Zishou: ...

Come, come, the dog system is not human again.

It's really cloudy and rainy every time the house leaks, and the boat is late and encounters the headwind.

Zishou stroked his chin and thought about it. The task was to ensure that Zhao Gongming was not killed. The condition for failure was that Zhao Gongming was killed.

Hey, it seems that Zhao Gongming was beheaded by Lu Ya. Even if he participated in this mission or not, Zhao Gongming would have to die, right?

"Your Majesty, Yuan Hong is back." At this moment Shi Ji walked in.

"Yuan Hong... let him in." Zi Shou frowned, this bastard, didn't I ask him to play with Chaoge?

Then Yuan Hong walked into the tent.

"Why are you back? Where are the four heavenly monarchs? Didn't you study the formation?" Zishou asked.

"No, after I arrived at Chaoge, I arranged according to what the king said, and each heavenly monarch has four beautiful maids to serve." Yuan Hong shook his head and said.

Zishou breathed a sigh of relief.

That's fine, it's fine if you don't study the formation.

Have fun girls!

"You came back just in time, I have something to arrange for you." Zi Shou thought for a while and said, just didn't know how to deal with Zhao Gongming's matter!

"If Zhao Gongming chases Taoist Burning Lamp out later, follow him and remind him to be careful."

Zi Shou thought about it, if he didn't intervene, who knows if the dog system will say that he is passive and sabotage, and cancel the task directly.

It's best to be vague.

careful?How did Zhao Gongming know what to be careful about.

At the moment Yuan Hong nodded, actually thinking more in his mind, the king told Zhao Gongming to be careful, could it be that his life would be in danger if he went out this time?


"Zhao Gongming, come out and meet me!" Daoist Ran Deng rode a deer from the canopy to the front of the formation, aggressively.

"Deng Taoist, you besieged me yesterday, and I beat you to death. How dare you come out today?" Zhao Gongming rode a tiger out of the camp.

"Hmph, Zhao Gongming, I'm afraid that today is your death day!" Daoist Ran Deng sneered, and then sacrificed a flying sword to Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming raised his whip to block it, and sacrificed 24 Dinghai beads again.

Seeing this, Taoist Ran Deng hurriedly abandoned his mount and flew to the southwest.

"Stop burning the lamp!" Zhao Gongming tried to catch up aggressively.

At this moment, Yuan Hong rushed out from behind and said to Zhao Gongming, "Brother Zhao Dao, the king wants you to be careful!"

"What are you careful about? General Yuan, wait a moment, and I'll grab Ran Deng and hang it up." Zhao Gongming was irritable, and immediately waved Yuan Hong's hand away, riding a tiger and chasing after Ran Deng.

Yuan Hong frowned, this Zhao Gongming was too reckless, anyone with a discerning eye could see that Ran Deng ran away without fighting, it was obviously a tactic to lure the enemy.

But Zhao Gongming chased him regardless, he was afraid he would be ambushed!

At the moment Yuan Hong could only shake his head helplessly, Zhao Gongming's mount was going too fast, even he might not be able to catch up.

Zhao Gongming followed Taoist Ran Deng closely, wishing he could catch up immediately.

"This person is the deputy leader of Chanjiao. If he can be captured and hung in front of the business camp, he will definitely destroy Xiqi's prestige!"

Zhao Gongming chased for more than 20 miles and came to Wuyi Mountain.

Ran Deng swayed and rushed to the hillside.

At this time, there were two people playing chess facing each other on the hillside. One was dressed in blue and the other was red, but one was black and the other was white.

"Two fellow Taoists, save me quickly! I am Taoist Chanjiao Randeng, and Zhao Gongming is helping the tyrants, and he is chasing me." Randeng hurriedly called for help.

He purposely lured Zhao Gongming here because he got the guidance of Yuanshi Tianzun, knowing that there are people here who can deal with Zhao Gongming.

"Brother Ran Deng, please stand behind us." The two were Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao, the loose immortals of Wuyi Mountain.

Zhao Gongming's mount was flying like flying, and he caught up with him suddenly. Seeing two Taoists standing in front of Ran Deng, they looked like they were standing out for Ran Deng, and immediately asked: "Who are the two fellow Taoists? Why are you blocking my way?" ?”

"I am Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao, the Sanren of Wuyi Mountain! Zhao Gongming, you have helped the tyrant to abuse you, helped the false to destroy the real, and even chased and killed Taoist Burning Lamp to come here. The two of us are here today! I cannot tolerate you hurting Taoist Burning Lamp!" .” The two said.

Zhao Gongming's personality was irritable, and when he heard this sentence, he couldn't bear it, and he was furious: "Two golden immortals in the district, what a big tone!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Gongming stretched out his finger and sacrificed the dragon-binding rope.

When Xiao Sheng saw the dragon tie, he smiled back without fear, and took out the treasure money from the leopard pouch.

This thing can drop all the treasures in the world, and the dragon-binding rope fell in front of the treasure-dropping money, and immediately lost its strength and fell to the ground.

Zhao Gongming was taken aback, and hurriedly sacrificed the Dinghai Pearl again, and the 24 Dinghai Pearls were knocked over in unison. Xiao Sheng sacrificed the Luobao money again, and dropped the Dinghai Pearl.

"This thing belongs to us!" Cao Bao laughed, and picked up the Dinghai Pearl and the Binding Dragon Cable.

At this time, Zhao Gongming sacrificed the magic whip again, and Xiao Sheng sacrificed Luobao money again.

Little did he know that the magic whip was not a treasure but a weapon, Xiao Sheng was hit in the head immediately and died on the spot.

Seeing this, Taoist Ran Deng shouted loudly: "Zhao Gongming, die!"

While speaking, he waved the Qiankun ruler, the Qiankun ruler was as fast as lightning, and hit Zhao Gongming on the shoulder.

Zhao Gongming screamed and almost fell off his horse. Immediately afterwards, Cao Bao raised his sword and charged at Zhao Gongming. Seeing that he had no magic weapon, Zhao Gongming ran away on the tiger.

"So that's what Master meant." Ran Deng didn't chase after him, but with a thought, he looked at Cao Bao: "Cao Daoyou, Zhao Gongming's two spirit treasures are also interesting, can you let me have a look?"

Cao Bao did not doubt that he was there, and took out both the Dinghai Pearl and the Binding Longsuo: "Fellow Daoist Ran Deng, please take it, this is Zhao Gongming's treasure."

"It turned out to be the Dinghai Pearl. When I saw this bead, I felt very comfortable. This bead will definitely help me prove the Tao. I wonder if you can give it up?" Ran Deng looked at Cao Bao with a smile.

Cao Bao was stunned for a moment, logically speaking, the two of them repelled Zhao Gongming and rescued the lamp, and these treasures belonged to them.

"Since this thing can help fellow daoist prove the way, then take it!" Cao Bao waved his hand readily at the moment.

Although Dinghaizhu is precious, if Ran Deng wants it, it is impossible for Cao Bao to snatch it from him, so it is better to simply do it.

"Just now I saw Fellow Daoist Cao Sheng sacrifice a coin, but this thing?"

Then Ran Deng found Luobao money from Xiao Sheng's body, and looked at Cao Baodao with a smile.

"That's right, this thing is Luobao money refined by Daoist Xiao Sheng and I." Cao Bao explained.

"In this case, let me lend it to the poor." Ran Deng said.

Cao Bao frowned and said: "Fellow Taoist, I'm afraid this is inappropriate. This thing is the treasure of the two of us. Now that Xiao Sheng has just died, we have to share his magic weapon. This..."

Ran Deng smiled awkwardly: "It's the fault of Pindao, I'll give it back to you."

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist." Cao Bao took the Luo Bao money from Ran Deng's hand, but he didn't notice that a fierce light flashed in Ran Deng's eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, now that Chengtang's luck is about to run out, and the Zhou Dynasty is rising, with your abilities as a fellow Daoist, why don't you follow me down the mountain to help Zhou defeat the Zhou Dynasty? Achieve a great cause!" Ran Deng said politely, pulling Cao Bao's hand.

Cao Bao was dazed by the friendly attitude of Taoist Ran Deng, and immediately nodded in agreement.

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