[No.5 points in this competition, 2333 Village, Ayina, 324 points! 】

324 points!

Directly pulled the competition points into the 300 mark!

Moreover, it surpassed No.6 by nearly 100 points!


Everyone in 2333 Village could not accept this proud achievement.

Ayina is the number one goddess!

But now, he can only take fifth place.

what does this mean?

this means……

In the competition channel, the sticks are happily mocking all kinds of people.

"The number one in your village can only be fifth? It's ridiculous!"

"Even if there are three SS-level talent Zhuyu in the front, they are still number one on the list. Why is it so unbearable, tsk tsk..."

"Ouch, I'm sorry, the victory of this game is for us to win Smecta!"

In 2333 village, a person with an ugly face who is more angry than a stick, spoke with righteous indignation, "When our village chief Feng Qingjiang wins the first place, let's see if you still laugh!"

"That's right, until the last moment, who dares to say what the result will be!"

There are only a few people who counterattack.

The imagined echo did not appear.

These people even wondered what happened to the compatriots in the village?

Unite as one, unanimously external!

Cowarded because of Ayina's failure?

Damn, the other side is a little stick, you don't lose if you lose, scold you!

Besides, there is the village chief!

However, when they were about to go back to the local channel to howl and call for help...

The speeches of the gangsters in 7399 Village made the "isolated and helpless" people fully understand the reality!

"Ignorant and ignorant shopkeeper! You are the one who insisted on talking about it, right?"

"Little shopkeeper, did your maths come from your physical education teacher? We've already won!"

"That's right, even if your Feng Chengjiang wins the first place, you will definitely lose..."

"Maybe these shopkeepers have forgotten the competition system, it's a team competition!"


Those who spoke on the competition channel and village 2333 were completely dumbfounded.

No wonder no one came to help them...

Today, 2333 village has one tenth, one ninth, and one fifth.

Total score, 10 points!

And the village had already acquiesced before, and after that, except for Feng Qingjiang, there was no village manager on the list...

Even if Feng Qingjiang takes the first place, plus 20 points, the total score is only 30 points.

But the sticks were able to score 47 points!

It turned out that our side had completely lost this game!

Even if Feng Qingjiang can get the first place in the standings, he can't win!


Loss, despair, resentment, all kinds of unwillingness and negative emotions linger in the hearts of most people in 2333 village.

There is even a lack of people insulting Aina on the local channels.

What's more, he was degraded as a national sinner...

However, the parties did not respond.

Somewhere in the grassland on the other side of the Dark Forest River, a team of five is fighting with all their might.

Spawn monsters!


They don't care about the list.

To be precise, it's their leader - Ayina, who doesn't care about this.

In fact, among the team, only Yang Yan knew his boss best.

It's not that I don't care.

It's just a done deal, and entanglement is useless.

With that sad time, it's better to farm a few more monsters to make up for the failure penalty, which is more practical!

The boss doesn't care, it's because she is the boss.

But Yang Yan still paid close attention to this matter.

While spawning monsters, touch fish.

Look at the list, then look at the chat channel.


The boss got scolded?


Curse the wicked capitalists to death!


Someone actually speaks for the boss?

"She's just a woman, and it's not easy for her. Why do a group of big men make things difficult for a girl? Be considerate of her!"

Yang Yan gritted his teeth angrily.

Kill the female fist!

Just as he was about to fight back, he saw the name of the spokesperson.

Guo dedication!

Yang Yan raised his head, glanced at the Sao Bao who was dressed in green, waved the folding fan in his hand, and seriously slashed monsters...

Spit secretly.

This lick dog!

Don't know that beautiful women are disasters?

What's more, this beautiful woman is an evil capitalist...

Licking the dog will kill you sooner or later!


After 3 minutes, the reels roll again.

As for the people in Village 2333, almost no one paid attention to them.

Now that he has lost, is there any need to pay attention?

However, the scroll scrolls and the fonts flicker, and it will not be slowed down by the emotions of a certain party.

[No.4 points in this competition, 7399 villages, Li Biyin, 349 points! 】

2333 The hearts of the villagers are dead, and there is no wave.

But in 7399 Village, there were question marks all over the screen.

What the hell is this ranking? !

Li Biyin is the owner of SS-level talent!

They are number two in 7399 village!

how come……

only fourth? !

In my heart, a trace of badness permeated the hearts of the 7399 villagers.

Not good, big bad!

"Hey! Is there a bug?!"

"Could there be another accident? That's really bad, Smecta!"

"Over there in Huaxia, are there any people who hide their strength?"

"Tch! Why can't it be some great god hidden on our side?"

"There are more than 300 people left in our village. Except for the few wastes waiting to die, they basically know everything..."

"Assi! That must be a miscalculation of the list!"

People in 7399 Village have quietly changed their mentality.

No one spoke on the competition channel.

Every time 7399 unveiled the list, the sticks would show off and ridicule for a while.

But this time, it seemed to be disconnected.

It stands to reason that people in Village 2333 should notice something unusual about this abnormality.

However, knowing that they will lose, they no longer want to open the competition channel to seek humiliation for themselves.

However, not everyone accepts their fate...

On the mountainside of the lonely peak, there is an old man with a hint of disappointment deep in his eyes, who is always paying attention to the list.

Suddenly, his eyes widened, and the wrinkles between his brows and eyes opened, full of excitement.

In fact, Feng Qingjiang didn't feel too disappointed.

He was already at a disadvantage, and it was understandable to lose.

The animal behavior of taking human life to score points, even if you win, how glorious can it be?

Losing a game is not terrible.

The terrible thing is that if you lose the battle, you also lose your heart!

He, Feng Qingjiang, has lost too many times in his life...

However, the successful experience told him that as long as he wins the last time, it is enough!

However, Bangzi Village's No. [-] ranked only No. [-]...

Feng Qingjiang discovered the unusualness of this list in time!

There must be an anomaly!

Where does this odd number come from?

Feng Qingjiang found the answer on the rank list!

The person who rose from obscurity to the top three on the ranking list...

This is also what made him suddenly excited.

In the top three, there may be two of our own people!


In a blink of an eye, Feng Qingjiang's eyes dimmed again.

At the moment, 7399 Village already has 22 team points!

And 2333 village... only 10 points!

What a disparity!


Your own village can get No.1!

But Feng Qingjiang shook his head and smiled wryly. First, it's really delusional!

Bangzi knows his background, and he also knows the opponent's background.

The opponent's No. [-] is not inferior to him in strength, and he will do anything to achieve his goal. He treats human life like nothing, and is extremely cruel!

There are only more than 7399 villagers left in 300 village...

More than half of the more than [-] people who disappeared died at the hands of this person!

Its competition points are at least four hundred or more...

At the level of [-] points, it is very difficult to increase every point.

Because everyone kills almost the same monsters, level 3 or 4, topping out at level 5!

Therefore, more than 400 points are really prohibitive!

However, the top three occupy two seats, even if they lose, it's not too ugly!

Next, when I inspire the confidence of the villagers, I will be more confident...

Just as he was thinking, the scroll moved again.

The golden light is shining, No.3 is released!

Feng Qingjiang's name is on it!

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