Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 88 Curse resistance, damage reduction effect!Zhao Gongming survived

On the day of No.20, which was also the day of Zhao Gongming's death, Zishou's heart gradually became agitated.

After today, I should uninstall the system and go home.

Hey, I still feel a little bit sad when I think about it!

Sitting on the chair, Zishou stroked his chin and said, "System, system, after all, it was my son who made the best move!

In the business camp, Wen Taishi was weeping in grief, lying on Zhao Gongming's body: "Brother Gongming, I hurt you!"

"Cough cough..."

"Brother Gongming, I shouldn't have invited you down the mountain..."

"Cough cough..."

"Brother Gongming, Wen Zhong is ashamed of..."

"Cough cough..."

Wen Zhong was furious: "Who is coughing here?"

"Ahem...Brother Wen...you're overwhelming me..." But at this moment, a weak voice came from Zhao Gongming's mouth.

Wen Zhong was stunned, and looked down at Zhao Gongming: "Brother Gongming, are you still alive?"

Zhao Gongming gasped: "If you press me down again, I will die."

Wen Zhong hurriedly got up and found that although Zhao Gongming's energy and blood had not improved, he was not dead either. He couldn't help wondering, "Brother Gongming, what's going on?"

Zhao Gongming shook his head. He also knew the horror of the Nailhead Seven Arrows Book. Even if this cursed Lingbao was a Daluo Jinxian, he would definitely die after being worshiped for 21 days!

When his eyes hurt just now, he thought he was going to die, but he didn't expect that his body's recovery speed suddenly accelerated at this moment, and when the last arrow hit his heart, its power was reduced by [-]%!

Therefore, although he was seriously injured, he was not dead yet.

"I don't know either." Zhao Gongming shook his head.

"The Book of Seven Arrows on Nailheads curses people to die, but I'm not dead yet. Could it be... Your Majesty!" A bright light flashed in front of Zhao Gongming's eyes!This idea is even more confirmed in my heart!

"Brother Wen, quickly help me up." Zhao Gongming said.

"Ah?" Wen Zhong was stunned, didn't you look like you were dying just now?

Wen Zhong immediately helped him up, Zhao Gongming took a deep breath, felt that the curse in his body was disappearing, his vitality was gradually recovering, and finally he was sure of one thing in his heart!

I can't die!

If the last arrow in the nail-headed Seven Arrows Book didn't kill you, then you won't die!

I actually made it through!

"My lord, it's my lord! It must be my lord!" Zhao Gongming's voice was still weak, but his spirit was much better.

Wen Zhong was even more confused: "My lord? Did your lord save you?"

"Yes, it must be him. I feel that the vitality in my body is recovering. It must be the king who helped me solve the curse!" Zhao Gongming thought about it and there was no other possibility.

Wen Zhong was surprised and delighted, surprised that the king still has such ability, happy that Zhao Gongming will not die!

At that moment Wen Zhong patted Zhao Gongming on the shoulder and said: "Brother Gongming, you lie down first, I'll go and tell the good news to the King!"

Zhao Gongming shook his head and said: "No, since His Majesty saved me, he must know about it too. When I am well, I will go to see Your Majesty by myself and thank you!"


Wen Zhong nodded in agreement, sighing inwardly.

Originally thought that the king was just a clever plan, but he didn't expect to have this ability to lift the curse!

With this person around, how can Chanjiao be his opponent!

As the person involved, Zi Shou naturally didn't know that these two dogs had learned how to beat him hard.

He was lying happily in the camp waiting to go home.

At the same time, Xiqi was in the mansion.

Lu Ya smiled and announced Zhao Gongming's death, but the next second, Yang Jian reported in a panic: "Zhao Gongming's straw man and the nail-headed seven-arrow book spontaneously ignited and have been burned."

"What?" Lu Ya's expression changed drastically.

Ran Deng, Yu Ding and others around him did not take it seriously.

"Anyway, Zhao Gongming is dead. If the book of Seven Arrows with Nailheads is burned, let's burn it. It's a pity for this spiritual treasure."

However, Lu Ya counted with his fingers, and his face turned black: "Variable, variable! Zhao Gongming is not dead!"


"how can that be?"

"Didn't it say that Zhao Gongming would definitely die after worshiping for 21 days?"

Ran Deng and the others were stunned.

Lu Ya smiled bitterly: "It should have been like this...but now the number of days has changed, and Zhao Gongming is not dead."

"Could it be that someone helped him break the curse?" Ran Deng's face darkened. Who on earth dared to ruin his good deeds!

Lu Ya shook his head, looked up at the direction of the business, "No one helped, Zhao Gongming carried it over by himself... Do you know why the Nailhead Seven Arrows Book can crucify Da Luo Jinxian?"

"Why is that?" Ran Deng asked.

Lu Ya said: "There is no solution to the curse of the Book of Seven Arrows! The only way is to persist for 21 days. If you still don't die after No. 20, the curse will break by itself! Persisted under the curse of the book for 21 days! No matter how strong the recovery ability of Da Luo Jinxian is, it is not stronger than the curse!"

"Besides, I let Yang Jian shoot three arrows in a row. Even an ordinary quasi-sage would fall under these three arrows! Now it seems that Zhao Gong is obviously about to die, but his body has gained a strong vitality. Hold the three arrows alive."

"What?" Ran Deng and the others changed color and looked at each other.

Could it be... Zhao Gongming has broken through the quasi-sage?

"Zhao Gongming did not break through the quasi-sage." Lu Ya knew what he was thinking by looking at their faces, and shook his head, "The vitality he got in his body is his own... But I can't figure it out, Zhao Gongming clearly You are dying, why can you still explode this vitality!"

Everyone was silent, feeling the pressure in their hearts, Zhao Gongming is not dead, this is a big deal!

"Not good! Master uncle is about to die, what should we do now?" Yang Jian asked anxiously at this moment.

Everyone was shocked when they remembered that Jiang Ziya's soul was still in the Lost Soul Formation.

Now that Zhao Gongming is not dead, Jiang Ziya is about to die!

This is the price of changing lives!

"Don't be afraid, tomorrow we will go and break the remaining four battle formations!" Lu Ya made a decisive decision, before Zhao Gongming recovered, he broke the four battle formations first!


Zishou waited in the tent for a whole day, but he didn't wait for the news of Zhao Gongming's death, but he waited for this dog to come to the door on his own initiative.

When Zhao Gongming walked into the camp, Zishou was taken aback, almost thought that Zhao Gongming had turned into a ghost to kill him, and immediately wanted to use the Five Elements Escape Technique to escape.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Zhao Gongming came in, he knelt down, hugged Zishou's thigh, and thanked him tearfully for saving him.

Zishou slowly typed in his heart:?

It's not that he thinks he has a problem, but that the whole world has a problem.

This Zhao Gongming... This look doesn't look like someone who is about to die!

"This is... what's going on?" Zishou touched his head, he just wanted to know why Zhao Gongming didn't die.

"Originally, I was hit by Lu Ya's nail-headed seven-arrow book. After 21 days, I would definitely die. Thanks to King Hongfu, I survived. Thanks to King Hongfu's protection, Gongming survived!" Zhao Gongming didn't know why he didn't die. But after much deliberation, it must have something to do with the king.


Don't talk nonsense!

Whether you die or not has nothing to do with me!

"My lord, now that I'm here, Xiqi can't take away Jiang Ziya's soul! When Yao Tianjun finishes worshiping Jiang Ziya's soul, Xiqi will be defeated soon! I have to take off Lu Ya's head to relieve my hatred!" Zhao Gongming gritted his teeth again after being grateful. Said swearingly.

Zishou felt dizzy, Zhao Gongming's death was a huge blow to him, and what he said was like a bolt from the blue.

Are you a fucking dog?Say I saved you and you still want to kill me?

Do you have to cheat me to feel happy?

Don't you big brother, you survived so hard, why don't you pack up and leave?Wouldn't it be nice for me to find a way to let Jiang Ziya's soul go and then go home and be an otaku?

Do we have to hurt each other?

"Your Majesty, don't get excited, haha, I, Zhao Gongming, will not die, and I will do my best to help you defeat Xiqi!" Seeing Zishou's body trembling slightly, Zhao Gongming thought he was overjoyed, and hurriedly patted his chest to assure him.

Zishou opened his mouth to say something but couldn't.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I will go to the Lost Soul Formation to guard, and I will definitely not let Xiqi's people steal Jiang Ziya's soul! When Jiang Ziya dies, the people of the Western Zhou Dynasty will be in chaos, and Xiqi will definitely be captured!" Zhao Gongming said confidently. .

Zishou couldn't help but took a deep breath, all of them were dogs, right?

As for cheating me so much?

"Well, in fact, there is no need to guard the Falling Soul Formation..." Zishou opened his mouth.

"My lord..." Zhao Gongming was moved. Is your lord worried about my body?After all, I haven't recovered yet?

Your Majesty not only saved my life, but also worried about my health...

With such a great king, what more can I ask for!

"Don't worry, my lord, even if I don't want this life, I have to go to the Lost Soul Formation to ensure that Jiang Ziya will die!" Zhao Gongming wiped his wet eyes, "When Xiqi is defeated, Pindao will pacify the world and unify it for the king. Sifang's great cause is doing its best!"

Zhao Gongming has already made up his mind. He not only wants to break Xiqi for the king, but also take down Chongcheng in the north, wipe out Dongyi and Guifang, and bring peace to the world for the king!

Without him, just to repay Zishou's grace of rebirth to him!

Zishou: ...

brat!can you go

When did Lao Tzu want to pacify the world and unify the Quartet?

Don't misinterpret my ideal!

Zishou really experienced the feeling of falling down like a roller coaster. At first, he was happily imagining the scene of waiting for Zhao Gongming to go home after Zhao Gongming died, but now he told himself that he would not die, and he wanted to kill Jiang Ziya. Calm down the world by yourself? !

It's not Lao Tzu's dream to ride a horse!

Is this bastard specially here to kill orphans?

"You and I…"

Zishou really didn't know what to say, so he took a deep breath, forget it, calm down, calm down...it's not worth fussing with this bastard.

Although Zhao Gongming didn't die, and Jiang Ziya might be dying, Zishou didn't think he would lose.

As long as Zi Shou is not dead, he will definitely fight unyieldingly!

"You have completed the task! Rewards are issued!"

"Full martial arts: The system will improve the body of the host, learn martial arts independently, and be proficient in eighteen kinds of martial arts and various weapons."

At this moment, the voice of the system also sounded in Zishou's heart.

Zishou: ...

gun - get out!

"Wait, why did Zhao Gongming come back to life?" Zishou asked in his heart, he wanted to ask clearly, even if someone like me lost, he had to know where he lost!

"A warm reminder from the system: Zhao Gongming triggered the injury-free effect, coupled with the curse resistance, resisted the curse of the nail-headed book of seven arrows, and survived successfully."

Zishou: ...

This tm is also okay?


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