Da Dao never thought that there was a flaw in his layout, and this flaw was his human nature before he transformed Da Dao.

He was silent in the endless void, waiting for the day when his layout would take effect.

And he believed that that day would eventually come.

This is dozens of reincarnations.


In the prehistoric North Sea, a lonely island floated on the sea.

The sea is turbulent, and the turbid waves line the sky, and it seems that the island may be submerged at any time.

There is no light on the vast sea, and the place where the sky and the sea meet is endless darkness, which looks frightening.

However, this small island floating on the sea is full of light. If you enter the island, you will even find that the island is sunny and windy, without any wind and rain.

At this moment, a young girl on the small island is lazily lying on a rocking chair woven from vines.

She is wearing a plain loose long skirt, which looks like a long skirt at home, quite cool, she has a leisurely look, her peach cheeks are dizzy, her beautiful eyes are slightly narrowed, and she is looking forward to love.

She is not that kind of beautiful girl, but this kind of leisurely, gentle and lazy expression makes the man more tempted.

She has the innocence and loveliness of a young girl, and the charm and affection of a young woman, but she also has a somewhat elegant temperament.

Anyone who has been with her will involuntarily have an idea: this is a gentle and amiable big sister.

Even the beautiful woman behind her will feel comfortable with her.

In front of the plain-clothed girl stood a woman in red. This woman had a charming appearance, and there was a brilliance in her eyes that captivated all living beings.

But in front of the plain-clothed woman, the red-clothed woman, like a child who has made a mistake, dare not look directly at her face.

The girl in plain clothes looked at her with both eyes, and said softly: "Are you finally willing to make this decision?"

The woman in red nodded, as if she had made a decision, raised her head, and said guiltily: "I ruined his plan and made him suffer for thousands of years. I...I...I really feel sorry for him..."

The girl in plain clothes got up from the wicker chair, gently stroked her long hair, and said, "It's okay, Su Mei."

Su Mei's eyes were filled with tears, and she said: "Every time the reincarnation starts again, it's because I broke his layout...it's me...I know it will make him suffer, but I do it every time ...I'm not afraid of death...I'm not..."

The plain-clothed girl gently hugged her in her arms, and said softly, "I know, even though it's an instant of tenderness, you're willing to wait for hundreds of millions of years... Every reincarnation lasts hundreds of millions of years." , just to be in love with him for such a period of time, even if it is a repeated process, but you are willing... You suffer far more than death."

The people behind were shocked, and all the mysteries were slowly unfolding.

She did not know how many times she repeated it, waiting for hundreds of millions of years in each life, just to meet the right person at a certain time and enjoy that short time.

For this reason, she did not hesitate to endure hundreds of millions of years of loneliness and solitude.

She didn't know how long it had been like this suffering and waiting.

The invisible girl behind thought of a story, there is a kind of person who repeats his life every three days, and does the same thing every time he repeats.

It seems to have achieved eternal life, but in fact it is permanently trapped in a certain time period.

The invisible girl sighed faintly. She could empathize with her. If it were her, she would probably be willing to experience this kind of reincarnation.

Even if the repeated reincarnation lasts thousands of times, tens of thousands of times, the beautiful scenery she saw during the journey is enough for her to endure the endless cycle and loneliness.

"Even if it's drinking poison to quench my thirst, I'm willing to enjoy it..."

Qingyan patted Su Mei's back lightly, and said, "This time, have you finally figured it out?"

Su Mei raised her head, gritted her silver teeth, nodded heavily, and said, "I've gone through too many reincarnations, I'm tired."

Qingyan let out a "hmm" and said, "If you're tired, then rest, you must stop and rest."

Su Mei smiled and said, "Ayan, take me there."

Qingyan said softly: "Okay, Su Mei, this time, let's end this reincarnation!"


In the Hongmeng Realm.

Same place, same people.

"I wish Han Xing Quan didn't notice, I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood! Take the corpse and chop it up!" One person shouted loudly, and with a flash of sword light, an old man appeared in the Primordial Realm.

This sword not only cut off the corpse, but also cut off the shackles that had bound him for a long time.

Zishou looked at the old man, and said: "The corpse was cut by the sword of the holy way. If you want to break the darkness and break the dawn, you call Zhiji to ask the dawn."

"Ji Wenxiao, who carried out the corpse, has seen this deity." The corpse carried out followed him, and said loudly.


A powerful aura suddenly burst out from the sub-receptor, this aura directly surpassed the saint, surpassed the way of heaven!


Zi Shou let out a low shout, the shackles in his body were no longer there, and his cultivation base had directly broken through from a Rank Nine Saint to Dao level!

Great saint!

At this stage, it is like a road!

If you go one step further, you can completely become the Tao.

"Congratulations, your cultivation base is no lower than mine now." Lao Tzu sighed and said, "Even if it is a Hunyuan Daoist, if he wants to step into the Dao, it will take hundreds of millions of years. How many years have you practiced now? Then enter This rank is really enviable.”

Zishou smiled slightly and said, "It's just a fluke."

As soon as the words came out, he suddenly thought that his journey of cultivation in this life was really fast. Someone delivered spiritual treasures and weapons to him, and someone gave him skills and sword arrays. There have been some setbacks, but they are nothing compared to the opportunities.

"Let's go, the time given by the Taoist master is almost up." Lao Tzu said, and stepped out of the Hongmeng Realm, at this moment, the Hongmeng Realm opened, and a young girl appeared in the realm.

Lao Tzu paused for a moment, then walked out, leaving only one sentence: "Come out as soon as possible, I can only buy you another quarter of an hour."

Zishou raised his head, and saw a girl in red clothes approaching, he subconsciously said: "Nu Wa, why are you... no, no, you are not Nu Wa, you are Su Mei."

He recognized it. Although the girl in front of him was very similar to Nuwa, she was not Nuwa, but Su Mei, the lord of lust.

A faint smile appeared on Su Mei's face, but she clenched her right hand tightly, her nails inserted into her flesh, she took a deep breath, and said, "Emperor, I have something for you, which can help you deal with Daoist Hunyuan. "

Zishou was puzzled and said: "What? Let's talk about it later! You are waiting for me here, don't go out, the battle outside is not something you can touch."

As soon as she finished speaking, Su Mei threw herself into his arms, took a deep breath, greedily inhaled the masculine breath on his body, and whispered: "I want you to hug me."

Zi Shou was taken aback, smiled wryly, and said that she was worried that something would happen to her, so he stretched out his arms to hug her tightly, and said, "Su Mei, it's okay, although the Taoist master is strong, I may not have a chance to win."

Su Mei said: "Emperor, you left something with me back then, but I haven't returned it to you."

"What is it? Let's talk about it later!" Zishou shook his head and said, "This battle is very important, I..."

Su Mei interrupted him, raised her head, her eyes were firm: "It's very important, I have to give it to you."

Zishou sighed, helped her up, and said, "Okay, quickly bring it, I..."

"Emperor...I delayed you, this time, I must not ruin your business again!" Su Mei smiled on her face, stretched out her hand to hold her chest, her five fingers were like knives, and suddenly inserted her chest forcefully, Take out a still beating heart.

"Su Mei!" Zi Shou's heart palpitated suddenly, he was taken aback, and rushed over to hug her.

I saw Su Mei lying in his arms, her face was pale and colorless, there was a bloody hole in her chest, she was holding a heart in her plain hand, and her tender palm was stained red with blood.She was dying.

"Su Mei, Su Mei!" Zi Shou didn't know why, and an uncontrollable panic surged in his heart. If it was Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he could be reborn even if he severed his head, but Su Mei dug out his heart, but he was so panicked that he couldn't help it. self made.

He reached out and grabbed Su Mei's right hand, trying to put the heart back into her chest, but Su Mei blocked it firmly, and said in a low voice: "It's useless...it's not my heart...Once I take it out, it will... I can't put it back... I'm not... a real person... I don't have a soul... If I die, I will die..."

Zi Shou's heart hurt like a knife, and he whispered: "Su Mei, why did you do this?"

Su Mei's usually charming and passionate eyes no longer had any light, and there was a layer of lifelessness in her pupils, she said in a low voice: "My lord, my lord... Sometimes you looked at me in the past, your eyes were full of tenderness... But I I know, that's not looking at me... Just like that time, you, you never loved me..."

Zishou said: "Stop talking, I will definitely rescue you!"

He transported the true energy and poured it into her body, but the true energy dissipated in an instant after entering, making it difficult to stimulate the vitality in her body.

Su Mei called softly: "Zi Shou... Zi Shou..."

"I'm here." Zishou hugged her.

Su Mei said: "In the past, you wanted to ask me why we knew you and why we called you the emperor...I have been hiding it from you all this time...Now I tell you...everything you want to know is in this heart above……"

Zishou was taken aback, looking at the heart, he found an inexplicable throbbing.

"I have fallen in love with you so many times in reincarnation... now... now I am enough..." Su Mei's eyes suddenly glowed, and a faint smile appeared on her face, as if she was satisfied.

Suddenly, she whispered: "My lord... reincarnation is over..."

Her voice became lower and lower, the light in her eyes gradually dissipated, and the source also disappeared to nowhere.

Zishou hugged her gradually cooling body, tears welled up from his eyes, and shouted: "Su Mei, Su Mei!"

The bits and pieces of the daily life with her in the Peacock Magic City came to mind. In the past, her chuckle and her actions made him feel extremely dissolute and slightly disgusted.

Now he suddenly realized that her every move was full of innocence and kindness, all she did was to please him alone.

Zishou just felt that something was missing in his heart.

This missing thing will never be made up again.

"Su Mei, Su Mei... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Zi Shou murmured in a low voice, how much he didn't care in the past, how painful it is now.


In the endless void.

Da Dao sat on the long river of time, suddenly, his body was dissipating, turning into a little light, and scattered in all directions.

However, Dao Dao didn't panic at all, instead he had a smile on his face.

Da Dao knew that his layout spanning billions of years had finally succeeded.

Once his layout is successful, there will be no more avenues.

Those layouts of his will also be coincidences brewing under the avenue of nature.

The people he sent to the past will also lose this memory forever, only knowing that helping Zishou was just a whim.

Those spirit treasures that Zicheng got under his arrangement will also become a coincidence.

Dao is ruthless, but at the moment he is still smiling.

Amidst the laughter, he finally disappeared and ceased to exist.

But the Primordial Realm, which replaced the prehistoric world, has also undergone changes.


After all, Zi Shou swallowed that heart into his stomach, and that heart quickly turned into the source of the Dao, erupting in his sea of ​​consciousness, endless memories appeared in his mind, and all the emotions that had been cut off returned to his body.

At the same time, there was a power beyond Dao awakening in his body.

"Su Mei...It turned out to be my own plan...Is her fate determined to die?"

Zishou felt another pain in his heart.

Then I realized that she was not an immortal cultivator, but a creature created by Dao combining Dao's origin and remnant soul, which ceased to exist after death.

At this moment, only the voice of Daoist Hunyuan came: "Today the Great Desolation will be destroyed! Hundreds of millions of years later, a new Great Desolation will be born, which is also a kind of eternity."

Zishou took a deep breath and rushed out of the Primordial Realm.

I saw that the prehistoric world was shrouded in darkness, and Hunyuan Daoist was fighting to calm down, Tongtian, Yun Zhongzi, and Laozi, his strength was far better than the combination of the four.

The four were hit hard one after another in just a moment.

The experience of failure in the past is still vivid in his mind, Zi Shou let out a stern roar, and shouted: "Master Hunyuan!"

He jumped out suddenly, stretched out his hand and made a move, a long sword appeared in the palm of his hand, and slashed at the Hunyuan Daoist.

Hunyuan Daoist was taken aback, raised his hand to block, screamed, and one arm was cut off, he sneered and said: "You have proved the Dao? Humph! So what, I am immortal, how about you?" Can you get me?"

At this time, Zishou hated the Daoist Hunyuan the most, and said: "A mere corpse, dare to call himself Daoist!"

Hunyuan Daoist's face suddenly sank: "How do you know?"

Zishou stepped forward suddenly, stretched out his left hand, and grabbed the neck of Taoist Hunyuan.

He moved so fast that even Daoist Hunyuan could react, and he was strangled by the throat.

Zishou said: "If you can't kill you here, then you will be killed in the long river of time!"

Without waving his hand, a long sword cut open the void in front of him.

Zishou stepped out of the void, and in an instant brought Hunyuan Daoist to the long river of time and space.

Although Master Hunyuan didn't expect that Zishou's cultivation level surpassed his own, he was still unafraid and said with a sneer, "As a Daoist, I am immortal, let's see how you kill me?"

Zishou said: "When your good and evil corpses are sealed at the same time, you are the only one, so naturally you cannot be restrained. No one can do anything to you, but what if your good and evil corpses both come out?"

Daoist Hunyuan finally showed panic on his face: "You... what do you know?!"


ps: This chapter is 4000, the remaining hole is filled, and the story of Zishou is over.

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