"Trigger mission: Kill one of the Twelve Golden Immortals by the Wind Roar Array."

"Reward: Yin Shang luck +200, longevity +500 years, magic circle increased armor-breaking buff: 30% penetration."

Zishou: ...

Today, Zishou doesn't want to complain about the tasks of the dog system anymore. Anyway, no matter how good the rewards of the dog system are, he can't get them, right?

Although Zishou knew that Mo Lihong had learned how to manipulate the Wind Roar Formation from Dong Tianjun all night, but was it useful?

If a beginner can kill one of the Twelve Golden Immortals, he can write his name upside down!


on the battlefield.

Seeing Mo Lihong stepping forward to shout, Jiang Ziya and the others froze for a moment.

The magic gift red of the four generals of the magic family?Could it be that he controls the Wind Roar Formation?Or is there another conspiracy?

When Zishou learned that Mo Lihong was obediently manipulating the Wind Roar Formation in the tent, he let go of the big stone in his heart.

Chanjiao, I've given you a chance, if you can't break the battle, then Chanjiao really took money to play himself!

"Chanjiao, you must work hard!" Zishou silently cheered for Chanjiao.

But the face of Empress Shiji next to her was puzzled, why did the king let Mo Lihong replace Dong Tianjun?

Does the king not want to win?

No, absolutely not, it must be because I still don't understand Zishou's arrangement!


on the battlefield.

Ran Deng doesn't care whether Dong Tianjun or Mo Lihong is the person who manipulates the Wind Roar Formation today, anyway, no matter who is manipulating the Wind Roar Formation today, this formation must be destroyed!

At that moment, Taoist Ran Deng looked at everyone: "Who will break this evil formation?"

At that moment, King Wen's No.20 eighth son, Ji Kuang, came out: "The final general is willing to break this evil formation."

Taoist Ran Deng nodded, but he knew in his heart that this was another cannon fodder.

Ji Kuang charged at Mo Lihong with a spear in hand, and Mo Lihong fought for three rounds with a knife before turning around and walking into the wind howling formation.

Ji Kuang then rushed in, and Mo Lihong walked to the earthen platform in the center of the formation, shaking the black flag, and in an instant, black winds blew like blades, Ji Kuang screamed, and was immediately cut into pieces by the black wind.

"Fellow Daoist Yuxu, you send a mortal into the Wind Roar Formation to die, how can your conscience be safe? Since you are the Yuxu Supreme Immortal, you should come to break the formation yourself!" Dong Tianjun saw it outside the formation, and couldn't help but ask Daoist Burning Lamp shouted.

"Prince Qingxu Daodezhen, I will give you the fixed wind beads, and you go to break this evil formation." Daoist Ran Deng said calmly, and gave a bead emitting a faint golden light to Qingxu Daodezhenjun.

Dong Tianjun saw it from a distance, his pupils shrank, sure enough!Set Fengzhu!

Molihong was right!fortunately!Fortunately, I made preparations yesterday!

At present, Qingxu Daozhen Lord walked into the Fenghou Formation, looked up at Mo Lihong who was standing on the earth platform manipulating the formation, and sneered: "Mo Lihong, I didn't kill you that day, how dare I preside over the formation today? Suicide!"

"Pure Xu Daozhen Monarch, today is your death day!"

When Mo Lihong saw his enemy, his eyes were red with anger, and he waved the black flag, and in an instant countless wind blades blew over the sky and covered the earth!Its power is fierce and unparalleled!

Qingxu Daodezhenjun sneered, very disdainful, Molihong is just a small ant in his eyes, and can be destroyed with one palm!

Immediately, he sacrificed the Wind-fixing Orb to freeze the black wind, and the countless wind blades would disappear in an instant.

However, at this moment, a smug smile appeared on Mo Lihong's face, and with a wave of his hand, the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella opened, and the sky became dark in an instant, and the pearl must have been put into the umbrella by the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella!

With the closure of the Hunyuan Pearl Umbrella, the effect of the wind-fixing beads is lost, and countless wind blades take shape again, attacking the pure and moral true monarch!

"Ah!" Qingxu Daodezhenjun only had time to scream, and the blades formed by countless black winds instantly wrapped his whole body and crushed him to powder!

Then Mo Lihong laughed excitedly, and rushed out of the Fenghou formation: "Qingxu Daodezhenjun is dead! Who dares to enter my Fenghou formation!"

Seeing this, the immortals of Chanjiao changed their faces and roared again and again.

"Impossible! Qingxu Moral True Monarch has Wind Fixation Orb, how could he die?"

"It must be a trick to intercept Jiaoshi!"

"Don't break the formation at all, and kill them together!"

Guang Chengzi was so angry that his face was livid, and he took out Fan Tianyin, wishing he could rush up and shoot the person who stopped the teaching to death.

"Ah! I got it!" Jiang Ziya, who was riding on the Sixiang, suddenly thought of something, clapped his palms together and said, "Molihong has a pearl umbrella that can be used to collect things. He must have taken away the Wind Bead of the senior brother!"

Guang Chengzi glared at him, "Fuck you, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Oh, my disciple ordered to commit the killing precept. I wanted to use other people's lives to break the killing precept, but I didn't expect... the number of days has changed!" At this time, the Taoist burning lamp was also helpless. Three of the twelve golden immortals had died, and the ten Not a single one was broken.

"Haha, no one can break through the wind and howl, who dares to come to my ice formation?" Yuan Tianjun, the master of the ice formation, laughed.

"Come back to break the formation tomorrow." Daoist Ran Deng said lightly, turned around and flew towards the Conferred God Stage. He also wanted to intercept the soul of Qingxu Daozhenjun and send it back to the ashram to reshape his body.


"The task has been completed and the reward has been issued!"

Zishou lay in the big camp and slept with his eyes squinted. Before he could sleep for a while, he was awakened by the system's notification sound.

Eh?Did you win?Did Chanjiao press Molihong to the ground and beat it?Has the Wind Roar Formation been broken?

Well, come on, explain and teach, don't be polite, hurry up and send Molihong to the list, that's all I can help you with.

Then he heard bursts of cheers from outside, but he was stunned for a moment.

Wait, there seems to be something wrong, what are they cheering about?

"Your Majesty is wise, Mo Lihong has beheaded Qingxu Daodezhenjun, and we have won another game!" But at this moment, Shiji beside him said happily, and looked at him with eyes almost adoring.

A question mark slowly appeared in Zishou's mind.

It's not that he thinks he has a problem, but that the whole world has a problem!

Why was Mo Lihong able to behead Qingxu Dazhenjun?

A big Luo Jinxian was beaten to the knees by a waste who only knows magic weapons?

Is Qing Xu Dao Zhenjun really so good?The horse rider took the money from Molihong, right? ! !

This dog thing! !

I just squinted and won again? !

Zishou felt a little depressed, especially when he heard the cheers from the generals outside, he was sure of winning.

He couldn't figure it out at all, how could a magic lihong manipulating the half-baked Fenghou Formation kill Qingxu Daodezhenjun!

Could it be that he really got paid to play himself?

"What's going on?" Zishou took a deep breath and asked Shi Ji pretending to be relaxed.

Shi Ji was looking at him adoringly at this moment: "Your Majesty asked Mo Lihong to replace Dong Tianjun, which seemed to have harmed him, but in fact it was not. The Wind Roar Formation is certainly powerful, but it has a great flaw that it is afraid of being fixed." Wind beads, as long as there are fixed wind beads, the formation will be useless."

"As for Chanjiao, they also got the Dingfeng Orb to break the formation. But they didn't expect that the king had actually discovered this, and arranged for Mo Lihong to replace Dong Tianjun."



"Molihong's Hunyuan pearl umbrella can collect things. When Qingxu Daodezheng sacrificed the fixed wind beads, Molihong used the Hunyuan pearl umbrella to collect the fixed wind beads. The result is obvious. Qingxu Daodezhenjun died In the wind roar!"

Zishou: ...

Is it okay to ride a horse?

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