Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 73 Your Majesty Really Has Sharp Eyes

"Huh? Didn't you hear? Go tell Wen Zhong that the Tianfenghou formation will continue, replace Dong Tianjun, and let Mo Lihong be the formation leader." Zishou looked up at Yuan Hong and said indifferently.

"My lord, but Molihong can't... yes, I'll go right away." Yuan Hong, who wanted to say something to Zishou, found that Zishou's eyes gradually became unfriendly, and his voice became lower and lower, and finally nodded Nodded and went out to pass on the message.

When Wen Zhong and others heard the instructions from Zishou, everyone was dumbfounded.

In the camp, Wen Zhong, Shi Tianjun, Taoist Minghe, Mo Lihong and others looked at me and I looked at you, all with dumbfounded faces.

What is your Majesty trying to do?Can you still play like this?

You must know that the Wind Roar Formation was refined by Dong Quan and Dong Tianjun, and only he is most familiar with the various arrangements of the Wind Roar Formation, so the Wind Roar Formation can play the greatest role in his hands.

As we all know, the power of a formation also depends on the person who commands the formation!

Now Zishou replaces Dong Tianjun and lets Mo Lihong, who doesn't understand anything, manipulate Fenghou Formation. Isn't this just nonsense?

"Hmph!" Dong Tianjun was upset, letting others direct his formation, no one would be happy to change it!

"No, Your Majesty's move must have a deep meaning!" Wen Zhong said in a deep voice: "Some of the previous arrangements of Your Majesty seem to be unreasonable, and they seem to have been arranged randomly, but every step has played a vital role. This time the arrangement must also have something. Its deep meaning needs to be pondered carefully.”

Wen Zhong remembered what Fei Zhong had said to him. His Majesty's words were full of deep meaning. Only by paying attention to them carefully can he understand His Majesty's good intentions.

Don't forget the king's previous arrangement, which time did something go wrong?

This terrifying emperor who can control the entire battlefield situation without taking a step in the camp, could there be any mistakes in his arrangements?

At that moment, Wen Zhong simply stopped thinking about it, and said, "Just as the king said, let Mo Lihong preside over the Wind Roar Formation. Fellow Daoist Dong, please tell Mo Lihong the secret of the formation..."

If it were someone else, it would be unavoidable to leave in anger at this time, but Dong Tianjun and Wen Zhong have a very good relationship, even though he was angry at the moment, he stood up and said to Mo Lihong: "Let's go, come with me to see the Wind Roar Formation."

"Hey, what does your Majesty mean by this? Master Wen, why don't you ask your Majesty to take back your life!" Mo Lihong smiled bitterly. Three of the four brothers died. The will to die has sprouted.

Wen Zhong patted Mo Lihong on the shoulder and said: "Your Majesty's move must have deep meaning, don't be discouraged, General Demon!"

After a pause, Wen Zhong said again: "Don't tell me that General Demon doesn't want to avenge his brother? This is an opportunity given to you by your majesty, you can't let your majesty down!"

Thinking of Qingxu Daodezhenjun's three fans fanning his three brothers to death, Mo Li's red eyes sparkled with vengeance.

Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for him to avenge Qingxu Daodezhenjun in his whole life. After all, with their cultivation bases, Mo Lihong would not be able to match Qingxu Daodezhenjun even if he was ten times stronger.

But it's different now, if I can host the Wind Roar Formation...

"Your Majesty, this is giving me a chance to take revenge..." Mo Lihong gritted his teeth when he thought of this, and said, "Don't worry, Grand Master Wen, the general will never let you down!"

"Okay, let's go to Fenghou Formation for a turn!" Grand Master Wen patted Mo Lihong on the shoulder and said.

Mo Lihong also followed Dong Tianjun to the Wind Roar Formation. Dong Tianjun manipulated it first, shaking the black flag, and in an instant, the black wind blew up in the formation, turning into thousands of weapons and cutting everywhere!The power is terrifying!

"My Wind Roar Formation only needs to shake the Wind Roar Flag, and the black wind will turn into thousands of blades. If you are a Daluo Jinxian, as long as you enter my formation, you will only have a dead end!" Dong Tianjun said proudly.

Mo Li's red eyes shrank, and he said: "Wait...Dong Tianjun, I seem to have discovered a flaw in the wind roar formation."

"What?" Dong Tianjun looked at him calmly, but a look of disdain flashed in his eyes: "You are an ordinary person, can you find any flaws in the wind roar formation?"

Mo Lihong knew it would be useless to talk too much, so she shook her head and said, "Dong Tianjun, try to hurt me with the wind roar."

Dong Tianjun said: "You want to try the power of the Wind Roar Formation? Let me tell you, if I shake the Wind Roar Flag, you will die under the wind blade in an instant."

"Come on, Dong Tianjun." Mo Lihong simply walked away and propped up the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella.

"If you die, don't blame me!" Dong Tianjun was irritated by his arrogant attitude, and immediately grabbed the wind roar flag and waved it, and in an instant countless wind blades blew towards Mo Lihong.

However, at this moment, Mo Lihong took out the Fixed Wind Orb from the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella and sacrificed it, the wind stopped in an instant, and the blades melted into nothingness.

Then Mo Lihong yelled loudly, stepped forward, and struck Dong Tianjun with a palm.

Dong Tianjun was stunned, his back dripping with cold sweat.

The wind howling array... was actually broken...


Mo Lihong said: "This wind howling formation is certainly powerful, but if you have a fixed wind bead in your hand, this formation can be broken. Dong Tianjun, my Hunyuan pearl umbrella is inlaid with a fixed wind bead, so I can break this formation. What if someone in Xiqi also has Wind Beads?"

Dong Tianjun's expression changed when he heard the words, his hands trembled unconsciously, and he said bitterly: "It seems that this Fenghou Formation still has flaws."

"Dong Tianjun, let's take advantage of tonight to find a way to correct the flaws of the Wind Roar Formation. Otherwise, we will be in danger tomorrow." Mo Lihong was completely impressed at this time, the king is really astute!Letting myself replace Dong Tianjun is probably just to let myself find a loophole in Fenghou formation!

It can be seen from this that although the king is in the camp, he is actually very clear about the flaws of the Fenghou Formation!

This person is too scary!

"Okay, let's find a way to correct this loophole tonight." Dong Tianjun said at the same time.

"Okay, improve this formation overnight, and we must not disappoint the king!"


At the same time, Xiqi had just rescued Chi Jingzi, and while everyone was relieved, they felt a headache for tomorrow's battle.

"Tomorrow will be the wind roar formation." Jiang Ziya said with some headaches: "How can this wind roar formation be broken?"

Now the Soul Falling Formation and the Earthly Fierce Formation have not been broken, and tomorrow will be the Wind Roaring Formation in the battle book. This Wind Roaring Formation is not easy to break!

"This roaring wind formation is not the wind of the world, but the wind of earth, water, and fire, and its power is even more terrifying than the fierce formation of the earth." Daoist Ran Deng shook his head and said: "To break the formation, you must Holding the Wind Bead in your hand, you can hold the wind, and this formation will not be destroyed by itself!"

As he said that, Taoist Ran Deng raised his head and looked into the distance: "I have a friend named Duer Daoist. He lives in the Babao Yunguang Cave of Jiuding Tiecha Mountain. Go ahead and borrow this bead to break through the wind and roar."

At that moment, Qingxu Daodezhenjun nodded and drove away on the cloud.Although he was severely injured by Styx last time, he was a Da Luo Jinxian after all, and he recovered within a few days.

Day two.

It is heard that the grand master came with the crowd, the masters of the Ten Absolute Formation stood on each side, and Taoist Ran Deng also led the immortals.

"Over there, Xiqi, who is going to break my Wind Roar Formation!" Walked out of the magic ceremony red way in the business camp.

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