Han Qiansui's face was full of ferocious fear, vicious and unwilling.

He couldn't bear the fact that he was finally defeated by his most hated enemy.

But there was nothing he could do, and with Chu Xun's Tibetan knife, he approached step by step.

It's too late to say, but in fact, everything happened in the blink of an eye.

A loud bang!

Chu Xun turned around and stood with his saber back, with Han Qiantui no longer behind him.

"Wow, how is this possible!"

Chu Xun's performance greatly shocked everyone.

Everyone who originally thought that Chu Xiong would die under Han Qiansui's desperate fight never expected such a scene.

"Lord Chu is so powerful!" Everyone under Yan Cang's command exclaimed.

Yan Cang also looked confused, he didn't expect his little friend Chu to be so powerful.

"Haha, not bad!" Yan Cang applauded Chu Xun while celebrating Han Qiansui's passing.

Everyone cheered and cheered, all applauding for Chu Xun.

But Chu Xun stood on the spot and acted coldly.

He was feeling the new power in his body, the power of destiny.

Chu Xun really felt great benefits from the power of destiny.

Chu Xun, who was fiery in his heart, looked into the distance.

He can't wait to get a few more county honors.

Han Chitui's death brought the war to a countdown.

The crowd cheered and cleaned the battlefield, with victorious smiles on their faces.

Chu Xun bid farewell to his boss, he was going to get several other county honorary positions.

Yan Cang had a look of vagueness and reluctance. During this period of getting along, he was very satisfied with his subordinate.

Now, finally, the time to leave.

Chu Xun flew up and headed towards Sihai County.

At this time, he can already mobilize the power of heaven and earth, coupled with the buff blessings such as blood energy control, skyfire clone, etc., his strength has more than doubled compared to before.

The speed was extremely fast, and it didn't take long for Chu Xun to arrive at Sihai County.

As soon as the knife is drawn!

In an instant, a cold light flashed, and the world was colorless.

A very strong bright light struck towards the enemies all over the world with the speed of a thunderbolt.

With just this one move, you can defeat the enemy.

Chu Xun's boss Yan Cang has become the city lord, and at this time Chu Xun is No.1 under the city lord.

His strength is unparalleled, no one can stop him.

Therefore, with the acquisition of a county honorary position, the power of destiny on Chu Xun's body has also become stronger.

The strength is also stronger.

"Ha ha!"

When no one was there, Chu Xun didn't have to be cold anymore, and just laughed briskly.

No way, I feel happy.

No matter who gets the blessing of so much power of destiny at one time, he can't hold back his smile.

Although the power of destiny has been obtained, Chu Xun remembered a place.

"Raining Valley!"

Without too much preparation, Chu Xun, whose strength had already increased greatly, wanted to go directly to Leiling Valley.

Fly up with a swipe!

An aurora flashed across the sky, and this was Chu Xun's figure. It was extremely fast, obviously using a lot of buffs.

The buff plus the power of destiny, the combination of the two makes Chu Xun's speed much faster than before.

After a long flight, the boundary of Leiling Valley appeared in front of Zhuan.

There is a lot of space and a lot of people.

Obviously, they are all waiting for the start of the Thunder Valley Trial.

Seeing Chu Xun's arrival, these people thought secretly in their hearts.

"What is the origin of this man?"

"His strength doesn't seem to be weak!"

When Chu Xun first entered the arena, he attracted everyone's attention.

Not to mention the indifferent and arrogant aura, Chu Xun's flying speed alone could lift everyone's spirits.

They were all secretly on guard.

Facing this situation, Chu Xun ignored it and forbade him to enter Leiling Valley.

Towering trees can be seen everywhere in Leiling Valley, and the dense branches and leaves block out the sunlight.

Chu Xun wanted to land on the ground, but suddenly noticed an unusual sound coming from the distant sky.


In the blink of an eye, the clear sky began to darken.

I saw a group of bird monsters with bright red feathers, gray heads, and long beaks more than two meters long, flying towards Chu Xun like covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

"What the hell is this?"

Chu Xun was astonished, and his right hand was already on the handle of the knife in his left hand.

Before he had time to think about it, the monsters swarmed and reached the top of Chu Xun's head.

I saw Chu Xun's eyes were cold, and he closed his eyes.

Knife drawing!

Dazzling sword energy pierced the sky.

In an instant, countless monsters were cut down.

At the same time, many buffs such as the power of destiny, blood energy control, bloodthirsty battle, skyfire clone, and phantom of gods are used together.

Chu Xun's combat power doubled instantly!

He encountered such a sudden attack as soon as he entered the valley, but Chu Xun didn't care.

Not for anything else, just because Chu Xun found the Fa Jue while touching the corpse.

[Empty Slash]

"This long-range attack ability is good." Chu Xun thought to himself.

Then it is used.

Slash in the air!

I saw a large piece of air blade condensed in front of Chu Xun, and then shot out, bursting out with brilliance all over the sky.

After solving the threat in the sky, Chu Xun lowered his body and came to the ground, in the jungle.

The sky in the jungle is obviously much darker, but it doesn't affect the sight very much.

From time to time there was a creaking sound in the dense canopy. Chu Xun guessed that it might be some squirrel or something, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Going forward, the depths of the jungle are getting darker and darker, and the dense and dense tree canopies completely cover the sunlight in the sky, and can't penetrate at all.

This also prevented Chu Xun from noticing that there was a towering giant tree in a dark corner not far behind him, which looked a little strange.

The body twists and turns, and the trunk looks very strange.


A pair of huge red lantern-like eyes shone brightly.

It turned out that this was a giant python, a giant python that had survived for an unknown number of years.

Its body is huge, but its diameter is more than two meters.

The length of its body is even more so around the tree, I don't know how many meters it is.

I saw this giant python bent its upper body and bowed to accumulate strength.Facing Chu Xun's back.

The huge mouth was already opened, and a huge poisonous tongue protruded out soundlessly.

The two fangs on this mouth are as thick as two doorposts, and they look extremely sharp when they flash a cold light.

Brush it!

The giant python's figure was as fast as lightning, and it shot out like a slingshot charged up.

The two fangs directly came to the top of Chu Xun's head, and it took less than a second to swallow Chu Xun whole.

At this time, Chu Xun also felt the crisis behind him.

A sky fire burns the body is used, the concealment technique, the illusion technique, and the shading array are put on the body one after another.

Chu Xun's footsteps moved to the left, and when he turned around, he added the bloodthirsty battle buff to himself.

His sharp eyes met the giant python, with red pupils as huge as a lantern.

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