On the long river of time and space, Hunyuan Daoist broke free suddenly, looked at Zishou and said: "Bluffer, I am the Dao, the world will perish, and I will live forever.

Zi Shou's eyes were as cold as a knife, and he said: "You are not a Dao, you are a corpse, the corpse of Donghuang Taiyi's obsession."

Daoist Hunyuan suddenly laughed wildly, his eyes were like lightning: "Then you talk about it, who is the evil corpse and the good corpse?"

"I know you are holding the corpse, so I know good and evil." Zi Shou waved his hand, and a huge gap was suddenly torn in the long river of time and space. On the other side of the gap, a vague outline of a deep pit was reflected.

Priest Hunyuan narrowed his eyes and said, "What are you going to do?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Zi Shouyi straightened up and slapped out with a palm.

Daoist Hunyuan stretched out his hand to block it, and when his palms met, he felt like a flying arrow, falling into the deep pit.


There was a loud bang.

Hunyuan Taoist fell into a huge tiankeng.

There are white corpses everywhere in the tiankeng, and there is a huge monument in the middle, which seems to be the tombstone of countless corpses.

This is the huge tiankeng under the West Kunlun Mountains!

There are countless skeletons of world saints and Hunyuan buried in the tiankeng, and because of the connection of tiankengs, they appear here.

"Thousand Corpse God's Cave..." Hunyuan Daoist narrowed his eyes, stood up from the ground and stared at Zishou. The short fight had already made him realize that Zishou's cultivation level was a level higher than his own.

But although he suffered a disadvantage, he is a Dao-level saint after all, even if Zi Shou is stronger than him, it is absolutely impossible to kill him, and it is not so easy to seal him.

"This is the Cave of the Thousand Corpses..."

Zishou said, "The place you used to bury the saint will be used to bury you today."

Priest Hunyuan couldn't help laughing. The reason why the Thousand Corpses Cave could bury saints was because firstly, there were spirit treasure killing formations that suppressed the saints, and secondly, there were countless fierce beasts gnawing on them day and night. The bones of the saint.

But these two layers have no effect on him, and suppressing him is simply a joke.

Zishou said: "When the obsession is deep enough, it is not easy to die, and it can even exert unimaginable power. The strength of the corpse depends on the master's self-obsession, and on the other hand, it depends on good and evil. Two sides. The three corpses of good and evil coexist and restrict each other, and the strength of the corpse will be greatly reduced, and the price to be paid to seal you will be much smaller."

Hunyuan Daoist said: "Joke! My good and evil corpses are not here, how do you deal with me?"

"Really?" Zi took a touch of Sumeru ring, and took out a person from the ring.

This person was nailed three guns up and down his whole body, which happened to nail the upper, middle and lower dantians to death. His whole body was dead and silent.

Hunyuan Daoist's complexion has changed.

Zishou said: "Back then, there was a problem I couldn't figure out, and that was how Rahu made friends with you, and even got the method of proving the Dao from you. He is a sage of the devil way. Since he belongs to the sage, you can't Let him go, but you not only let him go, you even allowed him to slaughter thousands of miles of blood and build a demon body before you destroyed the Peacock Primordial Desolate."

Hunyuan Daoist's face was gloomy and uncertain, extremely ugly.

Zishou stretched out his hand and pulled out the spear from Luo Hu's lower abdomen, and then said: "There is one more thing that I can't figure out. Before Luo Hu was crucified to death, he said a word."

"What are you talking about?" Daoist Hunyuan said.

Zishou pulled out the second spear from Rahu's primordial spirit, and Luohu's primordial spirit began to tremble, and the vitality in his body gradually recovered.

Zishou said: "He said at that time: Di Xin, you will repent in the cave of the god of thousands of corpses. The Corpse God Cave is the Kunlun Mountain Tiankeng, which is a forbidden place that you set up for saints. Then, can it be understood that once I seal him, you will seal me in the Thousand Corpse God Cave, and make me be my own? Confession for your actions?"

While speaking, he had already pulled out the last gun on Luo Hu's body.

Luo Hu's body surged with demon energy, and the demon flames rekindled. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and said, "Di Xin!"

He suddenly jumped back, and after seeing the place in front of him, he couldn't help showing a blank expression.

"It's you... what's going on?" Luo Hu stared at the Taoist master: "You saved me?"

Hunyuan Daoist's face was gloomy, and he stared at Zishou coldly.

"Who would have thought that Luo Hu would be the corpse of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi? These are clearly two different gods, and you would never have guessed that, would you?" Zishou continued, "But when nine parallel prehistoric worlds appear, then The impossible becomes possible."

Hunyuan Daoist said in a dark voice: "So what? Even if you guessed it, so what? If you release the evil corpse, it is tantamount to seeking your own death!"

Luo Hu's face was full of fierceness, and his eyes reflected a venomous light: "Di Xin, you should have died long ago!"

Hunyuan Daoist said again: "You guessed the evil corpse, and you also guessed the good corpse?"

Zishou nodded and said, "Yes! Who would have guessed that the good corpse is Hongjun, the Taoist ancestor? Who would have thought that the Taoist ancestor who has been fighting for thousands of years, the devil ancestor, would be two corpses of good and evil, but yin and yang, good and evil, and so on. Isn't that so?"

He stretched out his hand and slapped it, and the power of the avenue urged it to move, and a giant door slowly appeared from the ground.

"How did you guess that Hongjun is a good corpse?" Taoist Hunyuan said coldly.

Zishou said: "I couldn't guess it at first, but I couldn't figure out that Hongjun surrendered to you anyway. Anyone can betray Honghuang, but he is the only one who can't. Besides, as I said before, you You won't let any saint go, even the Tongtian Yuanshi Laozi is an incarnation of Dao, which doesn't belong to the existence of a saint. But you let Hongjun go..."

Master Hunyuan said coldly: "How can you be sure based on these alone?"

Zishou said, "Of course it's more than that, there are hints from Hongjun."

Master Hunyuan couldn't help but ask, "What did he imply?"

Zishou said: "That day he was willing to be sealed, but he gave me the good fortune jade plate. In the good fortune jade plate, I saw the things left by Hongjun, which were some reflections. There was a huge emperor in the reflection. From the poems he sang, we know that he is Donghuang Taiyi. At that time, Donghuang Taiyi said that all things are created, created in Taiyi, and transformed into yin and yang...It cannot be shaped, it cannot be named, and it is forced to be it, so it is called Taiyi... The eternity of benefit... and the world is peaceful, the world of the great way, only...with one...three..."

Zishou shook his head: "There are a lot of things missing in these words, so I couldn't hear them clearly, but I saw the three flowers on Donghuang Taiyi's head suddenly fluttering down, and when they reached the world, they actually took root."

He remembered what he saw at that time, and sighed: "Later, I met the real Donghuang Taiyi, and he talked about his obsession. I knew it. Donghuang Taiyi wanted a world of peace. , the world of the great way, but he didn’t know how to turn the world into a world of the great way, so he cut off the three flowers and let them take root, that is, let the three corpses of good and evil each go to find the world of the great way.”

"Among them, the good corpse came to Honghuang and became a creature of Honghuang. Maybe he has forgotten his identity as a good corpse, thinking that he is a creature of Honghuang, but he still became the ancestor of Taoism, giving lectures in Zixiao Palace, in order to transform the world into a road In the end, he was no longer the good corpse of the Eastern Emperor, but another person. It can be seen from his repeated obsession with good and evil. Although he helped you at the beginning, he was automatically blocked later, and even secretly helped you. Me, because he is the ancestor of Dao after all."

"For some reason, the evil corpses also came to the prehistoric world, turned into Rahu, and competed with the good corpses for thousands of years. And the world of the great way that the evil corpses think must be evil, so there is Rahu to set up the demon clan, which is a disaster for the common people."

As Zishou said, he opened the gate of hell, and his eyes fell on Taoist Master Hunyuan: "As the corpse of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, after losing the restriction of good and evil, you magnified your inner obsession and arrogance. Taiyi's wrong idea leads you to think that the real balance can only be achieved by destroying all saints."


The gate of ghosts has been opened, and a gray-haired old man gradually appeared in the gate of ghosts.

Zishou said: "From Luohu being sealed, to Hongjun entering the gate of hell, there are all traces to follow, but I have only figured this out until now... Good and evil are sealed, and as a corpse, no one can restrict you, Nature is immortal, but what about now?"


Inside the ghost gate, an old man walked out slowly, sighed, and said: "When Luo Hu was completely crucified by you, I knew everything. If good and evil cannot be balanced, good will turn into evil. I have thought about it more than once. to destroy you."

Hunyuan Daoist's face was ugly, he stared at Zishou, and said, "Di Xin, how many years did it take you to figure this out?"

Zishou said: "You found out? I have been in reincarnation for a long time, and I have forgotten how many years."

His voice was low, his expression was bleak, and he contained infinite sadness.

"Master Hunyuan, it's over."

He stretched out his right hand, lifted it up slightly, and a mouthful of long swords flew from the sky, reached his palm, and turned into a sword array.

Master Hunyuan smiled instead of anger: "My good and evil corpses are here, and we are three in one, can you help me?"

However, his movements and expressions were a little out of control.

Because he found that the two corpses of good and evil were walking towards him.

"Corpse, it's time to end. The great world he wants us to explore is not like this. You have gone astray." Hongjun sighed.

"Although I wish I could tear Di Xin into pieces, what you want to do is indeed not what he wants you to do." Luo Hu stretched out his hand to grab it, and a god-killing gun returned to his palm.

Daoist Hunyuan was frightened and angry, and said sharply: "What are you going to do? We are three in one, you...you dare to betray me?"

Zishou said, "It's not that they betrayed you, it's that you killed yourself!"


There was little suspense about the outcome of this battle. Although his cultivation base was high, the Taoist master who was restrained everywhere was soon stabbed in the chest by the god-killing spear.

Three thousand roads turned into chains, entangled him to death.

In the unwilling expression of the Taoist master, Zishou cut off his head with a sword and nailed it to the huge stele.

Hongjun, Luo Hu's expression turned desolate, and he pondered for a long time, as if he was mourning for the Taoist master.

Zishou didn't do anything to the two of them. The good corpses depend on each other, and the world will reach a balance.

Once one is sealed, there will be problems.

After this battle is over, he wants to return to his hometown and meet those people he wants to see.

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