Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 96 Three Xiao Lays Down the Yellow River Formation

It's not that Zishou didn't expect that Empress Sanxiao would capture Lu Ya back. What he didn't expect was that it was so fast, leaving him with no room for maneuver.

Now this dog system is still forcing a residual blood buff for itself...

What an inappropriate person!

Zishou couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Then he looked at the thing that appeared on the table—Xuanyuan Controlling Water Flag.

This is a black flag weaving, and the effect should be the same as Jiang Ziya's Wuji Xinghuang flag.

In the world of Fengshen, it can be regarded as the most powerful defensive spirit treasure.

"Hey, I can only reluctantly accept these rewards."

Zishou sighed inwardly.

In the business camp, Mistress Sanxiao grabbed Lu and pressed her back.

Fairy Bixiao snorted coldly: "Master Wen, he almost shot my brother to death, if you order the archers to come, I will shoot him too!"

"Okay!" Grand Master Wen hurriedly dispatched five hundred archers to shoot arrows at Lu Ya.

Suddenly, arrows rained heavily on Lu Ya, shooting him into a hedgehog.

However, these people didn't know that Lu Ya was the body of the Golden Crow, and in less than a moment, the arrow and the shaft were burned to ashes.

"I'll go too!" Lu Ya laughed, turning into a long rainbow and disappearing without a trace.

San Xiao was very surprised, he didn't expect this person to be able to escape after being sealed in Niwan Palace.

No wonder Zhao Gongming almost died at the hands of Lu Ya.

"With this person in Xiqi, I heard that it is definitely not easy for Grand Master to win." Yunxiao shook his head and said, "Forget it, I will also put it down for a while when I go down the mountain this time. If Xiqi can break through, the three of us will leave here. If you can’t break it, don’t blame me for breaking Xiqi!”

At that moment, Yunxiao consulted with Grand Master Wen, Zhao Gongming and others, dispatched [-] soldiers in the army to form a formation, and set up a nine-curved Yellow River formation.

The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is a formation developed by Sanxiao. It contains innate secret techniques, life and death organs, and external Jiugong gossip. Although there are only 600 people manipulating the formation, under Yunxiao's command, it can rival millions of soldiers!

Even Da Luo Jinxian, if he dares to enter the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, he will only die and die!

"Trigger mission: Kill the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao, Yang Jian, Nezha, etc.!"

"Mission rewards: Yin Shang luck +1500, longevity +1000 years, Xiantian Lingbao Jiuqu Yellow River Ruler."

"Note: If the task fails, the system will send the host back to the original world, uninstall the system forcibly, and erase the memory of this time travel!"

Zishou, who was in the tent, was reminded of the system's task again, and he was taken aback for a moment.

Jiuqu Yellow River Array?

San Xiao laid it out so quickly?

The Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is a large-scale formation that is second only to the Zhuxian Formation and the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation in the Conferred Gods, and only a saint can break it.

The two saints must also join forces.

What is the significance of the dog system issuing this task?It can be done anyway, right?

Zishou wanted to complain, this dog system is really becoming less and less human.


Do you think I will admit defeat in this way?


As long as there is still such a glimmer of hope, I will not admit defeat!

Zishou took a deep breath, thinking about how to deal with the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation.

After all, the victory or defeat this time will affect the result of going home.

As a traverser, Zishou certainly knew that even if the Twelve Golden Immortals plus Diode Luya entered the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, they would still be no match for Empress Sanxiao.

The overall strength of Empress Sanxiao is higher than that of Twelve Golden Immortals.

The boss, Empress Yunxiao, had arrived at Da Luo Jinxian a long time ago, even if she got a whip from Jiang Ziya, she would be fine.

In particular, there are such terrifying groups as Hunyuan Jindou and Jinjiaojian, who kill people when they see people, and spirit treasures that kill gods when they see gods.

To be reasonable, Zishou really didn't think Xiqi would win.

Your odds of winning are too small.

So if you want San Xiao to lose, you have to make good arrangements.

But how to arrange it is also a technical task. In the past, forcibly changing players and changing teams would not work.

"Let Wen Zhong come over, and bring San Xiao along by the way."

After thinking for a long time, Zishou stroked his chin and said.

Shiji nodded and went down.

Soon, Wen Zhong brought Mistress Sanxiao to the tent.

Zishou looked up, Yun Xiao was dressed in white, spotless, Qiong Xiao was wearing a pink dress, she looked quite petite and cute, Bi Xiao was wearing a purple dress, her eyes rolled round, she was quite weird.

Three Xiaos are all beauties, Bi Xiao is the prettiest, Yun Xiao and Qiong Xiao are evenly matched.

"Are you Di Xin?" Bi Xiao said carelessly as soon as he entered.

"Third sister, don't be rude!" Yun Xiao hurriedly scolded.

"Sit." Zishou took a look at San Xiao, um, with breasts and buttocks, not much worse than Su Daji.

Of course, Zi Shou is not the kind of man who is full of tits and brains.

"Gu heard that Empress Sanxiao has set up a nine-curved Yellow River formation, I don't know how the preparations are going now." Zishou asked pretendingly and unintentionally.

"My lord, I'm almost ready." Yunxiao said slowly, "I heard that the six hundred soldiers sent by the grand master have all entered the formation and evolved the formation. In a few days, if you practice well, you can challenge Xiqi! "

As he said that, Yun Xiao looked at Zi Shou with embarrassment on his face.

"Huh?" Seeing Yun Xiao's expression, Zi Shou asked, "Could there be any problems?"

If you have any questions, tell them quickly, anyway, I will not only help you solve them, but also add problems for you.

"Although I cut off teaching and explain teaching are two religions, they are both passed down in the same vein and have the same spirit. Although I have set up a nine-curved Yellow River array, I don't want to hurt the disciple of explaining teaching and damage the friendship between the two religions."

Yun Xiao didn't hide anything, he just said it out.

Although Yunxiao set up the Nine-Twisting Yellow River Formation, it was only to vent his anger and let Chanjiao know that cutting off teaching is not easy to mess with, but Yunxiao is not willing to kill anyone if he really wants to.

Zishou:? ? ?

Look, what you said sounds good!

It would be even better if Yunxiao didn't want to kill the disciple of Chanjiao!

I happen to have the same intention!

Yunxiao, you and I are like-minded!

Zi Shou suppressed the joy in his heart, but on the surface he was very calm: "Sister Yunxiao is a member of the Jiejiao, and it is normal that she does not want to hurt the disciples of the Chanjiao."

Di Xin...isn't angry?

Yun Xiao froze for a moment, with a look of surprise on his face, he didn't quite believe what his elder brother said about Di Xin Yingming's martial arts, martial arts, ingenuity and ingenuity.

No matter whether he is really not angry or not, it is enough to see how extraordinary the Emperor is!

"Great Wang Mingjian." Yunxiao nodded, feeling a little more fond of Zishou, "Although our two religions are fighting, Yunxiao doesn't want to kill or injure people to make the master angry. Therefore, although the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is lined up, the purpose Just grab the Twelve Golden Immortals."

It seems that Yunxiao is really the same as described in the original book, focusing on the friendship between the two religions.

Although the Chanjiao disciples would kill the Jiejiao disciples if they caught them, the Jiejiao disciples would always leave some retreats for the Chanjiao disciples.

This is the best, if you don't kill anyone, I can go home.

Yunxiao, you and I, heroes, see the same thing, why don't we become husband and wife!

Zi Shou suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, nodded and said: "Everything is said by Fairy Yunxiao..."

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