"This person has such a high level of cultivation!"

"It can only be described in four words, unfathomable."

"No wonder Wang Tianjun died at the hands of this person."

Wen Zhong, Yao Tianjun and others changed their faces, guessing the identity of Taoist Zhunti.

Zishou was amused, it seems that Xiqi has invited experts again, and he is expected to uninstall the system today!

"Hmph, who dares to come and meet my Soul Lost Formation?" Yao Tianjun walked out with a cold face, Jiang Ziya's soul has been worshiped away, but only one soul and one soul have not yet returned to their positions, and he can finally play today.

"Cihang Taoist, go and break his falling soul array." Ran Deng looked at Ci Hang Taoist, "By the way, retrieve Jiang Ziya's soul."

Zishou: ...

Eh?Let Cihang go?Just let the guy just now!

This burning lamp will not play himself again, will it?

Thinking about it this way, Zishou couldn't help casting his eyes on Taoist Ran Deng, hesitant to speak.

Noticing Zishou's gaze, Ran Deng couldn't help snorting coldly: "Di Xin, what can I teach you?"

"That..." Zi Shou touched his head, and said sincerely: "Why don't you change it to a stronger one, I think the one just now is pretty good."

Burning Lamp: ...

hateful!Di Xin is too deceitful!

"You'll know when the formation is broken!" Ran Deng snorted coldly, "Cihang, go break the soul formation!"

"Disciple takes orders!" Taoist Ci Hang nodded, and immediately rushed towards Yao Tianjun with his sword raised.

"Yao Tianjun, you beheaded this Heavenly Master of Distinguished Manner and Guangfa before, and today you beckoned Jiang Ziya's soul away, I will not spare you!"

Yao Tianjun blocked with a sword: "Haha, it's useless to talk too much, if you have the ability, take Jiang Ziya's soul back!"

Cihang Taoist's swordsmanship is subtle, faster than lightning, how can Yao Tianjun parry it?In less than three rounds, he was defeated and fled to the falling soul formation.

Ci Hangdao gave a cold snort, and jumped into the formation.

Yao Tianjun stepped onto the earthen platform, shook the Falling Soul Banner, and at the same time sprinkled black sand!

All of a sudden, the wind gusts, and the black sand overwhelmingly hits the people of Cihangdao!

"Heretic, but that's all!"

The Cihangdao man sneered, and Qingyun grew above his head to resist the black sand!Take out the clean glass bottle in your hand and sacrifice it!

However, at this moment, alluring women emerged from the black sand, twisting their enchanting bodies in front of Ci Hangdao.

The complexion of Taoist Cihang changed, and he sacrificed the pure glass bottle, and a puff of black energy immediately gushed out, taking away the enchanting woman in the black sand.

However, there are almost countless enchanting women in the black sand, and some of them soon entangled the people of Cihangdao.

"You look so pretty..."

"Are you a woman too?"

"The skin is so good..."

"Merge with me..."

A sound like a dream sounded in the ears of Taoist Cihang, and countless enchanting women entangled him.

"Get out of here!" Taoist Ci Hang's heart trembled, his face changed drastically, Qing Yun above his head suddenly showed a hole, and black sand poured down!

"Ah!" The Ci Hang Taoist screamed, covering his left eye, and then the Qingyun was broken, and the black sand rushed in, swallowing the Ci Hang Taoist!

"Ci Hang Taoist, go to hell!" Yao Tianjun shouted, flew a sword, and beheaded Ci Hang Taoist!

After the death of Ci Hangdao, his body was corroded by black sand, the pure glass bottle fell to the ground, Jiang Ziya's soul flew out of it, and Yao Tianjun took the gourd away.


"No, Taoist Cihang has fallen!" Outside the formation, seeing Cihang's soul flying out, Taoist Ran Deng turned pale with shock.

Another big Luo Jinxian died!How terrifying is it that this Luohun Formation has killed two Da Luo Jinxians before and after!

Just when Taoist Ran Deng was about to go to the Conferred God Stage to rescue Cihang's soul, Taoist Zhunti next to him made a move. With a wave of his hand, he pulled Cihang's soul back and put it in the gourd.

"Thank you, Taoist Zhunti!" Ran Deng heaved a sigh of relief.


"The task is completed, Jiang Ziya's three souls and seven souls have all been worshiped, and the reward is released! It will improve the host's physique and make the host immune to most curses."

"Fourth formation mission: 2/3 of Da Luo Jinxian has been killed."

When the voice of the system rang in Zishou's mind, Zishou couldn't help but frown. He didn't expect Yao Bin to be so capable and kill Cihang.

Counting it, Yao Bin had already beheaded two big Luo Jinxians.

"Old man, I told you to call him stronger, but you are still called Cihang? Don't give it away!" Zishou couldn't help but looked at Ran Deng and shouted.

Burning Lamp: ...

This damn emperor!

Be careful!

you wait for me!

Shiji and Yuan Hong next to him couldn't help but cast admiring glances at Zishou, and challenged Ran Deng in public, as expected of a king!

"Haha, Ran Deng, who else would dare to destroy my Fallen Soul Formation?" Yao Tianjun exclaimed triumphantly.

Ran Deng frowned, the Soul Lost Formation was so powerful that even he was not sure.

The Taoist next to him shook his head and said with a smile, "Forget it, since the poor Taoist is here, let's destroy the Lost Soul Formation!"

"Hmph, I happened to avenge brother Daoist Wang!" Yao Tianjun turned and entered the formation, and Zhunti Taoist followed immediately.

Yao Tianjun came to the high platform and shook the Falling Soul banner, suddenly there was a gust of wind, black sand splashed out, and countless enchanting beauties came.

However, there was a burst of golden light on Taoist Zhunti, and Heisha couldn't get close to him. As soon as those enchanting beauties approached, they screamed and turned into skeletons, and then died cleanly.

The body of a saint is inherently immortal, so the mere Soul Falling Formation naturally couldn't hurt Taoist Zhunti.

Afterwards, Taoist Zhunti laughed loudly, held up the blessing pestle, and threw it directly at Yao Tianjun.

Yao Tianjun saw that the general situation was over, and wanted to escape, but how could he run away from the palm of a saint?

Immediately, he was smashed in the head by the blessing pestle, and died violently in the battle.

The soul also went to the Fengshentai.

Zhunti picked up the gourd containing Jiang Ziya's three souls and seven souls, turned around and went out.


"No, the Falling Soul Formation has been broken, and Yao Tianjun is dead!" Seeing this, Wen Zhong was so angry that he smashed down the golden mace in his hand!

However, although he was angry, he also knew how powerful Taoist Zhunti was, so he didn't dare to offend him again.

"Haha, the Falling Soul Formation has been broken!"

"This damn Yao Tianjun is finally dead!"

"Uncle Jiang is saved!"

Chanjiao was elated, Ran Deng looked at Zishou triumphantly, and couldn't help laughing: "Di Xin, how are you doing now? Ten battles have been broken and nine battles have been broken, so what else can you say?"

Zishou: ...

Ten formation-breaking techniques, how dare you say that eight Da Luo Jinxians died?

Glancing at Ran Deng with contempt, Zi Shou couldn't help but said, "Come on, break the tenth formation, don't give it away again."

Burning Lamp: ...

This person is so annoying!

Even though he lost, he still looks like he deserves a beating!

I really want to kill him!

Taoist Zhunti said: "The tenth formation of red sand will be broken in another day, first bring Ziya's soul back, and bring Ziya back to life!"

"Yes, yes." Ran Deng hurriedly said, the resurrection of Jiang Ziya is very important now, and the remaining red sand formation is too difficult to support!

At present, Ran Deng ordered the soldiers to return to the city, and break through the red sand array another day.

"Oh." Zi Shou sighed gloomily, with a dull expression.

Why not break the red sand array by the way?

Ran Deng, don't play me anymore!

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