"So, after I exiled Nuwa, I met Donghuang Taiyi and fought with him for ten thousand years, which made Taoist master succeed. If it weren't for my appearance, Taoist master would not have died." Immediately, Dao Zishou felt puzzled.

But if this is the case, then he shouldn't exist at this time.

According to the normal situation, Donghuang Taiyi stopped the Taoist master, and the Taoist master has not died, so he has not become the Daoist, so why did he stop Donghuang Taiyi across time and space?

Dao Zishou already had some kind of speculation in his mind, he looked at Donghuangtai and said, "I know your corpse, this matter has a great relationship with me, and I will take action to settle it."

Donghuang Taiyi said: "If you are willing to help, that would be the best." He walked back and said to himself: "I hope this time it will be successful."

Dao Zishou was taken aback for a moment, then took a step forward and disappeared into the long river of time and space.

He returned to the Hongmeng Realm all the way, quickly analyzing various information in his mind.

"As the Dao, I exiled Nuwa, stopped the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and only then did the Daoist come to the prehistoric world, and only then did I prove the Dao, seal the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, and cross the long river of time and space... But this seems to be true. It's a paradox.

If the Eastern Emperor Taiyi prevents the Dao Lord from destroying the world, I will not become the Dao, so how can I release Nuwa across the long river of time and space to stop the Eastern Emperor Taiyi? "

Dao Zishou was caught in a puzzle. He sat above the Primordial Realm, frowning, "There must be some kind of factor interfering with the normal time and space. The current time and space are too chaotic. There must be a very important reason for the paradox to appear. !"

He thought of a paradox, if someone traveled back in time and killed his grandparents, would he still be born?

My grandparents are dead, how could I be born?

But it was impossible for him to be born, so how could he travel back in time and kill his grandma?

This leads to a paradox.

This is similar to what is happening to him now.

How did you prove yourself?If Donghuang Taiyi stops the Taoist master, he will not prove the Dao himself, and if the Dao himself will not appear, he will not stop Donghuang Taiyi...

Zishou suddenly thought of something, and raised his head: "Unless in the initial timeline, although Donghuang Taiyi was not blocked by me for thousands of years, he also failed to stop the Taoist master, so that the past self could prove the way."

"Now Donghuang Taiyi once again crosses time and space to stop his own corpse, but I still exist, that is to say, his action is a failure! I will appear. Before he left, he said to himself, 'I hope this time I can "Success" also proves that he has tried many times, he has traveled across time and space many times, and ended in failure every time, or was blocked by me, or encountered other things, no matter what the process is, the result is the same Of—he failed."

"In this way, this may not be the first life! Not only is it not the first life, it may even be a cycle. In this life, I blocked Donghuang Taiyi and caused that thing to happen. Although the process is different, the result is the same Yes, I have still attained the Way."

Dao Zishou gradually discovered that behind the fog was an extremely terrifying direction.

"For the first time, the Taoist Lord appeared to destroy the world, and Donghuang Taiyi went to stop it, but for some reason, it ended in failure, and he turned himself into the Dao, sealed the Taoist Lord, and crossed the long river of time and space."

"The second time, Donghuang Taiyi once again crossed the long river of time and space. He avoided the mistake of the first time, but unexpectedly met himself who came across the long river of time and space, resulting in another failure."

"So this is the third time?"

Da Dao Zishou muttered to himself, "No, no, I came across time and space. It is a very strange thing to think about exiling Nuwa. After I exiled Nuwa, I know that I have harmed my former self, and I will definitely do it again." Across time and space to stop the previous self, even if the Dao can't see the Dao, he will find the former self and let him avoid this disaster. But I didn't do that..."

"Or the exile of Nuwa was not caused by my ignorance... Maybe this is not only the third time."

Dao Zishou had already thought of another possibility.

"Maybe this is the fourth and fifth time, or even the seventh and eighth time. In the first time, Donghuang Taiyi did not stop the Taoist Lord, and the Taoist Lord destroyed the world. Nuwa was never exiled and died in that battle. After I became the incarnation of Dao, I traveled across time and space, exiled Nuwa, and saved her from catastrophe..."

"However, because of my first change, time and space were disordered, and some bad things happened again. The second time I have forgotten the reason why I exiled Nuwa, but I still exiled Nuwa when I crossed the long river of time and space. This can also Explain why the past self made a move on Dao Dao's self, but Dao Dao's self exiled Nuwa immediately..."

Dao Zishou's thinking gradually became clear, "This is just a possibility. If it is true, how many times have I tried to make a change?"

He gradually had some thoughts in his heart. If he wanted to break this endless loop, he couldn't let himself become the Dao, and he couldn't let the Dao Master destroy the world.

Donghuang Taiyi couldn't stop the Daoist because the result had already appeared, no matter what he did, there would be various things that would stop him for thousands of years.

But sealing the Daoist himself is a matter of the result, all he has to do is to change the process.

"As long as the past self can seal the Dao Lord without incarnation when facing the Dao Lord, then the reincarnation will be changed."

Dao Zishou thought quickly, "In addition to cultivation, strength also depends on spiritual treasures, weapons, and formations!"

"I want to build enough Lingbao weapons for my past self, so that he can seal the Dao Lord without having to become the Taoist!"

Dao Zishou's thinking was clear, and with a clear goal, he quickly acted and began to collect materials from all over the world to create spirit treasures.

"The first spiritual treasure to be forged is the sword. King Mu of Zhou conquered Xirong, and Xirong offered the Kunyi sword and Huohuan cloth...then build the Kunyi sword first..."

He did not seek the help of his acquaintances in the Hongmeng Realm, but summoned the hell demons to collect the materials he needed.

"It is ominous for those who touch reincarnation. Hell demons are created by my body, which is the most suitable."

The second thing he has to do is to create a kill formation.

"Back in the prehistoric period, there were two killing formations, Zhuxian and Wanxian. The Wanxian formation had many flaws, so we transformed the Zhuxian formation so that only one of them could activate it."

He handed over the work of casting the sword to the demons of hell, and he was thinking hard about how to improve the Zhuxian formation. After a year, he finally modified the Zhuxian formation, so that the demons could stand with swords and test their power.

The result came out, the power is extraordinary!

"Actuated by four swords in this formation, the power is already enormous. If it is actuated by eight swords, the power can kill Daluo Xian. If it is actuated by sixteen swords, the power is infinite. If it is actuated by 81 swords, it can kill gods and destroy saints!"

Dao Zishou thought to himself.

"My past self may not have been able to obtain so many swords, so I have to forge them."

He wants to send countless spiritual treasures to his past self, so that he can easily become a saint, and let him easily possess the power of a saint.

At the same time, he will not let his past self go too smoothly.

Frustration is the best whetstone.

As the demons from hell took spiritual mines and iron from all over the world, swords were created in his hands, endowed with spiritual light, and turned into innate talents.

"Sword, the sword array is already enough, how should I send it to my hand?"

This year, Daozi thought about it all night, and with a shake of his hand, he sacrificed a magic banner and released a person's soul from it.

He remembered that this was a person he met after entering the Kunlun Mirror by mistake, his name was Yin Lian.

The scenery at that time, Jiyue, suddenly came to my heart, and some tenderness slowly appeared in the light of Daozi's eyes.

I still remember that the first time we met in the Kunlun mirror was in the afternoon in the wind and snow, Yiren smiled sweetly, looking forward to love, the boy was stunned.

"In the Kunlun mirror, tossing and turning is a lifetime... who knows if it's a dream or not?"

Avenue sighed.

The old man has passed away, and what is left now is just a ray of fragrant soul.

Now that he has no body, he still retains a heart that is still warm and sincere, which was specially left for a certain time.

He took out the beating heart from somewhere in the world, and put the fragrance soul in it.

"For many years, you have been living in seclusion in my wound. I have let go of the world, but I have never let go of you. There are thousands of mountains and rivers in my life, let you say goodbye one by one. In the world, except life and death, which Is this not an idle matter?"

Dao gave new life to this heart, and also gave new life to that scented soul.

Dao Dao recalled that in one of his lifetimes, it seemed that the one he loved was not Nuwa, but this person.

But that's not really the case, Da Dao can't remember anymore.

That heart gradually changed, slowly turning into a young girl.

Da Dao wove her a snow-like white dress with clouds, she put it on, twirled around, and smiled until her eyes narrowed into crescent moons, just like the good scene at that time.

She looked at Da Dao with gentle eyes, and couldn't tell who he was for a moment.

Dao was also slightly stunned, and there were some waves in his heart.

He soon understood that Zishou loved Nuwa, but he might not be Zishou.

The swords and spirit treasures were all finished soon, and there were a lot of things to see.

He let her take these treasures, and then exiled her hundreds of millions of years ago, across countless time and space.

He told her to wait, to wait for a man named Zi Shou.

Although that person is not Dao, the girl is willing to endure hundreds of millions of years of loneliness for Dao.

After doing this, Dao turned his attention to a long spear.

That's called a god-killing gun.

"I want to create a holy killing gun that kills the supreme, and leave it to my past self, but I want to do more than that."

That year, Dao slaughtered a heaven-level demon dragon and cast him into the God Killing Spear, so that this ordinary spear could burst out with even more terrifying killing aura.

"I will throw this gun into a parallel world, but it will eventually fall into the hands of Zishou." Dao used the ability to follow the words.

Afterwards, he set off to Huoyun Cave, met the old Sansheng, and the first thing he said was: "Are you willing to give up yourselves, go back to the past, and change the ending of the prehistoric world? The price you have to pay will be tens of millions of years." loneliness and endless death."

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