Chu Jiangyue looked around again, the room was elegantly furnished, the incense burner was puffing out smoke, and there was a girl in purple beside her.

When he stood up, he found that his body was naked, and his clothes had been taken off at some point.

The girl in purple looked at it without any scruples, her expression was cold, as if in front of her was not a naked man, but a lifeless piece of wood.

"Young Commander? The Young Commander in Nine Songs? What are you doing to save me?" Chu Jiangyue calmly took out a set of white gown from the ring on her hand, and dressed neatly.

Shao Si Ming's voice was soft, but there was no warmth at all: "I want to see the Zhuxian formation."

Chu Jiangyue said: "You also want to snatch the map of the Zhuxian formation? The Zhuxian formation may be very great in the eyes of the mountain gods and ghosts. If you are a young commander, you shouldn't covet the Zhuxian formation map. But since you saved me once, I will give you But it doesn't matter."

Sitting leisurely, Shao Siming said, "Bring it here!"

Chu Jiangyue said: "Do you think there will be a picture of Zhu Xian on me?"

Shao Siming nodded, and said leisurely: "That's true, you didn't see the formation map even after I stripped it all. If you write down the formation map, it's not in vain for me to save you. Don't write it upside down for me. Fake sword drawing, otherwise I will take your life right away."

Chu Jiangyue saw that the girl looked small, elegant and weak, but she was always ready to take someone's life.

Thinking that this person is the commander of the gods, and most likely also has a great cultivation base, he didn't dare to talk nonsense at the moment.


The world of mountains and seas.

In a small courtyard.

A young man in black with long hair draped over his back was lying on a rocking chair, drinking a jug of wine in his hand.

Behind the young man, there was a young girl in Tsing Yi who was rubbing his shoulders for him. She was pretty and pretty.

In front of the young man followed a girl in yellow, hesitating.

"To be happy in life is to be happy... Hiss..." The young man gasped suddenly, his body tensed up, and he twitched violently twice, then he lay down on the chair with relief, and sighed, "Comfortable."

The girl in Tsing Yi pursed her lips and said, "Master, if you hide here, I'm afraid those people will still look for you everywhere!"

The young man laughed, and said: "Extremely, extremely! I'm afraid that bastard Lei Ze didn't know that I was right under his nose. He wanted to catch Li Fengge me, but it was just a dream."

This person's appearance is seven to eight points similar to Zishou, who is it not an evil corpse?

"A Zhi, Yuan Bi, you two sisters are willing to betray Lei Ze for me, aren't you afraid that he will kill you?"

Yuan Bi, a girl in Tsing Yi, said: "I'm not afraid. With the master protecting us, what should I be afraid of?"

The girl in yellow, Ah Zhi, swallowed a mouthful of water, stretched out her tender tongue to lick the cream around her lips, and said, "Master, you came here not just to avoid being hunted down, did you?"

Li Fengge smiled, looked at Ah Zhi, with admiration on his face, and said: "As expected of my good Ah Zhi, you can always guess my thoughts. Yes, if it's just to avoid chasing and killing, I can find a place to hide Wake up, I can't find me even if you measure Lei Ze's trash. It's just... If you don't take revenge, it's not me, Li Fengge."

He paused, and then said: "Besides, I have to find someone."

Yuan Bi asked, "Who is it?"

Li Fengge did not answer, looked up at the blue sky, and murmured to himself: "What does it feel like to wake up from a big dream? I can see the warm golden sunlight all over the room, and it is so quiet that I can hear the wind and birds outside the window." , human voice, people are also reborn at this moment..."

He recalled leisurely, his thoughts flew away, and said: "I always feel that I am looking for someone, a very important person. This person may be here or far away. I must find her."

Ah Zhi asked, "Is this person a woman?"

Li Fengge nodded: "Yes, how do you know?"

Ah Zhi said: "A hero like Master must think of a beauty."

Li Fengge laughed dumbfounded, and said: "That may not be a beauty, because I have never seen this person before."

Ah Zhi wondered, "The master has never seen this person before?"

Li Fengge nodded and said: "Yes, not only have I never seen this person, I don't even know her name, I only know that I am looking for her, she exists somewhere, and I may not be able to find her in this life, but But you have to find her."

He suddenly smiled wistfully, and said, "Oh, it's still the most comfortable to be immersed in the gentle countryside."

Ah Zhi smiled slightly, walked up gently, sat on Li Fengge's waist, and said: "Then master, let's immerse himself in tenderness."

Li Fengge shook his head lightly, put his arms around Ah Zhi's thigh, and said, "You have to be happy to be happy in life!"

He flicked his long spear lightly, and rode his horse and swung his whip away.


At some point, Li Fengge ended his exercise, looked at the mess all over the floor, but smiled slightly: "A Zhi, Yuan Bi, you go inside first."

The second daughter was puzzled, but she still nodded and walked into the room.

But at this time, a gust of wind blew through the yard, and there were nine more men in black with swords in front of Li Fengge.

Nine men in black held long swords and looked at him warily.

One of them said: "Surnamed Li, okay, you actually hid here and indulged in carousing, did you know that you were about to die and you didn't want to resist?"

Li Fengge was still drinking by himself, and said: "Tomorrow there will be a wind, and I will send you off to Guanghan Palace. Don't get drunk in a pot of moonlight." But he was still drinking and singing.

"There is no moon tonight, and the wind can't give you away. I can give you something." A man in black said.


"Use the long sword in my hand to send you to death."

At this time, there was a light rain in the sky, hitting the leaves and making noises on the ground.

Li Fengge said: "It's you again, disturbing my elegance, it's really unpleasant."

"Yaxing? Hehe! You are dying, let alone talking about Yaxing. We Jiugongzhenxian are here, and you have only two ways to go. Either die, or go to see Master Lei Ze, and then die."

These nine people are actually nine Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, named Jiugong Zhenxian. Together, the nine can kill any Hunyuan!

Li Fengge let out a long sigh, and said: "You are looking for your own death, you really are looking for your own death."

"I think you are looking for your own death!"


"Arrest him!"

The nine people moved together, and the sword light flashed continuously.

Suddenly, Li Fengge got up from the chair, swayed, and there was a black magic gun in his hand.

Half an hour later, Li Fengge slowly threw one person's body into a huge pit, snapped his fingers, turned the gas into flames, burned it cleanly, and said: "You know I'm here and you still don't report it, come to encircle me alone, hmph Hmph, am I that easy to kill? It's a pity that I don't have anything useful on me."

"Let's go, Ah Zhi, Yuan Bi."

He raised his voice and called.

Bringing two charming women with him, Li Fengge marched all the way to the main city until Tianshu City under the jurisdiction of the Taoist master.

"Master, where are we going?" Yuan Bi asked, still in Tsing Yi with a long sword tied around his waist.

Li Fengge said: "The Cave of Thousand Corpses, I am going to rescue a person."


"An old lover." Li Fengge said.

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