However, Chu Xun was in a very calm mood, and he could indeed make these monks obey him temporarily by enticing him with benefits.

But it will take some time to completely convince them.

But...he also needs to speed up his strength improvement.

This small issue can be discussed later!

He nodded.

"Get up."

"This attack on the village naturally requires everyone to work together."

"Afterwards, you are willing to obey me."

"The opportunity to attack other villages will not be less."

Sure enough, these monks are all grateful!

"Thank you, village chief!"

"I will not let you down!"

"We will surely bring you victory!"

"Thank you for giving us a chance!"

To put it bluntly, they joined the village just for profit.

If you have milk, you are a mother.

If Chu Xun brings greater benefits, he will be absolutely loyal!

At this moment, everyone is absolutely crazy!

And Chu Xun didn't care, he first broke through the two villages of Beigu and Yuebin, got the spiritual source, and then promoted to the second rank!

To subdue the monks in the village is only for better driving.

But in any case, it can't compare with his own cultivation.

After that, things to do are simple.

The monks in the village were much more excited than Chu Xun himself!

What's the point, the soldiers are very fast, in order to capture Beigu Village and Yuebin Village before the people of Beigu Village and Yuebin Village find out that their village chief is dead!

Chu Xun didn't even take the spiritual energy pill he got earlier.

He directly followed the simple map drawn by Lin Han, the village assistant.

He led a group of monks in the village towards the target point, and Zhao Xingzhi stayed behind. He still couldn't overcome his fear and went to the battlefield.

Just stay to take care of Cuixia Village!

The main thing is to protect the spirit spring, as for the villagers...

In Mingcang Realm, there is no shortage of people, only the strong.

However, Chu Xun didn't want to miss a sip of soup from his newly subdued subordinate.

Anyway, Zhao Xingzhi will still get a share of the spiritual source obtained by the rest of the first grade.

This is the rule!


Chu Xun naturally rode on his golden-feathered eagle.

What surprised him was that a group of first-rank cultivators from Cuixia Village surrounded him, and they were all riding on the same fiery red flying bird monster.

Chu Xun shot out the pupil of true seeing.

【Name】: Flamingo

【Cultivation】: Transformation Realm

[Battle power]: 22 stars

Seeing that the village head was curious, the surrounding group of first-rank monks quickly seized this opportunity to flatter him.

"This is a unique monster in the volcano near Cuixia Village."

"The character is gentler, easy to tame, and the flying speed is quite good."

Chu Xun just nodded slightly.

He also felt quite good at this time.

It was the first time for him to fly in the sky, and behind him he led a group of men to gallop for a long distance.

It made Chu Xiong feel like an elite team was performing a mission in the movie he saw before arriving.

Quite stylish.

However, he only sighed for a while, and immediately sank into his mind again.

Chu Xun didn't continue talking to these subordinates, but flipped through the area chat box.

He was a little curious, what are the sand sculpture players talking about recently?

In the chat box, the most discussed topic is still about the battle of conquest.

"Damn it! A big event! Recently, there was a town in Zhongyan County, and the former third-rank mayor died suddenly!"

"Yeah, it seems to be called Kangping Town?"

"A bunch of third-rank monks all want to compete for the position of mayor! The brains of the dogs are out!"

"People around, hurry up and evacuate!"

"Remind, the players on the side, hurry up and run away! Otherwise, you will die!"

"If you can run, run quickly! The danger in this area is really high!"

"The other world is much more dangerous than Novice Village! Accidents happen every now and then!"

"Is there no place where we can grow with peace of mind??"

"I'm in Kangping Town! It's cracked, and I have to run away!"

Many players are discussing that a place called Kangping Town is in chaos due to the death of the mayor!

And then the topic was distorted to the player's emotion and his own difficult situation.

Wars break out everywhere!

They are too difficult.

Chu Xun was too lazy to care about the living conditions of the other players.

But this news from Camping Town...

It made him raise his eyebrows.

He didn't want to care about who the future mayor of Kangping Town belonged to.

Just woke up with a start!

Now that I am the village head, I can even take the initiative to attack other villages to seize the spiritual source...

But it is still an ant to many strong people in other worlds!

The head of a third-rank town!What a scene, the result is still unclear!

strength!The most important thing is strength!

Now that I am the head of the village, I can no longer slowly linger in the mountains, I can only advance but never retreat!

All resources that can be looted must be plundered quickly!Accelerate development!

Chu Xun warned himself.

Now, absolutely cannot relax!

After thinking about it for a while, he quickly approached the first goal.

Beigu Village in Zhongyan County.

Although it is hundreds of miles.

But with the help of the flying monsters, the whole traveling process only took more than an hour.

At this time, the group of first-rank monks had already moved to Chu Xun's side excitedly.

"Village chief! What should we do next?"

"Please also order."

"Village chief, how do you want us to take down the village?"

This group of first-rank monks can't wait!

The Beigu Village in front of me has lost the highest combat power like the village chief!

Chances are great!

And once successful.

Everyone can share it, a lot of spiritual sources...

How can we not let these monks go crazy in a hurry!

But Chu Xun thought for a while, then said slowly.

"First-rank monks in Beigu Village, try to capture them alive."

"The one from the second rank, I'll take care of it."

He assigned tasks quickly.

The rules of Clash of Conquests are actually not that complicated.

Whether it is a sneak attack or a frontal breakthrough, if you win, you can occupy the village and occupy the official position!

But manpower is also an issue.

First-rank monks must not be killed.

It is best to kill some, capture and persuade some to surrender.

Otherwise, with only three or two kittens in Cuixia Village, it would definitely be impossible to control the captured village.

Chu Xun had already thought about it.

He brought six first-rank monks with him.

After capturing Beigu Village and Yuebin Village, there were three guards left in the first village, and at the same time they were persuading the first-rank monks in the village to surrender.

Some of them stayed, and the people in Cuixia Village could monitor them and serve themselves.

If something goes wrong, at least one of the three people can escape and inform himself.

The rest were brought back to Cuixia Village by themselves.

Under Chu Xun's personal supervision, these people can become good village officials obediently.

However, his orders were concise and clear.

Those of his subordinates looked bitter.

"Master Chu... how could we capture him alive!"

"We are only first-class, and we are not superior in quantity!"

"It's a little difficult for you to be strong."

They didn't dare to question anything, they just said that they were really helpless.

However, Chu Xun just smiled slightly.

Not necessarily!

Since Chu Xun made such a request, he was sure of it.

Stealth - this is a formula that was discovered by touching the corpse before.

After trying a little bit, he discovered that this move didn't only affect himself.

It can also be released to people and things other than yourself.

Chu Xun is not a reckless man.

Therefore, there is only one second-rank monk in Beigu Village, and he can easily take it down.

But the number of remaining first-rank monks must be superior to their own.

In addition, these people in the village also have geographical advantages.

On my side, I also need to capture those monks alive.

Only fools fight head-on!

Chu Xun's idea is very simple, directly use the effect of the stealth technique to play a sneak attack!

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