[No.10 points in this competition, 2333 Village, Su Teng, 198 points! 】

The golden font touches everyone's heartstrings.

When "2333 Village Su Teng" appeared on the reel list, excitement floated in the hearts of everyone in No. 2333 Village.

This is tantamount to a shot in the arm.

Good start!

But everyone in 2333 village also knew that this was only the tenth.


The scroll list, why doesn't it move?

Only tenth?

Ninth why did not appear?

Could it be a bug?

Those with sharp eyes and careful hearts found a 3-minute countdown in the upper left corner of the list.

Could it be that No.3 will be announced in 9 minutes?

This is not a singer show...

There is no need to whet people's appetites, what kind of anticipation is there?

In the chat channel, the villagers of 2333 began to cheer.

Especially Su Teng's team, everyone expressed their joy in the chat channel.

Their efforts were not in vain!

However, there are also some people who have been suppressed for too long and their spirits have been tense, and they can't help showing off when they first get their grades.

"The first head, we took it! The sticks call again?"

"Succeeding! What's wrong with the double SS talent? What's wrong with the high level? It's still useless!"

"Brothers in Nanbang, don't be too presumptuous, it's useless!"

There are many such comments on the competition channel.

However, just one statement from Village 7399 silenced the excitement of this group of people.

——"Tenth in the district, the last place on the list, 1 team point, as for? Who wins and who loses, doesn't it depend on the final result? I hope you can have the last laugh..."

In fact, everyone knows that tenth means nothing...

But this is the group of people who have been suppressed for a long time, venting with pride.

Although the excitement of being on the list has disappeared, the momentum cannot be lost!

Ever since, the competition channel is full of national abuse.

Don't talk about quality etiquette!

That's for treating friends!

Just as the two sides of the competition channel were "in full swing", the list scroll moved!

In an instant, everyone tacitly stopped the scolding.

Looking forward to it.

[No.9 points in this competition, 2333 villages, Guan Qingbei, 202 points! 】

"Oh oh oh oh yeah!"

"Little sticks, come and see, the ninth is also your father's!"

On the competition channel, the villagers of 2333 were excited again.

Village 7399 was not to be outdone, and retorted, "Don't be too happy, this is only ninth!"

"Isn't it too early to be happy? The ninth and tenth add up to only 3 points, but our first place has 20 points, Smecta!"

Scolding war, continue!

Laughter and laughter also filled the local chat channel of 2333 Village.


All the teams led by the village management office fell silent at this moment.

In the depths of the secluded forest, Guan Qingbei's red eyes were filled with tears, and he manipulated several long swords to chop off all the branches and leaves of the surrounding trees.

Just to vent my anger!

On the mountainside of Gufeng Mountain, all the village managers were silent, Feng Qingjiang frowned, but after a long time he let out a long sigh of relief.

Scanning the crowd, he said with a smile, "It's okay, we're still here!"

But the faces of the people around them became even more serious.

In fact, when they saw the points with that suffix when No.10 was announced, they secretly thought it was bad, but they still had luck...

But at this moment, there is no luck to speak of!

Guan Qingbei is the number one thug in 2333 village!

The speed of spawning monsters is second only to Feng Qingjiang...

His points are second only to the "Village Chief Group"!

In other words, under Feng Qingjiang, Guan Qingbei's competition points are the highest!

But Guan Qingbei only got the ninth place...

Do you still need to look at the rankings and results later?

Think on your heels...

That can definitely be described as "terrible"!

And look at the jubilation of local chat channels...

Look at the bossy chat channel of the competition...

Anyone who knows, everyone's face is hot!

In my heart, I am ashamed!

The scroll moved again...

Don't dare to look!

But I can't help but watch it!

as predicted……

No.8, 7399 Village!

On the competition channel, the message sent by 7399 village instantly swiped the screen.

"Eighth, our Smecta!"

"A mere eighth is equal to the total score of your ninth and tenth! So, if there are many people on the list, it is not as good as ranking high!"

"Huaxia shopkeepers like to deceive themselves and others!"

2333 Village is not to be outdone.

"It's only an eighth, so why bother!"

"No matter what the result is, we have defeated ourselves! Unlike some clubs, who can do anything for points..."

"One eighth wins the game?"

Another 3 minutes...


It is still 7399 village!

The competition channel, with the 2333 village prefix, began to decrease.

Because someone said on the local channel, "Don't look forward to it anymore, reliable news, there are no more village cadres on the list, only Feng Qingjiang is left!"

This remark was confirmed because there was no "rumor rebuttal" by the village management.

The mood of the villagers declined visibly with the naked eye.

However, there are still those on the "front line" who insist on scolding and fighting, "Afraid of an egg? It's just a loss in one game, and it's just a matter of winning the next game! Losing is not losing!"

"Yes! We still have the goddess Ayina! The village chief and the goddess take the first and second places. No matter how many sticks are on the list, they won't be able to get a fart in the end!"

The scolding war is still going on!

3 more minutes...


Still 7399 village!

The depression began to envelope the entire 2333 village.

The competition channel was full of ridicule and sarcasm from stickmen.

"Shopkeepers, I'll give you the exact words—don't be too presumptuous, it's useless!"

"Dry waste, dry waste! Find out who is killing whom! Huaxia has been a bunch of loose sand since ancient times!"

"Yes, yes, rubbish Huaxia, plagiarizing the culture of our big stick country, how dare you say something about a 5000-year-old country..."

"The king is the king everywhere! Facts have proved that Huaxia is trash, and my big stick is the real king!"

The clamor in 7399 village became more and more presumptuous.

But there are very few people who insist on fighting back on the "front line".

Because, the people in Village 2333 have no face to open the competition channel anymore...

They are not throwing in the towel.

They are just waiting...

Waiting for Aina to show up!

Wait for Feng Qingjiang to appear!

Wait for them to turn the tide!

Wait until they smash the faces of those sticks!

At that time, they can proudly say...

I have the last laugh!

Don't be too presumptuous, little sticks, it's useless!

King, everywhere is king!


Do they still have a chance to say these words?

Do you still have the right to laugh at those arrogant sticks?

everyone is waiting...

Gritting my teeth and looking forward to it!

The scroll finally moved again.

The golden words jumped on the list one by one, shining brightly.

But, when that name on the list comes up...

Those in 2333 Village who were looking forward to it were instantly stunned!

——No.5, Aina!

They are proud of the number one list!

They look forward to one of the saviors who will turn the tide!

Actually, it's just, No.5...

Today, it seems to have collapsed!

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