At the foot of Nanqiao Mountain, beside Wangchuan Lake.There is a Wangchuan building here, facing the lake and the mountains.The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and the slanting sun is misty.

When the girl in a plain long dress came to Wangchuan Tower, it happened that the rain was about to come and the building was full of strong winds.

Pedestrians at the foot of the mountain did not have time to enjoy the scenery, so they hurriedly escaped the rain and entered the corridor to the inner building of the museum.

The girl in plain clothes looked at this scene, the expression on her face did not change much, but she also followed upstairs.

Just when the voices started to make noise and the footsteps stopped lightly, there was a sound of "sand" outside the window, and the heavy rain rolled down.For a while, there was only the sound of wind blowing against the window and thunderstorms.

Pedestrians may have been deterred by the wind and rain, and none of them spoke.Even those who speak, shut their mouths and turn sideways.

The plain-clothed girl looked out of the window, the towers, green hills and emerald lakes were all swept by the wind and rain, connecting them together, really like "autumn water grows together with the sky and the same color".

She thought that this kind of Jiangnan scenery can only be described by Du Mu's "480 temples in the Southern Dynasty, how many buildings are in the mist and rain".

The misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River has always been praised by ancient and modern poets, especially when the mountains, rivers and towers are integrated into one scene, it is even more beautiful.

Some pedestrians are not afraid of wind and rain, and lean on the railing to watch the rain.I saw the waves of the lake like tides, and the vast shadows.The sound of the wind is so loud that it is deafening; the raindrops are like beads, like the power of random arrows.

The girl sighed softly, the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River is very beautiful, with the beauty in poetry.

It's just that without the person you like, no matter how beautiful it is, it will only increase the hurt.People are sentimental, and they grow out of the scenery. It is no wonder that the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River is slightly sad in the poems of the ancients.

She looked up into the distance, and a shadow of a person appeared in her heart, but when she wanted to look closer, that shadow had disappeared.

It was dusk when the rain stopped, and it was even more spectacular and beautiful.The mountain shows the color of the sky, and the building increases the coldness.

Looking down from the upstairs, it is amazing to sigh its incomparable beauty.

The color of the sky is even more beautiful than when it rains.

It's really the wind and the clouds, the rain and the first sunshine, and the warm and bright lakeside. "

Holding a paper umbrella, the girl came out of the building and walked along the bank of Wangchuan Lake.

She walks quietly, like a mournful lilac flower in the rain, indifferent, desolate, and melancholy.

The sun shines into the lake, forming a vast expanse.

After the rain, the lake was sparkling and the sky was like washing.

There are many smoke trees on the shore, shaking pearls and falling jade.

"I always hear people say that Jiangnan is good, and tourists only like the old Jiangnan. It turns out that the mountains, rivers, misty rain and fruit in Jiangnan are mentioned in the poem."

"Hey, look at that woman, she's so pretty."

"She didn't know where she came from, and I didn't find it just now."

There are pedestrian openings in the rear.

The girl ignored her and continued to walk along the lakeside. Her breath-like eyes, clove-like sorrow, and dreamy figure were as sad and confused as a dream.

"I'm looking for a dream that is both sad and happy. It may be uncomfortable, but it's always what I'm looking for."

She sighed softly and walked away gradually.

Finally, her figure disappeared into the fog and mist by the lake.


The above is Qingyan's side story. When writing this article, um, I feel very melancholy.

As for why Qingyan wasn't accepted into the harem, it was because she hadn't planned to let her into the harem from the beginning.

The story of Zishou is also over, and the pits that should be filled are all filled.A little melancholy, but also a little bit relieved, I have been writing for more than a year, and I am very sad to end it.In fact, the editor of this book told me to write 300 to 300 million words, and it was only then that I could earn a lot of manuscript fees.But, after all, the story has already been written, and after writing two to three million words, there is really only water left.

Readers who have read my book know that Ye Tianchi is a conscientious author who doesn't like hydrology and water plot updates very quickly and with a lot of updates, so I chose to finish writing directly.

Of course, there are still extra episodes - the editor asked me to write 300 to [-] million words, don't finish the book now!However, I just finished the book, afraid of being beaten, so I had to write about the water drama (crossed out), and write about the lives of other characters.

Maybe it will write about Concubine Su of Yinjiao, maybe it will write about Fei Zhong, or maybe it will write about Zishou's three corpses, or it may be about Zishou Nuwa's journey to modern times, Pingxin's work as a cook, etc. Lighthearted and funny...

As for Qingyan, there is a high probability that it will not appear.

One more thing, the new book has been released, it is almost [-] words long, if you are interested, please come and support me. "Comprehensive Martial Arts: I Created the Great Villain of Destiny".It is a story of the main character in the world of martial arts, doing (following) good (girls) and accumulating (pretending to be) moral (forceful).The following is another side story. Putting the author's words at the end will be deleted by the system, so it is shameless to put it in the middle.

There are no other colors on the white snow-capped mountains, and even the sky is reflected pale.Occasionally, the howling wind passed by, and the snowflakes swirled in mid-air.Other than that, it was lonely.

Although there are tall trees and people living in the snow mountain, they can't be seen at this time.Disappeared in the wind and snow, let alone the slightest human voice.

There is a small hotel at the foot of the mountain, which is so low under the weight of the snow that it is impossible to find this hotel if you don't approach it.

In the hotel, apart from the old wine seller who was over sixty years old, there was a man in white sitting in the middle.

The man was dressed in white clothes, and his face was also very pale, and his thin face was full of loneliness.He picked up the wine glass and drank by himself.Like the snow outside, the whole body of this person is cold.

The old wine seller was startled after seeing him, retreated behind the curtain, and muttered, "There is nothing more lonely than him."

The man in white has already drunk the seventh bowl of wine, except for the wind outside the window is the sound of his drinking.After he finished drinking the ninth bowl of wine, he suddenly heard someone outside the window saying loudly: "The sword is full of energy and mist, the mist is clear and the water is cold. After a night of wind and snow, wipe the blade and the white clothes."

This poem is about a swordsman killing people and wiping his sword on a snowy night.At this time, it was read out by someone, and it matched the surrounding environment very well.

The man in white poured another bowl of wine, but didn't drink it.A voice said: "Why don't you drink anymore? Are you scared?" The man in white was silent.

The voice said again: "Although the wine here is not as good as Chang'an's famous wine, it is also very mellow. If you want to drink it, drink it quickly, otherwise you may not be able to drink it in the future."

The man in white said: "Aren't you willing to stop?"

His voice was low and his expression was bleak, which seemed to contain infinite sadness.

The voice sighed, and said: "Are you asking me not to stop? Hand over the sword manual, and we will never trouble you again!"

The man in white seemed extremely lonely for a while, unwilling or too lazy to talk to him, leaning on the chair and continuing to drink.

Suddenly another voice shouted: "Chu Jiangyue, do you recognize me?" A shadow broke through the window.

The man in white moved his right hand, and the long sword leaning on the table was drawn out.The shadow flashed and retreated again.The man in white put his long sword back into its sheath.

No one could see the battle, because it was too fast, even the sound of the battle was hidden by the wind.Didn't even see the shadow!

Only another voice said: "What did you see?" One said: "White clothes." It was the voice of the black shadow.

The man in white sighed a long time, and said, "Who is the one who snatched the Zhuxian Sword Formation besides the three of you?"

"Isn't the three of us enough?" I don't know whose voice it is from the three.

The man in white said, "What do you think?"

As soon as the words fell, three black shadows broke into the house.A Taoist in black rushed in from the main entrance, and swept a thunderbolt at the waist of the man in white.

A tall Taoist fell from the eaves, and Wansi's dust whisk turned into silver needles and swept towards the forehead of the man in white.

A black-bearded Taoist still broke through the window and slapped the man in white on the chest with a pair of poisonous palms.

The sword light moves, the figure moves, and blood splatters.

The man in white broke through the door, and the wine shed collapsed with a bang.

The smoke and snow fell, and the few jars of wine left in the wine shed were also smashed, turning into ice cubes in an instant.

The old man in the hotel was lifted out by the man in white, and he stood there trembling.The long sword in the white-clothed man's hand was still dripping blood, and a puddle of blood appeared on his chest.

The man in white took off the jade pendant around his waist and threw it to the old man in the hotel.Gently flicked away the bleeding on the sword, and stepped forward.

Two or three miles after he left the hotel, the snowstorm became more intense. The snow fell so hard that the sun in the sky could not be seen, and it was hard to tell when it was.

The man in white coughed violently a few times and spit out a few drops of blood, but his pace did not slow down a bit.

"Is this the world of mountains and seas that the deity mentioned? It is indeed much larger than the prehistoric world, and there are many more Hunyuan stages..."

He is Zishou's good corpse Chu Jiangyue.

After the son was sealed as the Taoist master, Xuedong Huang Taiyi cut off the three flowers and scattered them among the three thousand worlds, allowing them to take root.

And the good corpse Chu Jiangyue came to the world of mountains and seas.

Because he possesses the Zhuxian sword formation and created his own Zhuxian swordsmanship, he has provoked many powerful people from the world of mountains and seas to fight for it.

And because it was Zishoushan's corpse, after Lei Ze deduced the secret, he ordered the gods to hunt him down.

The chasers include the evil heretics for the Zhuxian Formation, as well as the gods under the jurisdiction of Lei Ze, and the average cultivation base is above Hunyuan.

Chu Jiang fought for many days, and it was inevitable that he would be injured.

There was a sound of wind in front, and a cloud piercing arrow shot over with a "swish".

With a flash of sword light, the arrow was broken and fell to the ground.

Chu Jiangyue held her long sword straight and looked up, her face still showing melancholy and desolation.

"Di Xin, where are you going! Lord Lei Ze has ordered that you will never be allowed to leave the world of mountains and seas alive!" someone shouted in front.

Chu Jiangyue's pale face showed mournful expression, and she sighed: "Lei Ze? Is he not dead yet? Yes! He is indeed not dead yet, in fact, living may not be better than dead!"

The man didn't know that he was a good corpse, so he was melancholy and worried, he only thought that he was mocking Lei Ze, and said sharply: "All the strong people in the ghost country will come out, you will definitely die today!"

"People are going to die, even Hunyuan is the same." Chu Jiangyue said.

Just after he finished speaking, a white figure flew over, with a cold light flashing, and a long sword pierced out like a stream of light.

Chu Jiangyue immediately swung his sword to block.

After counting and counting, the man became more and more horrified, and found that Chu Jiangyue's swordsmanship was not inferior to his own, regardless of his cultivation level.

This person has been hunted down for many days, and he even heard that Master Lei Ze hit him and was seriously injured, yet he has such strength!If it was in its heyday, how strong would it be?

The man bit off the root of his tongue suddenly, spat out a mouthful of blood, which was sprinkled on the long sword in his hand, after the long sword sacrificed the blood, it suddenly glowed blue, very strange.

"A shocking sword!"

The man shouted sharply, the long sword was shot, and the light of the sword pierced the sky!

When the sword was thrust out, in an instant, it seemed that the snowflakes had stopped, and only the sword was moving.

Seeing that the sword was about to pierce Chu Jiangyue's chest, the Qinglian Sword in Chu Jiangyue's hand suddenly moved, and the long sword turned into a circle of swords and spread around her body.

In the flash of the sword light, there was a "bang", the long sword in the man's hand was broken into pieces, and with a bang, he stepped back and shouted: "Zhuxian Sword Formation! Zhuxian Sword Formation!"

The voice was full of horror and terror.

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