The sword light gradually disappeared, and the long sword was inserted back into the scabbard.

In front of him, there was already an extra Taoist skeleton, which seemed to be ground into meat residue by a meat grinder, bloody and disgusting.

Chu Jiangyue's face became even more terrifyingly pale.

It is not an easy task to use the Zhuxian Sword Formation to kill a Hunyuan Daluo Immortal.

A tall strange man walked out of the vast snow forest, with a dragon body and a bird head, and his appearance was strange.

The strange man pulled out his sword and said fiercely: "It's such a powerful sword array, no wonder it can seriously injure Lord Lei Ze that day."

A dozen or so gods walked out behind them, standing behind the dragon body and bird head god. These gods looked strange and were all very human.

Another giant humanoid elephant with two axes came out, raised his voice and shouted: "Di Xin, where do you want to escape today?"

The twin axes in his hands flashed blue and purple lightning, which was extremely strange.

Chu Jiangyue looked at it coldly.

Standing on the right is the dragon-body and bird-head god of Qiwu Mountain in the southern region of Shanhai. This god has the body of a giant dragon and the head of a falcon, and can control thunder and lightning.

Next to the dragon-body and bird-head god is his compatriot, the bird-body and dragon-head god, who is almost the opposite of the dragon-body and bird-head god.

Although the two are only mountain gods, they are also Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The god standing on the left is the Tiger King of Tianyu Mountain, a variant of the dragon, and the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The ax-wielding elephant next to the Hujiao Heavenly King is the mountain god elephant god who prayed over the mountain.

In the middle there is a deity with the head of a bird and a human body, who is also the mountain god who prayed to the mountain. This deity has three heads, named Qu Ru, and his cultivation is as high as that of Brahma.

In addition, there are the mountain gods of Lingqiu Mountain and the mountain gods of Nanyu Mountain.

Among them are two gods with strange shapes, one with six legs and four wings, which looks like four different shapes, but they are the remains of mountain gods and insects from Taihua Mountain in the west of the mountain and sea.

After these gods, there are still some strange gods that are not well-known, some are dressed as Taoists, and some are dressed as Tutas, but each god has a strange shape, a fierce look, and a strange blade in his hand. Easy to be with.

Chu Jiangyue's heart sank slightly, this is the Seven Great Mountains and Nine Great Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian in the world of mountains and seas...

Mount Qiwu has a dragon body and a bird head, a bird body and a dragon head,

Tianyu Mountain Tiger King,

Pray to Quru and Xiangshen,

Ling Qiu Shan Yong,

Nanyu Mountain has a dragon body, a human face and a god,

Taihua Mountain Insect Relics,

The clamor of the mountains.

This kind of lineup, even if Zi Shou came, I'm afraid he would have a headache.

If these nine gods were not fierce gods who caused a severe drought in the world, or demon gods who caused floods to harm the common people, usually each god sits on a mountain top, which is enough to deter one side, but today they all come here to deal with Chu Jiangyue alone.

If ordinary people were surrounded by these strange gods, they would have been scared to death for nine days.

Fortunately, as a good corpse, Chu Jiangyue was shocked, but not afraid, her face remained unchanged, and she didn't even look at these masters, but stared blankly at the sky.It seemed that standing in front of him was not a demon god who wanted to take his life, but lifeless things.

Tiger Flood King said with a grinning grin: "My lord was seriously injured back then, and speaking of Di Xin, he was relying on a Zhuxian Sword Formation. The Zhuxian Sword Formation is indeed powerful, but what can we do?"

Chongyi stared greedily at Chu Jiangyue and said, "If I win this formation and let me practice it, how powerful will it be? Di Xin, you might as well hand over the Zhuxian formation obediently!"

God Yong stared at Chu Jiangyue and said: "I want to eat him. This person is full of flesh and blood. Eating it will be of great benefit to my cultivation."

With a dragon body and a human face, he said: "Master Lei Ze is indeed right, this person is extremely powerful, don't underestimate him."

Looking at the vast Tianshan Mountains, Chu Jiangyue suddenly sighed and said, "Do you want the map of the Zhuxian formation?"

Chong Yi grinned and said, "Are you willing to hand over the Zhuxian Formation?"

Chu Jiangyue nodded, and said, "Chong Yi, if you want this map of Zhu Xian, take it!"

Chong Yi was overjoyed, and the next moment he gave a low drink, and stepped back. In front of him, Chu Jiangyue had already come forward with his sword.

His swordsmanship is like a god, and once he makes a move, he has no reason to fight back. With the sword light flickering, he has already struck more than ten swords at Chongyi and other gods.

The Elephant God shouted angrily, and swung at him with a huge axe. This ax once broke through mountains and rivers, and it was extremely powerful.

Chu Jiangyue dodged sideways, blocking the Qinglian sword in her hand.

The rest of the gods gave a low shout and stepped forward together.

In an instant, all kinds of weird weapons parried up together.

Chu Jiangyue shouted: "Zhuxian Sword Formation, now!"

There was a divine sword trembling in the lung orifices, and then a mouthful of long swords flew out of his body, forming a circle of swords around him in an instant.

The snow is still falling, and the blood is still flying.

As soon as the Zhuxian Sword Formation was unfolded, a burst of extraordinary power erupted, and the aura of killing shook the nine heavens.

"Don't you see that the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, rushes to the sea and will never return." Chu Jiangyue suddenly sang loudly, holding the sword and walking with the shadow of the gods, retreating and dodging, suddenly stretched out the sword, and stabbed to death clamor.

"Don't you see Gaotang Mingjing's sad white hair, the morning is like blue silk and the evening is snow."

There seemed to be tears in his eyes, but he sang recklessly, and the sword formations around him continued, and two Hunyuanshen were cut off by him in the blink of an eye.

On a mountain in the distance, a girl in a long purple dress was staring blankly at this scene.

The girl hung a long sword at her waist, looked lonely, and murmured in a low voice: "Life must be full of happiness, don't let the golden cup be empty to the moon... This poem is really good..."

Standing beside the girl in purple was a tall woman who smiled and said, "It's really rare that Shao Siming, who is 'Climbing to the Nine Heavens, Caressing the Comet, Holding the Young Ai with the Long Sword', would praise someone like that."

Shao Si Ming shook his head lightly, and said, "Isn't this poem bad? Da Si Ming, what did you think of when you saw him?"

Da Si Ming laughed, looked at Chu Jiangyue who was fighting the gods, and said, "Chu Jiangyue? He is Di Xin's good corpse, but not all good corpses."

The girl in purple said softly: "Why?"

Da Si Ming snorted softly, put his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "The method of cutting corpses used by Di Xin is different from the ordinary method of cutting corpses. It reminds me of that person..."

Shao Si Ming narrowed his pupils slightly, and his lips moved slightly: "You mean her..."

Da Si Ming did not answer, but suddenly said: "Si You has a problem again, the candle shade has moved."

Shao Si Ming frowned slightly, his voice suddenly became cold: "Then cut it off."

The long sword around her waist trembled suddenly, as if she felt her master's killing intent.

Da Si Ming glanced at the long sword at her waist, and then at Chu Jiangyue.

At this moment, the Chujiang Moon Sword Formation became more and more fierce, and six of the nine mountain gods had been beheaded by him.

However, the white clothes on his body were almost stained red with blood.

"The bells, drums, and jade are not expensive. I hope I won't wake up after being drunk." He sang to himself, swung his long sword, and another god was beheaded by him.

The remaining two gods were terrified and stepped back.The dragon-body, bird-beast god shouted: "Zhuxian Sword Formation is so powerful, let's fight him!"

At this point, they couldn't turn back. If they couldn't kill Chu Jiangyue, they would definitely be killed by Chu Jiangyue.

Chu Jiangyue suddenly turned her long sword upside down, and slowly inserted it into her chest.

Dragon Body Bird Beast God and Qu Ru looked at each other, both surprised and afraid.

"Five-flowered horses, thousands of gold, Hu'er will be exchanged for fine wine..."

At this moment, Chu Jiangyue's singing finally reached the last sentence, and the long sword was completely inserted into her chest.

"Sell the eternal sorrow with me!"

Suddenly, he opened his mouth and spat out, and sword intent spewed out from his mouth.

If Yuan Hong was still alive, he would definitely say: "What a big tone!"

This terrifying sword intent was like a tornado, directly engulfing the two of them.

"Ah!" The dragon-body, bird-beast god uttered a mournful and long cry, and his body was destroyed by the sword intent in just three breaths, twisting into pieces.

His primordial spirit wanted to escape, but this move was given to Zishou by Qingyan at the beginning, and later Chu Jiangyue painstakingly changed it, and it was powerful enough to kill the nine-rank Hunyuan.

As soon as the dragon-body, bird-beast god Yuanshen came out, it was shattered by the sword intent full of killing.

Qu Ru retreated back and jumped more than ten feet, but half of his body was also affected, and he was instantly twisted bloody.

Qu Ru spat blood on the snowy ground, trembling all the time, the frightened expression on his face could not be concealed, and tremblingly said: "Jade Immortal Sword Formation... How could the Exorcist Immortal Sword Formation be so powerful?"

Looking up, I saw that Chu Jiangyue was covered in blood, and her face was ferocious, like a monster from hell, just looking at it made her whole body tremble with fright.

He completely regretted why he came to besiege and kill this demon god. Although Lei Ze ordered, but he is the mountain god of the Southern Mountain and Sea Region, so he doesn't need to listen to Lei Ze's orders.

The rest of the gods who heard the news also scattered at this moment, and no one dared to stay here.

Chu Jiangyue spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground, her legs softened, and she half-kneeled on the snow, her long sword was also inserted into the snow, her chest was heaving and she was panting violently.

After this kind of battle, he has no strength left, let alone kill Qu Ru, he can't even stand up.

As soon as Qu Ru's eyes lit up, he immediately saw a turning point.

Although all the people on her side died and she was the only one left, Chu Jiangyue was obviously exhausted, let alone fighting to the death with her, she might not even be able to catch her own palm.

As long as I send him to death, this business is not too bad.

He stood up, walked towards Chu Jiangyue, and said with a smirk, "Di Xin, I'll give you a ride."

He knew very well that he would be killed if he talked too much, so he didn't show off triumphantly. He wanted to kill Chu Jiangyue with one palm.

However, at this moment, a long sword thrust out abruptly, passing through Qu Ru's back and piercing through his chest.

Qu Ru's eyes widened, staring at the sword tip on his chest, his face was full of disbelief.

Who actually attacked him?

But before he turned his head to see the murderer's truth, a purple lotus bloomed from the tip of the sword, and then the purple fire burned, completely burning Qu Ru's soul in a short time.

Chu Jiangyue raised her head weakly, and saw a pair of almost perfect long legs.

Wearing purple silk stockings, these long legs are straight and slender. Looking up, it is a luxurious purple palace dress with purple phoenix feathers embroidered on it, luxurious and elegant.

Looking up, Chu Jiangyue saw a beautiful face.

Immediately afterwards, he passed out.

After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly heard a soft voice: "Have you had enough rest? It's time to wake up!"

The voice is soft and gentle, but it is not a familiar person.

Chu Jiangyue opened her eyes, and found herself lying on a bed covered with a brocade quilt, and beside the bed was a girl in purple clothes.

He was taken aback and wanted to turn over, but he was powerless and fell back again.

The girl smiled and said, "I am Young Commander, you are in my room."


Let’s talk about this volume. At the beginning, it is set as the main line, which is what happens when the protagonist arrives in the world of mountains and seas.But after thinking about it later, it seemed that it was not very exciting, and it was best for Zishou's story to end there, so it ended directly.Of course, the main reason may be that I am afraid that if Zishou continues to write, the whole book will be rotten. Some books are good at the beginning, but the more they are written, the more watery they become, so it is best to end at that time.

Putting this article on the sidelines is to write according to the idea of ​​the previous main line, but the protagonist has changed from Zishou to Shanshi.Because it's not the main story but a side story, I can write freely without fear of dying or being scolded. Anyway, it's a side story, what am I afraid other restrictions

It is difficult to write about Zishou again. For example, Zishou’s cultivation base is too high, he will not be injured at all, he will not die, and no enemy can threaten him. If he is invincible, what else can he write, but there is no such restriction when writing a good corpse. , Another example is that Zishou has Nuwa's peace of mind, how can he attack Shao Shiming and Da Siming?How to attack Xihe?How to be a Cao thief?There is no such restriction when writing good corpses, you can write whatever you want.Of course, this is just a side story, and the update is uncertain. I mainly focus on the new book, read it if you are interested, and cross it out if you are not interested.

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