Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 90 Is this fearful grandson an actor?

"Lu Yaxiu go! If you have the ability, enter my Red Water Formation!" The leader of the Red Water Formation Wang Bian Wang Tianjun rushed out.

Thinking of Zishou's words, Lu Ya snorted coldly and said, "I've been broken for a while, so the red water formation should be done by Fellow Daoist Yuxu!"

Who knows if Di Xin has done anything wrong? Although Lu Ya's cultivation is as high as the sky, he dare not enter the battle rashly.

"My lord, do you have any instructions for this red water array?" Wen Zhong walked up to Zishou and asked worriedly. After all, the first round of flame array had already failed, and the second round was especially important.

Zishou: ...

instruct?Point out a woolen hammer!

"No." After hesitating for a few seconds, Zishou shook his head and made a decision. It is better not to intervene. Now the situation is quite good, no matter how you look at it, the opponent has the upper hand.

"Under Yuxu's sect, no one dares to challenge my Red Water Formation?" Wang Tianjun said loudly.

Nezha was eager to try with a pointed gun, and cast his eyes on Taoist Ran Deng, looking hesitant to speak.

Noticing Nezha's eyes, Taoist Ran Deng shook his head and said, "It's not time for you to break the formation yet."

Immediately afterwards, Taoist Ran Deng looked at Cao Bao who had been lured back by his good words, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Cao, go and break his red water formation!"

Cao Bao's face changed slightly, the red water burst into a cloud of yin, and it was hard to break it at first glance!But Taoist Ran Deng had all called their names, so Cao Bao had no choice but to bite the bullet and go up with his sword.

Taoist Ran Deng looked at Cao Bao with a smile, and a glint of coldness flashed in the depths of his eyes.

How could he not know that Cao Bao went to break the formation just to die?


One is to make up for the list of gods, and it is better to let Cao Bao go to die than let Yuxu's disciples go;

The second is that last time in Wuyi Mountain, I wanted to drop treasures and money, but this guy dared to refuse me!

If you don't send him on the list, who will you send?

"Brother Cao? As a loose immortal, you are free and easy. You have nothing to do with this place. Why did you come here to die?" Wang Tianjun knew Cao Bao and couldn't help but ask.

"Wang Bian, you support the fake and destroy the real, and help the tyrant to abuse. Don't you know that the number of days is fixed, and the Zhou Dynasty will be prosperous. I advise you to withdraw and leave!" Cao Bao shook his head.

Wang Tianjun laughed back in anger: "I want to kill myself!"

Now walk into the red water array.

Cao Bao also rushed in with his long sword straightened.

Wang Tianjun arrived at the earthen platform in the center of the array, grabbed a red gourd, opened the lid and poured it down, countless blood gushed out immediately!

The blood poured in horizontally, Cao Bao had nowhere to escape, his body was covered with blood, his limbs and flesh immediately rotted into bloody mud, and he died in the blood in less than a moment.

After Cao Bao died, a soul flew out of the red water formation, and glared at Taoist Ran Deng with unwillingness and hatred.

He didn't expect that he saved Taoist Ran Deng's life in Wuyi Mountain, and he was fooled into dying here today, but now it's too late to regret, and his soul flew into the list of gods.

Seeing this scene, Zishou couldn't help taking a deep breath, Cao Bao died?

It won't be a problem again, will it?

Calm down, calm down, maybe Cao Bao is just cannon fodder,

The next twelve golden immortals shot...

"Hey, why does the scene in front of me seem familiar..." Zishou raised his head and patted his head.

"Daoist Ran Deng, I think Cao Bao saved your life that day, so why did you ruin his life like this! There are many masters in Yuxu's sect, why don't you let them break my red water array?" Wang Tianjun sneered again and again.

Daoist Ran Deng chuckled: "You Daoist Cao is only a few days away from death, so you can't blame the poor. Forget it, you are afraid of leaving grandchildren, you go and break his red water formation!"

Fearing Liusun came out: "Yes!"

Fearing Liusun led the order to step forward and stab Wang Tianjun with a sword, Wang Tianjun also quickly blocked with his sword.

The two fought for three or four rounds, how could Wang Tianjun be an opponent who was afraid of leaving his grandson?Turned around and fled into the red water array.

"Wang Bian, don't go!" Fear Liusun laughed and jumped into the battle.

Zishou clenched his fists and secretly encouraged his grandson for his fear: "Come on, beat Wang Tianjun to death, don't be polite!"

Fearing that Liusun entered the red water array, Wang Tianjun also opened the gourd and poured out the blood, and in an instant, the blood poured over the sky and covered the sky, and the gloomy breath came over his face!

"The side door, what can I do?" Fearful Sun Jiejie smiled, tapped his feet, and a lotus flower was born, floating on the bloody water, his head shook, and Qingyun unfolded.

Fearing Liusun walking on the lotus, as if driving a boat on the water.

Then, Fear Liusun sacrificed the immortal rope!

With a flick of the immortal rope, Wang Tianjun was bound immediately.

Fearing Liusun laughed, ready to step forward and take his life!

However, at this moment, there was a surge of blood, and blood corpses drilled out of it.

One of the blood corpses rushed towards Fear Liusun, knocking him off the lotus with great force.


Fearing that Liusun stepped into the bloody water, he let out a shrill scream!

Even people outside could hear clearly, and they couldn't help but get goosebumps all over their bodies.

"Wang Bian was killed?" Zi Shou was stunned for a moment, but before he could be happy, there was another extremely shrill cry from inside, just like Ye Xiao's scream of terror.

The people outside the formation were horrified and looked at each other in blank dismay.

Ran Deng showed a smile on his face, and said: "It seems that the fear of retaining the grandson has succeeded."

However, at this moment, Wang Bian walked out of the Red Water Formation, threw out the rope that binds Fear of Liusun, raised his head and said: "Fear of Liusun is dead, who dares to meet my Red Water Formation?"

In an instant, everyone in Chanjiao was shocked, Wen Taishi and others breathed a sigh of relief, while Zishou gasped.

What the hell, is the dead person afraid of keeping grandchildren? ?

How can this be?Who will tell me what is going on?

Wang Bian was obviously the girl who was sent to Chaoge to play for a few days by himself, but she knelt down because she was afraid of keeping her grandson?

This is so unscientific!Not theological!

Could it be that he was afraid that his grandson would be an actor?

"Damn it, what a king, how dare you kill my fellow daoist!" Daoist Ran Deng's face turned black with anger, and he jumped to chase out the soul who was afraid of leaving his grandson.

Seeing that Ran Deng had left, Chanjiao and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and also withdrew their troops and left, making an appointment to break the formation at another day.

"I didn't expect to fear that my grandson would die in the red water formation, haha, Wang Tianjun, your formation is really powerful!" Grand Master Wen on the ink unicorn couldn't help but praise.

"It's all thanks to the king!" Wang Bian said sincerely.

Zishou:? ? ?

"What does this have to do with me?" Although he wanted to kill someone, Zishou still wanted to know the reason.

Wang Tianjun sighed: "Thanks to the king for letting Yuan Hong take me to Chaoge and sending me four beautiful maidservants."

Zishou:? ? ?

Are you mocking me?

"Then tell me." Zishou asked blankly.

"After I arrived at Chaoge, after I had some in-depth exchanges with the beauty, I suddenly thought of the shortcomings of the Red Water Formation."

Wang Tianjun explained enthusiastically: "The red water array is certainly powerful, but as long as it doesn't get stained with red water, it will be fine. If you add women's menstrual blood to the red water, it will be used by the wraith, and command the wraith to pounce out by surprise, and kill the wraith. Drag the fighters into the water and you'll be done!"

"The fearful grandson tied me up with an immortal rope and then he was so triumphant that he forgot to take precautions. He was thrown into the water by the resentful spirit and died immediately. Thanks to the king's guidance! The king asked us to go to Chaoge that day, and he must have seen us The formation is not enough, I want to point it out."

Zishou: ...

"Well, as long as you know." Zi Shou said vaguely.

Go to Nima's guide you!

I want you to be obsessed with femininity!

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