In fact, Chu Xun didn't have much time to feel sorry for the other players...

The main reason is that after arriving in another world, even if he wants to cut leeks among the player groups, he can only helplessly find these leeks...

These people are far from the time to grow up!

I can't harvest anything at all!

It can only be said that the spending power of players can be expected in the future.

Afterwards, Chu Xun also closed the chat box and meditated with his legs crossed.

See the stitches, let's improve...

About half a day later, he opened his eyes again, and Changping County was already ahead.

"It's so slow!"

Chu Xun sighed.

Breaking through to the third rank requires tempering the bone marrow of the whole body. If it only takes time, his fifth rank spiritual root will take about two years to hone...

Although compared with the natives in Mingcang Realm, it is already quite fast.

However, Chu Xun still felt that it was too long!


More resources are needed!

He has it all figured out

This time, I worked so hard to deliver a message to Yan Cang, what's the matter...

Give more benefits too!

Six towns!

Chu Xun felt that he had every reason to ask Yan Cang to directly cover all the resources for him to cultivate to the third rank!


It's also interesting to say that when Chu Xun was in Changping County for the first time, he was busy taking over the position of village chief, so he hardly visited or learned about the city.

And the second time I came...

He is even more irritable than the first time!

Chu Xun went straight to the government office in the county without stopping.

Originally, he thought that it would be more difficult for him to see Yan Cang, and he was even more worried that he might be in vain this time, and Yan Cang might not be there.

But Chu Xun was lucky.

Coincidentally, Yan Cang was working in the government office at this time.

Even more coincidentally, the guarding soldiers were also those servants and cronies that Chu Xun had met in the military tent before.

They did recognize this genius whom Yan Cang valued quite a lot.

So, after Chu Xun briefly explained that he had important information to report, he chose to believe it and let him in.

Speaking of which, this was Chu Xun's first visit to the office of his immediate boss, Yan Cang.

What caught his eyes was a rather spacious room with glass-carved lamps on the top, and all kinds of furniture were made of materials similar to mahogany, exuding a refreshing aroma.

After just staying for a while, Chu Xun felt quite comfortable all over, which is really a good thing!

In addition, there are no fancy decorations in the room, but there are a lot of calligraphy and paintings posted, the quality is quite good, and it looks very much like the handwriting of the county lord himself.

To Chu Xun's surprise, besides Yan Cang, there was a young man in a bamboo hat in the innermost part of the room, who was chatting happily with the county lord.

Yan Cang was slightly surprised when he saw Chu Xun enter the door.

"Little friend Chu—"

"Why are you here?"

Yan Cang's tone was quite majestic, completely like a magistrate.

But then he looked slightly surprised...

Now, Chu Xun broke through to the second rank so quickly? ?

Sure enough, he is a talent!

Yan Cang's expression became a little gentler.

"Forget it, it's just in time for you to come!"

"Let me introduce you to this——Zhou Zhengyi."

"He is also a young hero."

He pointed to the young man wearing a bamboo hat beside him.

"If you two are free, you can also get close."

"Both are rare talents, and they will be colleagues in the future. It's good to get acquainted first."

Yan Cang was eager.

Zhou Zhengyi's strength is not bad this week, although he doesn't give him the feeling of unlimited potential like Chu Xun.

But, after all, it is also the third-rank strength!And he has a good heart.

As my confidant, it is more than enough!

Needless to say, Chu Xun is a character who must be reused both emotionally and rationally.

Yan Cang naturally hopes that his future right-hand man can get close.


Zhou Zhengyi nodded a little coldly, but there was no response.

Although he feels that this Chu Xun is only a second rank, the gap with him is not small.

What is there to praise?

But Zhou Zhengyi will not go against Yan Cang's intention because of this.

However, he is simply a little autistic.

After nodding, there was no other expression for Chu Xun.

And Chu Xun was even more anxious to get down to business, he just nodded slightly to Zhou Zhengyi when he had time to exchange pleasantries.

Then he spoke.

"Master Yan, I appreciate your kindness for the time being, but now I have a very urgent news to tell you."

"Oh, what is it?"

Yan Cang revealed a look of great interest.

He was a little surprised at first.

Why did Chu Xun find him in such a hurry not long after he became the village chief...

After all, Yan Cang is a native of Mingcang Realm. In his opinion, isn't it normal to practice in seclusion for a few years?

Listening to what Chu Xun said now, it seems that there is indeed something important.

"Listen to me..."

"This matter will have a huge impact on your capture of Zhongyan County!"

Next, Chu Xun told what he had seen and heard in Kangping Town, nine truths and one falsehood.

He didn't mention at all that he had cracked the formation and the blood lamp.

Instead, he said that he only relied on two hidden techniques to get to the end.

For the rest of the experience, Chu Xun spoke directly.

However, following what Chu Xun said...

"Wait? What did you say?"

"You were attacked as soon as you took office, and you solved it casually, and you want to capture two villages by the way?"

Zhou Zhengyi's originally indifferent expression couldn't hold back anymore...

He was immediately taken aback by this second-rank colleague!

He is not without common sense!

How can someone open up the territory so drastically when he just became the village head? ? ?

Of course, his reaction doesn't really matter.

Because with what Chu Xun said, Yan Cang couldn't keep calm anymore...

And not just talking!

Chu Xun directly photographed three official seals!

Beigu Village, Yuebin Village, Anle Town.

Yan Cang inspected it a few times, and he can almost confirm that it is genuine!

"That is to are facing that weird blood sacrifice array."

"Until it's all the third rank... Everyone is dead? Are you the only survivor?"

Yan Cang hesitated to confirm, he felt that the more he listened, the more outrageous it became!

Is this something a second product can do? !

That big formation can affect the third rank, but you, a second rank, have retreated completely!

However, Yan Cang did not pursue this point too much.

Thinking about it, it's probably because Chu Xun has some cards to save his life...

It's not convenient for me to ask.

Afterwards, the county lord couldn't hide his excitement.

"In other words, there are six towns in Zhongyan County, without any defense force!"

Yan Cang's complexion was rarely mixed with joy visible to the naked eye.

Although, his energy-raising skills are good.

But facing such a pie that fell from the sky, it also made Yan Cang a little dizzy.

Afterwards, he even laughed heartily!


"it is good!"

"God help me too!"

"Little friend Chu, you have done me a great favor!"

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