The three announcements made Chu Xun withdraw in a state of ecstasy.

what's the situation?

Three people died in an instant?

Is the trial monster so strong?

Trial monsters, as the name suggests, are used to temper all novice monsters.

The three death announcements made everyone in 2333 Village shrouded in gloom.

The monster is so strong...

How to upgrade?

In an instant, someone thought of that note...

People are animals too!

The first step, kill, upgrade!

After upgrading, go to defeat the trial monsters!

The system has already paved the way!

The group of people with clear thinking and lively thoughts have already begun to guard against those around them.

And those who hadn't figured it out for a while also felt that the atmosphere of the village had changed from active and enthusiastic to cold.

Chu Xun is different from the villagers in the village whose enthusiasm has faded and they are secretly on guard...

He has turned from shock to joy again, eager to try.

Three people just died!

The three who died must have been people who had previously felt that they had something to rely on, but left the village alone!

They must have A or S-level talents!

If only I could get my hands on one...

Chu Xun couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

It seems a little unreasonable for him to be so happy when someone else died...

But Chu Xun, who has the talent of "Relic Collector", can't restrain the temptation of the corpse with advanced talent at all.

I don't have any intention of harming others, I'm going to die, and I just want to touch the corpse, isn't it a pervert?

But, how to find these three corpses?

Suspected A-level and S-level talents are all dead. With his current D-level combat talent, he obviously doesn't have the ability to leave the village alone.


Feng Qingjiang's shout made the villagers look at where he was.

"Just to be on the safe side, we decided to go out of the village to find out the reality of those trial monsters."

"Anyone who trusts me, the old man, can go together!"

After speaking, Feng Qingjiang walked slowly towards the entrance of the village with his hands behind his back.

The village managers followed closely behind.

Chu Xun also followed quickly.

This is simply sleepy came to send a pillow!

You must participate in this matter!

Anyone who can touch the corpses of the three people who died...

Going here is also a test of my talent, whether I can "collect" infinitely; or should I collect one and replace the other...

If it is the former, then I will have unlimited room for growth!

If it's the latter, then I can only pray that I can get a sss talent in the future...

"What is your talent?"

At the entrance of the village, the expedition team began to screen the abilities of those who wanted to join the team.

Those with insufficient ability are not allowed to accompany them.

rolled up again...

Chu Xun replied calmly: "D-level active talent, bloodthirsty madness, after activation, the power will be tripled, and the speed will be tripled, lasting for 3 minutes."

The person in charge of the review, after inquiring about Chu Xun's strength and agility attributes, pondered for a moment, nodded and said, "Yes."

Ever since, Chu Xun succeeded in this introversion.

In the end, 43 talented thugs were successfully selected for the expedition team.

So far, the 50-member expedition team headed by Feng Qingjiang and six village cadres as the backbone has officially formed a team.

Another three village cadres stayed in the village.

One S-level talent, two A-level talent, beware of villagers fighting and killing.

After hearing the talent levels of the three of them, Chu Xun couldn't help being speechless.

It seems that I failed to be elected as a village cadre before, in addition to lack of management experience, there is also a problem of talent...

In other words, the selection criteria for village cadres is talent first and ability second.

Because among the village cadres who stayed behind, there was also a middle school student wearing a school uniform.

Middle school students, what management experience do you have?

By being elected as a class cadre?

My qq group owner with 2000 people, where is the difference? !

It seems……

Presumably, the six village cadres in the expedition team are not low in strength!

This Feng Qingjiang seems to be quite upright, very down-to-earth, but he is secretly prodding and concentrating his power...

Looking at what this person did before from the perspective of a black belly, I instantly felt that everything was a routine!

Its starting point is no longer so selfless and righteous...

People grow old and mature, and they really live up to their reputation!

And Feng Qingjiang's figure at this moment, in Chu Xun's eyes, also slowly overlapped with those colleagues who were in front of each other and behind their backs.

Now I made up my mind that I must hide from this old man in the future!

The expedition team is ready to go.

Feng Qingjiang walked in the front and led the team out of the village.

Looking back from outside the village, the village is shrouded in a green protective cover.

It should be this layer of cover that keeps those trial monsters out.

Outside the village, there are various primitive landforms.

On the left, there is a dense forest a thousand meters away. From a distance, it is dark and gloomy.

On the right is the gravel wasteland, the blood-red gravel makes people feel depressed.

In the middle, in the distance, is a tall and straight peak that pierces into the sky.

After Feng Qingjiang accepted everyone's opinions, he walked to the front right.

The gravel wasteland with the least shelter is obviously more secure.

When everyone stepped on the ground of the gravel wasteland, they could smell blood and rust.

"Are these stones iron ore?"

A doubt in a low voice came from the team.

It's just that no one paid him any attention.

They are all carefully guarding the surroundings, who cares about the material of these stones?



The crowd was frightened.

Whether it's a sudden sharp meow, or a deafening thunder that suddenly rings in your ears.

A cat corpse the size of a normal cat, with dagger-like sabre-toothed teeth that were as long as its head, was blown and smoking, lying quietly on the gravel.

Everyone was amazed at Feng Qingjiang's reaction speed.

There are reconnaissance talents in the team, and the combat power evaluation of the saber-toothed cat is "★★"!

The two-star saber-toothed cat was easily killed in seconds!

Everyone was shocked by Feng Qingjiang's fighting power.

In the team, there were voices of praise one after another.

Chu Xun responded with a few words, but he was thinking in his heart that Feng Qingjiang's reaction speed was not like that of an old man over [-] years old.

This ability to control lightning may not be as simple as manipulation.

Perhaps it was the thunder and lightning that tempered his body, which enhanced his reaction speed.

SS level talent is really extraordinary!

If he dies, I'll touch it...

Chu Xun suddenly woke up.

What happened to yourself?

Scanning the gravels around suspiciously, I thought to myself: These gravels must have ghosts, which have affected my mind!

It must be so!

Can't think any more!

You must have the heart to guard against others, and you must not have the heart to harm others...

Civilization, harmony, integrity, friendliness...

Eh?That cat corpse!

"Everyone, this monster's defense and attack are not high, but its speed is fast. If there is no time to react, the possibility of injury is very high!"

"It's definitely not possible to fight alone, but as long as there are two agility talents in the team, there is absolutely no danger!"

"Let's explore further and try to find a safe upgrade path for the villagers."

Feng Qingjiang's words moved everyone again.

"What are you doing kid?!"

A village cadre shouted and asked, which made Chu Xun tremble in fright.

He hurriedly withdrew his hand touching the saber-toothed cat's corpse, got up and smiled and replied, "I just want to see if this cat's corpse is of any use value."

"What did you see?"

Chu Xun said solemnly, "This cat corpse can be eaten!"

The village cadre gave a "puchi" smile, "I don't even know..."

Halfway through the ridicule, it stopped abruptly.

He suddenly realized a serious problem.


The village cadre picked up the dead cat and walked quickly in the direction of Feng Qingjiang.

While walking, he turned his head and said: "Don't run around in the future, be careful of being attacked!"

Chu Xun smiled and nodded.

In the field of vision, a subtitle is slowly drifting by.

[Successful collection!Get 2 points of agility attribute! 】

A warm current flows through the whole body.

Chu Xun vaguely felt that his physical fitness had improved a little.

On the attribute panel, the talent of bloodthirsty battle has not disappeared!

Chu Xun is finally sure now that the relics can be collected and stacked!

From this point of view, the talent I have acquired can be described as a real super god talent!

ur, it may be an existence with a higher rating than sss!

Maybe it's because the talent is too strong and rare, so it doesn't show up in the normal nine ratings?

In my heart, I suddenly raised my ambition to rise to the top of the clouds.

The ecstatic Chu Xun suppressed the excitement in his heart...

Hold on, don't waver!

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