With the sound of the electronic sound, a silver light flashed at the door, and a long sword appeared out of thin air and hung on the door.

Chu Xun frowned, not interested in playing with the sword.

Because, he noticed the remarks in the announcement.

To upgrade, you need to hunt and kill life forms.

And human beings are living beings too!

Although it is nonsense, it means that the system encourages people to kill each other!

While Chu Xun was thinking, there were loud noises outside the door.

getting bigger.

He hurried to the door and took down the long sword hanging on the door.

[Ordinary long sword [level 0]: attack +1. 】

[Note: Attacks are affected by strength and mental attributes. 】

The moment he held the long sword in his hand, a message automatically came to mind.

This feeling...

It's more and more like playing a game!

Push open the door.

It was an extremely fresh air.

What catches the eye is row upon row of wooden houses.

At the door of the wooden house, there stood people holding long swords and watching carefully.

After some people pushed open the door, only one head was exposed, looking left and right.

The noise came from a group of socially aggressive people.

They stood at the door and asked the people around them in familiar voices.

"How old are you? Where is your home?"

"Did you marry a wife?"

"What talent did you awaken?"

Most of these people are old aunts and grandpas.

Young people have more cautious eyes, scanning everyone defensively.

There were four well-built muscular men who left the wooden house with impunity and gathered together naturally.

Looks like they know each other.

Taking advantage of a little fat man not paying attention, the four people dragged him away from the wooden house.

After punching and kicking, he shouted: "Go ahead and find the way for me!"

The little fat man held his head in his hands, trembling all over, and kept crying.

Among the socially obsessive group, there is an old man who is over [-] years old who can't stand it anymore, and persuades: "Young man, the novice period is only ten days, and the difficulty of upgrading is not clear. We should cooperate with each other, but not each other. Kill!"

One of the muscular men drew his sword and rushed towards the wooden house where the old man was staying, yelling and cursing as he ran, "You old man, why are you talking so much nonsense!"


Suddenly, there was an explosion, which made everyone's eardrums hurt.

It was a thunderbolt that caused the loud noise.

Thousands of miles of clear sky, but thunder and lightning fell in the sky, right in the middle of the muscular man who raised his sword and rushed towards the old man.


The muscular man with smoke coming out of his mouth straightened and fell backwards.

The hair turned into black ash, the muscles were cracked and burnt, and the smell of meat filled the air.

This scene shocked everyone present!

The old man who had been threatened before walked slowly away from the wooden house with his hands behind his back, came to the muscular man who fell to the ground, scanned his surroundings, and finally looked at the other three muscular men.

The three people were terrified and backed away in fear.

They saw with their own eyes that with a wave of the old man's hand, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky!

The few people who shouted "Grandpa, forgive me" hurriedly pushed the little fat man who was holding him out.

The old man looked around at the crowd and said, "It took thousands of years for our ancestors to teach us to become human beings, we can't be reduced to animals all at once..."

"Even if there is no order, there must be rules!"

"Our village needs a village head who can set the rules!"

"Is there anyone who feels competent? The old man supports it with force!"

The old man raised his hand, which was filled with lightning.

The benevolent face shone under the electric light gave off a slightly gloomy feeling.

"SS-level talent, master of thunder! Is it enough to be a protector?"

The moment the old man's voice fell, he heard bursts of gasps.

Chu Xun also hurriedly took a few breaths, for fear that the oxygen would run out later...

In his heart, there are four people above s, and this old man is ss, so based on the probability calculation, except for himself, the remaining two should be s rank.

In this way, this old man should be the strongest in this village!

I don't know what grade my ur is...

As for the specific ability, I have no chance to try it...

Eh? !

Chu Xun looked at the side of the old man, the muscular man who was smoking all over his body and was obviously dead, his eyes lit up slightly.

All around, there was a lot of discussion.

"Thundermaster, what a domineering talent name!"

"SS-level talent! I'm envious to the point of separation!"

"Did you see the one smoking? I don't even dare to envy!"

"It's not fair! Why am I an E-level talent..."

"E-level is fine, the same as E-level, people increase their strength, but I increase appetite! Really? It's mentality!"

Amidst the discussion, there was a sudden yell, "Master, why don't you be the village head, we all accept it!"

In an instant, all the supporters said in unison: "Yes, we are all convinced! We all listen to you!"

The old man nodded, "A snake can't walk without a head, and a bird can't fly without wings. If no one recommends himself, then I will take the position of village chief."

"Let me introduce myself, old man, my name is Feng Qingjiang."

"We don't deal with those vain things. The first rule of the village is that you can't fight or plunder!"

"We don't know anything about this world, the old man suggested, form a team to explore!"

"Only by uniting and helping each other can we go further!"

"If you have self-recommended village management, you can come to me."

"If you become a village manager, you can be on the same team as me."

"Let's strive, within the ten-day novice period, all levels will reach the standard!"

With a few words, Feng Qingjiang announced that the randomly formed village No. 2333 has the most basic rules.

No one objected.

Even if there is, thinking about the thunder and lightning, it is all suppressed in the bottom of my heart.

There are not a few people who sign up for village management.

It stands to reason that the village management will inevitably delay their own upgrade time...

But most people's thoughts are to be on the same team as Feng Qingjiang.

Chu Xun is also one of them.

Surrounded by a ss-level talented boss, the safety index is over the top!

Of course, there are also many people who are indifferent.

I haven't figured out what's going on in this world, and the leadership team is standing up first...

Lao Tzu have traveled to other worlds, and they still have to be poisoned by bureaucracy?

Can you go?

There were even a few, who didn't even listen to Feng Qingjiang's suggestion to form a team, and walked out of the village alone.

Those who have nothing to fear must have something to rely on!

These should be people who have awakened S-level or powerful A-level talents.

Chu Xun secretly remembered the appearance of these people in his heart.

During the selection process of the village management, Chu Xun was not selected.

Feng Qingjiang needs people with management ability or management experience.

Obviously, Chu Xun's status as the leader of the QQ group does not have this qualification.

Unexpectedly, even in a different world, she is still so curly!

The lost Chu Xun stared at the muscular man's dead body for a long time...

Began to pretend to be curious, and slowly moved over.

Finally, when no one was paying attention, Chu Xun squatted down, stretched out a finger, and gently poked the muscular man's body.

[Successful collection!Obtained a D-level talent—Bloodthirsty Battle! 】

[Bloodthirsty battle: active, triple the power and triple the speed after activation!for 3 minutes. 】

Chu Xun: "???"

The sudden notification sound made him froze on the spot.

What the hell!

No way?


A relic collector, can also collect the talent of the dead? !

Talent, also considered a relic? !

Shocked, Chu Xun couldn't help being elated!

My own talent is a fortress!

If, say, a person with sss-level talent died...

And he "coincidentally" was next to him, and then poked with his little hand...

Wouldn't that be an instant incarnation of an sss-level talent owner? !

This talent is super god!


[Announcement - Villager Luo Tianxing was killed by the trial monster "Ice Blade Lizard"! 】

[Announcement - Villager Wang Zifeng was killed by the trial monster "Firetail Sable"! 】

[Announcement - Villager Zheng Bufan was killed by the trial monster "Poisonous Cat"! 】

All of a sudden, three announcements flashed across the field of vision of all the villagers in Xinshou Village No. 2333.

The whole village was suddenly in shock!

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