Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 86 Nailhead 7 Arrow Book, The Horror Cursed Spirit Treasure

"So, Zhao Gongming hasn't come back for two days after chasing the lamp?"

In the tent, Zishou stroked his chin with an expression of interest.

Zhao Gongming went out after chasing the lamp two days ago and never came back, but Zishou knew that Zhao Gongming was not dead yet, because the system task was not over yet.

Of course, although he is not dead yet, he is almost there.

He waved his hand and told Yuan Hong to retreat.

Zishou doesn't have much to do every day now, and the days are even so boring that he wants to go back to Chaoge.

After all, Hui Chaoge can still play games with Su Daji and the others.

Zhao Gongming did not return to the camp, and Lord Sitian was sent to Chaoge to play with his sister by himself, and Wen Zhong did not dare to rashly start a war with Xiqi.

Another two days passed, during which Xiqi did not move, and Wen Zhong did not move.

Just when Zi Shou wanted Shi Ji to take him back to Chaoge, Zhao Gongming finally came back.

This time I came back and brought back a big killer: the golden Jiao scissors!

The last time Zhao Gongming chased and killed Ran Deng to Wuyi Mountain, he lost both of his treasures and was seriously injured by Ran Deng's surprise attack.

Zhao Gongming felt that his face was dull, and he didn't dare to come back to see Zishou. After all, he made him be careful after chasing Zishou before burning the lamp.

Zhao Gongming went to Sanxian Island a few days ago to borrow a treasure from his sister, Empress Sanxiao.

After several days of hard work, Empress Yunxiao was willing to lend him the golden scissors.

After Zhao Gongming got the golden jiao scissors, he returned to the business camp anxiously, wishing to find Ran Deng for revenge immediately.

After Shou knew about this matter, he remained calm on the surface, but he was about to laugh out loud in his heart.

Borrow the golden scissors?What if I borrowed it?

Zhao Gongming is dying!

Because Lu Ya is about to come out.

Lu Ya, the two spirit treasures in his hands are so terrifying that they foul, the flying knife can kill even the quasi-sage, and the nail-headed seven-arrow book is a curse-type spirit treasure, which is extremely incomprehensible.

"Okay, take down the lamp for this battle!" With Zishou's words, Zhao Gongming's blood boiled even more, and he rode a tiger out of the camp and came to Xiqi City to fight.

"Brother Wen, follow me to the battle, today I will definitely take back my Dinghai Pearl!" Zhao Gongming said aggressively.

With the sound of a cannon in the Chengtang camp, Wen Taishi and Zhao Gongming went out together.

In Xiqi City, Taoist Randeng also rode out on a deer.

"Randeng, you return the Dinghai Pearl to me, forget about it, if you don't return my treasure, don't blame me for offering the golden dragon scissors!" Zhao Gongming said in a deep voice.

He left a choice for Ran Deng, as long as Ran Deng returned him to Ding Haizhu, he would not use the golden scissors.

Ran Deng stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Zhao Gongming, Dinghaizhu is a treasure of the Western religion. If the rightful owner comes, I will return it with both hands. You are a heretic, and it is useless to take this treasure. You will be rewarded with Dinghaizhu." Don't think too much about it."

Ran Deng's words were high-sounding, and Zhao Gongming was furious when he heard it.

This Ding Haizhu was originally his treasure, but now that Ran Deng took his treasure, let's just return it, and still say it was taught by the West?

"Ran Deng, since you refuse to return my magic weapon, don't blame me!" Zhao Gongming shouted, and immediately sacrificed the golden dragon scissors.

The golden Jiaojian is an innate spiritual treasure, which was transformed by two dragons picking up the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Immediately after the sacrifice was made, it turned into two flood dragons with their heads intertwined and their tails intertwined, and slammed the gate viciously at the lamp.

Ran Deng turned pale with fright in an instant, and rolled off his mount, Tudun, and left.

The mount under him was cut into two pieces by Jin Jiao.

"Hmph! He ran away, let's go!" Zhao Gongming snorted coldly, and rode back to the camp on a tiger.


"Hold the free card! His Golden Jiao scissors are too powerful to beat." Ran Deng hurriedly returned to Xiqi City, with a look of fear on his face.

If he hadn't run so fast just now, he might have been cut into two pieces by Jin Jiao.

At this moment, Nezha came to report: "Uncle Qi, there is a Taoist outside the door asking to see him, saying that there is a way to kill Zhao Gongming."

"Invite him to come in." Ran Deng was overjoyed, he was worried that he couldn't deal with Zhao Gongming's golden Jiao scissors.

"Pindao is an idler from West Kunlun. His surname is Lu and his name is Ya. I heard that Zhao Gongming helped the emperor to do evil. He borrowed the golden jiao scissors to do his best here, so he came here to help."

Luya is the treasure within the fire, the essence of the earth, and the spirit of samadhi.

According to rumors, the main body is the three-legged Golden Crow, and it is also the only remaining son of Emperor Jun's ten sons.

"Fellow Daoist can really deal with Zhao Gongming?" Ran Deng was a little unconvinced, as Lu Ya had never heard of the name.

"Brother Dao, don't worry, I will meet Zhao Gongming tomorrow." Lu Ya smiled slightly.

The next day, Zhao Gongming saw that Xi Qi had removed his exemption card, and continued to come to fight.

"Ran Deng, you, as the deputy leader of the interpretation of education, did not even have your mount and fled back to the city yesterday. If you have the ability, come out and fight with me!" Zhao Gongming shouted.

When Luya in the city heard it, he immediately said, "Wait for me to meet him."

Immediately, he left Xiqi City and came to Zhao Gongming.

"Who are you?" Zhao Gongming asked when he realized that he didn't know this person.

"You don't even know my name. Listen, my surname is Lu and my name is Ya. I came here today to kill you." Lu Ya said proudly.

"What a monster, what a big tone! I want to see if you have this ability!" Zhao Gongming smiled instead of anger, and sacrificed the golden dragon scissors.

The golden Jiao scissors turned into two flood dragons, and cut towards Lu Ya viciously.

Seeing this, Lu Ya turned into Changhong and fled back to Xiqi City.

Zhao Gongming was very disdainful, and laughed: "Xiqi, your people are too miserable, why do you run away when you see me?"

At that moment, he also withdrew his troops and returned to the camp.

However, Zhao Gongming felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart.

But he didn't think too much about it, and continued drinking after returning to camp.

Of course, he didn't know that Lu Ya didn't really want to compete with him when he came out this time, but to see his appearance clearly. After returning to the city, he nailed him to death with the book of seven arrows.

"Ziya, go to Qishan to build a platform, make a straw man, and write Zhao Gongming on it. Light a lamp on the head of the grass man and another lamp at the foot of the man. Worship three times a day to the man. , I will help you get rid of Zhao Gongming when I come back again. "

After returning to Xiangfu, Lu Ya ordered: "21 days, Zhao Gongming must die!"

While talking, he took out a book, which was the book of Seven Arrows on Nailheads.

Cursed spirit treasure, the cursed person, even the Daluo Jinxian will not escape death!

Jiang Ziya took the nail-headed Seven Arrows book cautiously: "Jiang Shang takes orders!"

At present, Jiang Ziya took people to Qishan Buying to build a platform, worshiped three times a day, and began to curse Zhao Gongming with the nail-headed seven-arrow book, so he didn't mention it.

After three days, Zhao Gongming was distracted, scratching his head and head, and had no intention of going out to fight.

After five days, Zhao Gongming's mental state was not good, and he often fell asleep on the bed.

After seven days, Zhao Gongming slept all day, snoring like thunder.

Seeing this, Grand Master Wen was also helpless, and hurriedly asked people to go to Chaoge to invite Lord Sitian back.

Only Zishou knew that Zhao Gongming had been hit by the letter of seven arrows.

Zishou's heart gradually became agitated. It seemed that Zhao Gongming was going to die, and he was finally going home!

On the eighth day, the king of four days returned to camp.

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