Following Chu Xun's performance, the faint light of the concealment technique soon lingered around a group of monks who jumped from the flying monsters to the ground.

And under visual observation.

The figures of these people from Cuixia Village gradually blended into the surrounding environment.

As if invisible.

Chu Xun said concisely.

"Spread out and enter the village."

"You try to control those first-rank monks as soon as possible."

"I'll come to help you immediately after I get rid of that second-ranker."

He ordered a few words.

I definitely don't have to worry about it, I will win it steadily.

I'm just afraid that this group of subordinates will stretch their hips.

Then, Chu Xun took the lead and charged forward with the blessing of the concealment technique.

He was also quite anxious at this time.

Generally speaking, a village can produce ten drops of spiritual source within one month.

As long as I don't point my back, it just so happens that the spiritual source of Beigu Village has been handed over!

Then even if you want to distribute some to your subordinates, it is not a problem to take three drops of spiritual source yourself, and you can break through the second rank directly!

Until then……

The power of self-protection and sense of security can add another point!

Then the rest of the first-rank monks were all gearing up, excitedly following in the footsteps of the village chief!


Soon, Chu Xun took the first step into Beigu Village. The style and appearance of Cuixia Village here and Cuixia Village seemed to him to be quite similar, both of which were similar to ancient Chinese villages.

And under the blessing of the effect of stealth.

Chu Xun strolled in the courtyard, brushing shoulders with countless villagers in the village.

What he is looking for now is nothing but the location of the spiritual spring in Beigu Village.

As long as you find it, you will receive a large amount of spiritual resources!

In fact, in a sense, Chu Xun also gained another benefit by choosing Cuixia Village as the village head.

That is, it is close to Zhongyan County owned by Zhao Lixin, a hostile county official.

Chu Xun actually guessed what his boss was thinking.

Although Yan Cang has occupied Huayuan County, it can be regarded as making Changping County no longer suffer from enemies!

But it can be regarded as a deadly enemy with Zhao Lixin!

The latter will definitely retaliate and counterattack crazily, and take revenge from the village!

As for Yan Cang, it was the same, how could others be allowed to sleep peacefully on the side of the couch!

He will not tolerate that there is an enemy eyeing him on the side of his power!

Zhongyan County must also be his biggest goal!

Therefore, Chu Xun attacked the village in Zhongyan County and succeeded in capturing it. If he was a bit of a philistine, he would still be appreciated by the big boss Yan Cang.

Absolutely, benefit endlessly!

If you choose a village in the hinterland of Changping County!

Even if Chu Xun won the position of village chief in another village, he couldn't retaliate instantly!

That was still the power of his immediate boss, Yan Cang.

At most, you can draw an extra share of the spiritual source of the village chief every month.

Therefore, he is indeed lucky!

But at this time, although Chu Xun said he was turning around, he seemed to be out of order.

In fact, with the help of the talent of super-sensory hearing.

Perceive what everyone is talking about.

For ordinary people, monks are undoubtedly mythical existences...

It's also the topic of conversation for these people in Mingcang Realm after dinner...

Chu Xun definitely wanted to deal with the second-rank monk mentioned by Lin Han.

And the most likely location for the opponent is Lingquan, the most important location in Beigu Village.

If you can use your talent to hear the location of the monks, it will definitely be more efficient than Chu Xun slowly groping around in the village.

Sure enough, after wandering among the crowd for a while, he heard some news.

A few vagrants in mandarin jackets were sitting at a roadside tea stand, chatting, making jokes, and at the same time mentioned something that Chu Xun was quite concerned about.

"Master monks, it seems that they are all gathered together."

"Master Kamakura is still in the stalactite cave to the southwest."

"It seems that the mayor of a nearby town is going to compete for the seat of another town!"

"Why are these monks so keen on becoming officials?"

"Anyway, it has nothing to do with us people! Just treat it as watching a play!"

Several villagers chatted enthusiastically, but Chu Xun didn't intend to disturb them.

Xianfan is different.

These people have nothing to do with the struggle for official positions in the village, and it is the same for these ordinary people. It doesn't matter which monk is in the position.

However, he did get some useful news.

The Kamakura mentioned is in the stalactite cave southwest of the village.

He is likely to be the second-rank monk!

Most of the places where it is located are Lingquan!


The next thing is simple.

Chu Xun found his destination almost instantly.

Then he walked quickly into the stalactite cave.

Sure enough, as soon as he set foot in it, he felt a burst of strong aura!

Almost drilled directly into his body!

This is where the Lingquan is located!

Chu Xun's face showed a bit of joy.

In front of him was a young man in a robe, sitting cross-legged beside the Lingquan.

Although, it is impossible to take away more spiritual sources.

But in this cave, it is definitely more efficient than practicing outside!

Chu Xun took a look.

He threw out the pupil of true seeing, and found that this young man seemed to be...

It looks somewhat similar to the white-haired old man who was killed by himself earlier.

【Name】: Gu Ming

【Cultivation】: Second Grade Realm

【Strength】: 304★


"The strength is mediocre, but I still can't keep you!"

Chu Xun thought about it.

Most of this person has revenge against himself for killing his father.

Moreover, with such a second rank, it would be difficult for his subordinates to govern the Beigu Village in a stable manner.

Or, kill something!

Bloodthirsty battle!

Blood gas control!

Shield of Loess!

The sky is burning!

Several big buffs are blessed at the same time in an instant!

Chu Xun's strength soared several times!

The momentum is surging!

Killing intent!

And the young man who was meditating also opened his eyes in panic!

Such a powerful aura directly destroyed the effect of the stealth technique!

The second-rank monk looked forward and was stunned.

This bad guy...

It seems that it is only a first-class strength! !

The young man was taken aback for a moment, originally he was a little panicked, but then a look of disdain appeared on his face...

"A mere First Grade, dare to..."


He didn't even have time to say a half-sarcasm!

It was Chu Xun who pierced through the heart with a green jade sword, and then with a flick of the wrist, a horizontal cut!

In this Beigu village, the only surviving second-rank monk was cut off in the middle!

Instant death!


Chu Xun shook his head slightly.

It seems that I am becoming more and more proficient in leapfrogging challenges.

He then turned the storage bag from the body.

By the way-

[Successful collection!Obtaining the formula - the art of healing]

[Healing technique: Consumes spiritual energy, can heal injuries, but for internal injuries, the effect is weak]

"It's very practical."

Chu Xun made a pertinent comment.

Healing skills, start!

Chu Xun is naturally in a good mood. For a person like him, this kind of skill is never too little!

Although even if he hardly suffered any serious injuries in the battle!

However, the treatment-related formulas can be used or not.

Afterwards, he hastily searched the bag, found a few bottles of spiritual energy pills, and received them at the manor.

The rest of the sundries were casually thrown aside by Chu Xun.

Then he took a step forward.

Excited breathing is slightly rough.

Lingquan is right in front of you!

Chu Xun took out the jade box that he had already prepared from his Wonderful Manor.

Facing the bubbling and extremely violent spirit spring, he directly scooped up all the liquid.

"This weight..."

"There are ten drops!"

Even though Chu Xun has always been calm.

At this time, my heart is also ecstatic!

It's done!

He even wished he could sit down in meditation immediately and practice cross-legged!

However, reason still made him resist the temptation, and first took the jade box into the manor.

Then, step out of the stalactite cave.

He had to look for the gathered first-rank monks mentioned by the villagers earlier.

Only by occupying Beigu Village can he practice with peace of mind!

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