"how is this possible?!"

"Obviously you have worked so hard, why is it No.3?!"

"Bug! It must be because of a bug that the village chief only got No.3!"

"Forget it, what kind of bug... the system will go wrong? Feng Qingjiang is a waste, so he can't compare to those sticks!"

"Could it be that our Huaxia village can't compare to those stick dogs?"

"It's over..."

In the village chat channel.





All kinds of emotions gathered together and mixed into a pot of porridge.

And many people who still have hope in their hearts, when Feng Qingjiang's ranking appeared, that dream...

Also completely broken!

They originally expected that in the points race...

Even if you lose, you must show your style!

Even if you lose, you still have to lose arrogance!

At the very least, they hope...

Even if he loses to those goddamn bastards from Nanbang...

The first place in the standings, at least it belongs to you, right?

In this way, at least it can look better.

No matter how bad it is, take the second one, shall we?


This result is far from what they imagined!

This result means that they have completely lost the match against Nanbaiguo!

Absolutely defeated!

"Feng Qingjiang, come out to me, you should pay the price for this incident!"

"Village head, you bastard head of the village, the big guy trusts you so much, is this how you repay everyone?!"

"I saw his promise before, saying that everyone can reach level ten, it's his wishful thinking!"

"Cheating the feelings of the big guy, Feng Qingjiang, we need you to give us an explanation!"


Endless insults kept flashing in the chat channels in the village.

And Feng Qingjiang on the mountainside sighed faintly, and silently closed the page of the chat channel.

Feng Qingjiang didn't blame them.

If it were him, he might have made such an angry voice.

Even more hysterical.

But he knows very well that in his position, he seeks his own government...

Since he decided to take on this burden, he was already prepared.

It's just a loss, not death!

Although he is also very lost...

He fought hard, but only got the third place.

But he knew that he couldn't slack off at this moment, nor could he show any loss!

Feng Qingjiang raised his head and glanced at the team members who followed him but were downcast at the moment...

They need to be inspired by themselves!

The village also needs to be led by itself!

Feng Qingjiang clenched his fists, hiding his unwillingness and loss in his heart.

Taking a deep breath, the old eyes once again shone with confidence.

However, he didn't go to the chat channel in the village to explain anything, nor did he comfort his team members.

Let them be lost for a while!

In fact, he was very relaxed.

Because he knew that when all the dust settled, it was the moment for him to come out and clean up the mess.

Back then, it was definitely easier than it is now.

After all, in the first two seats in that scroll, there is still a person from his own village!


The little baby who was driven out of the village by himself!

Since he got third, then he should be second, or...

the first!

First, don't dare to expect too much!


Calculating by probability, at least there is a 50% chance, isn't it?

If it is really the first...

Didn't his own village win? !

Feng Qingjiang stared at the rank list, looked and looked...

Third, Chu Xun, level 5.

Can't help but shook his head and sighed.


He is only level 5!

Even if he wasn't on the ranking list at first...

Even though he is very talented and has accumulated a lot...

But points are linked to killing monsters; the experience value required for upgrading is also linked to killing monsters!

In other words, from the level, it is possible to infer the number of his points with little difference!

He hasn't advanced to level 6 yet...

The fourth on the ranking list is the management of the village, with a experience value of [-].

So, Chu Xun's experience value should be around [-]?

From never being on the list to level [-] with [-] experience points, the points in it are not enough to reach [-] at all!

Even adding two thousand more experience is not enough!

However, for Feng Qingjiang, this is enough!

At that time, the second and third will be people from their own village, so it will be much easier to build confidence for the villagers!

Feng Qingjiang's calculation made the corners of his mouth curl up.

And the scroll moved along with the corner of his raised mouth.

The corners of Feng Qingjiang's mouth drooped immediately.

Lips pursed.

Nervously and expectantly staring at the list scroll.

It's been a long time since I've had this much anticipation!

Although, he doesn't think that little kid can take the first place...

But man!

always dreaming...

On the scroll, after a flash of light, the content slowly emerged.

[No.2 points in this competition, 7399 villages, Jin Canyi, 432 points! 】

Feng Qingjiang's old eyes widened, and he couldn't help being stunned.

Then, the corners of his eyes trembled wildly.

Fantasy, come true? !

The name that appeared on this list was number one on Bangzi's list!

It is the hole card that their 7399 village is proud of!

Just, this...

How is this little girl...

how come? !

Feng Qingjiang hurriedly opened the rank list again.

On the list, Chu Xun is still level 5!

This is not reasonable!


Feng Qingjiang rubbed his eyes, opened his eyes and looked seriously.

Still 5...

Suddenly, the word "5" after Chu Xun's name jumped to "6"!


Feng Qingjiang couldn't help laughing out loud!

The hearty laughter resounded throughout the mountainside of Gufeng!

The management of all the villages was stunned because of the laughter, and their hearts were full of doubts and incomprehensions.

What's wrong with the village chief?

Could it be that he couldn't bear the insults from the villagers...

Or can't bear the pressure of failure...

Thus, insanity?

Feng Qingjiang didn't know what his team members thought of him at the moment.

I don't care either!

He laughed wantonly...

That's it!

This Chu Xun is actually already close to level 6, and he is just a step away!

That's a million experience value!

In other words, not only did he rush from the bottom of the list to the third position...

What's more, from below level 4, it directly rushed to level 6!



Even so, the number of points is still wrong!

Because the stick's points are 432 points!

Even if it is upgraded from level 1 to level 6, the points linked to the experience value obtained are not enough to exceed 430 points!


Unless this Chu Xun has the ability to leapfrog to kill monsters!

High-level monsters have more points, but the price-to-performance ratio of obtaining experience points is not as high as low-level monsters!


It is to challenge the leader-level boss!

Get 100 points for killing!

But, this is definitely not reasonable...

After all, even my own SS-level talent can't do it...

and many more!

The system only said "S-level and above", and there are 4 of them!

But it didn't say what level it was!

Perhaps, this Chu Xun is at the sss level, maybe? !

But why does this little kid hide his clumsiness?

Hmm... maybe, not talent?

Maybe, it's just luck, and happened to master some quick method to spawn monsters?

Feng Qingjiang shook his head, shaking the messy thoughts out of his mind.

Whatever he does!

Young people have their own young minds!

In short, this competition seems to be won?



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