The destruction of the prehistoric world brought peace to the Hongmeng Realm, all things were revived, the spirits were awakened, and the world was developing in a prosperous direction.

The heavenly sages in Hongmeng Realm will be resurrected slowly, while the heavenly saints in Honghuang Realm will be sealed under the Great Immortal Execution Formation together with Honghuang Realm.

The prehistoric world has been burning with flames all year round. In the flames, you can even see some weird bones. The bones are like living things. They grow every day, but they are burned by the flames every day.

In the depths of the Broken Primordial Desolation, the only one that is not sealed is the last Golden Crow in the world.

A golden crow guarding the broken wilderness.

Not long after the Great Desolation was shattered, the primordial world was stripped out by Zishou and placed in a corner of Chaos.

In the sky outside the Hongmeng Realm, Zishou sat in the chaos, watching everything in the Hongmeng Realm, and whispered: "My emotions seem to be disappearing..."

The avenue is ruthless!

He is already a Dao, and the emotions and desires of a human being are also disappearing.

These days, he already knew that one day, his emotions would be drained and turned into a real manifestation of the Dao.

Tongtian, Yun Zhongzi was sealed together with the Taoist master, and Pingxin became a saint through the underworld, rooted in the underworld, and after the flood was destroyed, she also did not resurrect, and seemed to be suppressed on the broken flood, Nuwa in another way The way exists, but can never return to the present world.

He was the only one left among the saints in the past.

"Old friends are gone, and my emotions are wearing down, and one day, I won't be me anymore."

Zishou said softly that he had no pain or fear in his heart.

He has no sorrow, no joy, no emotion and no thoughts.

He watched the creatures in the Primordial Realm, and never returned to those women.

Even though Deng Chanyu, Princess Longji, Tiannu Ba and others are still alive, he has no plans to reunite with them.

a year passed...

He sits in the midst of chaos, his body is invisible, but he is everywhere.

He saw the girls looking for him, but they didn't show up.

Ten years passed...

He saw that Yun Xiao gave birth to a son, named Yun Ming.

He counted with his fingers, and suddenly found that this child was actually his.

"So there was one of her back then? That's why when I went to Biyou Palace, Bixiao would act so disgusted with me, and she was already pregnant at that time." Zi Shou felt neither happy nor worried, as if he was looking at someone else.

20 years on...

The three emperors' lifespan is exhausted, and they are at stake.

With a flick of his finger, he returned the Dongtian Shenyun that he had taken back from Hongjun, so that the life of the Three Emperors could be extended for thousands of years.

A hundred years have passed...

A dynasty has already been established in Hongmeng Realm.

The girls still didn't give up looking for him, it's just that the primordial being is as big as the prehistoric, but where can you find it.

Thousands of years have passed...

In Hongmeng Realm, the capital is prosperous and the world is peaceful.

All his sons and daughters have been certified quasi-sages.

2000 years have passed,

Things in the world have changed beyond recognition, and the women no longer look for him. Some become monks, some live in Beihai, some establish religions, and some wait for him to return in the world.

Zishou still did not show up, and the year 2000 was but a blink of an eye to him.

After resetting the earth, water, fire and wind, and changing to a new world, most of the saints were sealed, except for Lu Ya, he was the only one who survived.

On this day, he felt lonely.

Although there are many people in Hongmeng, there is no one who can talk to him.

Those who could talk to him were either sealed or completely disappeared.

On this day, when his strength reached its peak, he realized that his memory was being lost.

Many things that were memorized are being forgotten.

Not only his memory, but his physical body is also disappearing.

"Am I about to become the incarnation of the Dao?"

Zishou muttered to himself.

"When this body is completely dissected and my soul is turned into a Dao, when it reappears, it will be in the form of an avatar."

Zishou knew that he was only half a step away from the Dao.

"My body is still useful..."

He suddenly got excited and wanted to fabricate a human being with his own body.

"Although there are gods of the East and Gods of India in Hongmeng of the New World, there are no gods of the west, and there is no hell. Then use my body to create the gods of the west."

His first thought was the Seven Deadly Sins.

Those are the seven evils that damage one's spirituality in ancient Greek theology, arrogance, envy, rage, sloth, greed, gluttony and lust.

After thinking about it, Zishou finally decided to do it.

His primordial spirit left his body, and then used his hand as a knife to split his body into seven parts.

The body of the Daoist Saint is radiant, and even after being cut open, there is also brilliance.

Each represents a crime and can also create a person.

However, a problem has been encountered so far.

"Although I can use my flesh to make a body, it lacks a soul. Without a soul, even if I create the seven deadly sins, there will be no emotions."

Suddenly, he thought of something, stretched out his hand and flicked it, and opened the seven or eight magic banners.

The souls of several people are stored on these demon banners.

As the magic banner unfolded, all these souls also appeared in front of them.

At the beginning in the Kunlun mirror, he used the magic puppet method to bring out the six golden immortals in the interpretation of teachings. Later, the six golden immortals fell during the battle with Shanhai Yuanshi, and Zishou took them into Zhaomo to save them banner.

But as the prehistoric era shattered, the Kunlun Mirror was also destroyed.

These people are reflections. After 2000 years, almost all the memories and emotions have been lost.

Zishou stretched out his hand and beckoned one, it was the spirit who was afraid of leaving grandchildren.

"Fearing that my grandson is lustful, greedy, and has a bad character, and my disciples are also despicable and shameless, I turned him into the greedy one of the seven deadly sins. Among the seven deadly sins, the demon god representing greed is called Mammon. From then on, I have no fear of leaving my grandson. mammon."

Zishou slapped the soul of the fearful grandson and sent it into the body representing greed.

Of course, at this time, the body is just a pile of minced meat and bones, and it needs to be sewn and fabricated in the later stage.

Afterwards, he stretched out his hand to summon the soul of Master Huang Long: "Real Master Huang Long is the worst among the Twelve Golden Immortals, so he is lazy among the seven deadly sins. Laziness... What is laziness called?"

He shook his head. After most of his memory disappeared, those who couldn't remember clearly were the first to forget. He only vaguely remembered a few of the seven deadly sins, and he named them at random: "Huanglong, lazy, then it's called You are lazy."

"Puxian is for Gluttony, Gluttony... What is the name of Gluttony? I remember it was called the King of Ghosts, so let's call it the King of Ghosts!"

He reached out and put Pu Xian's soul into the pile of bones representing gluttony, and easily recruited the soul of Lingbao.

"Lingbao is called jealousy. What's jealousy's name? I forgot too, let's call it Mingbao..."

Zishou shook his head, and placed Lingbao's soul among the bones representing jealousy.

He fetched Daoxing's soul, and pondered, "Let's call Daoxing arrogant. What's arrogance called? What's arrogance called? I can't remember it, so I'll call it Xiao Can."

After the souls of the six realms had arranged their respective bones, Zi Shou mused, "It's not enough for lust..."

He looked at the enchanting banner containing the soul of the lamp, and as soon as he waved his hand, he thought again that lust is the incarnation of desire, it is better to be a woman, if the soul is the lamp, it will inevitably need to change. Sex.

"There is."

Zishou stretched out his hand to point, and unfolded the magic banner again.

This time, what came out of the banner was a charming woman.

This woman's face is pale, her eyes are dull, and her soul is transparent. She is the mother of Rahu, Xin Shijia.

It turned out that Xin Xijia escaped from the broken flood that day. Although he fled to Zishou's side, he was injured by the Zhuxian sword formation. , the memory and emotion have been worn away, and turned into a soul without emotional memory.

"Xinshijia, it's up to you!"

He stretched out his hand and slapped Xinshika's soul into the body representing lust.

"Lust, lust, what is the name of lust..."

Zishou shook his head and changed his name: "Let's call it... Su Mei!"

Su Mei, Su Mei, this name is not bad.Zishou said in his heart.

After arranging the souls of the seven people into their respective bones, he began to sew the bodies and pinch out their shapes.

First, the rough flesh body is sewn with needles and threads, and then its face is changed to make it look like a person.

Soon, demons such as arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, etc. were sewn on his hands, and their faces were squeezed out.

The first one was gluttony. When he was the first one, Zishou's level of fabrication was not high, so he created a big fat man, ugly and disgusting.

Then there is greed, eccentric shape, and ugly appearance.

And then the rage...

The more you pinch him, the higher your level will be, and the more pleasing the pinched appearance will be.

It took him a total of five days from the ferocious facial features to being recognizable, and then to the handsome face.

When pinching the arrogant monarch, the appearance is already quite good-looking.

The last one is lust.

He picked up a pile of corpses representing lust, pondered slightly, and a person's face flashed in his mind.

"My memory is getting lost day by day. I'm afraid that one day I will completely forget her. Why don't I just fabricate her..."

With the still passionate love, he slowly and carefully sewed up this body, fabricating her face.

Fearing that it would not look like it, he took the stars as his eyes, the Milky Way as his blood, decorated with starlight, and made Snow White his skin...

Try to make it exactly like the person in your memory.

After a day and a night of fabrication, this person who was almost exactly the same as the person in his memory was finally fabricated in his hands.

He looked at the body in front of him, stared blankly for a long time, and said in a low voice, "Nu Wa, where are you?"

Zishou took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and then opened his mouth to spit out towards the seven corpses in front of him.

The holy energy entered the body, and the seven corpses gradually came to life, and vitality slowly emerged.

And the skin on the corpse gradually became elastic.

Now it's just a matter of waiting.

"There is still the soul of the lamp, why not use the remaining flesh and blood to create a human being!"

Zishou pondered for a while, collected all the leftovers, sewed an old man, shaped his face, and finally pushed the lamp in.

"With the Seven Deadly Sins, who should the lamp turn into? Then turn into Duma, the ruler of hell! Let them build hell, but it's not bad."

Zishou blows gently, endowing this fleshly creature with life.

Three days later.

The first person to wake up was Duma. He looked at Chaos blankly, and there was no one here.

Suddenly, a voice came from the chaos: "You are the person I created, named Duma, and you will be the Lord of Hell from now on!"

"I am Duma? But who are you?" Duma cried.

"...I am the emperor!"

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