Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 734 The Imperfect Layout of the Avenue

Da Dao looked at the three saints of the human race in front of him and asked a question.

"Are you willing to give up yourselves, go back to the past, and change the ending of the prehistoric world? The price you have to pay will be thousands of years of loneliness and endless deaths."

The three saints of Huoyun Cave looked at each other, and after making eye contact, Fuxi nodded slowly and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Dao said: "I will give you the power to preserve the soul, and then seal you up in the holy gun and exile you hundreds of millions of years ago. According to the decree, it will be returned to Zishou, and then the Holy Killing Gun will pull his soul in, all you have to do is pour the power of the Emperor into him, so that he can become a high-level saint."

"Just a high-level saint is probably not enough to deal with that person." Fuxi did not refuse, but asked a question: "Are you still prepared?"

Dao nodded slowly.

Fuxi, Shennong, Xuanyuan and other three saints looked at each other, then nodded one after another.

Fu Xi said, "We agree."

Da Dao coldly reminded: "It is an irreversible process to intervene in the past through the long river of time and space. It is very likely to cause space-time disorder, and the ending may not be better than the present. Besides, no matter whether you succeed or not, what awaits you will be death."

Fuxi smiled and said: "You are the incarnation of Dao, and you are willing to take the risk, why should we?"

Da Dao nodded slowly, a trace of human warmth appeared on his face, he stretched out his hand, and the Holy Extinguishing Spear unfolded in front of him.

"This gun was once broken, and there is a small crack. Even if it is recast, there are still traces. Come in from now on!"

With a dazzling black glow erupting from the Holy Extinguishing Lance, the Three Saints disappeared from sight.

Dao Dao held the Holy Extinguishing Spear and slowly stroked the body of the gun.

I don't know... In the past, when you got the Holy Spear, would you notice this crack?

After standing quietly for a long time, he raised his gun and returned to hell.

He has to complete the last step of layout.

This step is the trump card he has prepared for his past self!

If the previous layout is all useless, this last step of layout will become the key to turning things around in the past.

Entering the hell he built, the demons of hell quickly came forward.

Duma, the leader, held a spear in both hands and stood aside respectfully, while the rest of the demons lowered their heads and dared not look directly at Zishou.

Su Mei quietly raised her head, looking at Zishou with affection in her eyes.

"Emperor, this is the spear I made by imitating the spear in your hand. What do you think it should be named?" Duma came forward to please.

Dao Dao swept his eyes and saw that this spear was a copy of the God Killing Spear. Although it was not as powerful as much, it was still a rare and powerful weapon.

The avenue is ruthless, memory is not important to it, but when he saw this gun, memories he had forgotten surged in his mind, and said: "Longinus gun."

There is a legend in a certain world that when Jesus was nailed to the cross, a centurion stabbed him in the side with a gun, causing Jesus to die.The centurion was called Longinus, and the spear in his hand was stained with the holy blood of Jesus, and possessed divine power, so he named it Longinus.

Duma was taken aback for a moment, then bowed and said, "Thank you, the emperor, for giving me the name!"

Dao Dao glanced across the faces of the eight demons.

The demons swept by his icy eyes were like icy wind blowing their bodies, all trembling and fearful.

Even Su Mei turned pale with fright, wondering why the emperor looked at them like this, could it be that they did something wrong?

Da Dao said: "Follow my order, hell demons are not allowed to step out of hell from now on!"

The eight demons were terrified and said in unison: "Rin obeys the emperor's order."

The body of the Dao is invisible and disappears into nothingness.

Then he appeared in the sky above Hongmeng, using his palms to forcibly extract Hell from Hongmeng, shrinking it into a small bead.

Immediately afterwards, he carried the small beads across time and space and left the Primordial Realm.

Walking in endless time and space, he stopped somewhere, and threw the Holy Destroyer Spear into a star-studded place, which was a beautiful and flawless planet.

The Holy Extinguishing Lance turned into a black light and disappeared on that planet in an instant.

Dao knew that the Holy Extinguishing Lance would flow around for hundreds of millions of years, and at an appropriate time, it would subtly return to its past self in some way.

Apart from the plain-clothed girl who brought the sword array spirit treasure and was placed by him wandering hundreds of millions of years ago, this is the second gift he prepared for his past self.

But Dao knew that the first two gifts were still not enough to deal with the emperor who had already stepped into Dao, so he had to prepare a third hole card, a hole card that could win.

That is the Eight Demons of Hell.

Soon, he came to 50 billion years ago. In this timeline, the prehistoric was just born, and the innate creatures had not even been born with intelligence.

He dug up the prehistoric core of the earth and stuffed hell into the core of the earth.

Since then, the demons in hell fell into endless darkness and despair, but none of them dared to disobey the emperor's order and leave hell without authorization.

Even if the emperor hadn't set up a large formation, none of them dared to think of leaving.

Embedded in Hell, Avenue imposes a second order.

At some point, if someone like me goes to hell, you can see the light again.

The Eight Great Demons kept this order in mind.

The lust demon raised his head, looked at him pitifully, and said something that no other demon dared to say: "Emperor, do you want us?"

Dao was indifferent and did not answer.

Su Mei bit her lip, she had a premonition that something bad was bound to happen with these sudden arrangements made by the emperor.

"Emperor, will we meet again?" Su Mei didn't know why, her heart ached like twists, her right hand held her heart.

Da Dao still didn't answer, he looked up at the sky, and said slowly: "When you meet someone who is similar to me, carefully confirm his identity."

"What if it is confirmed that he is the emperor?" Duma asked cautiously. "

"If it is confirmed that it is me..." Dao Dao said sternly, "Then you will kill yourself and sacrifice your origin to him!"

After saying these words, Duma's heart jumped wildly. He didn't ask why, took a deep breath, nodded slowly, and replied: "Duma Lin obeys the emperor's order!"

The rest of the demons were terrified, and they also said in unison: "We obey the emperor's order!"

Dao Dao didn't look at the demons any more, turned around and left Hell, and disappeared into the long river of time and space.

And Duma looked up at the direction where the avenue was leaving, and murmured: "When will that day... come?"


Dao walked in endless time and space, with an indifferent expression.

"The demons were created by me, leaving behind the origin of the Dao."

"In this group of origin, not only my memory, emotion, and even the power of the Dao."

"When he succeeded in obtaining all the origins of the demons in the past, he will understand all my layouts and gain the huge power I left for him."

"This hole card will help him reverse everything in the past."

"At this point, my layout should be perfect."


Da Dao still didn't know that he had overlooked one thing, which would also cause the last hole card he arranged to not be triggered at all.

That is, he ignored his own humanity in the past.

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