Chu Xun was a little confused.

But Yan Cang smiled casually.

"Little friend, I used my spiritual sense to sense in the air just now, and found an extremely rare second-grade monster called the Green Jade Black Turtle below."

"On their tortoise shells, there is an innate function that can help monks hold their breath and concentrate."

"Although it has no effect on monks above the second rank."

"However, it will be of great benefit to you."

There was some concern in his eyes.

"Aren't you worried about your lack of talent? So I helped you subdue it."

"If I remember correctly, the strength of the monster refined by the Little Beast Controlling Art should not be too much stronger than the master..."

"However, for a mere second-grade monster, I should be able to lighten the burden on you a little bit by using a little wrist."

Yan Cang spoke like an elder, sincerely thinking about Chu Xun.

At the same time, it seems that he has a very good understanding of the art of controlling beasts inside and outside the words.

"Just wait a moment."

Then a flash disappeared.

And Chu Xun was also speechless for a moment as he watched the disappearing figure of the big man.

He feels something is wrong!

Just now Chu Xun had finally figured out the logic!

Yan Cang valued his talent and wanted to be under his subordinates, so he appeared quite friendly.

But this time, it was specifically because of my lack of qualifications to shirk.

Just take the initiative to pay attention and find a monster for yourself that can assist in cultivation? ? ?

Isn't this a little...too nice for myself? ? ?

Chu Xun was still in a daze.

Then he saw a wave of spiritual energy in the dense forest.

Then many trees fell down, and the ground shook!

The next moment, Yan Cang returned with a dark green turtle-shaped monster that was about three times the size of Chu Xun.

"You can refine it here, and I will protect you."

"I used my spiritual sense to forcibly consume part of the spiritual power of this monster, and it won't affect its ability to assist cultivation anyway."

"It should be enough for you to refine."

At this time, Yan Cang's tone was directly in the order, and he didn't give Chu Xun a chance to refuse at all.

At the same time, the meaning in the words is extremely cruel!

Directly using divine consciousness, the spiritual realm of the monster was destroyed alive!

The means are quite cruel.

And that monster is obviously the green jade tortoise mentioned by Yan Cang. At this time, it is in an extremely painful posture, with blood overflowing from the corner of its eyes, which is quite miserable.

And Chu Xun...

He didn't know why, this boss had such a good attitude towards him.

Is it... He pays special attention to every talent?

Or is there something else hidden?

Chu Xun was still slightly vigilant in his heart.

However, looking at the green jade turtle, he still nodded.

There is no harm in refining monsters.

At the same time, he had a new understanding of the boss in front of him.

From Yan Cang's methods of dealing with monsters, it can be seen that although he treats himself well, he is by no means a kind person.

Most likely, they not only cherish talents, but also are ruthless!

What a hero!

Don't dare to mess with it!Don't dare to mess with it!yes

Chu Xun first threw a pupil of true seeing.

【Name】: Green Jade Turtle

[Cultivation base]: Second-rank realm (spiritual trauma, falling to first-rank)

【Strength】: 280★

The first-grade state can indeed be refined!

But this combat power...

Still very tall!

Chu Xun directly cut off the connection between the shadow leopard and the red-faced ape in his sea of ​​consciousness space.

Then, the emerald hummingbird and the three batwing demons that could be replaced were cleaned up.

Only the wooden camels that can look for medicinal materials are left.

Chu Xun can use the contract space to subdue this monster.

But he didn't want to expose his talent.

He still has a heart of guard against Yan Cang.

It's not just because of the other party, it's unusual to treat yourself well.

But as a dog.

Keep as many cards as possible for yourself, pure instinct reacted, it belongs to yes.

After the spiritual connection was cut off one by one.

After all the calculations, Chu Xun felt that the space for the Sea of ​​Consciousness should be almost enough.

Then concentrate and gather energy.

Little Beast Control Art, activate!

Chu Xiong pressed his palm on the forehead of the green jade turtle, and then countless mysterious talismans flew out, quickly establishing a connection between the two

This is a second-grade monster, but it is extremely well-behaved and dare not resist at all.

And Chu Xun also felt that a huge monster was gradually being stuffed into his sea of ​​consciousness, which almost occupied more than [-]% of the space before he could barely fit it!

So much so that after the refining was completed, he looked at the Green Jade Turtle who showed some kindness to himself and extreme fear of Yan Cang.

Chu Xun was still dizzy.

At this time, he felt the wind gradually stop.

Yan Cang patted him on the shoulder.

"Little friend, it seems that you have finished refining."

"Look, Changping County has arrived."

Chu Xun was stunned at this moment.

I found myself in a rather lively county town.

He remembered the comments he had seen in the chat box before, that the Changping Line was considered a relatively safe place, and now he understood why, it was managed quite well.

Along the road, you can see many hawkers selling all kinds of food and accessories.

There can also be groups of children walking around happily.

Everything seems to be happy.

Although compared to the modern prosperity, this scene is not worth mentioning.

But Chu Xun had been retreating in the deep mountains for a long time, seeing this scene finally felt like he had returned to the human world.

At this time, Yan Cang waved his hand, and immediately a few people dressed in official costumes walked over respectfully.

He was not as gentle to these people as he was to Chu Xun.

"This little friend Chu Xun has quite good abilities."

"You go and take him to choose a village and let him take charge."

"do you understand?"

Chu Xun was a little surprised to find out.

Yan Cang's tone of voice at this time, although not much different from the previous one, had an inexplicable sense of calm and prestige.

The surrounding clerks seemed to be in awe of the county, and immediately nodded in agreement.

"Understood! Lord Yan."

Then, Yan Cang turned his head to look at him again, and Chu Xun's tone became a little gentler again.

"Little friend, I still have a lot of government affairs to attend to, so you should choose a place you like first."

"When I'm free in the future, I'll go and talk to you."

Chu Xun hadn't reacted yet.

Yan Cang added another sentence with some majesty.

"Since you have entered Changping County, I also hope that you can manage the village well. Then I will naturally reward you."

Chu Xun was inexplicably relieved when he saw that the other party was acting like a businessman.

If this boss had always been kind to him without a bottom line, it would have made him panic.

Now that there is a request to manage the village well, it shows that Yan Cang really wants to train himself.

But whether this training will continue or not depends on the ability.

And this is a reasonable attitude towards talents.

So Chu Xun also nodded calmly.

"Master Yan, please rest assured."

"Okay, then I'll come to bother you again in a few days."

Afterwards, Yan Cang took another step and disappeared in front of Chu Xun's eyes. Obviously, the county lord was also extremely busy.

Afterwards, those clerks approached Chu Xun respectfully.

"This, Brother Chu?"

"Look, let's take you to choose the village you want to take office in, okay?"

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