Soon after Chu Xun touched the corpse, a smile overflowed on his face!

[Successful collection!Obtain the fifth-grade spiritual root]

Good guy!


That's how you start with the fifth-grade spiritual root!

Chu Xun's eyes were filled with excitement!

I was promoted to the sixth rank before, and I haven't gotten used to the sudden increase in the speed of refining spiritual energy...

Now there's another one added!

Strictly speaking, he can already be called a genius in Yan Kingdom!

Before, I was still feeling that in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy would be useless...

At this time, Chu Xun felt that when he fell asleep, he immediately had a pillow!

Fifth grade spiritual root!It means that the time-consuming to break through has been reduced a lot!

In this precarious world.

Every time you go earlier to improve your strength, it is very precious!

Afterwards, Chu Xun rummaged through Zhu Cheng's body again, and to his regret...

Because of the storage bag pinned to the waist, this magic weapon was directly dissolved by the blood sacrifice formation...

However, Chu Xun still found one thing.

official seal!

There are three words written on it - Anle Town.

Suddenly, Chu Xun's eyes lit up!

He was still immersed in the joy of obtaining a fifth-grade spiritual root and a magic weapon just now.

I almost forgot one thing. Although I have a good harvest this time, it is also a small loss...

Beigu Village must have been occupied for nothing...

Because Chu Xun has no one under his command now!

Well, there is one monk left, stay in Cuixia Village!

Beigu Village must be lost!

Even Chu Xun is worried now, he can't just rely on a first-rank to guard Cuixia Village!

Obviously, impossible!

But now, with the official seal...

Chu Xun suddenly realized that his chance had come!

He had been following Zhu Cheng's miscellaneous army before, and heard a lot of news.

For example, the third-rank monk claimed that the monks in his town had been exhausted, so he recruited these casual monks.

This is probably true. Chu Xun observed the expressions of the second ranks around Zhu Cheng at that time, and there was nothing abnormal about them.

That also means...

In Anle Town...

The strongest third grade, gone!

How many second products?I also sent it!

The first-rank monks died early!'s easy to snatch it up by yourself?

The more Chu Xun thought about it, the more reliable he felt.

In Anle Town, there is no strong man who can suppress himself!

And the number of low-grade monks who besieged him was simply not enough!

This small town is not at the mercy of Chu Xun!

Moreover, Chu Xun's thinking has also opened up. There are four such small towns!

The four third-ranks who were killed by Zhu Chengkeng, or killed by his own greed, also emptied hundreds of first-ranks under their hands!Generally speaking, there are only so many monks in a town.

In other words, these four towns are also abolished!

No fighting power!

Immediately, he made a decisive decision and prepared to inform Yan Cang of the various situations in Kangping Town!

Zhu Cheng's Anle Town, four third-rank towns, plus Kangping Town.

The territory of six small towns!

It is equivalent to more than 1/4 of the entire Zhongyan County!

Suddenly, Chu Xun realized that he had a more profitable option than occupying Anle Town!

Inform Yan Cang of the situation of the six towns!

After the county lord heard the news, he could easily occupy these towns without bloodshed!

And this information is also worth a thousand gold!

Chu Xun knew very well what his immediate boss was planning recently, and he must be trying every means to occupy Zhongyan County!

In this way, the rear can be considered completely safe!

Changping County no longer has any worries!

Now, the news brought by Chu Xun can allow Yan Cang to directly occupy a huge piece of land in Zhongyan County!

And with these six towns as a breakthrough, the fall of the entire Zhongyan County is only a matter of time!

Although the formation and layout of killing the four third ranks had nothing to do with Chu Xun.

But in Yan Cang's camp, the credit for occupying the six towns can only be attributed to Chu Xun!

"This Yan Cang's temper is probably not stingy with rewards..."

"How do I feel, I'm going to take off!"

Thinking about it, Chu Xun became excited and cheerful!

The rewards must be expensive, this is one aspect...

More importantly, he was already tied to Yan Cang's chariot.

The expansion of the power of this county lord can better protect Chu Xun's safety!

For the Gou Taoist, double happiness!

As for why the first-rank cultivators who were left behind in Cuixia Village were exhausted by Chu Xun...

That's nothing!

With Yan Cang's style, at least Chu Xun will be granted the post of mayor!

Thinking of this, Chu Xun simply didn't stay here too much.

He took a short stroll to find the location of Lingquan in Kangping Town.

As a result, he was a little speechless and found that the source of spirituality here had been searched out long ago!

It's just that three or four drops have been newly produced.

This is natural. What Chu Xun didn't know was that Zhu Cheng had killed his old friend and spread the news, and the preparation time was not short...

This third-rank cultivator has already scoured all the spiritual sources in Kangping Town!

All the spiritual sources that he said from the beginning to the end to give to the casual practitioners do not exist!

Purely a blank check!

At this time, although Chu Xun didn't know the inside story, he didn't dislike it, so he took these few drops of the remaining spiritual source into his pocket.

Then he anxiously summoned the Golden Feather Eagle, and rushed towards the county seat of Changping County.

This time, he let the Golden Feather Eagle muster all his strength and move forward crazily at the maximum speed!

Even, Chu Xun himself used the wind attribute formula to reduce the resistance in the air to speed up the flight!

As for the Golden Feather Eagle, the problem that this flying monster cannot sustain a maximum speed for a long time...

Chu Xun was even more direct and arrogant, feeding the monster Qi Gathering Pills one after another.

Anyway, he has hundreds of these things in his hand now!

Moreover, with the strength of Chu Xun's second grade, even eating the Qi Gathering Pill has no effect!It's better to use it to hurry!

After all, the sooner the occupation of a hostile village or town like Zhongyan County, the better!

Any delay may cause one or several towns among them to be discovered by the natives of Zhongyan County and have lost all their protective power.

At that time, the monks will be stationed again, and it will take a lot of effort to break through the village!

It is no exaggeration to say that every second we strive for now is of great significance to Changping County!

Of course, Yan Cang will also be able to figure this out at that time, so it has a lot to do with how much reward Chu Xun can get in the future.

And the Golden Feather Eagle was also very pleasantly surprised by this!

Pain and happiness!

After taking so many Qi Gathering Pills, he beat the medicinal power into himself by rushing on the road!The improvement of its cultivation is definitely not small!

In order to eat more pills! To become stronger!

The Golden Feather Eagle also put in all its energy and flew towards the direction indicated by its master!

The figure is like electricity!

On the way, Chu Xun also browsed the contents of the chat box in the area to relieve boredom.

However, he found that the players seemed to be getting better gradually!

After the initial difficulties, the Yanhua League has also gradually developed into a bright and colorful one!

Almost no player in the chat box dared to express their disdain for this alliance.

Instead, most of them are flattering words.

"We've barely gained a foothold now, and we've been able to collect medicinal materials steadily, and then refine Qi Gathering Pills!"

"Yeah, Leader Wang is really powerful! He is quite skilled in the process of refining medicine! He actually practiced the Qi Gathering Pill without buying the pill formula through the system!"

"Although our player forces suffered a little in the early stage, from now on, we can finally have the ability to gradually develop!"

"After having the elixir, everyone's efficiency in improving their cultivation base will increase a lot!"

"Yes, and we are much better than Zongmen. At least the distribution of pills and resources are completely fair!"

Many players were talking about it, and they were obviously very pleased with the fact that the Yanhua League can gradually produce a lot of Qi Gathering Pills!

At the same time, I was imagining the scene after I got the elixir and steadily improved my cultivation base, and I was very excited!

To be honest, Chu Xun felt a little disdainful...

Of course he knew the other players had tried hard enough.

But, what is Qi Gathering Pill?

Chu Xun was meditating, with the howling wind in his ears, and the Golden Feathered Eagle poked its head out very skillfully from the seat.

Without even looking at it, Chu Xun casually threw five or six Qi Gathering Pills into its mouth, allowing the monster to maintain its flying speed...

Finally, he glanced at the excitement of the players in the chat box.

Chu Xun was silent for a while...

He realizes one thing!

I still have a lot of Qi Gathering Pills that I don't need...

Otherwise, find a way to sell to these players?

I can still earn a fortune!

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