Zishou never expected that he would win after replacing the master of Fenghou with Molihong. Is all this a distortion of human nature?Or a moral decline?

Did the Twelve Golden Immortals really charge money to play themselves?

"It all depends on the king, thanks to the long-term vision of the king, who knows the flaws of the wind roar formation." Shiji worshiped.

Zishou: ...

Don't tell me, okay!This group of bastards, if they act as Lao Tzu, they still want to throw the blame on Lao Tzu...

What evil did I do!


Zi Shou leaned back against the chair weakly, feeling physically and mentally exhausted, and didn't know how to arrange tomorrow's ice formation!

I've tried changing teams and players, but it didn't work!


"Haha, thanks to Your Majesty's vicious vision, if not for His Majesty's guidance, it would be difficult to win this round."

Back in the camp, Wen Zhong regained his senses and thought about it. At the beginning, the king asked Mo Lihong to replace Dong Tianjun to host the Fenghou formation. The reason he could think of was that he wanted to reuse Mo Lihong.

But in fact, my guess is still at the superficial level, and I can't understand the deep meaning of the king.

The king's layout actually started a long time ago. From the very beginning, he transferred Huang Feihu and let the Taoist Minghe face the pure and moral king. On the surface, it was just to protect Huang Feihu.

In reality?It was to keep the magic gift red!

The king also seemed to have guessed that Qingxu Daodezhenjun would take action against the four generals of the Mo family, and arranged for Taoist Minghe to save Mo Lihong to prepare for the wind howling formation in the future.

This kind of super far-sighted vision and predictive ability is really beyond the reach of ordinary people!

But it is right to think about it, there are a lot of talents in the Western Zhou Dynasty, Wen Zhong will never be able to attack the Western Zhou Dynasty with his own strength, and in the end he can only look for reinforcements.

Apparently, the king had expected this a long time ago, and even guessed that he would invite Lord Ten Heaven...

Thinking of it now, Wen Zhong sighed, he wasted his whole life on the battlefield, and the result is not as thorough as the King Yuan in the palace garden.

The king obviously saw through the flaws of the Fenghou formation, and let Mo Lihong manipulate the Fenghou formation in order to make up for the flaws of this formation. However, as a marshal, he couldn't see this, and thought that the king was messing around...

The more Wen Zhong thought about it, the more ashamed he felt. In the past three days and three formations, each arrangement of the king seemed incomprehensible, but each arrangement played a vital role.

On the first day, the Juezhen Formation was replaced by the Falling Soul Formation to destroy Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun.

On the second day, there was a fierce battle to kill the red sperm.

On the third day, the Fenghou formation changed its master, and destroyed Qingxu Dazhenjun again.


In fact, the king has seen everything from the very beginning, and arranged everything with ease. Many details seem to be irrelevant, but afterwards, it makes people think carefully.

Your Majesty, it's too scary!

"Grand Master Wen, does Your Majesty have any plans for tomorrow?" Yuan Tianjun, the master of the Ice Array, also looked at Wen Zhong and asked.

"I'll ask the king, don't worry, everyone." Wen Zhong was also thinking about whether there would be any flaws in the ice array at this time, and how to strengthen the power of the ice array.

What will the king do?

Of course, at this time Zishou was still in autism, and when Shi Ji came to ask him if he had any plans for tomorrow, Zishou hadn't recovered yet.

These three days have dealt him a bit of a blow, the performance of the Twelve Golden Immortals is really eye-catching, each of them seems to have drunk fake wine, blindly playing themselves.

Seeing that Zishou was immersed in thinking and didn't hear his own words, Shi Ji was also in awe. The king clearly killed the three big Luo Jinxians with three formations, but he didn't relax at all. He must be thinking about tomorrow's ice formation. There is nothing wrong with it.

Because the king knows that he will win, or he may lose.

In order to win, the king is under too much pressure!

Although he is a mortal, he used his wisdom to kill the Da Luo Jinxian. This person is too terrifying~!

Thinking of this, Shiji also came up with an idea silently, he must help the king to study the Ten Jue Formation well, and help the king relieve his worries!

In order to repay the king, but also for myself~!

Of course, Zishou didn't know what was going on in her mind, otherwise he would have decisively taken out the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover and killed her directly.

"No, we have to find a way! Tomorrow's ice array can't go directly!" Zishou's brain turned rapidly, and after the ground array killed Chi Jingzi, the system gave a buff that doubled the power of the ice array, directly If you go to the ice formation, the power will be doubled, and I'm afraid you will have to kill another golden fairy by then.

Four of the Twelve Golden Immortals were killed?I'm afraid it's not to provoke Yuanshi Tianzun to end early!No, it must be stopped!

"What should I do..." Zi Shou knocked on the table, if he went to the ice formation tomorrow, there would only be one night left to arrange, and he had to come up with a solution as soon as possible.

But after much deliberation, Zi Shou couldn't come up with a good solution. After all, it's useless to change teams. He can't just run over and kill Shi Tianjun now, right?

Eh?Wait... run over?

If my own people have nothing to do with it, what about Xiqi's side...

A gleam flashed in Zishou's eyes, as if...he had figured out a way!

"Go, go and see Wen Zhong and the others." Zi Shou waved his hand and walked towards Grand Master Wen's tent.

Today, the wind roared to kill Qingxu Daodezhenjun, Wen Taishi, Shitianjun and others were drinking and celebrating in the tent.

After all, a cultivator can turn alcohol into nothingness, and he is not afraid of getting drunk and delaying the battle.

When Zishou came to the camp, Wen Taishi and others hurriedly got up to greet him, their attitudes were full of respect and caution.

"Your Majesty, please come in."

"My lord, the tent is dirty."

Shi Tianjun looked at Zishou with eyes full of gratitude and admiration instead of the contempt and disdain at the beginning.

I am also very excited about Zishou's arrival.

It was completely unexpected that the majestic emperor would come to see them in person.

"You keep drinking, don't worry about me." Zi Shou looked at the group of dogs with a smile, not angry, anyway, these things will be on the list sooner or later.

Yuan Hong and Shi Ji acted as guards on both sides. They had no intention of drinking, but they were filled with emotion.

Not only did the Emperor come to the battlefield to supervise the battle, but he even came to the tent to toast in person, without the slightest pretensions of the Emperor...

Your Majesty, you are really a good emperor!

"Don't worry, my lord, I have studied it with Yuan Tianjun, the master of the ice formation, and I will definitely kill another immortal tomorrow!" Wen Zhong raised his head and chest confidently.


Is it over?I came to toast in person, and you still want to target me like this?

Where did I offend you?talk about it.

"Don't worry, victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. No one can win forever." Zishou smiled lightly: "Don't put too much pressure on you, just fight with a normal heart."

His hidden meaning is obvious, please don't explode the small universe, lose a game quickly!

One game is enough!


Your Majesty... I'm afraid we will be under a lot of pressure...

Wen Zhong felt that he had never been so moved in such a long time, and said sincerely: "My lord, don't worry, all heavenly monarchs and I will definitely find out the flaws in the formation, and strive to kill ten Daluo Jinxians in ten formations!"

Zishou: ...

Please don't look for it, okay?Leave an opening for others!

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