Seeing that Yan Cang had left, Chu Xun himself didn't respond.

He even felt a little aggrieved in his heart, he felt that it was good for him to hang out in the mountains!

Wouldn't it be nice to grow to be invincible before going out of the mountain?

Still not strong enough!

So this Yan Cang made himself the village head!

He has no room to resist!

Although Chu Xun is not so unwilling and humiliated.

After all, Yan Cang treated him as well as his illegitimate child.

But...the egg pain and helplessness are still there.

Feeling, I am not strong enough! ! !

Several clerks nearby congratulated in unison.

"Congratulations, Master Chu."

"Being able to get the position of the head of the county's first village is much smoother than the road to cultivation in the future."

Chu Xun was taken aback.

"What is this saying?"

"Being the village head can get a lot of resources?"

His reaction also surprised those around him.

Could it be that this person who was favored by Yan Cang doesn't know what it means to be the village chief?

These clerks, while leading Chu Xun, went to the government office in the county to select villages, while explaining.

"No! No!"

"Lord Chu, after becoming the village head, you can enjoy the original spiritual springs from all over the place."

"Although the village chief can only enjoy one-tenth of the monthly spiritual source output, it is enough to greatly increase your cultivation speed."

"How much can it increase?"

Chu Xun also asked curiously.

At this time, he was completely unaware of what this spiritual spring represented.

And the answer given to Chu Xun by the clerk at the back made him confused instantly.

Not bad.

That's seems a little outrageous.

The spiritual supply of the head of a village, below the third rank, can increase the cultivation speed of the monks by at least five times!

"so tall!!!"

Chu Xun was dumbfounded!

Five times!

What is the concept?

Roughly, it is equivalent to raising one's current eighth-rank spiritual root aptitude to fifth-rank or even fourth-rank level!

It is directly the transformation from an ordinary person to a genius!

and this……

Purely as the position of the village head, you can enjoy the effect of the original spiritual spring!

Then why are you so invincible in the mountains...

Get a hammer!

The efficiency is too poor!

It's better to be the village head!

Suddenly Chu Xun.

Got it!

He seemed to vaguely understand why.

So many people are keen on the battle of conquest, fighting for life and death!

Even the position of village head has attracted countless people to fight!

Why did Yan Cang bestow the position of head of a village, in the eyes of the clerks, it was a great gesture and value!

The reason is that this position has huge benefits!

And the spirit spring in one village has such an effect, so if more villages are attacked, even towns, counties, and counties...

Then how many original spiritual springs can be obtained?

The soaring speed of practice!

It is by no means limited to those below the third rank, even monks of the fourth and fifth ranks can use the spiritual spring to increase their cultivation speed!

And in such a foreign world where strength is the most important thing, and the strong take all!

Whoever has the stronger cultivation can have more right to speak!

And the stronger the strength, the more territory you can occupy and the more spiritual springs you can get!

Make your own cultivation more and more inflated!

As long as anyone is still enterprising and wants to make a breakthrough in cultivation, he will participate in the battle of conquest again and again in such an environment!

Expand your own strength to the limit that can be achieved! ! !

As Chu Xun thought about it, he became more and more excited.

He suddenly realized that his luck was so good that it exploded!

After meeting Yan Cang, he was appreciated by the other party, because he became the village chief almost easily.

Yes, enjoy the spiritual source.

However, with this, his cultivation is about to take a leap forward!


Chu Qing was excited and soon several clerks led him.arrive.

A place similar to an archive room.

Several clerks respectfully presented a rather thick book that recorded the customs and customs of each village.

And Chu Xun also took it politely.

Then he flipped over carefully.

His only thought now is to find a place with a higher output of spiritual sources.

Anyway, I am one-tenth of it, the more the total, the better!

Later, Chu Xun discovered that the conditions of each village recorded in the booklet were quite detailed.

Xixia Village, location: 2200 miles southeast of the county seat of Changping County, and then I was responsible for attaching a small map, indicating the detailed location.

The main terrain is flat land.

Produce resources, a large number of monsters, two copper mines.

Population status, 3 people.

There are six monks above the first rank.

There are no monks above the second rank.

Lingquan output: ten drops of Lingyuan


Longhua Village, location: 1800 miles due north of Changping County.

The main terrain is mountainous and flat.

Production resources: small-scale jade mines, food crops.

Population status, 9000 people.

There are five monks above the first rank.

There are no monks above the second rank.

Lingquan production: eleven drops of Lingyuan

Liucheng Village, location...


Chu Xun thought about it, and the movements of his subordinates were not slow. They quickly flipped through the entire book, and at the same time quickly memorized the conditions of each village.

A book, flip through it.

He went back and picked out the middle page.

Pointing to the above said.

"This is the village."

Several clerks took the notebook, and then checked the results of Chu Xun's selection.

Cuixia Village, location: 3700 miles south of Changping County.

The main terrain is flat land and high mountains.

Produce resources, various first-grade and second-grade herbal medicines.

Population status, 4000 people.

There are seven monks above the first rank.

There is one monk above the second rank.

Lingquan production: thirteen drops of Lingyuan

See Chu Xun finished selecting.

Those clerks also nodded, they were not surprised at all, Chu Xun chose a village with the most spiritual sources.

Several people quickly took out a bunch of files, entered them, and recorded them.

Then handed it to Chu Xun, an official seal for identity verification.

If the efficiency is extremely high, the procedures will be completed.

Then Chu Xun himself was very anxious...

In Mingcang Realm, dangers abound.

No one can guarantee that they will encounter some misfortune in the next second.

After receiving the official seal, he hurriedly ran out of the official mansion and found an open space.

Release the Golden Feather Eagle, let it carry him, and fly in the direction of Cuixia Village.

The sooner he gets the spiritual source and breaks through his cultivation, he can become stronger earlier.

This, you have to hurry!

While the Golden Feather Eagle was flying, Chu Xun opened the area chat box and took a few glances.

Immediately, he found that there were a lot of discussions about the Yanhua League.

"Alas, we are developing too slowly now."

"Yeah, there are only four or five people who use the first-grade realm, and they can't get any money-making jobs!"

"I feel like it's too early to build player strength now??"

"Then what do you think we should do? We all withdraw from the Yanhua League now? Go back to our respective sects?"

Obviously these players looked downcast.

It seems... the development of this player's influence is extremely unsatisfactory!

On the contrary, Wang Liuxing has always been quite confident in the regional channel.

"Everyone, don't panic, the Yanhua League will definitely be able to develop, it's just a short period of pain right now!"

"No problem, everyone! As for my points, as long as there are people in the alliance who need them and come up with a convincing reason, I can exchange them for medicine or exercises for you. This is what a leader of the alliance should do."

"Don't worry, I also have some ways to earn points."

"Everyone, our current alliance is the moment when we need to be united. What is my personal expense?"

Chu Xun felt a little distressed when he looked at it, this Wang Liuxing is gone.

Although he said that he formed the Yanhua League from the very beginning, his purpose was not pure, but he wanted to win the position of a leader for himself.

But now Wang Liuxing really seemed to be devoting himself to death.

He has to be responsible for big and small things!

At the same time, his own points have to be used continuously to subsidize the development of the league.

Although he may be the one with the highest status among the players within ten thousand miles.

But... the position of the leader really didn't do him any good, but cost him a lot of training time and resources!

I am about to become the village head, so it can be said that the new official is proud of taking office!With the help of a spiritual source, the speed of practice will skyrocket soon.

But Wang Liuxing was dragged down everywhere because of his position as the leader of the alliance.


At the same time, such a comparison also put Chu Xun in a good mood! !

My own path of cultivation is a hundred times, a thousand times smoother than other players! !

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