyuan Daoist directly split in two, turning into countless stars and pouring out.

"The sage never dies, because the Dao of Heaven will retain his primordial spirit, and the Taoist master does not die, because he is the incarnation of the Dao, so he suppressed the Taoist master for hundreds of millions of years with great desolation!"

Zishou knew that the matter would not end here, the Taoist master would not die, even if he was cut off by the flying sword of the holy sword, he could be resurrected again, only by burying him in the wild can he be truly suppressed!

"The compass of the heavens, using the heavens as an abacus, points the mazes of the heavens, the sword array of killing immortals, with the swords as the main body, and transforms into a killing array, then the compass is broken as the foundation, and the sword array is broken as evil, the master of the road!"

Zi Shou took a deep breath, and the three corpse clones rushed towards him at this moment, directly crashing into the compass of the heavens!

At the same time, he slapped hard, and the Jiujiu 81 long sword flew upwards, and then fell down suddenly!


The compass of the heavens shattered suddenly, and the exploding Honghuang also formed a large formation at this time, imprisoning all the gods on the Honghuang, including Daoist Hunyuan!

Immediately afterwards, Jiujiu 81 long swords fell densely, nailing Hunyuan Daoist on the compass.

As the prehistoric world exploded completely, the most terrifying and blazing light appeared in the world!

Seeing this charming light, Zishou's body trembled.

At this time, a spirit flew towards him and said in horror: "Zi Shou, save me!"

Zishou took a closer look, but it was Xin Xijia.

Before she had time to enter the primordial world, her body had been destroyed, leaving only a broken soul.

Zishou waved his hand and pulled out the magic banner, opened his mouth, and said silently: "Go in..."

Xinshijia's soul hurriedly got into the magic banner.

In the violent explosion, the shattered Yuanshen of Hunyuan Daoist was crucified to death on this broken prehistoric planet with a long sword. Everything you hold dear will be destroyed!"


The last wave of explosions sounded, and the formation formed by the compass of the heavens was slowly retracted, and 81 long swords were nailed to it.

Zishou watched all this from above the chaos of Tianwaitian, and did not speak for a long time.

Suddenly, a burning man flew out of the blazing flames.

Zishou was shocked, and only said that the Taoist master was out of trouble.

Then the burning man quickly turned into Lu Ya's appearance, and said in a low voice: "The Great Desolation... is gone..."

Zishou said, "Yes, it's gone."

The two stood side by side, looking at this prehistoric universe, both were silent.

After a long time, Lu Ya opened his mouth to break the silence: "I intentionally kept me here, and gave me a chance to prove the Dao, and use me to kill the Taoist. Although I have not reached the Dao, fortunately, I succeeded."

Zishou came back to his senses slowly, and nodded. Being able to kill the Taoist master has a great relationship with Lao Tzu.

"Where's the prehistoric saint?" Lu Ya asked.

Zishou shook his head, "The prehistoric world is gone, who knows?"

Lu Ya was silent.

Looking at the emptiness of chaos, Zishou murmured: "When the prehistoric world is destroyed, the primordial world will be replaced...the primordial world will be the next new world..."

"where are you going?"

His last sentence was asking Lu Ya.

Lu Ya pointed to the flood that was still being burned by the fire: "Go back to the top and burn the big formation day and night, so as to ensure that the Taoist master will not have a chance to be resurrected."

He walked slowly towards the place where the flames were burning, then suddenly stopped and asked, "Where are you going?"

Zishou stretched out his right hand, looked down at his palm, and said, "I am already the Dao, the Dao of the Hongmeng Realm."

Lu Ya understood that he wanted to guard the old flood forever to prevent the revival of the Taoist master, while Zishou had to wait for the new Hongmeng.

He walked towards the old prehistoric world without looking back.

After being alone in the chaos for a long time, Zishou suddenly said, "I feel... I am no longer me."


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