Fengshenzhi, I didn't want to fall in love with Nuwa

Chapter 97 Di Xin wants to join the war? !

That's it!After the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is finished, he can pat his ass and leave!

Sister Yunxiao, you are really my lucky star!

Zishou pretended to be calm and said: "I just want to pacify Xiqi and restore a peaceful world. It is not my wish to make enemies with Chanjiao. But, can Lingmei agree?"

As he said that, Zishou took a look at Bi Xiao, who was gearing up and eager to try.

This guy is an uncertain factor!

Among the three Xiaos, she is the most vicious, she will sacrifice to the golden jiao scissors to kill people at every turn.

"Hmph!" Sensing Zishou's gaze, Bi Xiao glared at him not to be outdone, "According to me, the disciples of Chanjiao went so far as to kill and injure my disciples. So what if we're here? Catch him into the Yellow River formation together, forgive him even if he's a saint, he won't be able to escape!"

"Bi Xiao, don't be presumptuous!" Yun Xiao scolded, with a look of worry on his face: "Bi Xiao, if you do this again, you will go back to Sanxian Island!"

Bi Xiao puffed up her cheeks in anger, staring at her big watery eyes with an expression of disbelief.Then she snorted, turned and ran out of the camp.

"Third Sister!" Qiong Xiao yelled and chased her out.

Zi Shou nodded in sympathy, this Bi Xiao was too difficult to control, he really had to go home.

If I keep her, I'm afraid that she will kill all the twelve golden immortals if she has a single tendon.

Eh, wait, what did I just think of?

A flash of light flashed in Zishou's mind, and he quickly caught it.

Bi Xiao couldn't stay in the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, otherwise, what would she do if she lost her mind and sacrificed to the golden dragon scissors?

In that case, wouldn't it be enough to replace her?

Who should replace Bi Xiao with?Why……

Instead of letting these dogs play me, why can't I play them?

It is also possible to directly replace Bi Xiao to manipulate the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation!

After all, Lao Tzu is now considered a great power of the Golden Immortal!

What?Can't manipulate formations?That's right, what you need is not to manipulate formations!

Wouldn't it be cool to accidentally release the Twelve Golden Immortals, or accidentally let the Twelve Golden Immortals kill Yunxiao?

"Fairy Yunxiao, according to what you said, you just want to capture the Twelve Golden Immortals into the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, but you don't want to hurt their lives?" Zi Shou then secretly made a decision, staring at Yunxiao and said.

"Yeah." Looking at the quilt, Yun Xiao inexplicably felt his cheeks slightly hot, nodded and said: "I really think so, but I'm afraid that my third sister will be violent and kill someone."

"In that case, don't let Bi Xiao go, let Gu go." Zi Shou stared straight at Yun Xiao, and made a decision that shocked Wen Zhong.

"My lord, I'm afraid this is inappropriate!" Wen Zhong hurriedly dissuaded him.

Zishou glared at him, "What's wrong? Gu has studied the formation, so you are worried about letting Gu manipulate the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation?"

"It's not..." Wen Zhong was sweating coldly, feeling his scalp tingling: "Your Majesty, you are the current emperor, so you don't have to risk yourself!"

"Because Gu is the emperor, he should preside over the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation! Alright! Grand Master Wen, Gu's decision has been made, you don't need to persuade him anymore!" Zi Shou said firmly.

Just kidding, I finally got the chance to be an actor, do you want me to give it to you?

Do your daydreams!

"This... Your Majesty..." Yun Xiao frowned as he looked at Zi Shou, the Human Sovereign wants to join the battle?But will he really line up?

"Fairy Yunxiao, you came all the way for a lonely person, and put yourself in danger, so what if you enter the battle alone to help you? This matter has been decided by the lonely one, and the lonely one will enter the battle instead of Fairy Bixiao!" Zi Shou pointedly Staring at Yunxiao, he almost believed what he said.

Yunxiao: ...

At this moment, Yunxiao's heart was full of emotion, and Zishou's words shocked her greatly.Human Sovereign really thinks about them, it's no wonder that the eldest brother will follow Human Sovereign wholeheartedly!

Just because this person is willing to take the risk to enter the Jiuqu Yellow River formation to preside over the formation, we can see that he is extraordinary!

Yun Xiao's heart beat rapidly at this moment.

Not for anything else, just for Zishou's words.

"Fairy Yunxiao, let Gu replace Bixiao! You waited to set up such a big formation for Gu, so what if Gu put himself in danger for you?" Zi Shou smiled faintly and said.

I'm sorry, but I've decided on this actor!

What?Say I have no conscience?Excuse me, how much can conscience weigh?

I am shameless!

Yun Xiao, I've decided to play him!

It's useless even when Jesus comes!

Yun Xiao looked at him moved, and finally nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Of course, if she knew what Zishou was thinking, she wouldn't know how to feel about it.

"Okay, you go make arrangements! Comfort Bi Xiao." Zi Shou waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Yun Xiao nodded and said.

"Well, if there is nothing else, Wen Zhong, you can go down too!" Zi Shou said.


Zishou was determined to enter the Jiuqu Yellow River formation to preside over the formation. Although the Grand Master Wen was reluctant, he could only be obedient, but for this reason he still arranged his four generals, Deng Xin and Zhang Tao, into the Jiuqu Yellow River formation. In the formation, secretly protect Zishou.

And when Yun Xiao told Bi Xiao not to join the battle, the little girl was so angry that her chest grew bigger, she wished she could rush into Zi Shou's tent and cut him with golden dragon scissors.

"Damn Di Xin, damn Di Xin, I'm so mad!" Bi Xiao gritted her teeth, but finally did not rush into Zi Shou's camp.

Qiong Xiao was also very surprised: "Could it be that Di Xin will form an army? But the three of us have only recently researched the Jiuqu Yellow River formation. How can Di Xin preside over the formation?"

Not to mention Di Xin, even a formation mage who is proficient in formations, it is not easy to figure out how the Jiuqu Yellow River formation is arranged!

"Okay, Qiong Xiao, then you can recruit Gu Di Xin more." Yun Xiao said, "Grand Master Wen, you can challenge Xi Qi! It is agreed to join the battle in seven days!"

"Okay!" Wen Zhong nodded, and ordered his apprentice Ji Li to go to Xiqi to fight!


In Xiqi City, Jiang Ziya frowned after receiving the letter of war.

"Sanxiao set up a nine-curved Yellow River formation, let us break it. What should we do now?"

Taoist Ran Deng chuckled and said, "Zi Ya, don't worry, the ten immortals have been resurrected, and they are rushing to Xiqi now. When they come, let's go break the Nine-curved Yellow River Formation together."

"Haha, then wait for the senior brothers to come back, forgive me for what Sanxiao is capable of!" Jiang Ziya was relieved at this point.

However, a faint unease flashed in my heart, but I didn't know what was going on.


"Your Majesty, everything has been properly prepared. The Nine-Turn Yellow River Array is composed of three talents, which contain the wonders of heaven and earth, and there is a elixir of confusion..." Yun Xiao came to Zishou's tent and explained to him the arrangement method of the Nine-Twist Yellow River Array .

Zishou felt dizzy.

"If His Majesty doesn't understand, I'll explain it to His Majesty in detail at night." Yun Xiao said softly.

Zishou: ...

"No need, I understand." Zishou waved his hand.

Just kidding, do I still need to understand?

I just don't understand!

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