Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 91: Zhun raised his hand, the red water array broke

Zishou didn't expect that the leader of the Red Water Formation gave him a knife, and even put the blame on himself with a serious face!

Seeing the expressions of Wen Zhong, Shi Ji and others gradually becoming admiring, the corners of Zi Shou's mouth couldn't help twitching!

Believe me, I really don't know how to form a formation!

The day's battle finally ended with the death of Fear Liusun. Seeing the disciple of Chanjiao leaving Yuyu, cheers erupted in the business camp.

Although Wen Zhong was happy, he did not forget the other formations, and studied how to fight in the business camp.

Zi Shou felt a pain in his head when he saw the group of dogs still seriously studying how to play tomorrow after winning.

Can't these dogs stop to eat, drink and have fun?

You Qi looked at Wang Tianjun's disgusting face, and the corners of Zi Shou's mouth twitched slightly. He felt that he needed to send this bastard to Chaoge to farm?


On the other side, Taoist Ran Deng hurriedly caught up with the soul of fearing Liusun, put him in a gourd, and then went to Kunlun Mountain to report the matter to Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Afraid of leaving grandson to die in the red water array?" Yuanshi Tianzun took a sharp breath, and instead of being angry, he smiled: "What a good Emperor Xin, it seems that he is the variable."

"Master, what should we do now? Do we want to continue breaking the formation?" Daoist Ran Deng said with a sad face. The business camp is under the command of Emperor Xin. If he breaks the formation again tomorrow, he may not be able to break it, but Jiang Ziya is running out of time. Go on, I'm afraid that the three souls and seven souls will be worshiped by Yao Tianjun!

Yuanshi Tianzun pondered for a while, and said: "You go back first, don't break the formation for now."

It's easy for him to break the formation, but the problem is not the ten unique formations, but the variable Di Xin!

Because of this variable, Shijuezhen repeatedly harvested the lives of his disciples.

"Yes." Daoist Ran Deng nodded helplessly, then turned and left Yuxu Palace.

"Looks like I have to go to the west to find a friend to discuss."

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded slightly, and immediately drove the Kowloon Agarwood chariot to the Western Church.

The west is barren, and the site where the Western religion was built is not as full of aura as Yuxu Palace.

"Brother Yuanshi Daoist drove to the humble land, and the succulent plants were shining brightly. I am not far away to welcome you!" Zhunti Taoist hurried out to meet him.

"Fellow Daoist Zhunti, if the number changes today, and the Emperor's luck will increase, do you know a thing or two?" Yuanshi Tianzun said straight to the point.

Of course Taoist Zhunti knew that he and his senior brother had been planning the Conferred God War, hoping to win disciples from it and strengthen the Western religion.How can you not know?

"I know." Zhunti smiled wryly. Originally, seeing that the emperor's luck was about to run out, he raised the curtain when Di Xin paid homage to Nuwa, plotting Di Xin to blaspheme Nuwa, and dragged the female saint into the water.

However, he did not expect that Di Xin's luck would rise again and again.

"Do you know, fellow Taoist, that Di Xin invited the disciples of Jiejiao to set up a ten-jue formation, which has ruined the lives of seven of my disciples?" Yuanshi Tianzun said lightly.

"What? How could this be?" Zhunti's face changed suddenly, and then he waved his hand suddenly and said, "Hmph! That emperor wasted effort! The way of heaven changes, and the general trend does not change! It is a matter of days before the qi of the soup is exhausted. There is no chance for the Ten Jue Formation How can you be patient? Daoist Brother Yuanshi is broken."

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned and said: "It's easy to break the Ten Jue Formation, but the variables behind the Ten Jue Formation are not easy to handle."

Zhunti Taoist also frowned upon hearing this.

Dixin was protected by the luck of the emperor, so they naturally didn't dare to take action directly. The only way to deal with this variable was to launch the Conferred God War.

"Brother Yuan Shi wants to suppress the luck of the emperor?" Taoist Zhunti frowned.

Yuanshi Tianzun said lightly: "For the time being, there is no need for this. I just want to tell Brother Dao that if there are too many variables, maybe this is the only way to go."

Zhunti Taoist nodded, and immediately understood Yuanshi Tianzun's meaning.

Although the Emperor's Luck is rising and rising, it's not worth letting them suppress it by themselves. However, if the follow-up changes in the way of heaven are even greater, then they can only join hands to break up the Emperor's Luck Golden Dragon and forcibly suppress the Luck of the Emperor. up!

And Yuanshi Tianzun's meaning is very obvious, if you want to win over people in the Conferred God War, you have to pay a price, you have to take action one after another.

"Fellow Daoist Yuanshi will go back first, and the poor Taoist will come later, and also go to see the means of seeing the emperor." Taoist Zhunti said immediately.


Yuanshi Tianzun didn't let Randeng break the formation, so Randeng had to close the gate of the city tightly and dare not go out.

In a flash of time, 20 days have passed, and the remaining soul of Jiang Ziya has been worshiped and died in the prime minister's mansion.

Fortunately, the soul was put into a pure glass bottle by the people of Ci Hang Tao, and he was saved.

Ji Fa was as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, and Ran Deng was also frowning all day long.

"When will Master come! If this continues, Ziya is really doomed!"

However, at this moment, someone came to report from outside the door, and a Taoist begged to see him, saying that he was invited by Yuanshi and could break the Four Jue Formation.

Ran Deng was overjoyed, and rushed out to greet him: "Where do fellow Taoists come from?"

"I came from the west, and I was Taoist Zhunti. I heard that the Yin and Shang had set up a decisive battle, so I came here to break it." Taoist Zhunti smiled.


The second leader of Western religion?

Ran Deng hurriedly greeted him, this is a saint of the same level as Yuanshi Tianzun!

As a saint, Zhunti Taoist is not well-known, far inferior to Yuanshi Tianzun, but his strength is not much worse!

"Brother Dao is here, we will be able to break the formation!" Daoist Ran Deng said happily.

Taoist Zhunti smiled, "Let's go and meet the red water array."

At present, Ran Deng and others surrounded Zhun and proposed to break the city.

After Wen Zhong heard about it, he immediately set up his formation and left the camp.

"My lord, Wen Zhong asks if you have any instructions?" Shi Ji asked.

Zishou: ...

Do you want to intervene?

"No." Then Zishou shook his head and made a quick decision.

He had intervened so many times before but ended in failure, and today he does not plan to intervene for the time being.

"Okay!" Shiji also nodded.


In front of the red water array.

"Who will break my red water array?" Wang Bian sneered.

"Wang Tianjun, the poor Taoist is here to break your red water formation." At that moment, Taoist Zhunti smiled and walked out.

"Let's enter the formation!" Wang Bian was full of confidence, and walked into the red water formation with a wave of his hand.

Taoist Zhunti smiled and went straight into the battle.

Seeing this, Wang Bian picked up the blood gourd and poured out the blood, which immediately hit the sky and covered the sky.

However, although Taoist Zhunti didn't move, golden lights gushed out from his body, lingering all over his body, blood and water couldn't get close to him!

Zhunti Taoist is a saint after all, no matter how powerful the red water array is, Wang Tianjun is only a true immortal, how can he hurt a saint?

The next moment, Zhunti raised the blessing pestle and slammed it on Wang Tianjun's forehead.

Wang Tianjun's brain and plasma splashed, and he died suddenly in the battle.

After death, the soul flew out of the red water array and went directly to the Conferred God Stage.

Zhunti smiled slightly, and then walked out of the red water formation.

When Wen Zhong and others saw this, they immediately knew that Wang Tianjun was dead.

"Not good! He killed Wang Tianjun! Stop leaving the Yaodao, and I, Wen Zhong, will meet you!" Wen Zhong roared loudly, riding a black unicorn to catch up.

With a wave of Zhunti's hand, Wen Zhong and Mo Qilin immediately took three steps back!

When everyone saw this, they were astonished!

"Ran Deng, let someone go and destroy the Falling Soul Formation!" Zhun Tidan said with a smile.

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