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In front of Siyou country, Chu Jiangyue, who was trying to contact the corpse, was stunned.

The woman stood up a few times, then crossed the street and went to a dark place.

Ji Wenxiao was caught on the back with one hand, and she didn't know where she touched it. She felt a coldness in her vest and a strange feeling of numbness, and she couldn't move.I was so anxious that I wanted to cry out, but found that I couldn't speak.

Watching the woman dragging herself across the street and aisle, flying over the eaves and walls, she was stunned.

The woman walks in a hurry, leaps and leaps lightly, regardless of whether there is any house in front of her, she just steps over lightly if there is any obstacle.Cross the street, go straight to a boulevard, and go straight to the right.

At this time, the night was fading away, the sky turned white, and it was already dawn and dusk, and the cold wind blew.Ji Wenxiao was grabbed by the back of the neck by the woman and held under her arm. She looked at the woman's face through the half-day light, and saw that the woman's face, which was carved like white jade, was three-pointed rosy, the corners of her eyebrows were tightly knit, and she was very delicate and charming.

The sky was half bright and half dark, the wind was blowing, and the trees were loud.There was a sudden "chi" from behind, and a branch shot out.

The woman's eyes and ears were very sharp, she knew the branches before she was three feet away, she flicked her left hand back, and the branches rolled down, she let out a cold snort, and accelerated her pace to rush forward.

After several ups and downs, I arrived at a deserted hill.

Ji Wenxiao saw the woman walking all the way, even if she raised it lightly, the distance was five or six meters. Along the way, the surrounding scenery became more and more unfamiliar.

The woman walked for a while, but there was a mountain wall in front of her, and green pines grew horizontally from between the rocks.A dirt path turns out of the mountain wall, winding and winding, I don't know where to go.

As soon as the wind blew, the sun that was just about to come out of the sky was covered by thick clouds again, a white flag fluttered beside it, several green pines also screamed loudly, and thousands of branches danced like a group of demons.

The woman slowed down, looked at the dirt path in front of her, her face was slightly congealed, and she was about to jump onto the dirt path with a vertical thrust.At this time, a black figure rushed out from between the dirt paths, and there was a scream of "嗤", the voice was deafening, the woman's face changed, she jumped back lightly, put her right hand on the ground, and grabbed a piece of it. The soil was beaten away.

That black figure was like a ray of black light, it came without a shadow, went without a trace, flashed through the mud and rushed forward again.The woman jumped up, grabbed three silver needles from her bosom with her right hand, flicked at the black figure, and the three silver needles shot out quickly.

The black figure flashed and jumped upwards, but when it was in the air, it let out a cry of pain, fell to the ground, rolled again, and stood up.The woman stepped aside, looked at the thing, and said with a sneer, "So it's this beast."

Ji Wenxiao looked at the thing and was startled, and saw that the thing was covered in black hair, like thorns and knives, but it was a giant mastiff, but there were three red eyes on the head of the giant mastiff for no reason, clanging like knives at the woman. turn around.

The giant mastiff whimpered, spit out its bloody tongue, turned its three eyes on the woman's body, and pounced fiercely. The woman leaned forward, and gently pushed out her right hand, catching the back of the giant mastiff's neck, and slashed forward. The giant mastiff " "Aw", he fell back, rolled a few times on the ground, stood on the mountain path, still whimpering non-stop, and his three blood eyes were fierce.

At this time, a black figure rushed out from the mountain path, and a hook pierced out from the figure's hand. The hook shook slightly, like a snake lightning, and in a blink of an eye, it was in front of the woman. The woman said "hey" With a sneer, he stepped back, took three steps, and dodged.

The black figure hurriedly chased after him, bent his hook quickly, and streaked across the path of cold light.The woman let out a sneer, flashed backwards, flicked her right hand, and a long sword came out at an unknown time, seeming to stab out from her sleeve, and she exchanged several moves with the black figure, only to see phantoms flashing randomly.

The black figure bent its hands and walked straight towards the woman, while the long sword in the woman's hand was covered with thousands of snowflakes to block it.

The black figure stepped back suddenly, and swung the silver hook in his hand to the ground. Two or three drops of blood shot out and splashed on a rock.Looking up, a pair of sharp eyes shot at the woman, and said in a hoarse voice: "Witch of Hehuan Sect, where did you come from?"

Ji Wenxiao raised her head to look at the man, she couldn't help being startled.I saw that person was wearing black clothes, and there seemed to be thick fog surging on the black clothes, and he was confused.It has a pointed face, which is extremely sharp, as if carved out of half an olive core. The whole nose stretches from the forehead to the chin, hooked into a point, and pokes at the chest. The eyes are like two screw heads, deep and deep. Faint, but green, with a grinning mouth reaching to the base of the ears, revealing two fangs, the ears are extremely small, hidden in a few strands of yellow hair.As soon as this person came out, it seemed that even the temperature had dropped a bit, which made people shudder.

The woman sneered and said, "Where do you care where I come from?"

The other party turned his eyes around the woman, pressed the giant mastiff's head with his left hand, and said, "I won't fight against the Hehuan Sect, so I will leave now." After saying that, he took a step back, but Ji Wenxiao, whose eyes were between the woman's, said Turning around, he said, "What are you doing arresting this man?"

The woman said: "I want to arrest someone and need you to intervene?" The man in black nodded, turned around, and said, "Let me go."

At this moment, the woman's right hand shook, and the long sword stabbed out in a flash of lightning. At the same time, the man in black also turned around, and the hook in his hand rolled out like a spiral, and the long sword flashed a bright light. Penetrating through the curved hook, it pierced into the right shoulder of the man in black with a "chi" sound.

The man in black's face turned pale, he stepped back quickly, and with a move with his left hand, the giant mastiff on the ground rushed forward. , Two heads protruded from the right and left shoulders, and the bloody mouth opened, and they bit them off.

The woman seemed to have expected it a long time ago, she jumped back lightly, shook the long sword in her hand, and thrust out three swords while leaning forward.The giant mastiff let out a stern cry of "嗤", its body rolled down, rolled twice on the ground, then turned over again, the three heads trembled, and the three red eyes on each head were glowing red, but He didn't dare to rush forward again, and he didn't know where he was hurt by the woman.

The woman flicked the long sword in her hand, threw away a few drops of blood, looked at the man in black, and said with a sneer, "You want to play a sneak attack in front of me, have you forgotten who I am?" The man in black covered his shoulder with one hand, Grinning dryly twice, he backed away slowly, saying: "Smelly woman, you are so well guarded!" With a wave of his left hand, the giant mastiff jumped in front of him, saying: "Go." In a flash, it disappeared.

The woman slowly relaxed, let out a breath, clamped Ji Wenxiao tightly, shook her right hand, and the long sword turned into a white sword and fell into her sleeve. She straightened her body and sprinted forward.

The path was quite steep and muddy, the woman jumped lightly, but she also fell so that Ji Wenxiao was dizzy.

... Read the new book, focus on the new book, the quality of this book can't keep up, and the writing is a bit bad.

The woman walked fast all the way, and in a short while passed the mountain path and entered a wilderness. This wilderness is backed by a mountain, and the trees are very tall. There is only one mountain road leading to the mountain, and it is next to a big river. The river is turbulent, rolling up thousands of piles of snow. .

The woman walked lightly for a while, and then came to a place halfway up the mountain, and suddenly stopped under a big tree, threw Ji Wenxiao to the ground, put one hand on the big tree, and the other on her waist, panting continuously.

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