There are only four formations left in the Ten Jue Formation. Zhao Gongming is still alive, and the leader of the four formations immediately expressed his intention to take revenge.

Xiqi immediately said that he would go to break the formation.

At this time, the strength comparison between the two sides is still slightly stronger in Xiqi. After all, there are not only the Golden Immortals in Xiqi, but Lu Ya is still in the city.


The two armies confronted each other in front of Xiqi City.

Lord Bai Tian, ​​the leader of the flame formation, walked to the front of the formation and said loudly: "School of Chanjiao, do you dare to come and meet my flame formation?"

There are only four formations left in the Ten Jue Formation. As the Emperor's son, after thinking about it, he also went to the battlefield to watch the battle in person.

He wants to verify whether Si Tianjun has played with his sister in Chaoge for a few days and whether it has any effect.

But no matter how you think about it, there must be some effect. Even if Mr. Sitian doesn't like beauties and formations, you don't have time to study it these days if you do it like this?

In this way, it should be more than enough for Xiqi to break the formation.

Today, Zi Shou came to the battlefield in person, just to see the four unique formations being broken in front of him!

He remembered that Lu Ya should still be in Xiqi, so he would probably make a move too.

On Xiqi's side, Ran Deng and the others were also surprised when they saw Wen Zhong coming out with a man in a royal robe behind him, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Lu Ya recognized it immediately: "Di Xin is here!"

Taoist Ran Deng squinted his eyes and looked at Zi Shou from a distance: "Is that the Emperor?"

The Human Sovereign actually came to the battlefield in person, if he uses some means to kill the Human Sovereign...

After thinking for a while, Taoist Ran Deng shook his head again, not to mention how many masters protect Di Xin, even the Emperor's Luck Golden Dragon can't hold back himself!

If you really do it, let alone whether you can kill the Emperor, you will definitely be killed directly by the backlash of luck!

Not to mention the quasi-sage Daluo, even a saint who wants to hurt the Emperor has to think about it.

If it's really that easy, there's no need to waste all your energy on the Shang and Zhou wars.

"Your Majesty, are you here?" Nezha asked, looking at Zishou.

I can't say I hate Zishou Nezha, but I also have some good feelings for him. If it wasn't for the teacher's order, he and Di Xin would not have an enmity.

Zishou said, "Nezha, you are not a real person!"

At this time, Zishou looked at Nezha as if he was watching an actor, this bastard played himself over and over again, what a puppet really!

Nezha:? ? ?

"I..." Nezha scratched his head and looked at Zishou who was so entangled.

When I was playing in the water and was attacked by the Dragon Prince, it was Di Xin's men who rescued me. Later, Chen Tangguan retreated from the Dragon King and helped my father, and taught me how to archery. It looks good no matter what.

Hey, did Di Xin mean to blame himself for being anti-business?

Zishou pointed at Nezha heartbroken and said, "You are so powerful, why do you want to hurt me so many times?"

Playing me so many times, this dog thing is too much!

Nezha: ...

He silently closed his mouth, um, it seems that Di Xin is blaming himself for being anti-business, alas, I have to listen to my teacher's order!

"Nezha, back off." Daoist Ran Deng found that Nezha and Di Xin seemed to have "an affair", waved to him, and sneered in his heart, what a Di Xin, want to instigate Nezha?You will be able to see if you break the four unique formations later!

"Your Majesty, that's Ran Deng, the deputy leader of Chanjiao, and that's Daoist Yuding..." Shi Ji stood beside Zishou and introduced him.

"Oh." Zishou nodded, recognizing these people.

It's these dog things, playing themselves over and over again!

"Men of Yuxu sect, who will meet my flame array?" Mr. Bai Tian shouted again.

"Who is going to break the formation?" Ran Deng looked at the left and right doormen.

"Pindao go and meet him." Lu Ya laughed and walked out.

At the same time, the annoying dog system is also showing up again.

"Trigger task: Let the four formations work for the third formation, and cut off to teach the three great Luo Jinxians!"

"Mission rewards: Yin Shang Qi Luck +1000, Nine-turn Xuanyuan Gong fifth turn (Golden Immortal), Sanxiao Niangniang's favorability increased by 60 points per person."

"Note: If the task fails, the system will send the host back to the original world, uninstall the system forcibly, and erase the memory of this time travel!"

Zishou: ...

The dog system will never die!

Money, status, Lingbao, now you can directly calculate the favorability of Empress Sanxiao?

Are you fucking kidding me?Actually trying to corrupt my heart with beauty?

It's simply a big joke in the world!

Zishou looked at Lu Ya, raised his fist and shook him: "Hey, Lu Ya, come on!"

Try to beat Lord Sitian until I have a black nose and a swollen face!

Beat to death!

Lu Ya:? ? ?

Do I know you? Are you cheering on me?

Good Di Xin, is this sarcastic at me?

Lu Ya sneered: "Let's talk about it after we break the flame array!"

During the day, Jun laughed: "You are Lu Ya? The one who almost killed my brother Gongming? Okay, take my sword!"

After Bai Tian finished speaking, he stabbed Lu Ya with a sword.

Lu Ya was also fighting with swords at the moment, and the two swordsmanship were evenly matched, and the fight was inseparable.

Soon, Jun Tian drew his sword and walked into the formation of flames, and Lu Ya followed him into the formation.

After Tiantian Jun entered the blazing formation, he rushed up to the earthen platform, waved the red flag, and in an instant, fireworks surged in the formation, rumbling towards Luya!

This fire is a combination of three different fires: air fire, ground fire, and samadhi fire. The temperature is so high that ordinary people will be burned to ashes as soon as they enter the battle.

However, Lu Ya didn't hide or evade, and was wrapped in flames.

Mr. Bai suddenly said triumphantly: "Haha, Lu Ya, you are dead!"

Immediately, he waved the flame banner again, ordering the different fire to burn to Lu Ya.

"Haha, Mr. Tiantian, you continue to burn." Lu Ya was in the flames, and the more he burned, the more energetic he became.

He was originally the Golden Crow, and the fire of the Raging Flame Formation was a tonic for him.

"The Sui people used to refine the bardo of fire, and the samadhi has a deep meaning. The flames burn my secret teachings in the air, why bother?"

Lu Ya lay in the fire and sang loudly. Youyou took out a gourd and opened the lid.

A ray of light flew out of the gourd, and a thing flew out of the light, with eyes and eyebrows, and golden light from the eyes covered Lord Baitian.

"Please turn around, baby!" Afterwards, Lu Ya bowed to the gourd.

The treasure turned slightly, and Jun Tian's head fell to the ground immediately.

Afterwards, Lu Ya waved his hand to disperse the strange fire from the flame formation, and walked out of the flame formation with a big smile.


"No, Lord Tiantian is dead!" Wen Zhong's face changed drastically when he saw Lu pressing out, he didn't expect to lose in the first battle.

And lose so fast!

This Lu Ya is too scary!

"Good job!"

Zishou silently gave Lu Ya a thumbs-up in his heart, that's right!

The flame formation has been broken, and there are three formations left. To complete the task, unless each formation kills a big Luo Jinxian, how is this possible?

"It seems that there is still some effect in the past few days." Zishou was very satisfied.

"Haha, Di Xin, how are you?" Lu Ya looked at Zi Shou and said proudly.

"Yes, keep up the good work." Zishou nodded, and said sincerely: "Lu Ya, let's continue!"

Lu Ya:? ? ?

continue on?Is there a conspiracy!

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