In the past, Pan Gu opened the sky and died of exhaustion.The breath turned into the wind and clouds of the four seasons, the sound turned into rumbling thunder, the eyes turned into the sun and the moon, the limbs turned into the east, west, south, and north poles of the earth, and the skin turned into a vast expanse. On the earth, the blood has become the endless river, and the sweat has become the rain and dew that nourishes all things...

On a whim, Zishou used his own limbs, bones, and flesh to create the eight monarchs of hell, endowing each monarch with a characteristic, making his life span almost endless, and his life is the strength of the Daluo Jinxian.

However, he soon discovered the problem with these hell monarchs, that is ignorance.

Gluttony is only keen on gluttony, greedy is insatiable, lazy is too lazy to move...

The only one with a light in her eyes was Su Mei.

The demon head, whose appearance is very similar to Nu Wa, has an aura that other demons do not have in his eyes.

When Zishou appeared as the incarnation of Dao, other demons knelt down on the ground, not daring to raise their heads, but she was the only one who dared to look up at Zishou, her eyes full of admiration.

Zishou's heart moved, and he roughly guessed the truth.

The other demons are all sewn from the remnant soul of the Golden Immortal of Chanjiao, lacking the most important thing to be a human being, so they become ignorant after Zishou bestowed the original sin on human beings.

But Su Mei is different from other demons, she uses Xin Xijia's primordial spirit, which is complete and flawless, possessing human wisdom, although she carries original sin and lust, she knows how to be grateful, love and respect.

When Zishou walked alone, she would quietly follow up, showing her kindness and kindness, with twinkling little stars in her eyes.

The creation of demons was a whim, and Zishou didn't intend to teach them the unique skills, but they learned a lot from Zishou.

Stretch out your hand, turn the soil into a demon, and after creating each other's subordinates for them, ignore them and let them fend for themselves.

In the next two hundred years, the demons successively broke through the quasi-sage, and then the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian...

I don't know how many gods can be ashamed at this speed.

But then the evil nature of the demons is gradually exposed, and the evil breeds on them.

Zishou sat alone in the outer sky, watching all living beings with cold eyes.

The closer one gets to the avenue, the weaker the emotion becomes, and as an unnecessary part, emotion is slowly disappearing.

The so-called Dao is ruthless.

Up to now, he can't even remember his own identity clearly. He only knows that as the manifestation of Dao, he should have his own responsibility, and that is to maintain the balance of Dao.

On this day, his strength had reached its peak, and at the moment of transformation, he felt the call of the Great Dao.

"Incarnation of Dao, from now on there will be no sons, only the incarnation of Dao, from now on I will no longer be a human being, a fairy, a god, or a saint, but I will be everywhere."

Zishou murmured, his body is disappearing, after the body disappears, there is no him, but he is everywhere in the world.

If you want to appear holy in the world, you need to appear in an incarnation.

On this day, he finally realized that the place he should protect was not limited to the Primordial Realm.

"Nine is the extreme number, and there are also nine parallel universes. Apart from the first primordial, there is the second myth, the third magic capital, the fourth mountain and sea, the fifth human world, the sixth shaman kingdom, the seventh supreme, and the eighth Sumeru." , Ninth West. I have to travel through endless time and space, and maintain the balance of the parallel world..."

Zishou's mind was moved, and an avatar was separated to step out of the current time and space, and to cross the long river of time and space.

This time, it will be another 500 years.

For 500 years, he has been walking in ignorance day and night, striding across the long river of time and space, like a time traveler and a guardian of time and space.

He gradually lost the remaining emotional memory as he traveled through time and space day and night.

These were the most precious things of human beings, which were of little significance to him.

At this time, he can create a world with a single thought, give birth to hundreds of millions of sentient beings, and no longer care about relatives and friends.

He will not pity all living beings like a god, nor will he hate all living beings like a devil. The value of his existence is only to maintain the balance of all generations.

The avenue is formless, it gives birth to heaven and earth; the avenue is ruthless, it moves the sun and the moon;

At some point, he came to a certain place in the long river of time and space, and suddenly felt a saint across parallel time and space, jumping from one parallel world to another.

In the eyes of the incarnation of Dao, this kind of behavior is no different from a stowaway, and it is simply contempt for the dignity of Dao!

With just a thought, he crossed the long river of time and space to the stowaway, and said sharply: "Who gave you the right to wantonly travel through parallel time and space? I will exile you to endless time and space!"

Those are two saints, a man and a woman, and their strength is not high.

Dao Dao swung out his right palm, and the strength hit him like a torrent.

The male saint's complexion changed drastically, and he stretched out his hands to resist with all his strength, but he couldn't stop the power of the avenue, and he was pushed back uncontrollably.

The saint exclaimed, "Who are you?"

Dao said coldly: "I am the incarnation of Dao, Dao cannot be violated, get out of here!"

With a flip of the right palm, the Chaos Clock has been sacrificed.

This bell was forged with Chaos Divine Thunder, so it already has the power to suppress saints, let alone use it in Daoist hands?

The giant clock exuded the power of heaven, and immediately covered the woman in it.

With a thought in Dao Dao's mind, the power of chaos gushed out from the chaos clock, and the woman was refined in just one breath of time, and exiled to a certain place in the long river of time and space.

It took only a while for the woman to be exiled, but when the man reacted, the woman had already disappeared in front of him. He was furious, and when he opened his mouth, he spat out sixteen innate long swords!

A killing-killing Zhu Xian sword formation immediately unfolded!

Dao stretched out his hand to hold it, and immediately cracked the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

"The Immortal Execution Sword Formation, hmph..."

Suddenly, a faint memory appeared in his mind, and he suddenly remembered, his body shook, and his face changed suddenly: "It's you, it's you? Why are you?"

The moment he lost his mind, the man took out a spear from his arms and stabbed towards him.

Da Dao stretched out his hand and took away the spear directly.

His mind was shaken, and he vaguely knew that he had done a wrong thing, and it was this wrong thing that caused him to regret for thousands of years.He stretched out his hand and pushed that person back to the First Great Desolation.

Da Dao stared at the figure of that person, feeling extremely uneasy. He never thought that one day he would see these two people again, and even more thought that what happened back then was actually his own doing.

All of a sudden, he sensed someone coming from another time and space, and he roared, "Time and space is eternity, no one can break it, who dares to cross time and space?"

With a thought in his mind, he strode forward in one direction, and his figure disappeared in front of him in an instant.

In less than a breath of time, he came to another time and space, but saw a middle-aged man wearing an imperial suit striding across time and space, heading towards a certain place.

Dao Zishou jumped out and said sharply, "Who are you? How dare you forcefully travel through time and space?"

Immediately slapped out with a palm, the power of the avenue collapsed like the sky, surpassed the torrent, and suddenly hit.

The man was slightly startled, and raised his hand back.


When the palms collided, the two retreated in unison.

After this palm confrontation, both of them were shocked, knowing that the opponent's strength was not inferior to their own!

Dao Zishou changed slightly, but his voice was still indifferent: "Are you also Dao?"

"That's right, I'm also a Taoist." The man in imperial clothes said.

Da Daozi said: "Since you are Dao, don't you know that time and space cannot be crossed by force, otherwise the balance will be broken and disaster will come?"

"Of course I know. It's just because of my ignorance in the past that I made some mistakes and caused some incidents, which made people miserable and everything suffered. I need to go to recover. I really don't intend to offend."

The man in the imperial suit smiled wryly, with a calm tone.

The same is the way, if you make a tough move, no one can please others.

Da Daozi said: "Time and space are time and space, no one can cross it, go back!"

"This matter is of great importance. It is related to the safety of the Nine Realms. I have to go. I hope you will not stop me." The man said in a deep voice.

"So what if I stop you?" Dao Zishou said, and he slapped out with his right hand, shattering time and space.

The man jumped back in shock, stretched out his hand to resist, and said, "Since you won't let me, don't blame me for doing it!"

Who is not Dao?Who is afraid of whom?

"This is the long river of time and space, fight in the chaos!" Dao Zishou said.

He thrust out his palm suddenly, bursting out with the strength of Dao, opening the way and rushing towards Chaos.

The man followed.

Both of them are masters, once they fought against each other in the chaos, they were evenly matched, and they fought for more than ten thousand years.

In the end, the man stopped suddenly and shouted: "Damn, damn, I missed it, I can't stop it! Now I can only go back."

Dao Zishou took two steps back, stared at the man coldly, and said, "I wasted my ten thousand years of effort for no reason."

The man said: "You don't know, something wrong should have happened in these ten thousand years."

Daozi shou pondered, "What's wrong?"

The man didn't want to fight him anymore, and said: "You don't know, when I was practicing, I encountered a fork in the road, thinking that the eternal way lies in balance..."

Dao Zishou shook his head: "There is nothing wrong with that."

The man gave a wry smile and said, "But at that time, I thought that the way of balance lies in the interdependence of life and death..."

"There's nothing wrong with it." Zi Shou said.

That humanity said: "So I came up with an idea. Saints are immortal, which breaks the balance. Only by sealing all the saints in each parallel world can we guarantee eternity."

Zishou laughed dumbfoundedly.

The man smiled wryly and said: "After I cut off the three corpses, that thought was gone. But who knew that the execution of the corpse was my original intention, to complete what I hadn't finished. Now I feel that the execution of the corpse is going to kill me. If I have a connection with the corpse, I must have already proved the way. Once the corpse is certified, I will definitely complete my immature ideas. "

Zi Shou suddenly changed color, and the memories that had been forgotten in his mind suddenly came to his heart, and he shouted: "It's you! It's you! It's you!"

The man was surprised: "What?"

Zishou said: "You... your name is Donghuang Taiyi, isn't it?"

"Yes, I am the Eastern Emperor Taiyi." The Eastern Emperor Taiyi nodded.

"That's it...that's it..."

Zishou's eyes were full of remorse and hatred, and many memories became clear in a short while.

Why is the Taoist master the Dao, but his actions are very extreme? It turns out that the Taoist master is the corpse of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

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