Chu Jiangyue grasped the long sword, and gradually realized a little bit of understanding in her heart.

This is the supreme method of the Nine Turns Xuanyuan Gong, three cleans and one breath, one breath and three cleans.

The deity shakes off the three flowers and takes root on the ground. The three corpses have their own lives and experiences, but no matter what the three corpses have experienced, they are all connected to each other in the dark.

"I'm not a rank nine Hunyuan, but Li Fengge and Ji Wenxiao are still here." Chu Jiangyue slowly raised his long sword, "As long as the two of them share a bit of strength to help me, I can severely damage these powerful enemies."

He slowly called to Li Fengge in his heart, hoping to borrow some strength from him.

But soon, he found that he was hung up.

It was as if the other party had directly cut off his response.

In the Cave of Thousand Corpses, Li Fengge was exercising vigorously with the beautiful and delicate Miss Huang, and directly hung up on Chu Jiangyue's response.

Before returning to Siyou Country, Chu Jiangyue was slightly taken aback, wondering if the evil corpse was being hunted down?No time to respond to me?

Think about it too, except for being hunted down, it is impossible for the zombie to hang up his phone.

He called out another person in his heart, as long as the corpse is willing to lend him a strength, it is enough to face these powerful enemies.

Parallel science and technology prehistoric.

This is a parallel prehistoric world where technology has reached its peak. There are no gods who created the world, but high-level humans are stronger than those gods who created the world.

Ji Wenxiao was walking on the Nanmen Street paved with large bluestones. At this time, he was only a boy of sixteen or seventeen, with a childish look on his face.

After the deity shook off the three flowers, as the corpse-holding avatar, he did not choose to create a kingdom or practice, but directly chose to reincarnate and rebuild his life.

At this time, his cultivation base is completely sealed, and even the memories of his previous life are deeply hidden.

When he walked home, his heart jumped suddenly, and he felt someone calling him.

"Is there a ghost?" Ji Wenxiao shook her head, took out the key from her pocket, inserted it into the keyhole, and opened the door.

In this life, he is not the one who carried the corpse, but just an ordinary human being, who has neither the power to open up the world nor the longevity of immortality.

"Why are there ghosts in the world? It's just an illusion." Ji Wenxiao shook her head and said.

At this moment, there seemed to be a figure flashing in front of her. Ji Wenxiao was taken aback for a moment, and said with a half-smile, "Could it be that there are ghosts? It would be nice if there were ghosts. It's a lonely night, and it's not bad to find a female ghost to accompany you."

Just as she was about to reach out to turn on the light, a soft but cold voice suddenly came from behind: "Looking for a female ghost? Just find me."

Hearing these words, Ji Wenxiao felt hairs all over, goosebumps all over her body, her face changed drastically, but she said: " must be an illusion...I think too much!"

He laughed out loud when he heard the voice, and said in a flattering voice, "Didn't you want a female ghost to accompany you? I'm here!"

Ji Wenxiao was so frightened that his face paled. He rushed forward a few steps and exclaimed, "It's really a ghost!"

He rushed forward a few steps, but a figure flashed behind him, put his head on Ji Wenxiao's neck, pressed against his head, and said with a giggle, "Don't be afraid! The Ai family is not a ghost anymore!"

Ji Wenxiao's heart was so cold that she trembled all over, she yelled "Ah", and rushed forward, saying, "Ghost!"

Unexpectedly, that figure seemed to be a maggot attached to the bone, Ji Wenxiao ran forward, and she followed behind.Ji Wenxiao was so frightened that she was out of her mind, and after running around for a few steps, she tripped over something and fell to the ground with an "ah".

He hurriedly stood up, trying to escape forward.But the figure flashed to the front again, giggling and saying: "Don't run away! Aijia is not a ghost."

Ji Wenxiao felt his face was touched by a cold hand, and felt a sense of sadness in his heart. He felt that this time was unlucky, and said, " the hell are you? Go find your emperor Ah! Don't come to me!"

The ghost giggled and said, "What's the matter? Are you afraid? Don't be afraid! Aijia won't hurt you." Ji asked Xiao, " are the Queen Mother?"

The ghost let out a "huh" and said, "No, I..." Before he could finish speaking, Ji Wenxiao suddenly jumped up, grabbed a chair next to him and swept over, with a "spit" sound in his mouth, spitting out Saliva comes.Said: "Go to hell! Female ghost!"

The ghost stepped back, stretched out his hand to grab the chair, wiped his face with both hands, and said angrily, "How dare you spit on my old lady!"

Ji asked Xiao, "Why is saliva useless? Didn't the books say that ghosts are most afraid of saliva?"

The ghost moved forward, grabbed Ji Wenxiao's neck with one hand, and said with a sneer, "For more than ten years, you are still the first person who dares... to spit on my old lady!"

Ji Wenxiao's face turned pale. Although she couldn't see the ghost, she felt a gust of cold wind in front of her. Suddenly she had an idea and shouted, "Why do you have a cockroach on your chest?"

The ghost let go of his hand with a "huh" and said, "What?" Ji Wenxiao took the opportunity to run back and shouted, "The Supreme Lord! Hurry up like a law! The Empress Dowager Cixi appeared, ah bah !Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva manifested, the gods of the five directions..."

The ghost snorted coldly, chased after it again, and said, "Stop!" Ji Wenxiao suddenly stopped, grabbed a bowl from the side and threw it at it.

The ghost reached out and grabbed it, then came to Ji Wenxiao in a flash, grabbed his neck with one hand, and said: "Stinky boy! You are enough! If you run away again, I will kill you. I see what else are you playing?" pattern!"

Ji Wenxiao was so frightened that she lost her soul, trembling, said: "You... you... who are you? What do you want to do?" The ghost said: "Me? Didn't you ask a ghost to accompany you? Here I am. "

Ji Wenxiao tremblingly said: "I...I don't want a ghost like you..." The ghost said: "Then what ghost do you want?"

Ji Wenxiao said: "I...I want that kind of mummy go back and get a mummy..." The ghost giggled and stretched its face in front of Ji Wenxiao.

Ji Wenxiao only saw a pair of extremely bright eyes looking at him, and hurriedly said: "You... can you go quickly? I don't want a female ghost..."

The ghost giggled and said, "What? Are you scared?" Ji asked Xiao, "You...are you the ghost queen mother?"

The ghost said: "Why do you say I am the ghost queen mother?" Ji asked Xiao: "Don't you call yourself die when you die, don't come to me if you want to suck people's yang energy! There's a Mao next door...he's so can go find him..." Mao is his neighbor's dog.

The ghost said: "Shut up! I'm not the ghost queen mother!" Ji Wenxiao hurriedly shut up, not daring to speak again.I just felt the ghost staring into my eyes, and I was startled, is it trying to suck people's souls?Hastily closed his eyes.

The ghost said: "Why are you closing your eyes? Open your eyes!" Ji asked Xiao, "No! I won't open your eyes."

The ghost's tone turned cold, and he said, "Can you open it?" Ji asked Xiao, "No! You won't open it even if you are killed!"

The ghost said: "If you don't open your eyes, I will kill you!" Ji Wenxiao was discouraged immediately, so she opened her eyes, and saw those eyes staring at her own eyes, said: "What are you doing?"

The ghost stared into Ji Wenxiao's eyes, then suddenly giggled and said, "What a strong yang energy, I have been in the Hehuan Sect for decades, but I have never seen a man like you."

Ji asked Xiaodao: "What Hehuan sect? You... what do you want to do?"

The ghost giggled, and his voice was very coquettish: "Come with me! My sister will take you to do something interesting." With his right hand, he grabbed Ji Wenxiao's neck.

Ji Wenxiao was startled and said, "Let me go! Let me go!" and struggled hastily.

The ghost held his hand tightly, not letting go at all, and walked to the back of the door.Ji Wenxiao was startled and anxious, she suddenly stretched out her right hand and aimed at the ghost's chest and scratched hard.

The ghost trembled, let go of his hand, stepped back, and said angrily: "How dare you..." Ji Wenxiao rushed forward, shouting: "Go back by yourself!" and rushed out of the door.

After rushing out of the door, he closed the door again, ran to the door, panicked and didn't choose the way, and ran wildly.After running for a long distance, he stopped under a street lamp, looked back, saw that the ghost hadn't chased him again, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "It's so dangerous... I almost got caught by this stupid ghost..."

As soon as she rested, a voice sounded from behind: "Run... I think you're still running!" Ji Wenxiao suddenly broke out in cold sweat, and his face turned pale.

The ghost moved his left hand, grabbed Ji Wenxiao's neck, put his head on his face, and said coldly: "Follow me honestly! Otherwise..."

Ji Wenxiao tremblingly said: "You...where are you taking me? I didn't offend you!" The ghost giggled and said, "I didn't offend you, you not only spit on me but also scratched my chest... let's go , you little pervert."

Ji Wenxiao was in a hurry, she got down in a panic and struggled, she broke away from the female ghost's hand, and rushed to the side, the female ghost was furious, she fell forward, and moved in front of Ji Wenxiao.

Ji Wenxiao hurriedly stopped, and was about to run away, but suddenly stopped and looked at the female ghost's face.At this time, she was under the street lamp, and the female ghost's face was clearly seen.

I saw that female ghost was wearing a light yellow dress, her melon-seeded face was extremely fair, her eyes were like autumn waves, her eyes were exquisite, her teeth were small, and she wore a jade hairpin in her hair, she was extremely charming.The towering chest is constantly rising and falling, like a jade rabbit when it moves, and a careless white dove when it is still.

Ji Wenxiao was startled and said: " are the ghost queen mother!" The woman laughed and said, "My old lady said that I am not the ghost queen mother! If you call me ghost queen mother again, I will kill you!"

Ji Wenxiao was startled, took two steps back, and said, "You...are you that female ghost?"

The woman stared at Ji Wenxiao's face, and said, "I'm not a ghost!" Ji Wenxiao was stared into hair, and took two steps back, and the woman also approached two steps.

Ji asked Xiao: "You... since you are not a ghost... what do you want to do?" The woman smiled and said, "Follow me! I will treat you well!"

Ji Wenxiao let out a deep breath and said, "You...don't mess around..."

As soon as the woman moved, she arrived in front of Ji Wenxiao, stretched out her right hand, grabbed his neck again, and said, "What if I want to mess around? Haha, haha!"

Under the night, she let out a coquettish laugh, grabbed Ji Wenxiao with one hand, and fled away into the distance with a jerk of her body.

Not long after the woman left, a line of armored guards appeared on the street, and the leader said: "The demon girl of the Hehuan Sect has come out to harvest the man's yang again, this time they must be eradicated!"

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